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by Rachel
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1815782
A branch off of They're Loose!
File written by the Man whom interrogated Bernice
This document is not to be duplicated or removed from folder. That is what the top page read. The folder that it indicated was covered in the blood of the man who most likely wrote it. The pages under held a sickening journal. It begins before the job letters were sent out to families all throughout the country. It reads as follows:
Year 2020 is the 8th year of complete Government ruling and the month and day are blacked out with permanent marker.
I knew the day was coming when I would have to send out groups of the guys to pick up the parents of the newest batch of recruits. It gave me a shiver of excitement. I had sent out the letters to the families that I was requested to. The feelings that went through me were exquisite. I was going to have my fun with the parents since their answers are usually all the same. Occasionally we have some parents that do not want to see their kid ever again so they go along with us like it was the most perfectly normal order of events. Those are the parents that I loathe the most. I mean how a parent can just abandon a child like that is for the birds. It kills me when the parents are like that. It makes my job a little less enjoyable. The part of my job that I take the most pleasure out of is the torturing of the parents. It gives me a euphoric high.
The night that I sent out the guys to pick up the parents went like clockwork. When the parents were put into their individual interrogation rooms even the couples were separated and any siblings that the recruits had, well, I had them all put together in a room so they were packed in there like a sardines stuffed into a can. In all of the rooms there were security cameras and bugs so we could watch them and hear what they were talking about. I love it when they talk about trying to break out the room, but what they do not know is that the door is made so that the only way to open it from the inside is by taking a torch to the door. Even with the torch it would take a considerable amount of time to get the door open since it is eight inch solid steel. I can hardly contain my glee. The giggles want to rise out of me and into the air, but I have enough self control to hold them in. If I let them out it could mean the end of my life working here and my life in general if I take too much pleasure out of my job. I would never risk losing my sole form of entertainment and my life. I personally will never get married so I won’t have to worry about what kind of job my kid will get chosen for and if it will involve me getting taken away in the middle of the night. That sort of life is not for me. I have been with the party since I was twenty-three years old, in other words since it started. They asked me to do this job in the first place and at first it bothered me but I got used to it and began to enjoy it. I went to the individual rooms and began the interrogations, some taking longer than others. The shorter interrogations being the parents that would rather not see their children again and those are the parents that get shot.
The parents that would look for and chase after any information of their children were the majority of the group and they were the ones that I received the most pleasure out of. The way I would dangle freedom in front of their faces like they could actually get out of this place alive if they only forget about the child that we took from them, makes me quiver with anticipation of the answer that they will give me. Wanting them to break only at the same time not wanting them to break just so that I can torture them longer is what goes through my head every time that I think about them. The rate of the parent’s betrayal of the kids slowly gets down to the few very stubborn ones. They are the ones that I crave the most.
         “Bring in Bernice and have Mathew in a interrogation room on standby. I will talk to him after I am finished with Bernice today.  Also I want a report as to where the man-hunter recruits are at with their training so that I can see the timetable that we have with the parents,” is what I told my underlings.
         I wanted to know how much time I would have to toy with the remaining parents which are beginning to dwindle. Five of the parents gave up on their children right off the bat when I first talked to them. They were taken to behind the building and shot then loaded up into a pickup truck to await the other bodies that would be joining them sooner or later.
         Three days later two parents caved in to my demands. I felt smug although usually I have had three or even four more parents fall to their demise so it hurt my ego. The next day a man named Maycine Mournerly decided that he was going to give in and since my pride still hurt from the previous day so I decided to make this man disappear from the face of the earth. The rest of the bodies are to be buried in trenches that the recruits are to dig. This man was high on my anger list. First I ordered that his food be poisoned with a poison that attacks the respiratory system and kills slowly so as I can enjoy this. Next he was emasculated and then had ropes tied around his neck, hands and feet with the opposite ends of the ropes tied to the back ends of jeeps so that they can pull him limb from limb and behead him all at the same time. After that I had him shot in the head and heart and then had his body parts gathered and thrown into a vat of acid. When all of his flesh was stripped from his bones I then had a grenade thrown into the vat to blow all that remains of him into smithereens. This made me feel better and I even cracked a grim smile.
         During all of that several more lost heart in their abilities as parents and gave in. My mood was greatly improved. I may seem like I am a bad guy but I am a good guy in the eyes of the government so I do not care what others think of me.
         I have received word that the teachers at the man-hunter recruit camp are starting the students on digging the trenches, which means I will have to pick up the pace and start sending the parents and siblings out much faster than originally I and the teachers thought we would be going at. These students are learning at a much quicker pace than that of previous recruits, not only that but I hear that they know things that even the teachers do not know. This group is dangerous, I know, their parents mostly stick in there for their kids so even if I wanted to keep them to play for longer I cannot. In a way the kids are killing their parents so it puts my mind at ease in a way so that I am not at full responsible for the deaths of parents and siblings as usual. My fun is coming to an end to quickly this year.
         I am in full swing ‘get the death on’ mode now. I would rather not be but orders are orders and the parents and siblings are all supposed to be dead by the time the recruits have the trenches all dug. I am getting the margin close to what it would be for a normal batch of recruits.
         I now have only three parents left to get rid of, for the most part I have been using the same method of choosing who gets to die and who does not as I first started using. It saddens me that I cannot spend more time with these people learning exactly what makes them tick and what will make them so angry that they forget themselves. I miss that time. It makes me sad that I cannot have that time and that I have to rush my artful way of destroying other’s lives.
         I have a feeling that my days will come to an end. I think it will be an end that will not be nice for me but one that would have me grinning ear to ear and cackles erupting from my throat because of how gory and violent. Though I do not know how long I have left, I will spend my time the way I want to. It beats dying of a malicious disease. How long I have had it, I do not know but I was given about ten months to live by the doctor here at the facility that I have on my payroll so he won’t tell the others of this weakness of mine. At the very least I can torture my victims until they cannot think of anything other than how to save themselves. My dreams will not be crushed by a disease or by any brats who may want to revolt or not.
         I have seen it, the recruits are getting smarter and stronger faster than when this program first started. The parents at first were like the ones we have now; and then the parents started to decline in their caring of their children, but now those parents are refusing like they were at first. I cannot wait to see how the recruits react when they find out their families are dead and they are tools for the government to use, abuse, throw away when done using, and blame for inconveniences that may have occurred during a mission they were on.
         There are journals being collected from the recruits to see what secrets they may or may not have uncovered during their training days. I enjoy reading the journals which contain secrets which were not supposed to be uncovered by their former owners. They put a gleam in my eye.
         Wait, what is that? That sound could only mean one thing: intruder. How many I wonder? My time was up a long time ago and I would rather not be tried under a new, well, old court of law or be tortured for the intruder(s) to get any useful information out of me. Let me see, I have a cyanide pill, a handgun, a 6 ft length of rope, and a plethora of drugs down the hall now what shall I choose to end my “judge, jury, and executioner” days. The handgun will suffice me since I am a man and the other methods I have seem to be a woman’s way out of the world. I guess I will go out with a bang. Some guard runs by screaming, “They are coming this way,” but a bolo trips him up so I know the intruders are close…bye.
         There is no more written in the journal but at least now we know who killed the parents and why. It seems so twisted that an individual existed in the world that would do such horrid acts of cruelty to parents. Guess there truly are monsters hiding in the world we live in and its scary to think who the other monsters might be.
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