Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1814982-Into-the-arms-of-a-monster
by Fixed
Rated: 18+ · Prose · Other · #1814982
What is happening to society? Are they slipping under? Are they dead?
These people I once knew, are now blurred into the boundries of society. The boudries I will not cross. My friends slip from my grasp into the hands of drugs, alchohol, sex and regret. These humans; children, are now contoreted into a thing; a monster. A monster that I can't fight. At least not for thier sake. I can only fend for myself, yet I'm still barely holding on. I scream for them, but no one hears. No, not because my cries are muted ( on the contrary, they echo through thier thoughts) but because the view of the fucked up is so diluted, they see me as a monster. Because I'm different. Because I speak out. My friends; they watch my choke and gag, writhe and suffer on my own breath. My friends; so far from my reach. It seems that with each inch I bring my trembling and begging hand towards thier face, they slowly dissappear. It seems that these people; my friends, are engulfed within the arms of evil. These people are dying and they don't have a clue. These people are killing themselves! And they couldn't even be bothered to pass a second glace. The society of today is falling. Crumbling to it's a knees; a crippled heap of human flesh on the morals of America; of the world.

I'm here. Though it seems I'm the only one. The only one that can speak; utter any sort of truth or opinion. The only one that can funtion!

I was born with my eyes open, and they are still open today; fourteen years of watching from afar while the ones I loved (and loathed) slowly cut up thier wrists with the knife that the present had gave them. Fourteen years of watching blood run warm and heavy dripping  off their fingers. I have watched, and I have felt the pain for them. If these people won't do it for themselves, won't they do it for my sanity? Won't they do it to save me from drowning in the water that I am already steadily slipping into? Won't they save me from succumbing to the pain of watching; of knowing. Maybe it's best I leave the monster; the thing, but I cannot find it in my heart to abandon them. I am, though it may not seem, too compassionate, too altristic. I want to help, to save them from themselves, but I have to aid myself first. I need to be strong! I need to be willing! I need HELP!

These people I once knew, they have become society. They. Are. Damned.
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