Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1810083-The-Other-Side--Warped
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1810083
Kate didn't realize that when her car broke down, her life would change....
It was a dark and stormy night. A night when creatures come out to prowl. A night when unreality becomes reality. Unknowingly, Kate was walking right into it...

    "God, if one more thing goes wrong!" Kate thought as her heel breaks off, sending her stumbling across the wet road to regain her balance.

    This just wasn't her day. First, her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Then, she locks her cell phone and keys inside the trunk. After that, it started pouring the rain. Now, this. Pushing the light on her watch, she checks the time.

    "I can't believe I've been walking for hours and I've yet to see a freakin' car or house!" She grumbled.

    Heaving a sigh, she reaches down and removes her other heel. The sound of it breaking is loud in the darkness. Straightening, a light catches her eye in the distance. Thinking it might be someone who can give her a ride or possibly a house, she pushes her sopping hair out of her face and begins walking quickly down the road.

    Normally, Kate is extremely cautious around strangers. But as she was walking, all she could think about was a warm, dry place and no walking for a while. It never crossed her mind to wonder what the light was or why it was the only thing she's seen in hours. She should have. She should have turned around and ran as fast as she could in the other direction when she saw that light. But Kate’s only human, as are we all, that is, those of us who ARE human. But that's later in the story. Don't want to tell it before it begins, now do I. As with some of us, Kate's curiosity and circumstances got the best of her. So for now, let's leave Kate to her walking.

    He could smell her getting closer, could hear her heart steadily beating. He'd sensed her presence three hours ago. Turning on his porch light, he sat down to wait.

    "This is it." He thought as he twirled a knife between his fingers.

    She's the one he's been waiting for, for what seems like years, but was actually only a few months. It was when he started having the dreams. About her. About her power. Something he knew she didn't know about yet. But she would real soon. He'd make sure of that. In order to save the human race and life as they knew it, she needed to be at full power. There wasn't much time left. Whether she liked it or not, wanted it or not, the world depended upon her. It was her destiny, her fate, her blessing and yes her curse.

    His pants tented as he thought about her figure. Such a unique body she had too. A small heart shaped face surrounded by masses of dark auburn curls, light green eyes shaded by long dark lashes, high cheek bones and a pert little nose covered with a sprinkling of freckles, small full lips, a stubborn chin with a slight cleft, a long neck, wide rounded shoulders, large firm breasts, a small waist, wide hips, muscular legs, small hands and feet, and she only stood about 5' tall. She was overweight, but that only added to the overall beauty that was uniquely hers. She also seemed to glow, as if from some inner light. He was jerked from his wandering thoughts by knocking on the door. Smiling, he rises to go greet his unknowing, innocent, little friend.

    Kate couldn't believe her eyes. It was a house! Finally, after walking so far in the dark without seeing anything, she's found civilization. Hurrying up the driveway and onto the porch, she knocks on the door. While waiting for an answer, she takes a look around. The place seemed abandoned.

"Lord I hope not." She thinks as she knocks again, this time hard enough to make her knuckles turn red and ache.

the door opens and Kate looks up, and up, and up.

    "Holy shit, he's a giant!" she thought staring wide eyed up at him.

    He had to be at least 2 ft taller than her 5'3" frame. He was broad shouldered and very muscular. With his tan skin, blond hair and light blue eyes, he could pass for one of the farm boys back home. Except for his height... The man chuckled as if he'd heard her thoughts.

    Blushing, she cleared her throat. "Hello, do you have a phone I can use? My car broke down a ways from here."

The man nodded and stepped back, gesturing for her to enter. He closed the door and turned to find her staring at him.

    "What?" He asked softly.

    Blushing again, she stumbled awkwardly over her words. "Uhh, um, I a-a-asked a-a-about us-us-using y-y-your ph-ph-phone?"

    He looked at her for a moment, wondering if she was afraid of him. That's when he noticed the water streaming off her hair and clothes, and she was shivering badly.

    "Damn, you're soaking wet and freezing!"

    Kate didn't know why, but something in his voice put her on the defensive.

"well, gee, thanks for pointing out the obvious sherlock! It's pouring the rain and I've been walking for hours!" She snapped as she tried to rub the cold from her arms.

    Looking up, she gasped. "What the hell?! His eyes are glowing!" She thought as she took a step back.

    "No they're not, it's a trick of the light!" He growled as he grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the phone in the foyer.

    "Here's the damn phone!" Releasing her roughly, he turned and went into another room.

    "Did I say that out loud? Kate mumbled as she dialed her mother.

It rang three times and then the answering machine picked up. "Hello, you've reached the Fox's residence. We're currently out at the moment. Leave a message at the beep......BEEP."

    "Hey mom, it's me. I broke down somewhere out in the country. I'm okay, just need a ride. Get back to me soon. The phone number and address that I'm at is...............?" Kate suddenly realized she didn't know where she was.

    "Hey, what's your phone number and address?" She called into the other room. Silence was her answer.

    "Mom, I'll have to call you back." Hanging up, she walked into the room where she'd seen him go.

No one was in there. Confused, she went through what appeared to be the living room and came to a door in the hallway.

    "Hello?" She called, opening the door. "Hey mister, where are you?"

    There was no one in there, just a huge bed against the far wall.

"How did he manage that through this door?" She wonders to herself as she goes back out.

She was planning to call her mother back, when she heard a noise coming from behind a door across the hall. Walking over, she turned the knob. It was locked. She placed her ear against the door, trying to hear the noise again. After a few minutes, she straightened.

    "Hmm, no sound." Shrugging, she started to turn around.

The noise came again, louder.

Knocking on the door, she called; "hello? Is anyone in there?"

When she didn't get an answer, she turned around. There was a soft click behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the door opening. From what she could see through the doorway, no one was in there. Curious, she stepped into the room and the door slammed shut behind her. Rushing over, she tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Banging on the door, she cried for help. No one answered.

    He sat in the kitchen, listening to her beating on the door and calling for help. He wanted to go to her, but he couldn't. This was the only way to release her power. He needed to scare her enough that it would explode into existence. He didn't want to do it this way, but there was no other choice. Besides, it's not like she's alone in the room. Damien is in there with her. If anyone could wake her power fast, it was him. Half vampire, half human, the boy made a very impressionable appearance. Standing well over 6ft tall, he looked like an indian god with his dark skin, black eyes, lean muscled body and raven hair that reached well past his shoulders. Not to mention he could get you out of your clothes with just a look(literally). He jumped when he heard her scream. Thinking Damien might have went too far this time, he ran down the hall and slammed the door open.

    His Jaw dropped in shock and his face turned beet red. Kate was naked and hovering off the floor. Her legs were spread wide and Damien was looking at her mound like he'd never seen one before.

    "What the hell Damien?!" He yelled, turning to face the doorway. "You're suppose to release her power, not molest her!"

    Damien turned and smiled when he saw his back. "This is the only way to release her power James, through pleasure. She's known pain and fear for far too long. Besides, she didn't get scared when I appeared. Not even when her clothes disappeared. She got pissed."

Turning, he ran his finger up her inner thigh, causing her to moan and tremble.

    "You sick fuck! Let me down so I can kick your ass!" Kate yelled as she struggled against the invisible bonds that held her.

Damien threw his head back and laughed, showing his fangs.

    "What the hell?!" She screamed.

    Damien pouted. "Well, you're no fun right now."

    Kate found herself on the bed and covered, but still unable to move yet.

"You can turn around now James, she's decent." He chuckled as he disappeared.

    James turned around to find her staring wide eyed at him, again. "I'm so sorry, I----" She interrupted him.

    "James is it? Well James, what's going on? What did he mean by releasing my power? Is he really a vampire?"

    James smiled to himself as her words ran over each other like an excited child's.

"Slow down little one, one question at a time. You're a very special person Kate. You have the power to save the world. It's currently dormant and there isn't a whole lot of time left before all hell breaks loose. Yes he's a vampire, but only half."

Kate stared at him for a minute. "Oooookay. Well then what did he mean by it can only be released by pleasure?"

    James shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to think of a way to explain it. "Well, I think he means your power will wake once you make love."

Feeling his face heat up, James knew his face had to be as red as a tomato.

    "So what are you? Are you a vampire too?" Kate asked, changing the subject.

    Laughing James shook his head. "No, I'm an angel."

    Looking startled for a minute, Kate just stared at him. "Is there anyone else going to pop in?"

    He nodded. "Yes. Jesse, David, Cassandra and Michael. In the same order, they are: a demon, a werewolf, a fairy seer and a shape shifter. They'll be here in a few hours. There's also Aleshanee, William, Joshua and Rita, and in the same order they are: an elemental, a guardian, a wizard and a healer. They won't be here for a couple more days."

    Kate laughed. "Wow. Are they all coming to wake my power? They're not all going to try to bed me are they?"

    Shaking his head, James replied in a grave voice; "No, some of them are coming to help you and protect you."

    Shaking her head in disbelief, Kate lies back down and turns her bare back to James. I'd like to go to sleep now."

    Knowing he'd just been dismissed, he nodded and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. In the darkness, Kate cries herself to sleep.

    A few hours later, Kate woke up. She heard voices somewhere outside the bedroom. Sitting up, she noticed a fire going in the fireplace and a large bathtub of steaming water in front of it. Smiling, she sank into the hot water, sighing as her muscles relaxed. Leaning her head against the edge of the tub, she closed her eyes. When next Kate opened her eyes, the water had cooled and there were clothes on the chair beside the bed. Looking around, she hurriedly washed herself and got out. Wrapping a towel around herself, she walked over and examined the clothes. There was a silver long bell sleeved blouse, a purple corset with silver strings that tied in the front, a flowing silver skirt with purple threaded through it and purple boots with silver laces that came to just below the knee.

    "At least they have good taste." She thought as she put the clothes on. "Although I would have preferred jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers."

    Everything fitted perfectly, like a second skin. "They must have looked at my clothing sizes while I slept." She thought, smoothing her hands down her waist and hips.

    Walking over to a floor lengthed mirror standing beside a small vanity table in the corner, she turned this way and that way to see how everything looked. The colors made her hair redder, her eyes greener and her pale complexion richer. She also noticed that the corset made her curves more defined.

    "Amazing, I have an hourglass figure!" She thought.

"Now, what to do with all this hair?" She murmured as she reached for a brush.

    "Pull the sides back and let the rest hang." Came a deep voice behind her.

    Whirling, Kate came face to face with a god.

"So who are you?" She asked as she studied his features.

    The man was quite beautiful. Bronze skin over corded muscle, chisled jaw and a roman nose, elmerald eyes, and short sandy brown hair. He towered over her a good foot and a half.

    "Are they all giants?" She asked herself.

    "I'm Jesse." He told her with a twinkle in his eyes.

    "Good God, I'm attracted to a demon!" She thought.

    "Are you really a demon?" She asked him.

    He smiled, showing even white teeth. She raised an eyebrow, wondering why he wasn't answering her.

    "Because I can read your thoughts." Said a deep voice inside her head.

    "Hey!" She yelped, tripping over her feet and landing on the bed. "Stay the fuck out of my head Jesse!"

    He roared with laughter. "Sweetheart, I've always been in your head."

    She jerked her head up and stared at him. "What do you mean by that?"

    Still smiling,Jesse came over and sat beside her on the bed. "It's a long story. Let's just say I was with you through your whole life. From the day you were born to now. I knew and felt everything you went through, what you thought, what you felt."

    Kate stood up and began pacing. "That's impossible!"

    Not replying, he sat there watching her pace back and forth. He could hear the thoughts flying through her mind, could feel the emotions playing havoc inside her. Going over to her, he reached out and stopped her pacing. She didn't move, her head hanging down. Something stood out in her whirling thoughts and he pulled her to him.

    "There's nothing in your life to be ashamed of. You're not being punished. Everything happens for a reason," He told her.

    Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her head against his heart and began to cry. He was silent, holding her and rubbing her back as she sobbed. After a few minutes she quieted, sighing and leaning away from him to dry her eyes.

    "Sorry about that." She said hoarsely as she went into the bathroom to clean her face.

    "That's what I'm here for." He said softly.

    When the bathroom door closed behind her, he turned to the bedroom door. "You can come in now David."

    The door opened and the tallest of them all entered, ducking to avoid the doorframe.

    "Is she okay?" He asked in a deep baritone.

    "Yes." Jesse replied, studying his friend, whom he hasn't seen in over 20 yrs.

    Standing 8 ft tall, the man was built like a linebacker, all muscle and no fat. He had yellow eyes, brindle hair and pointed teeth.

    "Um, David?" Jesse asked.

    "Yeah?" David replied.

    "Shouldn't you be locked up right now? I mean, there's a full moon tonight." Jesse told him, pointing at the window.

    David swung around and hurried to the window. The moon glared back at him in all its glory.

    "Shit!" He growled.

    Turning, he warned Jesse in a rumbling voice; "Keep her in that bathroom!" Brindle fur began rippling across his body and his face started to change.

    "Why?" Came a voice behind them.

    "Too late." Jesse said just as David shifted into wolf form.

    He lunged at Kate and slammed her against the wall. Jesse grabbed him and threw him. David crashed through the window with a pain filled howl. Turning, Jesse knelt beside Kate and felt for a pulse. It was there but it was rapid and irratic. Kate moaned and opening her eyes, started to sit up.

    "Don't move." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

    "But---" Wincing, she grabbed her head. Feeling something wet, she looked at her hand. It was covered in blood.

    "Damn." She whispered.

    They heard a loud long howl outside. Jesse actually saw the tremor that coursed through Kate's body. Suddenly, she stiffened. Head thrown back, she screamed as there was a flash of light and a bolt of energy threw Jesse to the floor, knocking him out. When he came to, the first thing he noticed was a humming in his ears. Then he saw Kate, floating in the air and covered with a golden light.

    "Wait a minute." He thought. "That's fire!"

    Kates entire body was covered in living flames.

    "Hot damn!" Jesse thought as he picked himself up off the floor. "David woke the power!"

    Hurrying into the other room, he gestured for the others to come with him.

    "You're not going to believe this!" He said.

    When they saw Kate, they were struck dumb for a minute.

    "How?" James asked.

    "David." Jesse replied. "He shifted and attacked her."

    Out of nowhere, James started laughing. He laughed so hard he was holding his sides and tears were rolling down his face.

    "What???" Everyone asked, bewildered.

    "She-she was so-so worried about-about doing "it" to release her power!" He gasped out. "Looks like her worrying is over."

    Everybody blinked. The room had dimmed. Turning as one, they saw Kate lying on the bed. Going over to her, Jesse leaned over. Opening her eyes, she looked at him. Her eyes were green fire.

    "Hi." She whispered.

    He grinned. "Hi." He said, pushing a curl off her forehead with his finger.

    "What happened?" She asked when she saw the others.

    "Your power woke up." James told her, leaning over her other side.

    "Really?" Sitting up, she noticed David was gone. "Where's David? Is he alright?"

    Jesse and James exchanged glances over her head.

    "He'll be okay come morning. Would you like to meet everyone?" James asked.

    She nodded. "Yes."

    Pointing at the man standing at the foot of the bed, he began the introductions.

    "This fine young gentleman is Michael." James said.

    Michael was 6'3" with a lean muscled body.

    "I wonder if he's italian?" Kate thought, observing the olive skin, black eyes and glossy black hair.

    Michael smiled and bowed.

    Turning to the small woman beside him, Jesse said; "This lovely little lady is Cassandra."

    She was pixie small with an oval face and pointed chin, lively blue eyes surrounded by long sooty lashes, cherry cheeks, cupid lips, and a peaches-n-cream complexion. Her wings were gossmar thin and spring green with daisy yellow whorls all over. She giggled and fluttered her wings at Kate.

    "Hello." Cassandra said in a beautiful tinkling voice.

    Kate smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you." She said softly.

    Turning to James, she smiled up at him. "I'm hungry."

    He laughed. "Right this way, my lady." He said, helping her out of bed.

    The next morning, David came in. He looked roughed up and he was naked.

    "What the?!" Said a feminen voice behind him.

    He instantly turned and covered his front, blushing.

    "Uh, um, ah, shit! I'm sorry." He said, staring down at the little fairy.

    She grinned at him and fluttered her wings. "that's okay, I didn't see anything." She said in her musical voice. "By the way, nice ass." She went into the kitchen before he could say anything.

    David walked into the guestroom to put on some clothes.

    "One of these days I'll make you blush." He thought.

    The phone rang in the den and he heard Cassandra answer it. A few minutes later, he heard her go upstairs and then come back down, followed by a couple others. He walked over to his doorway to see what was going on. Kate was on the phone, talking fast, while everyone stood around her with worried expressions.

  "What's going on?" He asked Jesse.

  "Her mother." He replied.

  Confused, David was silent for awhile.

  "How'd she get this number?" He asked.

  Looking sideways at him, Jesse didn't reply for a minute.

  "Well?!" David asked, getting more and more confused.

  "The police." Jesse whispered.

  "Shit!" David said, loudly.

  Everyone turned and looked at him, including Kate. Blushing, he mouthed sorry to Kate, then stared at the ground.

  Turning back, Kate said into the phone; "Yes mom, I'm just fine. No mom, I don't need a ride. Yes mom, I'm staying here for awhile. No mom, they're not forcing me... Okay, talk to you soon. Love you too. Bye."

  Turning, deep in thought, she had forgotten that everyone was standing there. When James touched her arm, she jumped and swung around, the banked green flames in her eyes roaring to life.

  "Hey, hey, it's just me." He said in a soothing voice.

  Realizing what she's doing, Kate lowered her arm, her eyes dimming. "I'm sorry." She said quietly.

  "It's okay sweetheart. I should've said something." James said, hugging her.

  Nodding, Kate turned to the others. "Okay, here's the deal. First, I need a ride to my house to get some things. Second, we ALL have to go meet my mother so she'll know I'm safe. Third, no one and I mean NO ONE, tells her what they are or that I have powers. She'd have a heart attack!" She stopped when Cassandra cleared her throat. "Yes Cass?"

  "What about my wings?" Cassandra asked.

  Kate thought about it for a minute. "We'll pretend you're in theatre and those are your props." She said.

  "Okay." Cassandra giggled.

  David stepped forward. "When will we be going? I need to be locked up for the next 3 nights."

  Kate looked at him with a mischievious smile on her face. "We have to go now, today. Don't worry, I'll hold your hand."

  David scowled.

  "She means her power will stop your transformation as long as there's physical contact." Michael said in a soft voice, unable to watch David squirm anymore.

  Kate laughed. "After what you did to me last night, you have to forgive me for picking on you." She said as she hugged him.

  Grinning sheepishly, he hugged her back. "Fair enough."

  Later that day, they pulled up in front of a little 2 story house. Taking a deep breath, Kate turned to Jesse and the others.

  "Well, here goes nothing." She said, walking towards the house, everyone else falling in behind her. "Remember what I told you." She said as she knocked on the door and then opened it. "hello? Mom, we're here." She called.

  It was quiet, too quiet. It's never quiet in her mother's house. Something was wrong. Turning to Jesse, she saw that he had heard her thoughts. "Just keep calling for her like there's nothing wrong."

  Nodding, she turned and walked into the kitchen. "Mom, are you here? I said I'd be over today. Did you forget?"

  There was a cup of coffee and a partially empty bowl of oatmeal on the table. She touched them, both were still very warm.

  "Kate, we're in your mother's room. You need to come up here." Came Jesse's voice inside her head.

  Running up the stairs she came to her mother's room. Everyone stepped back so she could get through. the room was a mess. Clothes were scattered everywhere and the lamps and dressers were lying haphazardly on the floor. Everything was charred around the edges and there was the smell of smoke in the air.

    "Over here." Jesse called.

    Turning, she found him standing beside the bed with a piece of paper in his hand. Walking over, she wondered why he was staring at the paper. Without a word, he handed it to her. Looking at him questioningly, she took it and began to read.

    "Hello Kate. You don't know me, but my dear, I know ALL about you. If you ever want to see your mother alive again, you'll meet me tonight in The Great Forest at midnight. Alone. Do NOT be late."

    Kate looked at Jesse, the fire inside her building. "Who. The. Fuck. Is. This?!" She yelled, her eyes bursting into flames.

    "Kate, you've got to calm down. You haven't learned how to control your power yet." Jesse said as he reached to take her hand.

    Jerking away from him, she stormed toward the door. "Move!" She said in a deep, resonating voice, sweeping her arms in front of her.

    Everyone was picked up and slammed out of the way, some of them crashing into things.

    "Kate!" Jesse yelled. "Kate, come back! You don't know who you're messing with!"

    He ran to the door and was knocked down.

    "What the fuck?!" He thought.

    Getting up he walked back over to the door. Reaching out his hand, he hesitated for a second and then stretched out his arm. An electrical current ran up his arm, raising the little hairs.

    "Son of a bitch!" He murmured, drawing his hand back. Hearing a moan, he went over to Cassandra. She moaned again, but her eyes stayed closed.

  "Cass, open your eyes. Cass, can you hear me? Cassandra!" He yelled.

    Cursing himself, he pulled out his cell and dialed. "Hey, I need help. I have for down and unresponsive. There's a young woman on the loose and I can't go after her... No you idiot! She forcefielded the room!... She's not just any girl. She's-She's Kate... Yes sir. I'm on it."

  Hanging up, he stood and stared around at the people laying on the floor. Raking his fingers through his hair, he braced himself in front of the door. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back, spread his arms before him and began to chant in an ancient demonic tongue.

  "Dig' a shale com seq fornien fou'le'."....

  Kate stopped. Someone was trying to take down her barrier. Taking a deep breathe and slowly releasing it, she closed her eyes and emptied her mind. She began to search sending out a thread of thought. It instantly went taunt.

  "Jesse?" She asked.

  "I need to remove the barrier so the emts can get to the others." He told her.

  She was confused. "What's wrong? Are they okay?"

  Now it was Jesse's turn to be confused. "Don't you remember? You told them to move and everyone went flying!"

  There was silence for a moment and then Jesse came back. "They're here. Can you release the barrier so they can get in? It'll take all night if I have to do it. Some of them might not last that long."

  Kate was quiet for a moment and then she felt Jesse's relief. "I'm so sorry," She choked out, and then cut the thread. He couldn't follow without the connection.

  "Kate? Is that you, what's wrong?"

  Whirling, heart racing, she almost smashed her nose into Damiens chest. Stepping back, she glared up at him.

  "What the hell do you want Damien?" She snarled as she turned and continued walking.

  He raised his eyebrows at her stiff back, then fell into step beside her.

  "Where are you going?" He asked casually as he studied her side profile.

  Something was very wrong here. He sent a link to the others. Kate didn't answer him, just kept walking. Shrugging, he kept pace with her while waiting for someone to get back to him. It was dark by the time they reached a little backwater town called Newbia. It only took them a couple minutes to find the inn. A little 2 story brick house with vines growing all over it, it looked as if it would collapse at any second.

  "I don't know Kate, this place doesn't look safe." Damien said, frowning.

  "No place is safe Damien." Kate replied, staring at him.

  "What?" He asked, bewildered.

  "You can walk in sunlight." She stated.

  "Because I'm only half vampire." He told her, getting more and more confused and worried about the way Kate was acting. The others hadn't reached him yet and he didn't know why.

  "What's wrong Kate?" He asked softly.

  She stared at him hard for a moment. Then, turning, she walks up onto the porch and rings the doorbell.

  "Nothing Damien. Nothing at all." She whispers.

  He tried to read her thoughts, but something was blocking him. All he could hear was static. The door opens and a young man in uniform steps back and waves them in, bowing as they pass. Exchanging looks, they walk over to the service desk.

  "1 room, 2 beds, please madame." Says Damien in a brisk voice.

  The lady at the desk looks up for a minute, then looks back down at the papers before her.

  "Room 113 is available, key's right here, 125.00 a night cash up front, There's no cable or internet but there is a phone in your room press 1 for me 3 for room service and 9 to call out, maid service is 9am-10am. Any questions?" The woman asked in a husky voice, her eyebrows raised almost to her hairline.

  Shaking his head, Damien pulled out his wallet, got the cash and gave it to her, and she handed him the key. "We're only staying 1 night and we'll be long gone before maid service." He said.

  The lady gestured to the young man.

  "If you'll come with me." The young man said in a tenor voice.

  They followed him up a flight of stairs. After a few minutes, Kate nudged Damien. He looked at her and raised a questioning brow.

  "We've gone up 4 flights of stairs. This is only a 2 story house." Her voice said inside his head.

  "I knew this wasn't a good idea." He sent back.

  She scowled at him and gestured that they should just leave. He shook his head and gestured back that they should ride this through and see where it takes them. She huffed, crossed her arms, and walked up the stairs faster. They reached the top of the stairs, walked down a long hallway, and came to room 113. The young man bowed and left.  Looking at each other, they entered the room. It was like any other room,  two twin beds, two night stands, one dresser, a bathroom with a shower/tub, a phone and a little refrigerator. Everything looked normal. Damien shrugged and Kate sighed.

  “How’s about we get some sleep and later we’ll check things out more throughly?” Kate said getting onto one of the beds.

  “Sounds good to me.” Damien replied. Locking the door, he climbed in bed and closed his eyes.

    Kate woke up gasping. “Damien?” She called softly.

    “Yeah?” He said, right in her ear.

    “Shit!” Kate jumped, startled. “Don’t do that!” She gasped, her heart pounding against her rib cage.

    “Sorry.” He whispered.

    “Why are you laying in my bed?” She asked, a little afraid.

    “You were crying and talking in your sleep.” He replied.

    The bed shifted and suddenly Kate felt heat and muscle against her back. A shiver snaked its way up her spine and she began to throb between her legs.

“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice slightly husky.

  “I’m attracted to you Kate. I have an urge and I can’t control it anymore. Are you going to fight me?” He whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her ear.

  “I’ve never......” She replied.

  The bed shifted again and Kate found herself on her back with Damien on top of her. He used his knee to spread her legs and settled more comfortably on his elbows. Kate felt something hard pressing on her mound, through the fabric of her skirt. It was a little uncomfortable.

  “Your belt buckle is digging me between my legs.” She said, her heart fluttering as he leaned so close their lips almost touched.    “I’m not wearing a belt.” He said. He untied her corset and stuck his hand up her shirt. She quivered as his fingers gently kneaded her left breast. Her nipple puckered and he played with it, flicking and pinching it. A jolt of pleasure hit her and she felt herself getting wet.

  "You like that?" He asked as he kissed and licked her neck.

  "Yes." She said breathlessly as he lifted her skirt, it became caught between their legs.

  "Fuck this crap." He growled. Suddenly they both were naked. "That's better." He said just before his mouth closed over her other breast and he sucked at the nipple.

  "OH!" She cried her back arching as he suckled. Wave after wave of pleasure hit her. The throbbing between her legs became so intense that her legs clenched and she raised her hips off the bed. It was too much at once. "Damien. Damien, stop. It's too much. I can't handle much more."

  He raised his head and looked at her. Then without saying a word he raised her hands above her head and tied them to the bed post with the sheet. then he got off the bed and knelt between her legs, spreading them wider.

  "Damien, what are you doing?!" Kate asked, trying to free her hands.

    He smiled and put his mouth between her legs. He licked, and sucked. She moaned and began moving her hips.

  "Damien. Damien please?" She moaned, her body convulsing as she came.

  He raised himself above, lifted her legs onto his shoulders, and entered her, thrusting deep.

  She cried out as pain hit her. He stopped moving for a few seconds as her body adjusted to the invasion. Then he slowly began to move, pulling out then thrusting deep. The pain disappeared and was replaced by a building pleasure. He untied her hands and she grabbed his shoulders as he bagan moving faster, thrusting harder. Then her world exploded and she raked her nails down his back. He threw his head back and roared, collapsing on top of her. She didn't mind the weight, just wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep. He moved to her side and wrapped his arms around her. He smiled as he fell asleep.
© Copyright 2011 Korene Nimocks (karakorene at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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