Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809579-Helenas-History
by Ber239
Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #1809579
A background story about how Helena Ravenclaw became a ghost of Hogwarts.
Helena had seen him creeping around for some time. It was quite disturbing to her frankly, but her friends thought that it was the funniest thing that they had ever seen. They were in their seventh year, the year they could slack off and have fun. Being the Ravenclaw that she was, Helena didn't think it necessary to slack off; she could still have fun studying. But this boy was seriously getting on her nerves; she had to do something about it before it became too serious!

So Helena and her friends hatched a plan to make this boy understand that Helena was in no way or shape interested in him. It was cruel, but necessary. That fateful Saturday morning, the plan was put into action. Hopefully this would keep him away for good, if Helena only knew.

Dreckle Binow had been in love with Helena for who knew how long. Since he had seen her in their first year some would say, but Dreckle would insist that he had loved her before they had even met. But most would agree that he was just delusional and maybe a tad bit crazy.

Dreckle had had another boring and pointless Saturday morning that fateful day. He was a seventh year and all he wanted to do was slack off, get out of school, and have Helena proclaim her undying love to him. Well, maybe everything but that last part would happen.

Helena and her friends had the potion ready; Helena would just have to slip the love potion into Deckle’s drink and run away, hoping that it would work. It was cruel, that much was true, but it was just as cruel to make him pine after her even though she didn't return the feelings. It would be best to set him up with someone who actually did love him back. Dreckle wasn't exactly the ugliest boy around, just a bit strange, but no matter; all would be solved in a moment!

Dreckle walked into the Great Hall, excitedly looking around as usual for his one and only true love. There, he saw her down by the Ravenclaw table! She was crowded by her friends, as usual. It was okay though, he would sit a bit away from her, at a good angle, and stare at her, as usual.

Helena laughed along with her friends as they waited for Dreckle to arrive for their plan to work. He showed up, and began his daily habit of staring at her while she ate. She rolled her eyes before retrieving the bottle from her pocket, the plan would go into action now.

Her friends began whispering excitedly as Helena got up and strode over to sit next to Dreckle, who was about to have a heart attack. He was so red, as if he couldn't believe his one true love had really come to sit next to him.

Helena gave him a pitiful smile as she sneakily grabbed a goblet of pumpkin juice and put it under the table. As she began to chatter with him, she poured in the love potion. Once that was done, Helena brought the goblet up and offered it up to the poor boy who had been staring at her, open mouthed, the whole time. Helena really hoped that he wouldn't choke on the frothy drink.

Dreckle grabbed the goblet from Helena's hand, and as he stared at her, he drank every last drop of the drink, not believing what had happened. At that moment, his vision began to blur, and he vaguely saw Helena leaving him. Everything went black after that.

Helena felt slightly bad as she stood away from Dreckle and frantically called for a professor to take Dreckle to the hospital wing. The dark love potion had done its work, now Helena could live her life knowing that Dreckle would stay far, far away from her.

Years later…

Helena rolled over in her bed....well not exactly over, more like off of. With a loud 'THUD!' Helena's body collided with the hard wood floor. Cursing like a sailor, she was rudely awakened from her slumber. Why did these things have to happen to her? Who knew, it was probably her punishment for giving Dreckle that love potion. Yes, that's right, ten years later and Helena was still thinking about it.

Though it's not like she could forget about it. Ever since she had administered the fateful potion, her life had been a horrible, terrible, clumsy mess. She blamed the dark magic. Every day after, since that event, her day had been filled with random, clumsy accidents that often caused her embarrassment. The only total down side that Helena totally hated was her diminishing intelligence.

Yes, Helena's intelligence had gone down.....down....down.....and down since the event. She had tried everything to stop it, she studied for weeks, took various potions, but nothing worked. Her mother was obviously disappointed, but what could she do?

Lying on the floor, wrapped up in her bed sheets, an idea began to form in Helena's still functioning mind. Her mother.....why hadn't she thought of it sooner! She quickly got up and shed the blankets, she had plans to make.

A couple hours later, Helena stood in her mother's heavily guarded chamber that housed her most prized possession. One would think that it would be extremely hard to get into....that much was true, but Rowena had forgotten one tiny little loop hole, her daughter could still get in! This wouldn't have been seen as a problem to Rowena though, why would her faithful daughter ever do anything dangerous or bad?

But that's exactly what Helena was about to do. She was going to steal her mother's most prized possession.....her mother's diadem. Yes, she was going to steal it, wear it, and become the smartest person ever and defeat the stupid dark potions after effects, once and for all!!

So there Helena stood, famed diadem clutched in her hands. She felt a little sweaty, and very nervous. What now? Her hands started to raise themselves, and before she knew it, the diadem was firmly placed on her head. Helena waited for a few moments before what she had been waiting for happened.

It felt like the sun had come down and shone upon her, like she had won the best prize in the world, like everyone loved her and that she was the epitome of perfect. Yes, Helena felt like she was on top of the world. But somewhere through the haze of feeling this particular emotion, Helena's conscious told her to take the diadem off and think rationally once more.

So the diadem came off and the reality hit her once more with its full force. From that moment onwards, Helena knew that she couldn't live life knowing about the power of the diadem and not wearing it all the time. So she did what any rational girl would do who felt at the bottom of the world. She would run away with the diadem and hide in a forest in Albania, waiting till things cleared up before returning.

Sometime later, Helena's mother, Rowena Ravenclaw, found out about all of this and was naturally in a state of frenzy, trying to find her daughter and her precious diadem. Even though she was a powerful witch, she couldn't find her daughter because the nature of the diadem kept the whereabouts of its wearer hidden at all times. Her daughter did not know this though, and would eventually take it off and Rowena would be able to find her.

But the thing was, Rowena knew that she herself could not go and find her daughter, she would have to send someone far more persuasive then her, someone who would die trying. Her mind raced as she thought of who she could send, within moments, a name appeared in her mind, she would send Dreckle Binow, a boy, now a man, who had loved Helena Ravenclaw since even before he had met her. She knew without a doubt that he would go to the ends of the Earth trying to find her and persuade her to return with the diadem.

Dreckle Binow set out looking for his one true love as soon as Rowena Ravenclaw had told him her tale. He was determined to find her. He traveled for days and days’, looking in the general area that Rowena knew her daughter was hiding in. Months later, he finally came upon her.

Helena was more than a bit surprised when she saw Dreckle standing before her, filthy from travel and obviously tired. But before any words could be exchanged, Dreckle's wand arm shot out, and the diadem Helena had been wearing suddenly came off her head and into Dreckle Binow's hands.

Panic ensued. They fought tooth and nail, wands and fists, trying to get the upper hand. In the end, Helena laid dead, blood spattered on the forest floor. Dreckle himself also lay drenched in blood, the diadem firmly clasped in his hand. With a last look at his one true love, Dreckle's breath left him and both flew from this world.
© Copyright 2011 Ber239 (ber239 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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