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For those free spirits who 'see as I see' and 'feel as I feel'. |
Act of Rebellion Part I O God of my father, The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of David, Ruler of the universe, omnipresent King, who sits high on empyreal throne, I beseech thee, let thy people go. Too long hast man feared thine holy tongue; For what tongue did thou speakest unto Adam? Or unto Moses? Twas not a language of the West, despite millennia of fraudulent doctrine. Pope Alexander II, scourge of the Earth, I speak directly of thy crimes; Thou hast pretended to wield divine authority, and with fiendish claws, Thou scratched thy evil addendum under the sixth commandment of Moses’ tablet; Thou hast watered the grounds of papal authority with the blood of Muslims; Thy guise of divine connection, crumbled under the guileless sanction of murder. Pope Urban II, I know of you as well—wretched—man thou art poison upon the blade; Nine times thou besieged the kingdoms of the East, slaughtering the brethren of Muhammad, In the name of thy God—the very same God worshipped in the Qur’an! Woe unto you, hypocrites of the Vatican, who pretend to know the “Word of the Lord” Woe unto you, hubristic and ignorant clergymen, who preach to be the “True Religion” Woe unto you, ye simoniacs, who preach the ways of righteousness and holiness Whilst fornicating in gold and silver, and spilling blood upon the holy land. Ye false prophets and dubious demigods shall fall down to the circles of hell; There, ye shall be ripped apart and devoured again and again by the merciless she-wolf; Your soles burned with the flames of thine own corruption; And the burden of thy greed hauled perpetually against each other into pointless battle; Forever consumed by thine felicitous fate. Twas not Hebrew, the self-proclaimed “holy” language; Which, in its insolence and desire for power, silently discarded its fathers: The Semitic languages of Canaan, and Mesopotamia. Children of Israel, Abraham came out of Haran, and Moses out of Egypt! You hath forgotten the ancient kingdoms and languages, O fools of the churches and synagogues; The Gods of the ancients still live within thy holy scriptures! Your monotheism is a fabrication! All ye men of the cloth, hear me! You are merely the blundering followers of Zoroaster! History is written by the victors with the blood of the conquered, Empires are built atop the graves of past civilizations, crushed by imperialist boot; But I have come forth to resurrect the dead , and reveal thine ignorance; Rise, Babylon and Mesopotamia, tell us of the epics of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis, The inspiration of Genesis, translated from Sumerian and Akkadian scrolls. Rise, Moabites, show them the secrets of the Mesha Inscriptions; Rise, Ras Shamra of Ugarit, muse of Exodus; Rise, Egyptian Gods, who have been buried beneath the sands for 7,000 years; Ye, whose interpretive synthesis created the beast of the Old Testament; Sing Pharaoh Akhenatan’s hymns to Aten, Marduk, and Amon-Re, the foundations of the Psalms. Hath you forgotten, O children of Israel, that Jesus spoke Aramic? That thine New Testament, the sacred word of god incarnate, comes from Koine Greek Writings of non-Greek traders on the eastern Mediterranean? You have used these “holy” scriptures, these alien texts, Transliterated from dead languages, read millennium out of context, To justify your transgressions for thousands of yearsfuelled by abhorrent fable: The lie that is the universal monoglot Septuagint, a translation of translations of translations. Ye have taken the bible, the great intertext, the gateway to Canaan and Egypt, Perverted it to complement thy prejudice, to serve thy insatiable greed, And have even had the audacity to twist the divine into thine own image; God has become a disgusting monster, a mirror image of man’s demented soul, His megalomania personified into an omnipotent sadist. I reject thee, god of avarice, god of fear and blind obedience, god of hate and murder; Malignant and fickle creation, I will set my face against thee. But tis impossible to cut thee off from thy people, Your revolting face has remained immaculate throughout the centuries; For the whip of dogma in thy right hand stings deep, And the herd fears that you will rend their flesh. Part II I invoke thee adonai, elohim, jehovah, lord, god; O mighty eagle, come forth, so that I may strip your plumage And divulge thy trespasses to the world. Thou is unclean; drenched and drunk with the sacrificial blood of beast and man and infant; Thou bearest the very iniquity thou claims to purge with fire from the tabernacle! Look on thyself at the ashes of Nadab and Abihu pasted upon thy blood soaked form; Look on thyself at the ashes of the children of Israel, Mesopotamia, Canaan, and Egypt; Death is thy second skin that thou sheds only to be covered again With a fresh new coat of the fruits of thy labour. Thou drove Abraham to murder his son in his heart for your amusement; And then condemned the land with this madman’s seed! Cursed is the land that ye bless with murderous touch; You, who hardened the Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart, So that thou could rape the womb of the Earth with thy pestilence; Ten times thou thrust thy revolting self upon her, lubricated with blood and chaos; And in the darkness of the night, the lord slaughtered Egypt’s innocent firstborn. jehovah’s desires are stained upon the Earth with the corpses of forsaken children; O poor Midianites! At god’s command your little boys were slain, And your little girls reduced to the concubines of Israel. Thou art the great puppeteer, thy commandments the strings, Which thou cuts whenever you please, to play out your sick fantasies. Prophetic malice speaks of thy true nature: Thou hungers to dash younglings to pieces, and ravish women inexorably; Cruelly thou made Bathsheba’s newborn infant take seven days to decay away; Thou even had she-bears rip forty two children apart to avenge Elijah’s baldness. I weep for you children of the East, and O how I wish I could have saved you, From this petty and graceless juggernaut of death and fear. elohim, twice Moses had to quell thy bloodlust; first it was slaked with reason, Then with the carcasses of young men untold in number. O Israel, your sorrows had just begun from your saviour’s feigned freedom, And with Moses’ death, murderous tyranny reigned unsanctioned; 70,000 Israelites killed, Jerusalem decimated, All because of David, who dared to know the population; Joshua was sent up to devastate the land; Eglon, Hebron, and Debir, left without a soul to shed a tear. Blessed be Saul! Champion of decency, who would not follow adonai’s insanity! Why did ye not cast down that evil crown, and yell, ‘I shall not do what thou commandeth me!’ Instead of grovelling at Samuel’s feet, on bended knee, as he fulfilled the lord’s misanthropy? Blessed be Amalek! Arch enemy of this false god! May Jehovah-nissi crumble to dust, and thy generations flourish to fight on and on! And when Moses stretches forth his rod to bring forth the wrath of god I shall grab his staff and snap it in half! The instrument of unjust persecution, will be used to impale this prophet of dissolution; Waters of Egypt, I cleanse thee of the blood of the lord! I purge thy rivers of amphibian invaders! Thy dust shall be consecrated, and thy scalps shall remain clean! And when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, the rotten flies shall be crushed! And I shall release thy cattle from the pestilent grip of the lord! And with Moses’ broken rod I shall smite all the boils from the skin of beast and man! And when the hail fire rains down upon thee, I shall be thy shield and thy sword; I shall cry out to the Pagan Gods, and Borean winds shall rush forth from the north And the flames shall be extinguished, and Egypt washed of fear! And when the locust come from the east, Zephyrus’ winds shall send Plutonian fire, The holy pestilence vanquished by Olympian ire, And when darkness has stricken the land, I shall thrust my staff towards the heavens and shout, “Come forth Helios, come forth Apollo, Gods of light, let your brilliant radiance shine through this infernal darkness!” And with supernovanian flash the darkness will be obliterated. There shall be no blackness for the lord to hide in come midnight, Sneaking through Egypt, licking his scythe, But with Zeus watching, thunderbolt steady, the firstborn shall live through the night. Part III Ye of false divinity, King of metaphysical throne, abdicate! You are merely a man O son of man—live authentically you toy deity. No one besides yourself recognizes your royal authority. The ceaseless fawning, and mythologizing of your uneducated disciples, Has only made thy ego worthy of Godliness. Woe unto you, hypocrite! Upon the mountain you preached of loving thy neighbor, Of letting thy enemies trample upon you, and loving them for it, And then you condemned the Pharisees who opposed you to hell; And left the dogs and pigs to starve, devoid of thy unbiased holy grace. The esteemed God Head, savior of the world, speaking curses upon Jews, Ha! Thou art a hypocrite, unable to follow your own mighty principles, you cadaverous fraud; Superficial idolatry, wanting to be crowned God for all to see, whilst spreading revolting piety. The bloody right hand of god is terrifying, it has massacred entire societies, But by evoking this spirit of antiquated hate, thou wast able to propel thyself up to the heavens! A rhetorical human transfiguration into the god of an entire nation, And one who has a divine connection, his words are followed without question, Your tongue gave perennial law, and replaced thought, Your ideas had a force beyond imagining, absolving you from all criticism and responsibility, A paragon iconoclast for all of posterity! The worldly religious coercion into Christianity—a wondrous spectacle indeed! And in your last breath the Earth was transformed into Christendom; A place where you cast down sinners into fiery pits, And they die screaming and burning and gnashing their teeth. Like withered sticks thrown into a funeral pyre, They twist and they turn until they are black, And then crumble away into white coal ash. You sowed the seeds of dogma deep inside, So when your body was nailed to the cross, And Roman spear was stabbed into your side; When the lord smiled at your cry, The old gods would be put to an end, and your new world order would begin. From your doctrine came a categorical razing of all religious denominations, Fuelled by the fear of eternal damnation injected into the genetics of the human race, By the passive, dogmatic poison distilled from the bile of the old testament behemoth, Who still has his right claw tight around the throat of the Earth. But in the other hand is Pascal’s wager, its seductive kiss Offsetting eternal suffering with the prospect of eternal ecstasy. The materialism that is denied and despised vehemently, Is merely converted into a spiritual materialism—avarice follows the clergy even after death; This, the primordial foundation of the simonaic, and the fear of hellfire, Maintains the tenuous links in the chains constricting these hypocrites to Christ’s dogma. But the time has come for ecclesiastical bondage to be removed; The Hellenian Gods have been awakened, and out of Tartarus we have moved, Earth’s flower has long been ravaged by the holy bible and its slaves; but now The old chains will be disintegrated, and Gaia born anew. Part IV I crawl from the pitch black orifice first, A staff made of rigid grapevine with a spear tip the shape of a pine-cone in my grasp, Ominous clouds pass overhead, dense enough to block out the sun, The grounds tremble fiercely, and lightning cracks through the sky; I see Golgotha in the distance, and yell as my comrades emerge: “I shall smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered abroad, And upon the sheep I shall unleash the Hounds of Hell: The abhorrent spawn of Sin’s Death-raped and incestuous womb. Cerberian mouths shall feast upon thy pathetic flock, Who, being reduced to hellish excrement, shall fertilize the Earth they had forsaken!” A bright form descends from the temple of the lord—it is Michael! With legions of angels in his wake, he came down to me and said, “Thou shalt be cast into the fire, for thou rejecteth the Son of Man, and the Holy Ghost, And shall not be forgiven, and shall therefore burn for thy iniquity.” I then said unto him, the chief archangel, leader of Christ’s army of angels, “No, it is you that is being rejected here, fatuous beast!” and I thrust my staff into his chest; And ripped the key to the seventh seal from around his neck; Then Zeus, who held a thousand lightnings in his hand, shot forth pernicious fire; Astonished, defeated, and with all resistance lost, the mighty seraphim lay prostrate before us; Yet half of his strength he did not use, but still they laid there on their bellies, wailing in pain, Eating the dust of the Earth as we trampled upon them on our way to Golgotha. As we approached the place of the skull I heard a great cry; Immediately I plunged my staff into the soil and cried out, “Hades! Take this key and open the underworld’s seventh seal! Free The Beast!” The King of the Dead, heeding my call, found the tomb, and inserted the key; Miles above the sediment and rock, the resonance was felt from the release of the lock; Black demonic flames erupted from the fissures of the Earth, and like a newborn hatchling, Seven monstrous scarlet-scaled heads burst forth from the deep lake of fire; With two strides of its mountainous limbs, the behemoth, miles to the east, was near, Looking up I could barely see the bloody whore perched atop its back “Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth, Succubus of the seven kings, I drink from your cup of fornication!” “Lucifer, great dragon, I beseech thee, let the flames of vengeance flow from your mouths And burn the son upon the cross to the ground!” As the Devil prepared to strike, All of heaven’s archangels descended, even Michael gathered his strength, And formed a phalanx in front of the cross. With seven headed blast of fiery tempest, Even heaven’s generals were disintegrated; But though their bodies paid the price, their treasure was saved: the holy christ. I summited the hill, with the Gods at my side; we had reached the place where christ did reside. The cross was charred and weak at the base, his body scarred—this was a place without faith; As I looked into his eyes, and he into mine, he was devoid of hate, and so was I. I kneeled down, and grabbed a fistful of mud, it was wet and dyed crimson, from all of his blood; Then I anointed him with this divine grime, “You knew that this time would come.” “Yes I did, but you are young.” “Ah, you must not have seen the things I’ve done, Your gaze forever frozen on the sky above.” With one swift kick, the frail wood snapped, and the cross fell down, And the sickly Lamb was stamped hard into the ground. With Lucifer released, Pagan Gods resurrected, it was time to finish this glorious insurrection; The red dragon lowered one of its heads, and the Whore of Babylon came down, In removing her dress, she was almost motionless, and her naked figure revealed, That her body was not the only insidious thing she had concealed: A vast golden chain was wrapped tight around her slender form, And the hooks at the ends, hidden in places cherished by men; But with a lover’s embrace, and bloody taste of her tongue, the chains of freedom were undone; With weapon in hand, and boldness in heart, Endowed with all of my allies might, I cast the chains up into the dark; To my jubilant surprise, the hooks held fast upon the floor of the god’s throne! All the Principal Gods and I, pulled with all our might upon the chain to the sky; But when Antaeus finally joined the fray, with feet firmly planted in natural clay, With one violent heave by the Ancient Gods and Titans, The firmament of heaven was wrenched down from its place, Christendom was destroyed, flattened by god’s grace. The temple of god fell from night unto day; But as this false god plummeted down, I heard the most incredible sounds: The cherubim and flaming sword of Eden cut down, The Tablets of the Ten Commandments crushed into dust, The moan of the whore, and the dragon’s roar; And when it finally came to pass, that the lord crashed upon the Earth at last, There was not an echo or even a vibration; Gaia had silently asphyxiated this repugnant abomination. Epilogue As I strode peacefully through Eden, observing the beautiful Naiads singing along the riverbank, Thick overhead with verdant roof embowered, Adam and Eve, upon a bed of flowers, Affirmed life with amorous expression; Smiling, with the warm glow of the sun on my face, I drank the water of life freely, and I ate of the tree of life and of knowledge freely; But I did not become a God, nor did I wish to; I only became a man. |