Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1815380-Uniform-Kiss
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · War · #1815380
While on duty in the Earth's Army Chrisitne encounters an interesting rebel pilot
Christine energetically ran to the docking area in the space port. It had been reported that a Rebel Pilot had been captured with this powerful new weapon that the Earth had feared for a while now. Her mind raced as the door opened to reveal the almost abandoned docking port. Christine stopped inside and examined the room to see where everyone was, all that was there was her commanding officer. Suddenly a ruckus occurred from every entrance of the room burst into live before her eyes. From each entrance came a small army of armed soldiers to guard her and the commander that was waiting for the enemy to arrive. One soldier shoved her as they ran towards the captured shuttle that rested in front of her. She gave a low growl and frowned at the soldier who knocked her.
Many soldiers didn’t like her because she had risen to the top of Lieutenant Brooklin’s favourites list, not that they’d ever do anything to her anyway. As she watched the soldiers raise their guns towards the shuttle door her anger disappeared from the soldiers and towards the Rebel Pilot who was now trapped with no escape. Slowly Christine walked over to Brooklin’s side on the plat form and stood to attention before relaxing and folding her arms. Christine waited for orders to be barked at her to do something but for the moment she remained still. Brooklin gave a quick glance at the young woman before turning back towards the shuttle in front of him.
“Guns at the ready men!” He barked and the safety locks on all the guns came off. “Rebel come out now with your hands up!” A hiss came from the alien shuttle as the door flew open. The men threw their gun points at the cockpit waiting the Pilot to appear... But no one came out… Christine listened as Brooklin grunted before snapping at her with utter annoyance and hatred. If there was one thing you had to know about Lieutenant Brooklin it was that if you were ordered to do something you do it. “Cadet Maybell get the pilot now!”
Christine blinked a few times before she realised what she had been ordered to do. Not wanting to feel the wrath of Lieutenant Brooklin… Anything was better than that, sometimes death seemed better. Christine slowly walked toward the tight formation of men. As she stood before all the soldiers something inside of her changed. Suddenly a stamp was heard then a rumble of feet shuffled to the side to create a path in front of Christine. Christine slowly walked towards the shuttle door and pulled out the gun from her belt, holding it at chest level. Christine gulped as she saw the eyes of each soldier watch her take another step towards danger with no hesitation. It wasn’t that she was heartless, her heart was beating so fast it was probably harmonising with the speed of light. Christine gulped and stood in from of the shuttle entrance. Both hands clasped the gun tightly as she raised it to chest level. Christine’s eyes squinted as she saw a faint silhouette of someone in the entrance but it was too dark to be sure.
“By the power of the state I order you to make yourself known,” Christine demanded to the unknown man. “You are surrounded! Come out with your hands above your head!” Christine saw movement in the shadow and glared as no one entered. “I’ll give you one last chance or I’ll shoot!” Suddenly a foot stepped out of the shadow and out of the shuttle. There he was… There was the man who was causing so much trouble… Christine frowned then as she saw the man.
A tall lean figured man with muscles protruding from his black polo shirt. His legs where long and covered by denim that had been cut at the knees and thigh. His feet where clad in black army boots that where impeccably clean compared to the ripped montage of his jeans. Christine looked at the belt around his lean hips, no weapons at all…. Not even a flash bang. Where were his weapons? Two sun kisses hands raised into the air and Christine now had a chance to see the man’s face. His face was like a chiselled statue, perfect in every way; he was almost like an Adonis. His eyes were a deep forest green and his hair was a light brown colour which was cut short. Christine had to admit the word handsome did apply to him, even if he was a traitorous scum bag.
“Take him away now!” Lieutenant Brooklin yelled. Christine lowered her gun as she watched the armed soldiers came and cuffed the man standing before her. Christine frowned as she watched the man frown as he was cuffed and taken away. Christine watched as the soldiers took him away to be questioned by the Lieutenant and other soldier and that was the worst thing that could happen to you, no matter what army you were in.

Christine slowly walked towards the detention area where she was to swap shifts with her old school friend Mac. Christine smiled as she saw Mac standing to attention as she came down the corridor. Mac was 35 years old and had a good seven years more of experience than herself and yet they were both at the same level. However saying that in the war they were in it was very unlikely that you ever got promoted, unless you single handily killed a group of enemies.
“Hello there Mac,” Christine said with a smile on her face. Mac’s head turned towards her and his body relaxed ever so slightly. Christine could see that something was bothering Mac. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked as she stopped at his side. His head turned towards her again before he spoke.
“The rebel pilot is in this cell and we’ve found out he was the one from Luxemburg.” Mac explained to her with a stern face. Christine had heard of the Luxemburg attack. It had only been three months ago but the whole world had heard about it. It was said that a rebel entered the training camp there and killed all the trainee recruits there. It was horrible and the whole world was disgusted by what happened. Christine had actually been there only two weeks before hand for a mission debriefing and to think about what had happened killed her inside. “And to think he’s only 22.” Christine’s thoughts stopped in their tracks.
“Yes, they just got his DNA analysis done. Strange that he never came up on our records before but apparently he’s a college student.” Mac explained as he opened a small peep hole so Christine could see. This guy was seven years younger than her and still he could do so much more than her. Who was he? “This guy was training to get a PHD in History.” Christine frowned as she looked at the sleeping prisoner through the hole.
“Ok…” Christine said softly before turning to Mac. “Well I’m off duty now so go and rest. Who knows how many more rebels we’ll have to face.” Christine put on a smile that seemed to Mac so oblivious to the war and its dangers. He nodded and turned to walk away.
“Oh Maybell… Don’t go easy on him,” Mac said and walked away.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Christine thought as she listened to her friend before he left. Christine closed the peep hole and leaned against the wall to the side of the cell. Christine stared at the floor thinking about all those newspapers she read about Luxemburg a couple of months ago. The Christine remembered the names of the soldiers she had met. Christine shook her head, “there’s no time to be thinking like this.” Christine turned her head and looked at the door to the cell. This guy needed to be proven who the boss was here. He needed to understand that the army needed revenge and once they had gotten information out of him he would be killed.
“He’d be a martyr if he got killed by us. But it’s better this way instead of nobly dying on the battle field.” Christine muttered under her breath softly. She stood up straight as footsteps sounded in the corridors. Christine listened as they got louder however the door at the end of the corridor did not open and the footsteps became softer and then disappeared altogether. Christine sighed and her body relaxed. “This soldier has everyone on guard.”
“If that was so then why aren’t you doing your duty properly?" Christine spun around quickly and drew her gun expecting to be attacked. Both hands clasped the gun and her eyes narrowed on the corridor in front of her. She blinked a few times before her eyes softened. There was no one there. She lowered her gun to her side and looked puzzled at the almost abandoned corridor. There were no prisoners apart from the one in the cell next to Christine. Christine turned and looked at the cell. It couldn’t have been that man… Could it? No, it couldn’t have, no prisoner ever talked to a guard unless it was interrogation time and as good as Christine was she wasn’t at that stage yet. “I am waiting for an answer.” Christine turned to the cell again. The voice was coming from inside.
“What do you want?” Christine enquired as she opened the peep hole into the cell. Christine held her gun tightly in her hand. Even though she was safe behind the iron door it was always good to be cautious.
“Can’t I talk to a beautiful soldier like yourself without having a reason?” The man asked with an American accent. Christine frowned; now that she looked at it from close up she noticed Latin features in the young man.
“Unless you want to cooperate and tell us information then this conversation is over.” Christine growled at him and shut the peep hole. She placed her gun back in her belt and growled again as she folded her arms. Who did the guy think he was?

Christine ran down the corridor with Mac in tow. Their unit had gone on ahead of the to protect the Lieutenant while they were sent to cover the Northern corridor to the commanders conference room where all the higher ranking officers where at the moment. The alarm was blazing in her ears that it was hard to even hear her own rapid heartbeat in time with her steps. Christine growled as she heard an explosion in the distance. Over her ear piece she heard screams and cries. Something was happening somewhere away from them.
“Unit 6 come in. Come in Unit 6! Over!” Christine could hear Lieutenant Brooklin exclaim down the line. “Unit 5 cover Unit 6! Unit 3 stay on guard the enemy is close to you! Over!” Christine listened to how that almost sounded like a worried tone in his voice. However Lieutenant Brooklin was one of the only Lieutenants who would brag about how amazing he was and to have this happen on his watch wasn’t going to look good.
“Rodger that. Over!” Mark Unit 3’s leader replied. “Maybell, Stadnoff secure the area, over.”
“Looks like we have some work to do,” stated Mac as he held his gun a little higher. Christine nodded as she held her gun a bit firmer and took deep breaths to calm her nerves. “I’ll take area 5.3 and you take area 5.4. Got that Maybell?” Mac asked as he turned to face Christine. Christine nodded and watched as her comrade ran off towards area 5.3. Christine turned and ran the opposite direction. Area 5.4 was only a few corridors away from the detention cells. It wouldn’t be that surprising to get even just a glimpse of the enemy from the corridor. As soon as Christine set her foot into the area the alarm went off. Christine frowned, that wasn’t right. The alarm never went off unless the enemy was captured or had gotten away and even then they would confirm it on the radio beforehand. Something was up and Christine knew it as she listened to the voices over the ear piece.
Something then suddenly didn’t seem right. A shot was heard and Christine felt a blinding pain in her right hand and something dripping from her hand. Christine’s hand had dropped the now blood stained gun to the floor with a loud clang. Christine raised her hand in front of her. Her whole body shook, the adrenalin in her body must have stopped the pain like a sedative until she saw the blood. Christine went to scream but a hand covered her mouth and another trapped her uninjured hand. Christine whimpered as she felt warm breath on her neck. What on earth was going on and who was this? Christine felt a warm body against hers and the breath came to her ear sending shivers down her spine.
“If you scream I’ll make sure it’s not your hand ill hit neck time.” Christine’s eyes widened and she gave a gasp. She knew that voice. It was the rebel pilot who she had been guarding only a few hours previously. Christine didn’t move or say anything and the man whispered in her ear, “good girl.” He removed his hand from her mouth and pulled the ear piece from her ear before stamping and crushing the small device on the floor. Christine growled at the man as she felt the man grab both her wrists together. Her brow creased more as she felt metal contact painfully with her wrists. How had he managed to get out of the cuffs and then the cell? The man smirked and gave a small chuckle. “Aren’t you obedient? I can tell you’re the army’s lap dog.”
“I am no lap dog you traitor.” Christine growled at him as he pushed her against the wall so he finally faced her since her capture. He held her captured by pushing against her shoulders keeping her perfectly still.
“Now you listen to me, I am no traitor. You are on the wrong side.” He answered and pushed away from her. “Your hand must be pretty sore. I apologise. I don’t usually attack women.” Christine growled at him.
“Keep your petty I am more than capable of taking care of my se-“Christine couldn’t finish the sentence as she felt the skin on her hand stretch and create a bigger whole on both sides. The man looked at her for a few second before pulling a bandage from his belt and apply it to her hand. Christine stayed still for a moment. What was up with this guys? He was the enemy; if she was in his place she wouldn’t be helping him.
“Women shouldn’t fight, you’re not suited for the battle,” the man commented. Christine smirked and shook her head.
“Your just another conservative soldier aren’t you?” She asked. “You are so pathetic. Get with the times!” She exclaimed at him and growled as she saw the stoic look on his face. Without a word Christine watched as the man’s face came closer to hers. Her breath stopped as she watched the man. She could feel his breath on her face and his eyes where softer than what they had been a few seconds ago. His lips grazed over hers before he pushed away from her. He pushed the stunned Christine to the floor and tied her legs together. He rose from the floor and looked at Christine as she struggled to get free. She did not shout once, all she did was grunt and whimper as she feebly tried to escape.
“See ya beautiful,” he called and headed to the door.
“TRAITOR!” Christine yelled with a few tears threatening to fall. The man turned back and looked at her.
“The names Erik,” he stated and fled from the corridor.
Christine growled as she tried to free herself from the man’s trap. Helplessly she rested her tired body on the floor and closed her eyes gently. Christine cursed under her breath. How could she have done that? How could she have let him take control of her so easily? She bit her lip as she remembered the last few minutes of the rebel’s presence with her. How weak was she to have let him dominate her so easily?
“I failed,” whispered Christine as her body shook slightly from the rage and fear that was fighting inside of her.
“CHRISTINE!” She listened as she heard footsteps run towards her with Mac’s voice echoing in her ear. A pair of hands held her while others released her from her bonds. “Are you ok?” The men around her asked with worry in their eyes.
“I will be…”
© Copyright 2011 Annie Mai (animechan123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1815380-Uniform-Kiss