Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1815163-Death-Said
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1815163
A short story of love, pain, and death.
Christina flicked her moonlight pale, blonde hair over her shoulder and smiled. Her smile was gentle and dripping with sweetness I couldn't describe. I briefly wondered that if I tasted her lips, would they taste like candy? As quickly as the thought had come, it vanished as I felt the pistol she held in her right hand make contact with my forehead.

Judging by the current circumstances, one would think that I should be afraid. Trembling uncontrollably and my eyes flooded with tears, begging for a moment more… just another moment of life. But why, I ask, should I beg pathetically as I am on the cool pavement of the road with my back against some brick wall for just another simple moment of my life? What would I feel knowing that my fate was already sealed, knowing that I couldn't turn back now, even if I had wanted to?

Christina pushed the pistol harder onto my forehead. I felt the cool end of it against my burning head, and sighed. My harsh breath evened out for the first time in my life and I closed my eyes to savor the feeling.

"Leah, Leah, Leah…" Christina cooed. Her voice was just as deceptive as her smile. They concealed the danger she held within her and could mislead anyone, even the wisest of men. Her voice was slow and soft. She didn't rush her words; she let them sink in until they were the only things ringing in your head. They reminded me of bells. Slow and soft, remaining in your mind hours after they passed. "Look what you have become…"

I opened my eyes and couldn't help but scowl at her. "You're ruining the best moment of my life."

Christina chuckled, shaking her head as if I had said something humorously idiotic. "My point exactly. You're about to die, Leah, and this is the best moment of your life?"

Placing my hand upon her wrist, I whispered, "Yes." I heard her laugh, the bells in her voice reaching higher in pitch. I wanted to make her shut up and get this over with already, the coolness of pistol had faded and mixed with the heat of my forehead and was beginning to feel uncomfortable, but I found that I could not. Her voice was also like a comforting children's book to a lonely adult, telling stories of shooting stars and fresh rain.

As she threw her head back and laughed, I noticed how pale she was. As if she were a part of the moon itself. Calling her beautiful wouldn't describe her well enough and I wonder what word could describe her.

Christina's laughing ceased and she looked at me indifferently. I felt my breathing begin to grow ragged again and my heart beat speed up until it was pounding against my chest so painfully I was gasping for air that didn't seem to move fast enough into my lungs. I know this feeling too well to begin panicking now. Christina just stared at me with an odd expression, still beautiful, settling upon her face. The pistol still pushed firmly onto my head. I crossed my eyes to get a better view of it, and then I looked back to her pale face that shinned with the moon from above, complimenting her features.

I saw her lips form into words, but I could not hear them. All I heard was my heart pound in my ears and those damned bells. Growing louder and louder and louder…! I knew my fingers were still gripping her wrist, so I removed them and placed them on my chest and clutched my shirt tightly with my heart pounding furiously beneath it.

It hurt. It hurt so bad I thought my entire chest would rip open, and then suddenly without knowing it I screamed, "End me already!"

Christina lowered her handgun to where my hands were clutching at my shirt. I saw her kneel down before me and place a soft hand to caress my cheek. I was disappointed that I could not feel that hand so soft, stroking gently at my flushed face.

And then I heard her. I heard her louder and clearer than anything I had ever heard before. Her lips moved to reach mine.

Death said, "Don't hurt, Leah. I have come to take your suffering."

Christina, Death, pulled the trigger.
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