Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1813172-A-Boy-Named-Archie
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Fantasy · #1813172
Written two years ago at age thirteen as an assignment for school.
         A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one?”
“Yes indeed, my friend; he is,” another voice replied.  “He is the only one who can save the princess Azura.” The two fairies approached the bed where young Archie Smith slept. He tossed and turned gently in his sleep, but still did not wake. Barely twelve, Archie was considered to be a “boy wonder”; he just didn’t realize it yet. Neither did anyone else within the human race. Only the fairies of the magical kingdom could see that Archie Smith was no regular boy.
         “Shall we wake him?” asked Norman; the king’s loyalist assistant. “Time is getting on, and soon it will be light out. We certainly can’t leave in broad daylight; we’d draw such attention to ourselves. The fairy world must remain a secret to everyone.”
“No, Norman.” Herbert; the royal scribe began, “let him sleep. We won’t worry about leaving until tonight; as soon as it gets dark again. That way, we won’t be seen by the human eye. But for now, we must wait.”
         Norman and Herbert hovered silently at Archie’s bedside while they waited anxiously for him to awaken. The clock ticked rhythmically. They both could tell that it was getting later and later. Precious seconds, minutes, and hours went by, and right now, they had no time to waste. “Herbert, we must wake him. With only two hours left until sundown, we don’t have much time. We still have so much work to do. He may be half fairy, half human; but his human side is brought out more, because that is how he was raised. We need to teach him how to use his full powers at any time necessary.  He’s our only hope, and we need to see to it that he knows the ways of the fairy like the back of his hand.”
         “Very well, do the honours, my friend.” Norman hovered above Archie, and took out a tiny gold sack of fairy dust. He reached his hand down inside, and then blew it into Archie’s face. The child awoke with quite a start, and seemed immensely frightened. “Don’t be scared, my dear child,” Herbert whispered. “We have come because the King Zarek of the fairies has summoned you.”
         “Me?” Archie inquired. “Why does the king summon me? I’m neither brave nor strong, and I’m not a fairy like you guys are. I could never perform the task properly.” Herbert and Norman exchanged looks with each other, and then after a moment of awkward silence, Norman spoke.
“But you can help us, Archie.” He began.
“How can I help?” Archie interrupted.
“Well Archie, you may not realize it, but you were born of the fairy descent. You see, your mother isn’t human. Your father is, however; making you only half of each. But so far, you are the only hybrid of the two species.”
         “I’m not though,” Archie interrupted again. “My baby sister must be half fairy, half human. If I am, she’s got to be, too.”
“There’s another one?” Norman asked excitedly. Archie nodded slowly. “Wake her, and bring her to us; quickly! We’ve got so much to do with so little time!” Archie hurried out of his bedroom and returned shortly afterwards with his sister; Eloise in his arms.
         “Norman, Herbert; this is Eloise.” He set her down on the floor and she began to coo joyfully. Both the fairies seemed delighted to see her.
“Here,” Herbert began as he shoved a small sack into Archie’s hand. “We had a transforming dust specially created for you. Sprinkle some of it into your hands and then read this.” Norman then handed Archie a small ivory coloured card with words on it. Archie sprinkled some transforming dust into the palm of his hand, and then recited the words written in sparkly gold letters.
         “A hybrid of the two am I, but fairy; I wish to be. Human no more, it is fairy I wish to see.”
Archie swirled in the air three times, and then became a tiny, yet magical fairy.
“Now Archie,” Herbert started. “To become human again, just sprinkle some dust into your hands, and reverse the words.
“A hybrid of the two am I, but human; I wish to be. Fairy no more, it is human I wish to see.”
Archie then spun around in the air three times and was transformed back into a human being. “Is that all I have to do to transform?”
“Yes, it is. But there’s more. When we get back to the fairy kingdom, you will undergo a short training session. You will learn how to use your full powers. It will be much needed for your journey.”
“What journey?” Archie asked. “What are you two talking about?”
“You have been asked by the king to go on a very dangerous journey. His daughter; princess Azura is in trouble. You two are our only hope. We’ll go to the kingdom right now. But you must transform before we go.”
Archie sprinkled transforming dust on himself and his sister, and then recited the magical words.
“A hybrid of the two we are, but fairy; we wish to be. Human no more, it is fairy we wish to see.”
They both spun through the air, transforming as they did so.
         “Good. You’ve both transformed successfully. Now let’s be off.” Norman said, and he led the way to the magical fairy kingdom. The four of them flew through town, and at the outskirts of town, they swooped down into a small tunnel. It was cold, and dark, but they had to keep flying if they wanted to make it to the kingdom in time. Finally they approached a small door at the end of the tunnel. Norman said a password; quite a frivolous sounding one at that, and then the door opened, revealing a magical world, so beautiful; beyond belief.
“This is your world?” Archie asked, awe-stricken.
“Yes, it is. Isn’t it just magnificent?” Herbert replied.
“Where’s King Zarek? I want him to explain why he’s summoned me.”
“Very well, the kingdom is straight ahead. Follow us.” With that, Norman and Herbert started off towards the North. We hadn’t been travelling for very long, and we came to the kingdom, where King Zarek himself stood to greet us.
“Welcome, welcome. It’s such an honour to finally meet you! You must be Archie Smith, and this little darling here is...” The king exclaimed joyfully.
“It’s my little sister Eloise.” Archie began. “She was born with fairy genes as well. I thought that maybe I should bring her along. Now will you explain why you’ve summoned me and why not someone stronger, or braver?”
“Yes, Archie, I will. I’ve summoned you because as you know, you are both fairy and human. But as you may not know, my daughter; princess Azura has been kidnapped by some rebellious children that you may know.” King Zarek held up a colour photograph. “Do you recognize these young fellows?”
Archie took a good, hard look at the three faces. “Yes, I do.” He said. “That’s Phil, Lionel, and Clyde. They’re the most horrible bullies at our school and everyone’s terrified of them. Let’s just say one of the teachers didn’t come back to school after a brush with death.”
“So, they’re dangerous?” King Zarek asked, alarmed.
“Dangerous? They’re practically fatal!” Archie screamed. “Let’s just say you’d better catch them fast before something really bad happens to Azura.”
“No, Archie.” He began. “That is your job. That is why I summoned you.
“Oh boy, what did I get myself into this time?” Archie asked himself.
         Archie and Eloise, along with Norman, Herbert, and King Zarek, travelled through the front gates and into the kingdom’s front hall, through the living quarters, and into the training area. This was it. Whether Archie wanted to or not, he was going to have to step up and save princess Azura. When they entered the training area, Archie was amazed at how many trainers there were. “Are they all here to train me?” he asked.
“Well, here to train you and your sister, yes.” The king replied. “Your training begins now. You will learn how to access your full powers whenever necessary.” Archie’s eyes lit up entirely with enthusiasm.
“There’s more?” He asked, delighted. “What kind of powers do I get? Super strength, x-ray vision, telekinesis; you know, the usual powers?”
Norman laughed. “Such a frivolous theory, you have, Archie. No, my dear boy, you will not be given those sorts of powers.” He explained. “You will learn all of the fairy tricks known to us. You must learn to be independent in your fairy state.”
         Archie set off towards the trainers, looking back at Norman, Herbert, and King Zarek for reassurance.  “Come, Eloise. Follow me.”  He said. Then, looking back one more time, Archie realized that the three fairies had left the room, leaving Eloise and him to learn the fairy ways. Despite Archie’s hesitance, they began their training. Within an hour, they were trained well enough to get on and be capable of rescuing Princess Azura. Shortly after Archie and Eloise had finished their training, Norman, Herbert, and the king returned.
“So, you’ve finished your training, have you?” King Zarek chuckled. “Well, it looks like you’re ready to rescue my daughter. But, there’s still one more thing to do. Follow me.” Obediently, Archie followed, but he was afraid of what he might have to do next. They flew through the hallways until they came to a small room. Inside, sewing machines whirred and ribbons, buttons, and fabrics were littered all about the room. Workers sat at tables, sewing to their hearts’ content.  Colourful costume-y looking outfits were hung neatly on a rack, varying in size and style.
“Oh no,” Archie thought. “Not a costume. The last thing I need right now is a costume.” He glared at Norman, and then at Herbert. “Is a costume really necessary?” He asked in a sheepish voice.
“Not a costume,” one of the workers said smartly. “But simply fairy apparel, all of the fairies wear them. They’re actually quite comfortable.” Archie scanned everyone in the room with his eyes, including King Zarek. They were all wearing this ‘fairy apparel’. A short, dress-like shirt, tied in the middle with a bit of rope, worn with leggings and shoes with curved toes.
“I’ll look like an elf!” Archie cried. “If Phil, Lionel, and Clyde see me like this, I’ll be sure to be made into road kill tomorrow at school, and...”
“Hey,” Herbert interrupted. “Didn’t we mention the bright pink suit of shame you’ll have to wear if you refuse? I know they didn’t mention it to me when I started out. They still talk about how I looked like a walking, talking bottle of Pepto-Bismol.” He glanced over at Norman. Norman exchanged the glance, as he was obviously trying to hide the fact that he had started that. Archie could tell.
         “Alright, I’ll have that dark blue one over there.” Archie said, gesturing with his index finger. “Give Eloise that yellow one with the rainbow on the front, there.”
“Good choice.” Herbert said, nodding his head. “I didn’t think pink would look good on you.” He smiled. “Now, go get into your outfits, and you’ll be off. With that, Archie and Eloise travelled down the hallway quietly and turned left into a small room about the size of a storage closet. About ten minutes later, they returned in their outfits. Archie didn’t seem too pleased at all.
“I tell you, I look like an elf...” Archie mumbled under his breath, still a bit angry at the fact that he had to wear a ‘costume’ as he called it. “Norman, do you happen to have anything that can alter my appearance, so that no one will recognize me?” He asked, hopefully. Norman shook his head. “Oh boy, I’m really in for it now...” Archie thought to himself.
         “Well, you really should get going,” King Zarek retorted impatiently. “My daughter’s fate is in your hands.” Archie took a deep breath and grabbed his sister’s sleeve. He pushed himself off of the platform, and looking over his shoulder, realized that Norman and Herbert were following him.
“Uh, we’re just umm coming for backup, that’s all.” Norman answered quickly as Archie looked at him with fierce-looking eyes. Archie grinned at Norman sarcastically.
“Yeah, sure... and I’m not crazy for going to save Azura.” He snickered. “So, where are these guys hiding out, anyways?” Archie asked.
“Well, that’s it, we don’t know, exactly where they are. All we know is that they’re still lurking around somewhere in your neighbourhood.” They continued to fly away from the kingdom. Farther and farther they got with every second that passed.
         “Wait!” Archie shouted as they approached the south end of his neighbourhood. “Let’s search for them at the old castle. That’s where they usually are. At least, that’s where my friend found me after the gang tortured me. I was new to my school last year, and no one told me not to mess with those guys.”
“What happened?” Herbert asked, obviously extremely concerned. “What did they do to you?”
“Well,” Archie began, “They demanded I give them my lunch money and I refused. Then, they beat me up and took me to their favourite ‘hideout’. They duct taped me to a chair and burnt my face with a lighter. Then they made me watch Teletubbies for eight hours straight! Almost everyone at my school shuns me now; except for Tabitha and Marcel. Sure, almost everyone’s been tortured by them, but Tabby, Marc, and I are the only ones that’ll admit it.”
         Norman stared at Archie for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe...”
“We’re here.” Archie interrupted. “It’s right up ahead, let’s go.”
“Hey, you know what?” Herbert announced nervously, “I forgot to... umm... yeah so I have to go. See you guys later!”
“C’mon Herbert;” Norman began. “If I’m going with him, you have to come too.”
Archie led the way into what looked like it used to be the courtyard of a castle. There were crumbled bits of stone on the ground, from broken fountains, statues, and pillars. Along one castle wall, there stood three gruesomely decapitated dummies; thankfully stuffed.  No doubt they were victims of the three terrifying bullies. Norman held his hand up to his mouth, horrified.
“We... have to go inside?” Herbert asked, hopeful that he would hear the answer that he wanted.
“Yeah, we do.” Norman replied. “Archie, I can’t believe someone could do all of this... I mean, torture...”
         “Shush. I hear something,” Archie whispered over his shoulder.
“You think you can just disobey our orders? Huh, have you got a lesson to learn!” Lionel hollered as he lowered his fist closer and closer to a young girl’s face. Archie noticed a young boy standing nearby, but why wasn’t he telling them to stop? Then he realized it. Archie looked more closely, and he saw a picture of a man just dangling from one of Clyde’s hands, and in the other was a match. Then he realized that Clyde would burn that picture if the boy made even one sound, and he knew that that picture was very important to the child.
“A hybrid of the two I am, but human; I wish to be. Fairy no more, it is human I wish to see.”
“Okay you guys,” Archie whispered. “Stay here with Eloise. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
         Archie rolled up his sleeves and marched over to Lionel, and put his hand on the bully’s shoulder. Lionel turned around and BAM! Archie flung his fist and punched Lionel under his left eye. Lionel flew to the ground, his face very swollen and bloodied. Archie looked over to the little girl and mouthed the words ‘Run home. I’ll get your brother.’ She ran as fast as she could, and had faith that Archie would bring her brother home safely. And Archie would keep his word. But, he wasn’t going to leave here without settling this disagreement first. “Let him go!” Archie yelled to Clyde. “He didn’t do anything to you!”
Clyde shook his head. He dropped the photograph on the ground, and instead grabbed the hair on the back of the boy’s head. “Oh, but he did.” He said furiously. “He punched Phil, and told him to leave his sister alone or else he’d kill him. Since he’s only four, we’re not going to physically torture him like we did to you... ha, ha. Instead, we decided to mentally torture him.
“Wow, Clyde.” Archie laughed. “I didn’t know you knew such big words.”
         “Shut up, you runt!” Clyde yelled. He charged at Archie, and the young boy was let go of. The boy stooped down to pick up his photograph, and then ran behind Archie for protection. Clyde slid his thumb along the side of the lighter and waved it near Archie’s face. Archie put his hand out as if he was going to grab the flame, but instead, he took Clyde’s wrist in his hand and snapped it inwards. Clyde yelped in pain, and Archie pulled the lighter from Clyde’s hand. It wasn’t hard to grab the lighter, because Clyde’s hand had gone limp. Archie was sure he had broken Clyde’s wrist; it had bruised badly and it was disfigured. The bully seemed to be in enough pain already, but Archie wasn’t done with him yet.
“This,” Archie growled, “Is for making me suffer.” He then slid his thumb along the side of the lighter, and with a flash of fire, horrific screams, and the smell of burning flesh, Clyde was on the ground with a severe burn from his nose to his ear, and all the way down to his chin. “Now, where’s Phil?”
         “Behind you, Phil’s right there.” Clyde said breathlessly. Archie turned around, and sure enough, there was Phil, wielding a two-by-four.
“Sick him!” Archie looked over Phil’s broad shoulder, and saw the little girl that he had saved from being tortured earlier. She had returned, and her dog was obviously trained to sick people; because when the large German shepherd heard the command, it ran up to Phil and bit his... well, you know. Phil yelled, and he dropped the two-by-four on the ground. Then, the dog attacked his face, at least until the young girl told the dog to stop. “Good girl Mollie! Here’s a cookie.”
Archie ran over to the young girl. “Thank you so much. You saved me, umm...”
“My name’s Evangeline Peters, but you can call me Angel. My little brother’s name is Michel, but he likes being called Mich.” The young girl replied in a soft tone.
“Thank you so much, Angel. But I have to go now...”
“Aren’t you coming with us to our house? Our mother’s cooked a lovely supper and we’d like you to come stay for a while. “
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m looking for something.”
“Oh, well can we stay with you, umm...”
“I’m Archie; Archie Smith. I suppose you could stay, but be very careful. There might be traps lying about.”
“Alright Archie, what are we looking for anyways?”
“A small cage; I don’t know what colour it is, but it has a fairy princess inside.”
“Really, Archie; is it a real fairy princess?”
“Yes, Angel. Hurry up. We have to find her as soon as we can.”
          Angel and her younger brother Mich searched for ages alongside Archie. “I’m tired, Archie.” Evangeline yawned, and then she sat down on the stone floor, as did Michel.  “Hey, I found it!” She exclaimed joyfully, as she knelt down under a table to grab it. “She’s sleeping.” Evangeline noted quickly. “She is sleeping, right Archie?”
“I don’t know, Angel. I’ll check.” Archie shook the cage gently and called out the tiny fairy’s name. “Azura; Azura, wake up!” Azura opened her eyes lazily.
“Where am I?” She asked, disoriented. “What happened, and where’s my father?”
“Azura,” Archie began gently. “You’re at the old castle. You were brought here by some bullies from my school, probably looking to torture you. And to your last question, your father is safely in the castle of your family’s kingdom. We were about to take you back to the kingdom. Are you well enough to fly?”
“Yes, Archie,” Azura replied. “I am able to fly.”
Archie saw the saddened looks on his new friends’ faces when they learned that he had to go. He turned to Norman and Herbert. “Norman, Herbert, isn’t there any way to turn my human friends into fairies for just a little while?
“Well,” Herbert thought, “There is one way, but it’s a little bit risky. Read this out loud. Put their names in the blank space. Herbert handed Archie a small enchanted card, and he read the words like he was told to.
“Friends of the fairies are Evangeline and Michel Peters, but they want to be fairies as well; they wish to become fairies, and wouldn’t that be swell!”
The small card hovered above Archie’s hand, and then spun above Angel and Mich. With a vibrant flash of purple light, Angel and Mich turned into fairies right before Archie’s eyes. Archie then sprinkled the magical transforming dust into the palm of his hand, and as he did, he recited the spell that would turn him back into a fairy. He spun in the air, and was immediately transformed. “Good. Let’s return to the kingdom now, the king will want to reunite with Azura.
         The seven fairies flew off into the distance, and finally, they returned to the kingdom safely. “Azura, I’m very glad that you’re safe, but why did you wander into the human world alone?” King Zarek asked his daughter curiously.
“Father, I didn’t wander into the human world alone. Claire and Luna were with me, and then the humans came. They told me to watch out behind me, but it was too late. My friends had already fled, and I was trapped by one of those hideous looking boys!”
This made Archie laugh. “Hey, Azura; try telling that to their faces! I doubt you’d live to tell the tale!”
“Archie...” King Zarek disrupted.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, your highness.”
“No, no Archie.” King Zarek replied. “I’d like to thank you for saving Azura. Please take this medal as a symbol of my gratitude.”  Then, he slipped a golden medallion with a red and purple ribbon strung through it over Archie’s head. “Thank you so much Archie.” Then the king read the words encrypted on the medal aloud. “Archie Smith, Boy Wonder saved princess Azura of the fairies. Never underestimate the power of a child.”
Archie felt his cheeks getting wet, and then he soon realized that he was crying. “I can come back and visit everyone in the kingdom, right?” He asked.
“Yes, of course Archie.” Norman replied happily. “You’re welcome here anytime you want. Here is an amulet we’ve had crafted for you so that you can return whenever you please.” Norman strung the amulet onto a metal chain and handed it to Archie without hesitation. “Just press the stone in the center, and you will return here with us.”
         “Thank you ever so much, but I really must get going. I’ve got to go to dinner with the Peters’ family.” Archie smiled at Evangeline and Michel and they both smiled back at him sweetly. Archie said his goodbyes to the fairies, and after promising them that he would return soon, he led Angel and Mich out of the doorway and back out into the sky.
“Archie, will you bring your mother and father with you to dinner?” Angel asked innocently. “We haven’t really had a family dinner since our father died a year ago. I’ve always dreamed of having a complete family again.”
“Sure I will, Angel. I’d be happy to. Oh, and Angel?”
“Yeah, Archie?”
“I’ll share my dad with you. You can be part of my family. Your mom and Mich can be, too.” Angel leaned over to give Archie a hug in mid-air, but then Archie interrupted unknowingly. “We’re here.”
“Friends of the humans are Evangeline and Michel Peters, but they want to be humans as well; they wish to become humans, and wouldn’t that be swell!”
Evangeline and Michel turned back into humans, and then Archie turned himself back as well.
         “Mom, Dad; we’re home!”
“Oh, thank goodness!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed in relief. “Where were you two?”
“It’s a long story, mom. I’ll explain later, but right now, I’d like you to meet Evangeline and Michel Peters. They’re new to our neighbourhood and they’re mother has invited us to dinner. Can we go?”
“Well, I don’t see why not.” The Smith family walked with Angel and Mich to their house, where Ms. Peters waited for them on the front porch. They were kindly escorted inside where hearty homemade soup and bread waited for them. Archie’s parents talked with Ms. Peters after their meal, and Eloise played in the playroom quietly with Michel. Evangeline led Archie into the living room, and they sat down on the couch. She leaned over and hugged him affectionately.
“What was that for?” he asked out of confusion.
“Thank you, Archie. Thank you for everything.” A single tear ran down her face, and Archie wiped it away with the sleeve of his hooded sweatshirt. Archie and Evangeline talked for what only seemed like minutes, but actually turned into hours. At about twelve o’clock, Archie and his family had to leave. “See you at school on Monday?”
“Yeah, see you Monday morning, Angel. Do you want a ride? My mom could come pick you up if you want.”
         On Monday, Archie arrived at the Peters’ house at about eight o’ clock. “Ready?”
“Yup, let’s go. I’ll bet there’ll be a lot of talk about the weekend going around right now.” Archie and Evangeline climbed into the back of his mother’s car, and after about a twenty minute drive, they got to school. They hopped out of the car, and sure enough, as expected, everyone was talking about Archie and Evangeline. Everyone on the schoolyard split perfectly down the middle to let them through, and as they walked towards the front doors, they were applauded.  But Archie could hear the other kids whispering.
“No one’s ever had the courage to stand up to those three.” They said. “Finally they get tortured themselves.” Archie turned on his heels. This isn’t what he wanted to come out of this.
“Look you guys; I just wanted to get even on everyone’s behalf. No one should be tortured, but it was the only way anyone would get through to them. Why can’t we just start on a clean slate? Everyone deserves a second chance.”
         Archie winked at Evangeline. “We would like to ask your forgiveness.” He began. “Even from Phil, Lionel, and Clyde.”
“Why should we?” Clyde retorted crudely. “All you did was torture us!”
“No, Clyde. It was simply the only way I would get through to you guys. And besides, no one should live without anything that they need. Right now, you’re living in a world without friends, and without acceptance. If we start over, that could change.”
“Alright, Smith; if you promise not to torture us anymore, we promise not to torture anyone ever again. Let’s give each other another chance.”
         A few months later, Archie brought Angel to his house. “Angel, remember a few months ago when I let Phil, Lionel, and Clyde have another chance?” he asked in a whisper. “I’m going to let you have a second chance now, too. Turn around.” Angel turned, and standing there was a man that she had never met before. “Angel, this is my uncle. He has a question for you.”
“Angel, I’m Archie’s uncle Laurie, and I haven’t felt what it’s like to be a father in four years. My daughter died at a young age from cancer, and I haven’t reconnected to the entire world yet. Your mother and I have been dating for only a little while now, but we love each other dearly, and so I asked her to marry me.”
Evangeline gasped. “Your mother accepted my proposal.” He continued. “And I’d like to adopt you as my daughter. Evangeline, can I be your daddy?”
Evangeline stood still for a moment, and then came her reply. “Yes, you can.” Evangeline let her tears be free, as she embraced Laurie Smith in a tight hug.
         Archie Smith, a boy of age twelve, is not just Archie Smith. He’s Archie Smith; boy wonder!
© Copyright 2011 Enola Perry (carebear_96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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