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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1816506
A Short Story I Free flowed it just came to mind
On a Cold winter night in Chicago Father MC.Coy Walks  to the local bar thirsting for a luscious beer and his private thoughts. MC.coy is about  six foot one and one hundred and ninety five pounds.  pretty big guy compared to most priest's in the Chicago area. Clean cropped black hair and hazel eyes, As he walks To the local Pub on this chilly night thoughts of his child hood  come to his mind MC.coy never has shared his past with anyone  none of his peers in Seminary School. As he keep's walking to the bar thoughts of when he was younger come to mind thought's of his father who he so hated who was always physically and mentally abusive to him and his mother. He  constantly watched his  Father in a Drunken State, and his Mother being physically abused. The pain has always lingered in MC.Coy's mind and even though he is a priest he is still human  he never knew how to show his pain or relieve it. MC.Coy finally reaches his Destination The Irish pub he always liked to meet Father Jones at. MC.Coy walks tot he bar sits on the stool and orders a beer and lights a Cigarette. He observes his surroundings waiting for Father Jones to arrive. Father Jones is very young He Graduated Seminary School not to long ago . MC.Coy is a mentor for father Jones sorta helping him along in priest hood and in the church. Its shortly after  10 PM and Father Jones finally shows up to meet Mc.Coy at the pub.  Ah Father MC.Coy good to see you  and you as well Father Jones . As both sit down and enjoy a few beers Both begin to talk about the day and things going on in their everyday lives Suddenly Father MC.Coy gets a call  and tells Father Jones  it sounds important and he needs to take this call outside where he can hear. as Father MC.Coy Steps outside and takes the call its the Chicago Police  Department Telling MC.Coy he needs to get to the Church Downtown right away and McCoy simply Whats going on. The Detective States There has been a tragedy and you need to get here immediately. MC.Coy Tells the Detective he is on his away immediately. MC.Coy goes back into the Pub to tell Jones what has taken place as he goes back into the bar Jones is nowhere to be found and McCoy is puzzled. Well MC.Coy leaves the Pub and hurry's to his Vehicle To get to the church. It is now 11:30 PM and father MC.Coy gets tot he church Police and the Media  have covered the block.  A short stocky man approaches Father McCoy . Father MC.Coy the man says I'm Detective Lopez I called you down hear to tell you there has been a gruesome murder . Father MC.Coy is Shocked  and his buzz slowly wears down .We found the body of Sister Marie Howell near the alter her head has been decapitated and placed on the altar inside the church and we also found ritualistic writings in some language and everything around the altar was inverted  her body was naked and hacked  Father MC.Coy. Father MC.Coy lays shaken by what Detective Lopez is telling him. Detective Lopez asks the father when was the last time he has seen sister Marie? MC.Coy Tells Lopez I haven't seen her in a few days  Father McCoy is still in a state of shock. Father Lopez simply asks where have you been in the past few hours Father McCoy.

Well i was with Father Jones at the Local Pub having a few Drinks and talking like we do once every few weeks I am Mentoring him He just became a priest. Well Father McCoy i need to speak with Father Jones as well do you know how i can get in touch with him? well he was with me a bit earlier tonight but as i came back into the pub to tell him what was going on he vanished. well i need to find him Father  he could be in danger  and you also father could be in  danger this is one of the worst things in all of my years i have ever witnessed we will find this sick bastard and put him away one way or  another . As the Detective walks away McCoy  slowly pulls out his phone to call Father Jones he walks away  fast, talking, with Father Jones telling him We must figure this out they may be on to us we may have to relocate tell them nothing you understand me.
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