Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1815858-Discovery-of-John
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1815858
Ert and Peep find John's log
Ert had half expected layers of labyrinth, dungeons full of dangers and traps they would have to pass though in a quest to prove there worthiness. Instead a large glassy eye mounted on a small box turned there direction for a second then with a slight grone a door hidden within a crag of the cliff slid upwards revealing the Home of The Creator accessed by a short flight of stairs.

They walked down the steps momentarily distracted by the metallic clang of their foot falls, these few steps represented almost as much metal as they had seen in there lives, even the land of Kulan with its huge mineral wealth would never use it on something so basic as steps especially when there was abundant timber right outside the door, such a huge display of wealth was to be expexted in such an important place but it was made strange by the lack of decoration, grandeur or wealth of any other type in the design.

When they got to the bottom of the steps they could see the whole room. No God lived hear, that was immediately clear. There was no sense of awesome power and in the centre slumped but somehow intact despite the ages onto a sturdy mettle chair was were the skeletal remains of a most defiantly mortal inhabitant with an empty bottle resting in one hand and a small clump of dusty white fluff grasped in the other.

The room though ancient looked as if it had once been toughly lived in, in one corner was the rusted remains of a simple bed, in another an empty cupboard, and beneath it a pile of washing up which despite the odds had managed to stay dirty through the eons.

As they leaft the steps and set foot upon the floor a flickering started above the chair then a stronger light in the moving image of a face which started to speek…
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