Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1812120-The-Search-for-Eden
Rated: E · Novel · Other · #1812120
A boy sets out on a journey to find the queen of a garden like kingdom, Eden.
    One day a boy was walking in the woods behind his house when out of the blue he saw a flash of fur. Quickly he picks up a stone then waits. Hearing a snap behind him he spins around, and is standing face to face with a wolf. The boys mind starts racing, finding a way to escape. He didn’t have any other weapon then the rock in his hand. Now he wished he had picked up one that was a bit larger.

    Quickly came to the conclusion that he would have to hit the wolf as hard as he could then run, up a tree or somewhere out of reach of the wolf. Now he came to this conclusion in a matter of seconds, and the whole time the wolf did not move. So he slowly pulled his arm back ready to strike. But just as he was going to throw, the wolf spoke in a low growling voice, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

    Stunned the boy just stood there mid swing. The wolf started circling around the boy, looking him up and down. “So you are the one?” He remarked with a look of disgust on his face. “I thought that you would be...well a man not a kid.”

    Insulted the boy gets his voice back, “Wh-what do you mean that I’m the one?

    "The one I was sent to fetch of course. But I might have the wrong person."

    "Wait, wait fetch for what?"

    "Well if I tell you and you aren't the one then I will have to eat you."

    Taken aback the boy couldn't tell if the wolf was kidding or not, but that wasn't much of a surprise how many people could tell if a wolf was kidding. Plucking up his courage the boy answered, "Well I guess I will have to be the one then won't I." but then he noticed that the wolf was crouching and the last thing that he saw was the wolf lunging at him.

         "Dustin! Dustin! Where are you?" Dustin stirred and sat up looking around he saw that it was getting late by the shadows that had moved, now everything looked different. He tried to get up but his head was pounding and when he moved to fast darkness closed in on the edges of his vision. There was a sharp pain running down his arm, he couldn’t move.

         There was a girl running up to him at first he couldn't see clearly but when she got closer he could see it was he's younger sister.

         "There you are what are you doing? Oh my! Are you ok you have a big bump on your head! What happened?"

         "I-I don't know. I was just going for a walk and then I heard a sound..." suddenly all of it came back to him. The wolf! What happened? The last thing that I remember was him jumping at me. Was that just a dream? Did I just imagine all of that? I must have the wolf was talking to me that couldn't have really happened!

         "Is that it you just heard a sound?”

         "Oh yeah." What do I tell her? I can't tell her that I saw a talking wolf and then it jumped at me.

"Well when I heard the noise I climbed the tree. Then I must of fallen asleep and fell out. But I don't remember what made the noise." He tried getting up again, but again he failed and he flopped back onto the ground.

         "Oh maybe I should go get some help."

         "Yeah maybe you should."

         "Ok I will be right back don't move."

         "If I could move then I wouldn't need help now would I?"

         After giving him a dirty look she turned to go. Dustin was relieved that he could be alone for a little before his sister brought his parents back. He needed to sort through all of the thoughts that were running through is head. He had heard a noise, but had he seen a wolf or had he really fallen asleep in a tree?

         Well no use thinking about it now, I will never see that wolf again, weather he was real or not. Leaning his back on the tree with his eyes closed, the pain pounding in his head was getting worse, and he could slowly feel himself fading into darkness. But just as he was about to slip completely into darkness he heard a low growl.

© Copyright 2011 Chloe Smith (girliebookworm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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