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Rated: GC · Short Story · Other · #1813589
This is the first story I wrote. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 5

As TJ walks up to the sofa to sit and wait for Sneha, he hears a voice behind him. “You bloody ass, why the hell didn’t you tell me you never told Simone about your accident?” TJ turns around to see the familiar face of Jake.

“This is how I get greeted, huh? Well, I didn’t tell her because I was waiting to see her and tell her in person. I didn’t want to freak her out. I take it you told her.”

The two hug each other before Jake adds, “Dude, you have no clue how pissed she got. I've never seen her so mad.”
“Wait, wait, wait a second now. Simone is here? What the hell is she doing here? I thought she’s not due back here till the day after.”

“TJ, why don’t you ask her yourself? She’s right behind you”. TJ turns around to see Tamarah and Simone standing behind him.

[Tamarah is Jake’s wife. They were college sweethearts and have now been married a few years. 
Simone is one of TJ’s college friends. She’s a brilliant singer and has just produced an album.]

Tamarah turns to Jake and says, “Jake let’s go. I think we need to let them be alone for a while”.

Jake and Tamarah leave. Simone looks as if she’s a volcano ready to erupt.

TJ breaks the silence. “You look as gorgeous as ever, love”.

Simone doesn’t smile, she walks up to TJ and slaps him. She then gives him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

She snaps at TJ. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you met with an accident, huh? What the hell is wrong with you? I had to hear it from Slick. Why didn’t you tell me, TJ, why?”

A tear runs down Simone’s cheek. TJ wipes the tear, gives her a peck on the cheek and says, “Simone, I didn’t tell you because I know you too well. I know you would have worried and flown down to Miami to be with me. It wasn’t even a major accident. I didn’t want you to get all worked up and especially at this point in time when you’re getting ready to release your first album.”

“TJ, I heard it was a major accident and you were unconscious. So don’t give me that crap about it not being a major accident.”

TJ pulls her close to him and holds her tight. He realises Sneha is standing and looking at him. Sneha had walked in when Simone had slapped him and had heard everything. He calls Sneha over. He then introduces Simone to Sneha. Sneha then tells them that she’ll give them some time alone. TJ tells Simone he’ll take Sneha in and introduce her to Jake and Tamarah. Jake and Tamarah are waiting outside the pub for TJ and Simone. TJ introduces Sneha to the both of them and tells them that he has to talk to Simone.

Jake then turns to Sneha and says, “By the way, they aren’t going out, but I’ll give you the story behind the two of them.”

TJ goes back out to where he left Simone. She is now sitting on a sofa and waiting for him.

Simone turns to TJ and says. “You don’t know how it feels to hear about your accident from somebody else. You know how much you mean to me.”

“Simone, you know I know that, you don’t know how bad I felt not telling you but I really wanted to see you and tell you in person. You weren’t supposed to come today; if I had known you were, I would have told Slick to keep his mouth shut. I'm sorry you had to hear it from somebody else. Simone, you weren’t gonna lose me, not without me saying bye first”.

“Oh thanks. How sweet. Well, TJ, I came to surprise you. I finished all the preps for the release of the album and thought I'll come here and surprise you. Oh, and TJ, before I forget, here I want you to have the first copy and by the way I took the liberty of signing it and there’s a photo of us in there which I'm sure you won’t remember we took.” TJ smiles as he takes the gift and kisses Simone on her cheek.

“Simone, shall we go in now or do you still want to talk?”

“You still haven’t told me about the accident - what happened?” TJ stands next to her and holds her hands

“Let’s go in. Slick is waiting for me to tell him as well. My date is waiting too.”
“By the way speaking, about you date. You sure as hell have good taste.”

Inside they get to the table where Slick, Tamarah and Sneha are at. Slick then asks TJ about the accident.

TJ tells them about the accident.

“You have a Z4 and a roadster?” interjects Sneha.

“Yeah, sweetheart, I do and well, that’s the one that got smashed. Well, luckily my car was insured so the damages are covered.”

“See and you, bloody idiot, told me not to worry, it was nothing major”, says Simone starting to sound a little cheesed of with TJ.

“See, this is exactly why I didn’t tell you, Simone.”

Simone finally relents. “Ok ,fine, you’re right, I would have freaked out and done that. I'm sorry I slapped you. Did it hurt? I was just so pissed off and upset you didn’t tell me.”

“Simone, you know you’re one of the first people I tell everything to. It’s just this is not something I would tell you over the phone since I know you too well. Oh, and rather late in life to be wondering if the slap hurt me. What would you have done if it hurt? Actually what will you do if I say it hurt?”

“I’d just say you deserved it and laugh.”

“Ok, so then the slap didn’t hurt me” jokes TJ.

Simone looks at him and slaps him. “Hey, what was that for, madam?”

“Well, Mr. James, that was because you said it dint hurt.”

Everyone at the table laughs.

“Damn, TJ you definitely have an interesting life. Slick was telling me some stuff about how you guys met”, Sneha says.

“Oh, so what lies has Slick been feeding you with? By the way Sneha what would you like to drink?”

“Whatever you’re having, that’s cool.”

TJ then turns to a waiter. “Two vodka, 7ups with lime cordial and a cut green chilli.”

Suddenly, a pair of hands cup TJ’s eyes. TJ tries to figure out who it is. The person then leans over and whispers into TJ’s ears. “Let’s dance. You owe me one from the last time we met.”

“Tanisha,”replies TJ.

[Tanisha, TJ’s dance partner. They attended dance classes together and have, ever since, always danced together. Tanisha is wearing this beautiful light blue spaghetti top and a navy blue mini skirt]
“How are you? You know I will not turn you down for a dance. By the way, meet Sneha.”

“Hmmm, Trinnean, as usual you have a hot date. Then I shall let you be.”

Sneha smiles and then giggles. “No, no. Please go ahead and dance with him.”

TJ walks a few steps and then comes back and tells Sneha, “By the way, you’re gonna dance with me once I'm done dancing with Tanisha and I ain’t taking no for an answer.”

Before Sneha can reply TJ scuttles back onto the dance floor. Jake turns to Sneha and says, “You want to see the dance floor heat up, watch TJ and Tanisha dance. I seriously think they’re going out but not telling anybody”.

Sneha turns to the dance floor and spots TJ and Tanisha at the edge of the dance floor.
[Girl you got the right temperature ... Sean Paul’s ‘Temperature’ is playing and the floor goes wild]

TJ and Tanisha start dirty dancing.

Slick says, “See the chemistry?” Sneha grins.

TJ and Tanisha dirty dance for the duration of the song. Sweat drips off their bodies - the whole time they never take their eyes off each other. Once the song finishes, they come from the dance floor and sit at the table.

TJ then turns to Sneha “Are you ready?” Sneha nods her head to say yes and TJ offers her his hand and he leads her onto the dance floor. They start dancing. TJ can tell Sneha is a trained dancer as she moved so well on the dance floor. He then leans over and asks Sneha if she knows how to jive. Sneha says yes and says she was hoping TJ would know how to. TJ and Sneha start jiving.

The crowd, amazed at their dancing, starts to form a circle around them. The two of them dance like they’ve been dancing partners for a long time. TJ then asks Sneha if she knows the tango. She smiles, grabs his neck and pulls him close to her. The crowd now clears a space for the two of them to tango. Sneha and TJ let it get very steamy. They touch each other very gently and caress each other while they dance. The crowd applauds them as the number draws to a close. Now Sneha catches TJ by the collar and pulls him close to her. They start to dirty dance. After a few steamy numbers, the two of them get off the dance floor and join the others at the table.

A lot of conversation and a few drinks later, TJ turns to Sneha and asks her, “Are you feeling hungry? Would you like to go for dinner?”

Sneha says yes. As they wait for TJ’s car to come Sneha asks TJ, “So where are we going?”

TJ tells her, “Well, just don’t worry about it. I've made arrangements already”.

Chapter 6

After a little while they find themselves on the East Coast Road. TJ lets the car rip. He loves pushing this car to the limit on this.

Sneha breaks the silence, “Who is this singing? I've never heard this song before. It’s really good”

Just before they left the hotel, TJ had put in the CD Simone had given him.

“Well that’s Simone’s CD. It’s being released next week. That was one of the reasons I had come to India.”

“Well if it’s releasing only next week, how come you have a copy of it?”

“That is the advantage of being a good friend. This is actually the first copy anybody has gotten. I talked her into recording her own album. A friend of mine produced this for her.”

“Simone has an awesome voice.”

“I’ll tell her that.” He then turns the car off the road and into a road that leads to a Fisherman’s Cove. They get down at the resort and TJ leads Sneha to the Cove’s private dining area which is set up near the Watch Tower. The maitre d’ on seeing TJ comes up to TJ and tells him his table is ready. Sneha starts to open her mouth but TJ cuts her short “I had sent the manager a message and told him to keep a table ready.”

“So this is what you do huh. Take a girl pubbing and then bring her for dinner all the way here?”

“Actually Sneha you’re the first I've done all this with. I come here a lot with Simone and the others, and sometimes I stay here for a few days to relax so they all know me.
The maitre d’ leads TJ and Sneha to their table. Sneha turns to TJ and back to the table. She stands motionless. She can’t believe her eyes. The backdrop is the ocean lapping at the sand. The whole setting was bathed with the light from the candle on the table and the moonlight. The ambience was absolutely beautiful.

She turns to TJ “TJ a candle light dinner. You shouldn’t have done all this. This is way too much.”

“Sneha, just relax and sit down and enjoy yourself.”

Sneha walks up to the table. TJ pulls her chair back and offers it to her. Sneha sits down still in shock. TJ sits opposite her. Suddenly the Beatles play in the background. “Oh my, this is too much, a candlelit dinner and top it all the Beatles” exclaims Sneha. “Did you organize that too” adds Sneha.

“I’d be lying if I said that I did. I just told them to put some good music.” replies TJ.

“I love the Beatles”, says Sneha and her eyes sparkle as she looks at TJ. The waiter comes up to them and hands them the menu.

“If you like seafood, you have to try their continental stuff it’s awesome”, TJ tells Sneha. 

Sneha studies the menu and then says “TJ surprise me. I’ll eat anything.”

“Seafood?” asks TJ.

“I love seafood”, replies Sneha. TJ then turns to the waiter and gives his order. He orders the Cheese Lobster Bake, then he orders the Golden Crisp Fried Prawn, Oysters with lemon sauce, Fried Calamari rings with garlic butter and Smoked Trout with red wine.

Sneha can’t believe what she heard and she tells TJ that it seems too much. TJ says it’s just perfect. He then orders a bottle of Cuvee Blanche de Castille. Sneha just can’t stop smiling and keeps staring at TJ. He asks her if everything is ok.

Sneha replies “Everything’s good, thank you. I’m just absolutely blown away by how you’re trying to woo me.”

“Well I did promise you a night to remember dint I?” replies TJ.

“Yeh you did. So do I take this as a sign that there are no women in TJ’s life?’

“Yes you can. I like life and the no strings attached lifestyle. Like I said earlier life is too short to waste.”

“So you’re telling me that you don’t want to settle down at all?” Sneha asks.

“I will settle down but I need to find a girl I connect with on many levels and likes me for my many quirks before I do that.”

“Ah I like the philosophy. I go by it as well.”

“Let’s change topics. What are you doing in Chennai?” TJ asks Sneha.

“Let’s not change topics. I want to know what makes TJ tick and why women like a player.”

“Sigh. I see there’s no winning with you.”

Meanwhile the waiter brings the bottle of Cuvee Blanche de Castille and pours it into two glasses. TJ raises his glass and makes a toast “To a nice evening with a beautiful lady.”

Sneha raises her glass and says “Thanks, and here’s to a nice evening with a handsome player.” and she giggles.

[The music suddenly changes and Aerosmith’s ‘I don’t want to miss a thing’ starts to play in the background]

TJ offers Sneha his hand. She is startled and says “You want to dance here? Is it ok if we dance here?”

“I wouldn’t be asking you if it wasn’t”

Sneha agrees and takes TJ’s hand and he leads her a little away from their table. They start dancing.

TJ and Sneha dance for a few song and get back to their table. TJ pours some more wine for Sneha and himself and they slowly sip their drinks. Their eyes hold each others gaze. A waiter comes up to them and asks them if they are ready for dinner. TJ tells him to bring the food and then the waiter scuttles off to bring the food. The waiter brings the food to the table and the two of them start eating.

TJ closes his eyes savoring the taste of the food. Sneha starts giggling “TJ you love your food don’t you?”

TJ opens his eyes and finds Snehas staring at him and smiling, he then replies that he loves his food.

“I think it runs in the family. We can’t go 10 minutes without talking about food” says TJ.

“We women like men who know their food. Well at least women like me like men who like their food. Do you cook”?

“What do you mean women like you? What sort of a woman are you?”

“I’m the kind who likes a guy who can cook.” She starts to laugh. “I can’t cook I’m very bad at it.”

“Ah, that kind. I know a lot of girls just like you. Yes I cook.”

“You cook. You just keep surprising me.”

“Is that a good thing or bad?”

“It’s a very good thing. You don’t find guys like that anymore.”

“And what sort of guy are you talking about?”

“Well the guy who can keep surprising you with the things he does. You’re a cook, a pilot, have good taste in food, know how to have fun and you’re into adventure sports. I dint know there were guys like that around.”

“Well now you know.”

Once done with dinner TJ orders dessert for both of them. He orders a lemon cheese cake for himself and orders Sneha a baked Alaska.

After dessert TJ asks for the bill, he pays it and they leave the restaurant.

The valet brings TJ’s roadster and TJ holds the door open for Sneha.

She turns to him and says “TJ do you mind if I drive?”

“No problem at all. I just hope you haven’t had too much to drink?”

“Oh, I’m fine. I usually drink vodka. Champagne never gets me drunk, at least not splitting a bottle with someone else.”

Chapter 7

She gets onto the main road and lets the car rip.

“I see you love driving. Where did you learn to drive like this?”

“Well my dad was a rally driver and I learnt to drive from him. Yes I love driving.”

They drive down the road and TJ then tells Sneha to take a turn. “Why do you want to take this turn?”

“Well you will just have to wait and see.”

“Well I am not one for patience. So tell me where are we going?”

“Well Sneha, pull the car of the road here and you’ll see why.”

Sneha brings the car to a halt on the side of the road. She can hardly believe her eyes. They had driven onto a beach without her knowing it. The moonlight on the ocean water was a sight to remember. There was not a soul around at that time of the night. It was only the two of them. Sneha jumps out of the car and starts running on the beach. She turns around and shouts out to TJ.

“Aint you coming? This is absolutely awesome.”

“I'll be there in a minute.”

He locks up the car and joins her. Sneha runs barefooted up to TJ and drags him along with her to the water. He stops her. She looks at him very disappointedly. He then smiles at her and starts to remove his shoes. Without warning TJ charges at Sneha and lifts her of the ground and plops her into the water. Sneha gets up all soaked in sea water and starts chasing TJ. He runs around teasing her when all of a sudden he trips and falls on the sand. Sneha pounces on TJ and starts throwing sand at him. TJ rolls Sneha off him and he gets on top of her. He leans in for a kiss but stops and they just stare into each other’s eyes. With that distraction Sneha rolls TJ into the water.

She sits on him and shouts out. “Got ya!”

Suddenly a big wave crashes down on both of them and knocks Sneha of TJ. They both start laughing. The two of them get out of the water and sit on the beach. TJ leans back and looks up at the sky. Sneha looks up.

“What are you looking at?”


“What’s Orion?”

TJ then shows Sneha Orion. They turn to each other and their eyes meet. Sneha leans in to kiss TJ but he turns his face away.

“Shall we go?”

“Can we stay a couple more minutes if it’s ok with you TJ?”

“Sure. No problem.”

Sneha then walks up to the water and wets her feet. TJ watches her. He wonders why he dint kiss her. She then turns to him and tells him they can leave.

They walk back to the car in silence. TJ opens the trunk and takes out a towel and tosses it to her.

“I have a t-shirt and a pair of shorts if you’d like to change into something dry.”

Sneha accepts them. She slips her halter top of and TJ can’t take his eyes of her. She slips on his t-shirt and then slowly slips of her skirt. TJ turns away and walks back to the trunk to take out another pair of shorts and a t-shirt for himself. He removes his pants and slips on the shorts. Sneha turns to hand TJ the towel and she sees him slip off his shirt. She clears her throat and TJ suddenly looks up to see Sneha looking at him.

“Nice abs I must say.”

“Why thank you Sneha and I must say you are very well toned as well.”

She smiles at him and then hands him the towel.

He flings the damp clothes into the trunk along with the towels. They get back into the car and this time TJ drives.

Sneha breaks the silence. “So do you always carry towels and spare clothes in the trunk?”

“As a matter of fact I do. Who knows when I’ll meet a pretty lady to take her for a dip in the beach right?”

Sneha looks at him and says “That has to be the corniest line I have ever heard.”

The two of them start laughing. Sneha gives TJ directions to her place. They continue the rest of the journey chatting and laughing till they reach Sneha’s apartment.

Sneha gets down from the car. She turns to TJ and smiles at him and thanks him for a lovely evening. TJ tells her it was all his pleasure.

He then put the car into gear and starts to move.

“Stop. TJ hold on one sec.”

TJ stops the car Sneha runs up to the driver’s side.

“Give me your phone.”

TJ hands his phone to Sneha. She takes it and types something and hands it back to TJ.

“You win. Now you better call me soon.”

“So I take it you had a nice evening?”

“I gave you my number dint I? Doesn’t that answer your question?”

“I guess it does.”

Sneha leans over and kisses TJ on his cheek. As she moves back TJ turns and catches her head.

“I should have done this earlier” he says. He kisses Sneha on her lips.

Sneha feels her legs go limp. She puts her hands around TJ’s neck and kisses him back. Then Sneha moves back she looks at him and gives him a huge smile.

“Come up.”

“We have enough time for that. You have me for two weeks.”

“Ok” replies Sneha.

He winks at her and speeds off. Sneha lets out a sigh as she watches the car speed away from her. Suddenly her phone starts ringing. She picks up the call.

“Missing me already? By the way is this soon enough?”

“TJ you’re a nut.”

“So I'm told. You aren’t the first to call me that.”

They both start laughing.

TJ then says “I’ll come and pick you up at 10 tomorrow and we’ll go for a very long drive tomorrow?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They get off the phone and TJ heads back home to his place.

Chapter 8

TJ reaches his place and parks his car in his parking space. He collects the dirty clothes from the trunk and realizes he has Sneha’s clothes too. He reaches his penthouse flat and opens the door. The lights are on and there is music playing very softly in his apartment. He suddenly sees something move. He turns and looks to the bedroom. There standing in front of him was a very familiar face wearing a very familiar Calvin and Hobbes t-shirt.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be coming only tomorrow right?”

“I thought you’d be happy to see me? I’m even wearing glasses for your benefit”

TJ walks up to her and gives her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek

[Meet Nitisha. The lawyer friend of TJ who makes heads turn wherever she is. She and TJ have a no strings attached relationship. ]

“Miss me?” ask Nitisha.

“Na. Just the sex.”

“Me too.”

“How did you get in and I see you’ve taken my t-shirt?”

“Spare key under the mat remember. I forgot to bring a night shirt and this is the one I used last time.”

“You really treat my place like yours don’t you?”

“Why not?”

“I’m not complaining.”

TJ walks up to the bar and turns to Nitisha.

“Want your usual?”

“Na I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

“I'm having single malt.”

“Glenfiddich or Morangie?”

“Fiddich. You know my bar too. I think you shouldn’t come too often or the next thing I know you’ll be kicking me out of my own place.”

“Go hang. Pour me a small please”

TJ pours a small for Nitisha and hands it over to her. He then pours a large for himself and walks up to the sofa in the drawing room. Nitisha has already plopped herself on the sofa and has the TV on. TJ goes and sits next to her. She moves in closer to him and places her head on his shoulder. He puts an arm around her and kisses her forehead.

Nitisha looks up at TJ and smiles.

She leans over and kisses him. He kisses her back hard.

She then pushes TJ onto the sofa and gets on top of him. She slips off the t shirt she’s wearing. She’s wearing a red lace bra with a matching red lace panty. She bends down and slips of TJ’s t-shirt. She pulls off his shorts as well. She leans over and kisses him. She bites his lips as she runs her hands down his biceps. sShe then runs her hand up his stomach to his chest. She digs her fingers into his chest. He lets out a scream. She then moves her face to his ear and starts nibbling it while she digs her nails harder into his chest.

He closes his eyes and then opens them….

There on top of him is his Rottweiler pup Tiger. TJ pushes Tiger off him and gets up from the sofa. He looks at his watch. 

“Shit, I'm late for college…”

The End.
© Copyright 2011 Terror #1 (ajkuruvila at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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