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The Descent Into Hell!
"I love you." Eve said and in lest than one paragraph the world was damned to Hell. Does this sound like the works of a perfect God? Noah was perfect, "in his times." And God drowned the rest of humanity, accept for Noah and his kin. Perfect? But, the descendants of Noah continued to sin! Are we starting to see a pattern here? God so loved the world; He gave his only Son for our sins. Is this justice? Go ask any lawyer, if you can get someone else to take the punishment for your crime. And guess what? People kept on sinning! Sin is fun. Being good is hard work. Duh. Okay, I ask you to pray for an answer. I don't think this world is perfect. And if the phrase: "Know the artist from his work" is true, then God is not perfect either. I know I'm going to sound illogical, but I can't imagine creation without a creator. Perpetual motion is just stupid. Where did the Big Bang come from? Something can not come from nothing? Riiight? The more I read the Bible; the crazier it sounds. It talks about unicorns and dragons and Hell is underground. The subway? The minute I saw Angelina Jolie, I thought that's the Devil and wow! I was raised Catholic and taught Original Sin was sex. The Devil can not do anything without Gods permission! Who is All Powerful? The Devil was created by God as an enforcer. And here we go again with blaming someone else for our sins! Maybe, the Hindus are right it is all a dream; Nirvana. People suffer because they have bad Karma. The way to enlightenment is through harmony. 'ebony and ivory.." Did you hear that cracker on Good Morning? Obama is a black Hitler? I'm sure the Arians are thrilled with that metaphor. What is the plan? All this time spent praying for a Messiah and cracker Jimmy thinks Obama is Hitler. Does this make you question the Divine Plan? Free Will is a cop out! Adam and Eve were perfect in Paradise. It wasn't enough? Apparently, not. Here we are on the verge of total annihilation. And what have we learned? It's fun to blow things up. Brilliant! I had a cantaloupe for breakfast. Now, everyone is telling me they're loaded with deadly bacteria... So, much for watching my cholesterol. I thought I made a healthy choice, but WRONG! You see Free Will is only valid if you have an informed choice. But, we don't always have that. Do we?... Just another rant. Muzzy.. |