Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809515-the-7brothers
by silver
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1809515
finding out who you are
It was a peaceful time before the world went dark. When seven brothers ruled as one. Then the youngest brother King Letan decided it was not enough to rule alongside his brothers. He killed each of his brothers and his brother’s heirs. So now he was the only one ruling with no brother to challenge his throne. He enslaved Fourteen people. The great land of Jenevik was lost and the dark Jenevik was born. King Letan did not know his eldest brother King Levanard had a daughter. She was born five days before the raid on King Levanard’s kingdom. When the raid began King Levanard calls his daughter's nurse to him and told her take Berlyn out of the kingdom raise as your own. Teach her how to fight, how to read. Tell her who she is when she is 15. Go hurry take her now!
Chapter 1
“Mother” I called “what love"
I walked into the kitchen and say “mother where did Calvart go off to now”
“He went to go and get the ax to chop up wood for the fire"
“Oh well maybe I should go and help them”
“No he will manage honey"
“Then can I do anything"
“No it's your birthday dear and is a free day for you now run along. I did not want to see you back here until dinner."
“Very well mother”
I went out of the kitchen. Where do I go now? I walked around mother's little cabin and then I went over to the lake. I lay down on my stomach and watched the fish swim by. I could not believe I am finally 15 today. The age that would set me free, because 15 is the age of the adulthood. If only I could get a job to help mother out. No women are allowed to work under King Letan rule. King Letan is the worst King in Jenevik history. Everyone knew he killed his brothers. I do not like him at all. I got up and ran to the woods and claimed a tree. I think I would stay here forever if I could but that is not possible. I fell asleep.
When I awoke it was dark. Oh god I’ll be late for dinner. I claimed down from the tree and ran home.
When I got to the cabin I went into the kitchen. Brother and mother were there. “Hello how are you Calvart.”
“Good thanks happy birthday my sister.”
“I got this for you today” he holds up a long box. I hated gifts because you just don’t know what’s in them not that I did not think it was nice of Calvart to do. “Thanks Calvart” I smiled at him and sit at the table to eat dinner. They ate there normally food bread and cheese but tonight I got two pieces of bread and cheese. “Thank you so much for this wonderful meal mother” I say.
After dinner we go into the sitting room Calvart hands me the box. I opened it and initially tears come into my eyes. The box hold a beautiful gown it black with a red ribbon to lace up the corset it as a full shirt with red rapt marks in it like slashes of blood. The corset is also has armor. I said “Oh Calvart it’s breathtaking but why is there armor?” “We need to talk to you my love” mother says.
“Yes, what is it?”
“Well my love let me start out with this we I love you so much more then air. You are not my daughter by birth. Your birth parents are King Levanard and Queen Rebecca’s daughter.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know it is hard to hear but it is true. I was your nurse your mother had died in childbirth. When your Father heard what his brother was up to he decided to keep the pregnancy a secret. Only his close and trusted friend knows you are alive. Your father was killed five days after you were born. When your uncle King Letan attack the kingdom your father call for me and told me to take you and run and raise you as my own he also told me to tell you everything when you turn 15. You are the only hope for this land you must take the kingdom back.”
“Oh my god you’re joking but you would not lie to me.”
“Honey I have this for you it a moon shaped talisman it was your mothers it has healing and protection power.” She gives me the Talisman and I put it on. I can feel the power of it pulsing around my neck. “This ring is the ring of kings your father wore it. The ring has powers beyond believe. I do not know what its powers are but it will come to you because you are the rightful queen of Jenevik. You are the heir to the throne.” I put on the ring my and is shaking.
“But how would I claim the throne with the malevolent King Letan on the throne.”
“You will have to fight him for the crown. You will have to kind the people your father entrusted to help you. Calvart will go with you. ”
“Ok, I think”
I could not believe that I am a daughter of a king. If mother say that who I am then I must me exactly that. I will go and get my kingdom back. “Calvart you will go with me then” I said in a voice stronger the it has ever been before.
“Yes of course”
Mother says “ the my dear you will have to find the three people your father entrusted their names are Lord Faksh, Lord Mafst, and Lord Cam. I have letters from your father. It will show you what you have to know to get the kingdom back. I will go and get the letter.” Mother walks to her bedroom. She came out with the letter in her hand. She hands it to me and says “Read it”
I open the letter and read.
Dear my lovely daughter,
I cannot believe what has happened in our kingdom. I know it must be a shack for you to find out who you are. You are my daughter my beautiful princess Berlyn. I love you with all of my heart. I will most likely be dead when you read this letter. All I wanted in my life is for a wonderful little girl yes I have sons two, most kings would be thrilled but I always wanted a princess and now I will never know you my love. I hope beyond all hope you look like your mother for she is the most beautiful women I have ever see. Now down to business honey you will be scared, and frightened this comes with ruling and that what you are doing right now though no one knows it get, but remember this there is always hope no matter how dark or cold you are. Your mothers and my soul will always be with you know that. First you will good to Lord Faksh. He will help you so much. He will train you to fight are hold your ground. You will go to meet him at my mine castle tree days after your birthday. The castle is called Jevelo it means heartland. Jevelo is Fourteen. He has another letter from me telling you where to go next. Remember I love you forever.
Your loving father
King Levanard
I’m shaking and cry. I had a father and a mother different family. My mother is not my mother yet she loved and raise be as her own. I look up to see tears in my mother’s eyes. She will always be my mother. I huge her and whisper “I love you mommy always promise. But I think I have to do this I know I said I would before but now I believe in it.”
“I know my love. I have packed your food for you and your brothers, now go and put your new dress on.”
“ok” I kiss her. I head in to my room and look all around. I do not know when I will see these four walls again. I put on the dress it beautiful I feel beautiful. Wish that this moment could last forever and ever. I go back into the other room and to my disbelieve they are ready to go.
A hour later Calvart and I are in the heart of the village. It all peaceful with the tiny house and shops it comfortable. But it not safe we are out past curfew. If someone sees us they will alarm the police and we will be prisoners. Calvart looks back at me and says “ when we get out of here. The castle will only be a day away.”
“Really I thought it would be at least two” I say in surprise
“Well it a thing because the lord will only go to the castle in three days so we better be there too.”
“Of cause!”
When we reach the end of the village. We decided to walk over the massive hill in front of us. We make camp in the asleep.
The next morning when you wake up we got are things and start walking again. This bloody dress is so annoying I mean it's beautiful but I'm hot, and sweaty. Around midday we stop and have lunch. We are so tired we don't even talk to each other. But when we are walking we hold hands to tell each other I'm here I love you and support you always. Calvert says “only 2 miles to go then we are there."
“Oh my God" I say joyfully. I can see my father's old castle. Part of it is in ruins but some of it still standing still beautiful. I want to cry. I run up to the castle. I filled with mixed emotions warm, love, life happiness, and joy where here but also sadness grief betrayal and death.
“I love you thank you for coming with me I would not be able to function without you”
“Love you to you do not have to thank me”
I smile at him and say “this place is so beautiful. When will lord Faksh be here tomorrow right?”
“Yeah. We should sleep.”
I wake up to a humming sound. What the hell is that? I get up and look around. The sun is starting to rise the sky is orange and pink. I smell like doo and the grass. There it is an again where is that coming from. What is that? Is that a person? “Hello” I say my voice cracking with fright. Whoever it is looks up and says
“Ah my dear I was wondering when you would wake up. My lord Faksh but you call me Fak that what your father called me.”
“Hello” I get up and shake is hand “ it is an honor”
“The honor is all mines. So I have this for you.” He pulls out a sword in it holder. I take it from him. I put it around my waste and but out the sword. It silver with Fourfen writing on it. It says “Cofeto letv leetifshingk” it means fight for love and freedom. i feel tear rolling down my cheeks. I look up at Fak and say “ when do I get my first lesson.”
He pulls out is sword and swing it at me. I throw my sword in front blocking his blow. Shit shit . He keeps advancing. I block blow after blow. My legs are on fire. For the first time I make an advance. The swords hit with and such a sound. I want to stop. I raise my sword and swings. Fak is on the ground. “You where good for a first timer you could have killed me. Just like your father.
Chapter 2
Yesterday we walk to Fak’s house. It a nice little cabin. Inside there are mirrors everywhere. Fak said they were for protection. I feel like I’m in a dream world but I could have never have dream this world. This afternoon I have another lesson on how to fight. Now I’m in a lesson for the art of war. It is all rather boring really.
“I hate this part of war you have to leave your family. My dear you are not making any effort to listen. So I thing we had enough of this war.”
Yes thank god. “Ok great.” I say politely. I head outside and sit on a tree trunk. The breeze is warm and soft as a feather. I close my eyes and feel the sun on then. Its bless. I feel like I’ve been sitting here for hours when Calvart came up be hide me and says “ I am very proud of the why you handle this situation. I did not know you had it in you. I did not no I had it in me. Calvart when did you know about this?"
"Only a fortnight before you. Mother told me and ask if I would go with you and of cause I said yes."
" you are risking very thing for me what about Silver?"
"well I told her and she being the lovely person that she is said she would wait for me."
"good I'm glad you are not losing her over me." I smile at him and put my head on is shoulder . This is what feels right being near Calvart safe near my big brother.

The next morning I wake up and hear a scream . I feel the metal of a sword near my head. It Fak . I quickly get out of bed and reach for my sort . I swing and rip is sleeve. He swings back and slashes part of my gown . I e throw al my weight in to my next swing he falls over and I have him pit against the floor and my sword. I hold out my hand to him. He grapes it and says " You really are amazing with the sword. Your father wood have been proud. You know he always wanted a daughter. I have a letter for you it from for father." I say nothing as I watch him pull out the letter and hands it to me. I take it and open it.

My lovely daughter
I an so glad you are ready this letter. I think you will make a wonderful Queen. I know you are not yet convinced with yourself I hope that will change soon because once you are convinced
You will be able to use the power of the ring. The next part of you journey will be much more of a challage to over came. You will go and see lord Cam. Lord Cam is well very badly tempered man mind you I would trust him with my live. Lord Faksh wil give you the direction. Be safe and happy. Remember my soul and your mother's soul is with you.
Your loving father
King Levanard
"thank for keeping that all these years. My father said you had the next step in where I must go."
"Yes my dear I do indeed have the detection. You must go past the old Fourfen village there is suppose ably elves living there now . Will most likely run low on food by the time you get there so you will have to get more food. The you will go throw the forest of questions. When you get to the other side you will came to a fork in the road you will want to go left not right but left at the end of this road you will can to a town called Reedtall. Reedtall is heavily guarded by king letan's man. You will need to make up a fake identity even thought they do not no how you are they will one day and you do not what the to find you out to early.

The day was cold and wet. Calvart
And I are so frozen . I'm hole body is shaking. The forest is a thousand years old. The trees are so huge. We have been walking for days . I wish we had a horse to ride. And suddenly black horse is in front of me and a chestnut horse is in front of Calvart . I say "what the hell I come not believe it . I wish for a horse for use and here it is."
" Berlin I bet it the ring"
" you think maybe "
" wish for something else and I'd it happens it the ring."
"ok. I wish for two capes and two castle .
"wonderful "
"Thank you"
We mount are horse. They ride fast. Which is a blessing because we are almost out of food.
© Copyright 2011 silver (allig95 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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