Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1811993-Meeting-Korhavel
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1811993
Meeting Korhavel, Chapter four in my Fantasy story of betrayal, subterfuge and conflict.
Hi there I’m James and thank you in advance for reading this piece of writing. The following work is the majority of the forth chapter in my Fantasy book currently titled ‘Tallisaria’ after the land it is set in. It is a tale in which a young man, the son of the islands former regent, finds himself thrust into a world of Betrayal, Subterfuge and Conflict after his father is found dead under mysterious circumstances. The Island Nation of Tallsiaria was on the brink of war when disaster struck and although the kings death seemed obviously an act of the enemy, The young man and his remaining family find themselves chased from their house and hunted by those who believe the kings death resulted from a conflict a little closer to home. This excerpt from chapter four sees Tyzius and his one remaining friend, Torbjorn, journeying through Ravenna forest to escape their pursuers and reach a place of safety. 

The elf stood in front of us with an impassive expression that denoted a stern authority and shuffled through the papers we had been carrying like some government bureaucrat, evidently satisfied that nobody had been scribbling ‘Die Elf’ onto my study notes he placed them neatly back into my bag. Minutes began to feel like hours as the forest dweller carefully searched our belongings in a slow and meticulous fashion, I had no idea what he was expecting to find, they had made very sure to remove all of Torbjorn’s weapons from the offset and I was sure my archaeology notes would have made a very boring read for anyone let alone an elf. I wanted to ask what the elves were planning to do with us but there was something about having five spear heads thrust at ones face that makes you keep your tongue between your cheeks. Finally the leader of the marauding forest dwellers, having finished scrutinizing my personal belongings, pulled the draw strings on the bag closed and held it up to me. “Did he want me to take it?” I hesitated for too long and Torbjorn made the decision for me by snatching it out of the elf’s hands and slinging it roughly over his back to emphasize that he was in no mood for pleasantries. Raising his hand our captor signalled for his men to lower their weapons, finally I felt myself able to breathe again, the elves could easily have been working for an anti-human separatist group or even worse the senate, but even though they had put their weapons down I decided to keep my guard up. Seating himself on a tree stump the elf motioned for me and Torbjorn to do likewise on a nearby log, however deciding I’d prefer to die standing if they still did plan on killing us I remained where I stood, my partner of course did the same.

“Suit yourself” the elf remarked calmly to my infinite surprise “I trust the rest of you wont be so stubborn” he queried nodding to the soldiers who hastily followed his lead, he paused allowing me to recover. My surprise that the elf spoke the common language was soon overcome by embarrassment as I noticed all the elves sitting around me unarmed and looking bored; their leader was clever no doubt, through the shrewd use of humility he’d made my stubbornness appear insulting and in a moment turned my role as captive into villain. It was frustrating but I had to acknowledge the elf’s superior cunning, so accepting humility as well I lowered myself onto the awaiting log, dragging Torbjorn with me who had undoubtedly missed all of the subtle mind games. The elf smiled, obviously pleased that we had attempted neither to fight nor flee. Taking a leather gourd from his belt he took a long draught of its contents then began. “So you are Tyzius Larsson and Torbjorn Magnusson, Master and servant, once both loyal subjects of the almighty senate from which they are now escaping.” I stiffened, he new a lot and considerably more than I had hoped, if the elves decided to cooperate with the senate for a change we were in serious trouble, then again hell hadn’t frozen over the last time I checked so I counted myself lucky that neither party could tolerate the other. The elf continued “Well I must say I really don’t understand why you’re so surprised about my knowledge I was under the impression that us sentients of the forest had a reputation for acquiring information, the wind here, as they say, whistles through the trees whispering tales of the lands from whence they came.” The elf paused and looked up at the canopy as though he were listening to the rustling of the leaves, but instead laughed spontaneously, and snapped his gaze back to me. I still hadn’t decided whether our captor was being patronizing with all these fairytales or if he were simply mad, either way he was beginning to get on my nerves. “Look you’ve gone to all this trouble to capture us” I stated wearily motioning at Torbjorn and myself “but is there actually a reason why you have done so?” then adding quickly in the hopes of being contradicted “or do you simply plan on killing us”. The elf looked at me with a straight face and replied levelly “what makes you think I want to kill you? Maybe I just wanted to enjoy your company and discuss an outstanding matter or two?” I scowled, tired of the elf’s game, surely there must be someone of higher authority around I could talk to? But before I could say anything I would seriously regret later like ‘take me too your leader’ or another such horribly clichéd line, the elf clapped his hands and smiled in an eerily jovial manner “well I’m glad to be able to dispense with the formalities at last, my name is Corindal” the elf thrust out a hand at me so out of a mixture of reflex and manners I shook it. “Well now it’s nice to see a cooperative human for a change” Corindal remarked genially “perhaps you could continue in that fashion and accept my request to join me for dinner at our camp this evening?” I nodded absent mindedly, this was no typical elf, good manners and public displays of content were not terribly common among elves and if there was one thing that was certain above all else it was that no elf would willingly suffer a human dining at his meal table. Something was definitely wrong about this but so far the we were still alive and even if we were going to be tortured and interrogated for information it may as well be on a full stomach. Rising to the elf’s attitude I adopted an expression of exaggerated delight, bordering on sarcasm and accepted the invitation “Well, I sure would be very grateful to join you for dinner tonight, I never expected such kindness among elves, I hope you don’t mind if my dear friend Torbjorn comes too” I finished, motioning at my colossal companion. The elf simply rose from his seat and bowed continuing the façade of friendliness; I hadn’t yet forgotten the spears. “Then would you be kind enough to follow me and my men back to our camp” Corindal said, gesturing off into the distance “it will be dark not before too long and we will want to be where the Ariadnae cant get us”, I wandered briefly what he was referring to then lifted myself slowly off my own log, once again I was forced to drag Torbjorn with me who was probably quietly contemplating escape. Corindal turned, his fellow elves rose off the forest floor lifting their weapons with them, and as a party we all began to move in the supposed direction of the elf camp.

As I walked, shuffling through the dried leaves carpeting the forest floor, the words out of the frying pan and into the fire sprang to mind, I was probably just being unnecessarily cautious but throughout the last week my life had been turned upside down, friends had become enemies, and my family was all but gone. I had so many questions but nobody to answer them, well nobody that didn’t want me dead as well, who knows perhaps the elves could be of some help to me, after all they seemed to know something of my predicament already. All that remained to be seen was what exactly they were planning to do with me.


The End- For the moment

Thank you again to those who had the patience to read this far. Unfortunately this is all I have written for this chapter so far. However I have done small amounts of work on two other chapters one earlier and one later in the book which I would be delighted if you read. As for this piece of writing I’d be eternally grateful to anyone who had the time to give it a review, whether you enjoyed it or otherwise, it will be a huge help to me and any future pieces of writing I intend to do. I’d especially be interested to here if my sentence structure, pacing and characters are of a decent standard.
© Copyright 2011 James Hamilton (dystopian at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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