Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1812360-Perfect-Blood-Match-2
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1812360
The Schwarz family are back in London and it's time to go to Diagon Alley again to shop.
            It was that time of the year wherein they go Diagon Alley. Only one week left before the school year starts and it’s another life of living behind a mask again. To some, Hogwarts is a sanctuary, a home, a place where they belong, but to Leighton, it’s a place where she has to live a lie. With status quo and all, she needs to keep her Slytherin-self intact and won’t play nice. She finds it hard since there are times when she just wants to smile rather than scowl or talk to students from other houses like normal people would. But, she has to live the lie until the lie becomes her which is always what her sister says.

            Their mother was with them along with Polly, Georgina’s personal maid. Each of them has their own maids rather than elves so that they could help them dress up when needed. Polly was carrying a medium sized bag where everything the Schwarz girls bought was put into. New clothes, new quills, more parchment paper, new books, shoes, everything has to be new. Leighton was quite content with her old clothes since she’s it wasn’t long ago since she bought new ones but, as usual, their mother insists that they buy new and more clothes for them. For whatever reason, Leighton doesn’t bother to know. Georgina, of course, loves new things. She and her mother have so many things in common. Georgina is like the ‘mini-me’ of Lauren. Her sister’s older clothes get donated of some sort, Leighton’s not really sure since it’s her mother who takes care of all these things.

            Their mother wanted to get them new robes so they went to Madam Malkin's for a fitting. They always get new robes every year. As much as Leighton doesn’t want to, she has to have new ones since the robes from last year were already an inch or two shorter since she grows so fast. With her sister, she doesn’t really need new ones because they use skirts and Georgina hasn’t grown much during the summer vacation. Even so, Leighton learned never to question her mother’s decisions on such things.

            While Madam Malkin herself measured Leighton, she hummed a soft tune which was stuck in her head for hours already. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw Harry enter the shop. Her eyes widened in excitement and surprise. They catch each other’s eyes on the mirror and both hide a smile and look away. They can’t really interact like normal friends since he’s a half-blood and more over he’s in Gryffindor. For some insane reason, Slytherin purebloods and half-blood Gryffindors or just Slytherins and Gryffindors in general, aren’t supposed to like each other in any way. It’s ridiculous in Leighton’s opinion but she doesn’t want to disobey her parents and fail their expectations. Not yet, at least.

            Georgina turns around and spots Harry. She makes a face that as if she smelled something rotten and said to their mother as she crossed her arms on her chest, “look mother, the famous half-breed Potter is here,” their mother turns around from choosing fabrics for her new robes and raises an eyebrow at Harry who looked like he wants to roll his eyes but forces himself not to and talks to one of the assistants. “Look away, Rayleigh. You don’t want to hurt your eyes by looking at some eye-sore,” Lauren said as she forced her chin up and turned her back on Harry, looking at the fabrics again. Georgina looked at Harry from head to toe and back up to his head again before scoffing and looking at the squat woman, Malkin, “are you done with my sister yet, slow poke?” she snapped which made Leighton give her sister a sharp look and a “tch!” Georgina scowled at her before pushing her off the circular platform, “my turn,” she declared as she stood in front of the mirror and raised her arms to her sides. Leighton almost slipped down on the floor and Harry’s reflexes made him jump to her side and had his hands ready to catch her. She caught herself before Harry did and she gave him a surprised look and a quick shake of her head, her eyes telling him not to do anything.

            Lauren saw the little commotion and she immediately grabbed Leighton’s arm and pulled her behind her, “don’t you dare lay a hand on my daughter!” she screeched at Harry who blinked a couple of times as he tried to explain, “I’m sorry, I was just trying to help. She almost fell because of…” Lauren cut him off rapidly, “I don’t care! Don’t you ever go near her again, do you understand?” Harry looked at Leighton with his eyes full of sadness and quickly lowered his eyes and stammered, “I- I understand, ma’am,” he walked back to the assistant and avoided any contact with Leighton. She was saddened by this. It wasn’t his fault. “I’ll… I think I’ll just wait outside,” Leighton told her mother as she walked out as quickly as possible even before her mother said, “better,” giving one nasty look back at Harry.

            Leighton looked behind her and for a split second, she and Harry caught each other’s eyes and she quickly took a turn towards Flourish and Blotts, the book store, and catches her breath. She wasn’t even running but she felt as if she had shortage of breath. Shaking it off, she went over to a couple of books and flipping through them randomly. A minute passed and she heard the store door open and she forced herself not to whip her head around to see the face of the person who just entered. Footsteps neared and a hand touched her shoulder gently. Leighton turned around and immediately put a smile on her face as her eyes landed upon the very face she had been longing to see for so long. “I’m so sorry,” Harry whispered but Leighton dismissed it by hugging him tightly, “I missed you so much, Harry!” she whispered to his ear before pulling away slightly without taking her arms on his shoulders, “I’m the one who should apologize for what mother and Georgie did,” Harry shrugged, “it’s nothing, I guess I’m used to it already. Not many people like me, y’know,” he said with a small smile on his face as he stared at Leighton’s bright hazel eyes. Leighton smiled back as she touched his hair with her porcelain-like fingers, “you’re hair’s getting longer,” she remarked almost absentmindedly, oblivious to Harry’s stare, “and you’re getting taller,” he replied that made Leighton look down at her feet and up to Harry’s eyes, “oh yeah…” she said still a bit absentminded as she was still soaking up the few minutes they have right now together. “Hang on,” Harry said as he furrowed his eyebrows before raising one at Leighton, “who was the person you were talking about in your letter?”

            Georgina and their mother were finished with the fittings and fabric choosing so Lauren paid the initial payment and gave the squat woman a couple of galleons while Georgina checked herself out in front of the mirror. “Find your sister, we’re going home,” Lauren said quietly to her daughter as she checked inside the bag Polly was holding. “She’s just in Flourish and Blotts, mother. As usual,” she said as ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair. She was the perfect mix of their parent’s genes. Pale yet bright blue almond shaped eyes from their mother, fine nose from their father, soft and wavy dirty blonde mane which is probably a mix of Jorgen’s deep brown hair and Lauren’s light blonde hair, slim figure from their mother, height from their father; physically, she was perfect. It was just her personality that makes a bit of an overtake, “fine, let’s go,” Lauren said before tugging her daughter’s arm, pulling her away from the mirror and leading the way towards the door, making their way towards the bookstore.

            “You’re supposed to know when we meet back in Hogwarts!” Leighton teased as she pulled away and led them both a few more shelves behind the store to hide them properly, “c’mon, L! Spill it already!” Harry begged as he grabbed Leighton’s hand which immediately sent chills down his spine and butterflies in his stomach, making him hold on to her hand just a bit tighter, “alright, alright! I’ll tell you!” Leighton said in a slightly louder than usual whisper. They kept their voices down so that no one will see them together. “Who was it then?” Harry asked again and Leighton sighed and her face became serious and grave almost in a snap. Harry could tell that it’s not good news.

            Lauren and the two others were already outside Flourish and Blotts and before they got to enter a voice called out, “Lady Lauren!” Lauren turned her head and she saw the Narcissa and Draco approaching them. The woman turned around to face them and placed a small smile on her placid face and Narcissa smiled back. “How nice to see you again, Mrs. Malfoy,” Lauren said as she extended a hand and as Narcissa took her hand and shook it she replied, “Narcissa, please, we’re practically family now,” she said with her eyes widening in delight that almost made Georgina gag. “My apologies, you’re absolutely right, Narcissa it is,” Lauren replied with another one of her sickeningly sweet smiles. “Such a pleasure to bump into you today. But, where is your other lovely daughter, Leighton?” Narcissa asked as she looked at Georgina and Polly and behind them as if expecting to find Leighton hiding behind them.

            As if she had heard her name spoken, Leighton’s eyes widened as she paused for a second and hurried over to the nearest window and peaked outside. She found her mother and the Malfoys just outside the bookshop. Harry was just behind her and whispered, “what is it?” he asked as he tried to look outside but Leighton pushed him back and led him further behind the shelves, ducking low. “Mother’s outside, she’s probably looking for me now, I have to go,” she whispered hurriedly before turning her back and Harry stopped her again, this time, by her arm, “wait…!” He pulled her to him and wrapped her in a tight hug and whispered to her ear, “let’s meet on the first night at the room of requirement, okay?” Leighton looked up at Harry, gazing at his green eyes and smiled weakly as she nodded her head and replied, “be safe,” before pulling away and rushing over towards the door.

            “She’s inside the bookshop, the girl loves to read,” Lauren explained as she walked over to Narcissa’s side, taking her hand as if they’re best friends, “why don’t we have some tea? Are you done shopping with your darling son?” she asked as she looked over at Draco who was peering inside the shop, “oh yes, I would love that. We just finished actually,” Narcissa replied in sheer delight. She turned towards her son and said, “Draco, why don’t you look for Leighton inside so we could go have some tea now,” and the two women led the way, chattering to each other while Georgina and Polly followed them.

            Draco stood there as if his feet were planted into the ground. He felt his throat dry and he gulped down the lump he felt before turning around and pushing the door open as he entered Flourish and Blotts. As he entered the familiar bookstore, he looked around for any signs of Leighton and to his surprise, someone bumped onto him that made him stagger back, “bloody…! Watch where you’re going!” he yelled and was stunned to see that it was Leighton who crashed onto him, “Malfoy…!” she exclaimed, obviously surprised as well, “oh, Leighton, I’m… I’m sorry,” Draco retracted as he lowered his eyes down to his feet, “sorry, ‘twas my fault anyway,” Leighton quickly said as she looked behind her frantically before looking back at Draco who was staring at her with his face paler than usual. “Malfoy? Are you alright…?” she asked in curiosity as she raised an eyebrow at him. He shook it out and cleared his throat, “yes, I’m perfectly fine. Anyway, mother and Lady Lauren said we’re gonna have tea so… we… we better hurry,” Draco said as fast as he could but still stuttered a bit as he pushed the door open for Leighton. The brunette looked at Draco with confusion but she still stepped outside and continued to do so without bothering to wait for him. Draco also didn’t bother to hurry up and catch with her; instead, he kept his eyes on her and followed her as quickly as possible.

            Harry’s chest and stomach felt like a thousand ship anchors were dropped on it when he saw this. At first, he didn’t intend to follow Leighton but as to his curiosity, he still did. He hid behind the shelf nearest to the door and watched Leighton and Draco crash to each other. Harry slid down to the floor and just sat there for a moment while looking up at the ceiling. Of all the other purebloods in the world, why him? Why would it be his nemesis? Why Draco Malfoy? Harry closed his eyes for a minute and then he heard his name called out by a very familiar voice that made him open his eyes and look up and he found himself looking at Hermione. “Why are you on the floor, Harry?” she asked curiously as she bent down to him and hugged him, “I was just… I was just resting,” he said when Hermione pulled away. She looked at him skeptically and waited a few seconds before Harry finally said, “okay, okay. I met Leighton earlier,” admitting to her as she obviously can tell when Harry is lying. “Really? What happened?” Hermione asked as she sat down beside Harry without taking her eyes off of him. “Remember when she said that one of them was going to be arranged to marry another pureblood?” Harry asked her and she nodded her head furiously and he bit his lower lip before adding, “well, turns out, she’s going to be married to Malfoy,” Hermione gasped as she put a hand over her mouth, “oh no!” Harry exhaled heavily and shook his head as his friend hugged him again.
© Copyright 2011 bryberry (purplebryberry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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