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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1813330
Foiled Again
Chapter Eight

When Leoness was ready to leave that night she rounded up Vie, Pockets and Shamus. A loud "Where the hell did all the chords to the lights go?" was heard as the trio left the bar. It was a warmer evening than the previous night as the winds had finally died down. Wind was a very common occurance in the Mat-Su Valley, especially Palmer. As the seasons changed the winds could pick up and leave quickly. Because the weather was calmer, the trio decided to walk to Leoness's apartment. While they walked and having pondered the day while she worked, Leoness just had to ask "So Vie, exactly what are your powers and what are you?"

"Ah yes I wondered when you'd ask me that question. I am Elfin and "second sight" is the gift I have always had. And before you find out any other way I was given fae "glamour" so that I could alter my appearance and stay unnoticed by any who knew me in my previous life in the sidh. Another gift from your mother of course." she said patting Leoness's arm that she was holding onto.

Which of course raised a new question "So what do you really look like?"

"Ah dear let us get back to your place and I shall show you. Who, by the way, is watching your dragon and have you thought of a name for the creature yet? After all you are his chosen so you get the honor of giving him a name."

"Really! well I hadn't really thought about it, but I can't exactly give him a name I'd give a cat or dog." she replied and then that famous growl retorted.

"Oh really, How is a dragon more important than your dear ol' da I ask?" said Shamus indignant as ever.

"I'm sorry dad, had I only known who and what you were I might have figured out something grander I suppose" she teased and soothed with a smile on her face.

"Hmph" said Shamus and walked ahead of the group nose in the air obviously annoyed.

As they crossed the field Leoness had found the necklace in, Vie said "Ya know this field was created by Lord Nix the day of your birth. As he walked across it, life was magickaly restored to it. It had lain barren for years and all of a sudden it started blooming again probably an after effect of your birth."

They crossed the street without incident and walked into her apartment and found Lord Nix sprawled out on the couch sound asleep. The wyrmling sitting curled up in a ball on his chest looked up at the trio and quickly went into flight and landed on the floor at Leoness's feet and simply stated "Momma".

"Ah he's so cute." said Vie which of course startled Leoness. Vie had reached down to touch the wyrmling to stroke it and the dragon looked at her, as if measuring the merits of this new face, and allowed the touch.

"Wait a minute, how did you see him?" asked Leoness shocked.

"I told you this appearance is only fae "glamour", in my regular form I can see perfectly well." she replied and she drew her hands up from her sides wiggleing her fingers and her appearance changed as her arms raised into the air. The new and improved Vie was a stunning long haired brunette with elfin ears and almond shaped green eyes that sparkled like bright emeralds in a pool of water. "Not bad for a 400 year old eh?" laughed Vie at the startled expression on Leoness's face. "It takes some getting used to seeing people and things transforming in front of your eyes. Why Nix there changes into a phoenix. Most of the magickals in the sidhs here change into a bird of some form or another. Octarius calls the eagle, bald of course. Your aunt Arys calls Ravens as do her two henchman Gunther and Rufius whom you encountered earlier. Pockets is lycanthropic and can call most rodent forms. Speaking of Pockets, give them up I know you took them." she said holding out a hand palm up to Pockets.

"What, who me? I didn't do nothing." replied an indignant Pockets.

"Right and I'm the tooth fairy." quipped Vie

"Ah but I just wanted to borrow them, I'll give 'em back. I couldn't resist the shinys" said a glum Pockets. "Ok Fred give them up."

At this the ferret nosed out of the large purse carrying the shiny objects in it's mouth. It curled itself around Pocket's neck burrowing his face in her collar and trembleing with fear. Pockets simply petted the ferret to calm him down and Fred obliginly dropped the shiny objects into Pocket's palm. He them scampered quickly back into the deep recesses of the purse to hide again. Slight tinkleing noises could be heard emanating from the purse.

"I don't even want to know what else is in there." shuddered Vie

"Better not to ask then, eh?" replied Pockets

Leoness just watched the banter between her companions as she stooped down to retrieve the dragon and to pet it soothingly. She also watched the too gorgeous Nix still sleeping on her couch. He quite took her breath away and he also stirred something deep within herself disturbing but exciting. Pondering whether to rouse him or just leave him sleeping on her couch she watched one crystaline blue gray eye pop open and wink at her and motion her with a quick finger to his mouth to keep her silent to his game. So he wasn't asleep, just playing possum. At this she hid a quick grin and said to the others still banttering away "Perhaps we ought to call it a night so I can get some much needed sleep and tend to this dragon."

"So have you decided on a name yet?" asked Vie repeating her earlier question.

"I will have to think on that one. I want to pick the perfect name, something befitting a majestic animal, right little one?" she announced as the dragon just looked up at her blinking his approval or was it adoration?

"Well as you wish." said Vie putting her other appearance back on and grabbing Pockets by the arm saying "Shall we?" and the two left.

"Ok Mr I'm asleep, they are all gone now, mind telling me why the subterfuge?"

"Quite simple really." he replied raising himself to a sitting position swinging his legs off the couch " I wanted you all to myself." he replied in a voice that bordered on mirth and just a little too husky for comfort.

"Well well and you think flattery will just make me melt into a panting puddle of mush laying at your feet?" she teased back a bit husky herself.

"Nope but maybe this will." he said and rose to his feet in lightning fashion and before she knew what was happening he had the dragon out of her arms and was crushing her to him in a searing kiss.

Zenith Sidh

Arys was in a fowl mood when Gunther and Rufius were ushered into her rooms. "Pray tell me that you carry good news. " she said between clenched teeth.

"We have m'lady." said Rufius giving her a bow from bended knee.

"Behold what we came across tonight." said Gunther also now kneeling and proudly offering the necklace Arys had been after for so long.

Arys gave a squeal of delight and grabbed the necklace. Finally the dragon would be hers and ultimate power. Never again would anyone ever question her as ruler. Quickly dismissing the two men she hurried down to her still room and this time not even bothering with the scrying bowl she poured the contents of her summoning spell into the giant cauldron on the magnificent fired hearth and once again beckoned for Rackus, but this time she called for him to apparate in full form. He was afterall, the only thing in the world she knew who might be able to break any protective spells that had been put upon the necklace.

"Through the world's, my voice does part...Demon Rackus answer that which holds your heart. Through blood and bone I call your name, an you shall answer just the same........."

The cauldron began a mad bubbling as the fire underneath it started to spit crazily in the hearth and then it started to shake with the great power called from it. Next a great cloud of graying purple started eminating forth as great sparks started erupting in the hearth. Arys stepped back from the great hearth and watched as the cloud misted forward out of the hearth like a genie being summoned from Aladdin's lamp and slowly started taking the form of her called demon. Rackus himself was not an ugly demon to look upon unless he took his true form, which of course he rarely did. He had the power to look any way that he chose and tonight he appeared as a human male with black touseled hair wearing blue and white striped flannel pajamas with little demon fuzzy slippers and a silly night cap on top of his head. He'd just settled down for the night and was about asleep when the spell had called him from his bed and now he was greatly annoyed at being dragged out of said comfy bed.

"Oh it's you Arys, you wanted something?" he asked drolly and then noticed the necklace in her hands. "Well you finally got the thing. Congratulations." Great, he thought to himself, something to make the bitch more powerful. So much for any pleasant dreams he would have had tonight.

"I need you to break any spells on it so I can get to that damn dragon " she hissed.

Since he was her bound demon he had no choice but to do as she asked. He carried the necklace over to the stone altar and gave a quick cursory inspection of necklace. He then looked more carefully into the contents with his special "sight" powers and quickly realized something that gave him great joy. OK if the witch wanted it opened who was he to argue. He was going to have some fun tonight afterall. Hiding his smile, which was extremely difficult, he turned back to look at Arys and asked "Are you sure you wish me to tamper with it. It might kill the beasty?" he asked in a sugarly smooth voice worthy of an Academy Award.

"I'm sure you can handle it without hurting the nasty creature inside there. I just need to be the first person it sees." said Arys with great expectation.

"But it might not like you. God knows I sure as hell don't." he again warned or was it taunted?

"Just do as you are told demon." she replied exasperated at the delay. "I want it opened here and now. Maybe I'll reward you for your faithful service and set you free."she teased, which of course she had no intention of doing. It was an idle promise and they both knew it.

Playing his part with painstaking care Rackus said "As you wish Arys." and he obliged his mistress's whim opening the necklace with a quick wave over the shell. A great rumble was heard and a flash of light and smoke poured out of the necklace temporarily blinding Rackus and Arys. When they were able to see clearly again, on the great stone altar lay what appeared to be a perfectly normal and ordinary egg the size laid by an ostrich. After waving his hands over the egg it started to slowly crack and Rackus carefully backed up towards the hearth while Arys stood transfixed by the hatching of her "dragon". The egg rumbled and fell apart and a paper dragon popped out surrounded by shiny paperclips and if ears could be believed the song "I Started A Joke" started playing while confetti and streamers started flying out of the shell. The last thing a laughing Rackus heard as he disapperated and headed back to his bed was a scream loud enough to wake the dead coming from a thouroughly pissed off Arys. She'd been foiled again. With that pleasant thought in his head, Rackus kicked off his slippers and climbed back into bed for a good night's sleep, a smile on his face.

Palmer, Alaska

Leoness felt a moment of shock before a warm glow started spreading and spiraling downward throughout her body as Nix deepened his kiss. Both of their senses awakened to the other in a fine tuned symphony of hands and mouths and fire. Leoness wrapped her arms around Nix neck further encouraging his kisses and touch and in response he pulled her into a tighter embrace. She relished the sensations awakening in her. Although everything in her screamed that it was wrong, that he was only substituting her for her mother, she didn't care. The kiss and non-reality of being in his arms was so mind numbing she no longer cared about anything but the man touching off sparks of molten passion in her. She only knew that she wanted this kiss, this man and she wanted this man in her arms now.

If Leoness was beyond caring then Nix was totally out of control. He'd meant to simply shock her with his actions but something in him snapped after the single taste of her honey sweetned lips. He was lost. He gently scraped teeth on her lower lip and peppered her neck with hot kisses and the warm breath on her neck sent shivers of excitement through her as both ran over the edge of reason. He returned his attention to her mouth and gently explored it setting off a fire causing her to quiver and when he felt her response a heady feeling rushed through him igniting a long asleep fire he'd held in check for far too long. He was just as lost to the sudden passion as she was. Somewhere his iron will and control snapped and he knew that he had to have this woman.

The sensation of her body pressed tightly against him, touching him, running her hands through his hair, fired up feelings he had never felt before and he groaned from the sheer joy and pain of his arousal.

Leoness groaned and closed her eyes and let sensation after sensation roll across her as Nix's hands started exploring her, and as both of them slowly sank to their knees, a quaking of desire spread though them like a raging wildfire. Needing more of each other desperately, they started peeling the clothing off of each other and sucumbed to the timeless need each seemed to have for the other. Hands and mouths explored, touched, caressed and teased and the fires of need and passion flared and fired in each of them. They only knew they needed more of each other and that somehow they knew they would never, could never get enough of each other. It was also right, oh so right. Their hot hungry kisses and touches only helped to fuel the fire and need between them stronger. It coursed through Leoness's body exploding in liquid fire that curled down from her belly between her thighs. The feel of his heated arousal against her was more than a shot of liquid aphrodisiac that quickened her pulse and made her groan from the sensations now rolling and pulsing through her heated body. She slowly raked her nails down his long slick back as Nix's hands danced over her now bare skin lightly making her need for him rise even higher. Nix wanted to slow the fire down but he had no way to turn back the thundering desire storming through them both and he uttered a groan succumbing to the feel of her hot hungry hands and mouth tracing a line of fire from his neck down his chest till he couldn't stand it anymore. As he took control back and bent her gently to the ground he lay with her there for a moment naked and fevered and they caressed and stroked greedily for each other their breathing quickening and pulses pounding for yet even more. Nix rolled her onto her back and started kissing her even hungrier and he nudged her legs apart and she eagerly opened herself to him. He entered her slowly nearly ready to explode and dying a little from the liquid heat and proof of her desire and readniness for him. Her response was to wrap her legs around him ensnaring him in her honied web of desire and both of them started rocking with the passion now flared to a frenzy. He wanted to go slowly but neither of them was prepared for the new onslaught of feelings and excitement created from the joining of their bodies. He opened his eyes long enough surprised to watch her staring up at him with a glazy look of lust as he carried them higher and higher towards the brink. And suddenly it was upon them both as they crashed wave over wave in a violent screaming climax that quaked them both into oblivion and beyond.

© Copyright 2011 Katherine Little (palmergalkat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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