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Our enemy is not Chechen or American. Our enemy is new Russian rich, greedy and lying |
Chechen Revolution and Russian Imperialism “Proud sons of Caucasus…” – the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin called Caucasus mountain-dwellers thus. Pushkin admired their courage and bravery, their love for freedom and rebelliousness. The history of colonization of Chechnya by Russia has been traced to the end of 18th century. Russian tsarism used that acres as landlord grounds, driving away indigenous population to the mountains, and that people who remain were changed into bondmen, i.e. into slaves. Besides, tsarism used Chechnya as the outpost, as the base military point at the Caucasus. Chechen people were not reconciled to enslavement. All their history within Russia is the history of the struggle for independence. “Why are you come to us with the troops?” - mountain-dwellers asked tsarist general. He began to explain them, that Turkish sultan ceded this land to tsar. Then one of mountain-dwellers pointed at the bird, which took wing from the tree, and said: “I cede this bird to you. Take it if you can…” Tsarist government decided to conquer Chechens by force of weapon. Tsar Nicholas I demanded “repression of mountain peoples forever and extermination of intractable ones” from his commanders. Tsar’s generals, carrying out his will, invaded with troops into mountain gorges, disforested, trampled down fields, burned down villages, stole the cattle out. Mountain-dwellers, in their turn, attacked Russian fortifications and Cossack villages (stanitsas). The war at Caucasus continued for 60 years. The love for motherland, for freedom inspired Chechens to heroic feats. They barred the way of tsarist troops in gorges with felled trees. Mountain-dwellers, firing back from behind obstructions, tied together by belts, so as even the last survivor couldn’t leave the line of defense. If the enemy burst in the village, mountain-dwellers defended every house. Old people fought nip and tuck with young people, women fought along with men. When gunpowder came to the end, daggers and stones were used. Heroic struggle of Chechens aroused ardent sympathy of all advanced people of that time. “Peoples, learn from them, what are people capable of, when they wish to remain free” – “Communist Journal”, which was led by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, wrote. The Chechens’ struggle was waged under the banner of religious war of Chechens, as Muslims, against Russians, as infidels. But it doesn’t mean that Chechens were religious fanatics, as Russian nationalists lie. No, the struggle was waged not for religious dogmas, but for the freedom from Russian occupation. By 20th century the oppression of Chechen people by tsarist Russia was strengthen. Cossacks continued to press Chechens into the mountains. Often some Chechen old residents remembered that in former times there were their acres here, but now there were Cossacks’ domains. Nobody was brought to account for the murder of Chechen, but if Chechen was detecting to have a gun, then his entire village was crushed. In 1917 October revolution occurred. This revolution has overthrown tsarism and aroused hope for liberation to oppressed peoples of Russian Empire. Chechen people arose too. Chechen acres were possessed by Cossacks, which were “landlord people” in North Caucasus, as Orjonikidze expressed. Counter-revolutionary Cossacks’ gangs were crushed by Chechens. According to Orjonikidze, the slogan “Beat Russians!” was very popular among Chechen people, because Russians were oppressors towards this little nation. This suggested that it is necessary to give freedom to Chechen people, in order that Chechen people cease to view Russians as enemies, in order to consolidate international solidarity of Chechen people with Russian ones. But, unfortunately, Stalin trampled on nation’s right of separation, which was declared by Lenin. Stalin, in spite of unceasing struggle of Chechen people for independence, didn’t give the freedom to this nation. What Lenin feared for is occurred: nation’s right of separation, which was proclaimed on paper, turned out to be the empty promise in fact. Chechnya was turned into a raw materials-producing agrarian appendage of Russia. Soviet imperialism plundered the oil from it, and it gave nothing in return. During World War II Chechnya, as the whole Caucasus, was the object of share between German and Soviet imperialisms. Chechen people refused to shed their blood for the profits of Stalin’s regime: 90% of Chechens didn’t come to recruiting centers. Then Stalin evicted forcibly all Chechens – about 400,000 – into unlivable regions of Kazakhstan, as European colonizers have driven American Indians into reservations. More than 30% of Chechens have perished as a result of that resettlement. Autonomy of Chechen people, i.e. the right to have their native language as the state language and to have the schools with their native language, was abolished and reestablished only at 1950s. These facts suggest that World War II from the direction of Russia was not Great Patriotic War, as the majority of Russian historians lie. This war from the direction of Germany as well as from the direction of Russia was carry out not for freedom of the own people, but for unfreedom, for the plunder of other peoples. Stalin’s and Hitler’s regimes drove their peoples to the slaughter by deception and gained vast profits from this. Because of the victory in the World War II Soviet Union occupied East Europe by troops, what allowed it to plunder foreign peoples on a large scale. Thanks to these plunders the State Bank of USSR gained vast profits, and the piece of these profits was given to Russian workers in order to bribe workers, to create an impression, that it is socialism in our country, in order to divert workers from the struggle against communo-fascist regime – communist nominally, but fascist in fact. Meantime, Chechnya continued to remain oil appendage of Russia. The other industries in this republic, except for petroleum production, were put a brake on. While in Bashkiria, for example, the part of urban population in the whole population was increased by a factor of 1.5 from 1975 to 1990, in Chechnya it wasn’t increased at all. The scale of petroleum production in Chechnya was kept secret thoroughly. It was naturally, because Soviet ruling regime was supported by the plunder of oil and selling it to the West. But at the late 1980’s oil prices at the world market came down. Soviet imperialism was shocked by very strong crisis, which threatened ruling Kremlin elite with revolution. In order to save its skin from revolution ruling communo-fascist regime quickly changed the mask – from “communist” to “democratic”, trying to fool people by this, thinking, that people don’t recognize old scoundrels in new mask. It was proclaimed the independence of oppressed peoples nominally, which in fact turned into even greater dependence: Central Bank of Russia pocketed (misappropriated) the shares of republics which were in the State Bank of USSR; Russian military bases remained in all republics. Russian bankers have provoked conflicts between nations in colonies - between Moldavians and Pridnestrovye, between Georgians and Abkhazians, between Tajiks and Afghans – in order to split national-liberation movement. The former president of Russia Yeltsin lied to peoples: “Take the sovereignty as you can swallow”. But as soon as Chechen people declared the independence from Russia through its nation-wide elected president Jokhar Dudayev, Chechnya was proclaimed “the source of terrorist threat”. It’s ridiculous: little Chechnya, which has no nuclear warheads, which area is 1,200 times less than Russia’s area, threatens to Kremlin – world gendarme with thousands nuclear warheads! It is naturally: Russian capitalists don’t want to give up the “tasty piece” of superprofits, which is gotten from the plunder of Chechen oil. Second Chechen war has begun just from this point: Chechnya has turned off the pipeline to Russia, because Kremlin didn’t pay for oil under the treaty. The escapade with explosions of houses in Moscow occurred instantly, which was ascribed to Chechens without adducing any proof. It was not advantageous to do it to Chechen revolutionaries, because they would set Russian people against them by this act (if Chechens would explode anything, it would be Kremlin or General prosecutor’s office). But for Putin’s regime the explosions of houses in Moscow were advantageous, because they have served as a plausible pretext to retributive operation. Thus, the cause of this colonial war is turning off the pipeline by Chechnya because of non-payment of debts, but the plausible pretext is the explosions of houses in Moscow, like in 1933 the arson of Reichstag was the plausible pretext for establishing of Hitler’s dictatorship. Putin, don’t waiting for proofs of Chechens’ guilt of the explosions of houses, began to bomb this long-suffering country, as well as Hitler set Reichstag on fire and blamed communists for the accident, beginning beforehand prepared repressions of communists at the same night. Literally at the next day after the explosions of houses bourgeois newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” published the results of the public opinion poll: allegedly, the majority of Russians think that it is necessary to bomb Chechnya for the explosions of houses, although according to the law a man can be named a criminal only after sentencing, and there was no trial. General effect of this publication is that “Komsomolskaya Pravda” carried out this poll before the explosions of houses. Putin’s regime expends on this predatory war 2.5 billion USD from budget only in the area of Ministry of Defense, but Putin himself blab out that this operation is waged not so much by Ministry of Defense as by Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service etc., i.e. in fact the expenses is much more. At the expense of this predatory war, at the expense of the plunder of Chechen oil ruling elite provides economic growth – police power not without reason so fears decreasing in oil prices at the world market. Such “growth” is provided by the blood of common Russian lads, which are thrown in this slaughter, while Putin goes throughout the world with his wife and lives in costly hotels. “To bump off even in toilet!” – cries this bloody dictator, but he doesn’t shed his blood himself! Russian military bombs small petroleum refineries in Chechnya, i.e. it puts a brake on the economy. It is not accidentally: if Chechnya would be able to refine its oil itself, Russian capital wouldn’t be able to sell there finished oil products (gasoline, kerosene, mazut, diesel oil etc.) at exorbitant price – today finished oil products are derived from Chechen oil, which is taken out for nothing, at petroleum refineries in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Russian imperialism destroys Chechen oil-refining industry in order to hold Chechnya in economic dependence. If we, Russian poor, want to overthrow the power of the rich and police, who force us to work hardly, who beat and imprison us, we must advocate Chechen independence, because fascist Putin’s regime, which oppresses us, is supported by the plunder of colonies. At the expense of the plunder of colonies capitalists build prisons, arm police, build churches for deluding people, and bribe communist leaders by privileges in order that they lie to workers. Today the majority of official communist parties came to terms with police regime. At police dictation they deceive proletarians that Chechen fighters for independence are allegedly puppets of Berezovsky, and Afghan revolutionaries – Talibs – are allegedly puppets of USA. Unlike these false communists we – Russian Party of Bolsheviks – declare: only if we, Russian proletarians, give the freedom to colonies of Russia, then we would be able to put an end to police abuse, to social problems – misery, homelessness, alcoholism, drug addiction and AIDS. “People, which enslave other peoples, can’t be free”, - said Marx. Our enemy is not Chechen or American. Our enemy is new Russian rich, impudent, greedy and lying. New revolution to new Russian rich! April 6th, 2002 |