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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1809404
A brief bit of transformation fiction featuring a very special website.
((Disclaimer:  The bit of text you are about to read contains a little sex and associated naughtiness.  You know how this works.  If you can't, shouldn't, are too young to, or don't wanna sear your virgin eyes with such smut, do not continue.  I'll not be held responsible.  It also contains themes of transgender transformation.  You have been warned.  Thank you.))

         Man, I love spring break.  Nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nobody gives a damn if I’m not there.  God damn it.

         It was a dark and stormy day.  No, really, you can’t make this shit up.  Mid summer, and it had been raining a good three inches a day since Wednesday.  So, Friday rolls around, and the whole town is dark, wet, and miserable.  I couldn’t think of a damn thing to do, so in spite of all common sense, I turned on my PC and was surfing the net.  Of course, you can only visit the same websites about a dozen times before you realize that nobody else has the same amount of free time you do.

         I got up and went into the kitchen to grab another beer.  I had really gotten this place a bargain.  It wasn’t fancy, but it had what I needed.  It had a bedroom with a queen size bed, a bathroom with a shower and a tub, and a living room that doubled as a kitchen.  The whole place smelled like beer, cigarettes, and cinnamon, but I sprayed liberally with Fabreeze every time I left to go somewhere.  There was no television, but at least the Central air and heat unit worked just fine.  It had a huge water heater, too.  As I popped open my beer and thought about these things, the lights decided to take a break.  With a colossal sigh I flicked out my Zippo and started to hunt for a candle.  And just like that, the lights were back on again.

         After finding a candle (just to be safe) I returned to my PC to survey the damage.  With the rain pounding the windows, and the roll of thunder playing counterpoint, I stared at the screen, and the strange display I saw there.  ‘The Bored Website’, it proudly declaimed.

         I didn’t buy it.  Free products?  Yeah, right.  But there, as he came to the bottom of the page, highlighted was the sign, THERE IS NO LIMIT ON HOW MUCH YOU ORDER, JUST AS LONG AS YOU TELL OTHERS ABOUT OUR WEBSITE.

         So, “What the hell?” I thought.

         I browsed through the store for a bit, and found quite a few things that peaked my interest.  After making my selections, I quickly cleaned up, and headed out to my favorite bar for the rest of the night, tingling with anticipation.

         The next day, I was awakened by someone knocking at the door.  Checking the clock as I rolled out of bed, I saw it was around noon.  I nearly had a heart attack, until I remembered I was on break.  I pulled on some jean cutoffs and made my way to the door, more than a little surprised that I had no hangover.

         At the door was a delivery man.  He was a young guy, maybe 18, a bit on the thin side.  Fairly attractive, for a collage kid, with a good tan, and strong facial features.  The was wearing The Bored Website’s uniform, which looked a bit like the FedEx uniform, only with black and gold instead of black and purple.  He was soaking wet, his uniform plastered to his shoulders.  After signing for the packages, I thanked the guy (whose name was Jake), tipped him, and watched his run back to his truck, through the rain.  He almost lost it in the lake that my yard had become, but recovered with some grace.  I then took the boxes into the living room and put them on the table.

         I started my computer up, then turned my attention to the packages while it booted.  As I tried to decide which to open first, I mentally ran in circles trying to remember what I had ordered.

         The first package was somewhat large, but light.  It turned out to be an old fashioned changing screen.  The care instructions that came with it said that it was only to be dusted, by hand, when cleaning.  They also said that the manufacturer guaranteed a perfect fit.  What the hell ever that meant.  I set this up in the corner of the bedroom, just next to the closet, anyhow.  I had ordered it because I had no window blinds, and didn’t really want any, as I enjoyed the view out across the river.

         The next package turned out to be a “Universal Remote Control”.  I had been looking for one for a while, but they were all too expensive.  This one hadn’t cost me a dime, so it was an instant hit.  The next time my neighbor left their TV on, I wouldn’t have to suffer through 3 hours of Oprah.  I shuddered at the memories and tossed the box on the sofa.  I would have to program it later.

         The next package was good sized box full of carefully folded and pressed clothing.  It contained a whole assortment, and all in my size, or so the box said.  This went on the floor behind the new screen.
The next was much like the previous one, except it turned out to be an assortment of ladies things, most of them pretty sexy.  Gifts for some lady friends of mine.  It went beside the other one.

         The next one was rather small, and turned out to be a package of pens I had ordered for class.  They were promised to be comfortable, and correct.  These I opened right away and put in the empty pen can on my desk, by the PC.  I would need those later.

         The last package turned out to be the most interesting.  It was a small, oddly shaped box which contained a sort of crystal ball made of green glass mounted on a stand of dark stone.  This was labeled “Fantasy generator”, and was supposed to be used with other products from the website for the fullest effect.  Yes, you may have gathered from this latest product that it had been a while since I had company over, much less of the female persuasion.

         I had picked this out because I had a weakness for interesting lights, lamps, and a lingering interest in all things occult from my teenage, pissed at the world years.  I pressed the small gem at the base of the thing, turning it on.  The whole thing lit up, and glowed, emitting a strange humming which lasted for several minutes.  Then nothing.  The glow continued unabated, however, so I figured it was just “thinking” and let it be.

         After looking over all the things I had just received, it was around six in the evening.  I was pretty hungry, and tired of being cooped up, so I grabbed a quick shower, threw on some fresh clothes, and went out to my favorite bar.  It was kind of seedy, dark and not all that noisy.  Just a dull roar.  There was a nice hardwood bar, with two pool tables and chairs a plenty.  They had iTunes hooked up to their sound system and would play just about anything, though mostly rock and roll.  They also had some good looking girls working there, and they had some pretty good food on the menu. 

         I made it home around midnight, pretty tipsy and very full.  After fumbling with my keys in the dark and nearly breaking my foot on the door jamb, I finally made in inside.  I locked the door and noticed that the generator was humming again, and I really hoped it wasn’t about to blow a motor.  What can you expect from a free product?  You get what you pay for, I guess.  Time for bed.  I was way too drunk to fight my way into the closet, so I just stripped down and slept nude.  Not like anyone was going to care, if they were looking in from across the river.  And if so, so what?  I had to roll over to face away from the green glow coming in from under the door, but that was ok.

         Waking up was a hell of an adventure.  First off, my bed the most comfortable thing I had ever slept on.  There were two mattresses and no box springs, so it was soft and deep.  On the rare occasions that I had female company, it helped keep us from sliding around too much.  The velvet sheets and comforter were soft and warm, and the thick hand-made quilt on top kept things just right.  I usually kept the temperature in my room down between 50 and 60 degrees, so it was a real challenge getting myself out of the bed in the mornings.  Today, however, I was treated to an entirely unexpected pleasure: Someone was under the covers with me, kissing part of good morning.  As soon as whomever it was realized I was awake, the kiss turned into a very vigorous “mouth hug”.  I was still a bit groggy and very comfortable, so I just lay there, semi-conscious, and enjoying myself.  After about half an hour of the greatest wake up call, EVER, I had my first orgasm of the day.  She (I was REALLY hoping it was a she.  Sure felt like one.) didn’t let a single drop escape.  She then popped her head out from under the covers and joined me on the pillow.

         She was indeed a she.  And wow, what a SHE she was.  She had an angelic face, with full, kissable lips (her lipstick was a bit smeared, and I guessed I was wearing some of it now).  Her hair was sandy blonde in a pixie cut, full of curls.  The froth of it stopped just short of covering her beautiful green eyes.  She was looking at me with a mixture of amazement and amusement.



“You know, nobody has ever lasted that long when I put my mind to it.  I’m kinda surprised.”

“Well, I don’t want you to think that I didn’t enjoy it, cause I certainly did!  But at the risk of sounding rude, who are you and how did you get in here?”

“Oh, you didn’t read the manual, did you?  I’m your personal fantasy.  I’m here to give you pleasure, and make sure you have some fun!  You can call me whatever you want.”

“You don’t have any preference?” I asked, mostly just to have something to say while I ran this exchange back through my head in slow mo.  I must have missed something, cause it sounded a lot like she was saying she didn’t really exist.  My penis was already raising objections to THAT idea.

“Well, tell me your name, and I’ll come up with something.”

“I’m James.  James Bryant.”

“Then you can call me Jamie.  Nice to meet you, James.”

“So far, it’s been a real pleasure, Jamie.  But it’s been all mine.  Lay back a second.”

With a bemused look, she did so.  Her look quickly shifted to surprise, and then delight as I plied my skill.  I lasted longer than she did, but I didn’t stop till she was on number 6 and started thrashing a bit too much for me to keep up with her hips.  Thus, I got acquainted with my new roommate, Jamie, my personal fantasy.

         When Jamie got up to take a shower, I saw that the rest of her was just as good to look at.  She had a great body, like a dancer.  She had miles of leg, the most amazing ass, a trim tummy with a slim waist, and beautiful D cup breasts with big, rosy areola with little bumps all over them, capped with nice, plump nipples.

         I made some comment about looking forward to round two, and earned myself a thoughtful look and a wink as she walked into the shower.  I started to think about joining her, but I was distracted by my nethers.  I was hard again?  Not just hard, I was like a rock, straight and proud.  I was starting to think that something was wrong, when Jamie finished her shower, and I heard her giggle from the doorway.
         “Poor guy.  I guess I didn’t do such a good job after all.  Are you still turned on?” She asked in a strange tone of voice.  As soon as I heard the word ‘on’, I felt myself back even stiffer, if that was possible.  God!  I needed some relief!

         “Y-yes, please?”  Was about all I had time to say before she was on me, shoving me back into the bed and pouncing on my dick like the last pickle at a pep rally.  After another hour or so of sex, I was able to think straight again, and started to wonder what had brought this on?

“Jamie, did you do that?”  She nodded.  “But how?”

         “I’m a fantasy, silly.  I can do anything you can imagine.  Although, my abilities are limited to you, me, and our surroundings.  Can’t do much to other people, but some of the toys from our website can.  All my input comes straight from your sub-conscious, so I know what your deepest fantasies are, and can help make them come true.  In fact, I can see that there are quite a few ideal women in that head of yours.  Would you prefer I looked more like one of them?”

         This took me aback.  She had used some kind of magic on me?  She could read my mind, and change her form, too?  “No, that’s ok.  I think I need some more time to get used to things.”

         “I think I can help get you used to it.  But you might feel a little uncomfortable, at first.  Just remember that it’s only a fantasy, and nothing I do will permanently affect you, ok?”


         “Okay.  Now, I will need to take care of a few things.  Why don’t you grab a shower and go buy some groceries so I can make us dinner?”
I had no idea why someone with the ability to change the world around to suit our whim needed me to go buy groceries, much less actually cook, but when a beautiful naked woman asks me to do something, I have a very hard time saying ‘no’ for some reason.

         So, I got cleaned up, dressed, and got ready to leave.  As I grabbed my keys, Jamie shot me another wink.  I quickly felt my jeans getting tight, and realized that she had done something to me with that damn editor.  I made some comment about blue balls, as she glided sensually over to me, and started to rub me through my jeans.

         “You’re right, James.  How thoughtless of me.”, Jamie said.  Next thing I know, she’s got my fly open, and starts pulling me out of my jeans.

         “I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I we go through this again, I’ll never get those groceries.”

         Jamie seemed thoughtful at this.  Like she hadn’t planned all this out in advance.  I almost believed that.  What I sure as hell didn’t believe was her solution to this ‘problem’.  After reaching a decision, she snaked her hand down my pants, and took a firm, but not ungentle grip on my boys.  With a kiss on the tip, and a slight twist, she pull me out of my pants.  Literally.  She was now holding my detached manhood in her hands like soon ancient Norse priestess cradling a sacred hunting horn.  I kept switching my blank stare between her, my dick, and my empty crotch.  After a few rounds of this, she couldn’t contain her mirth any longer, and burst out laughing.  Damn, ever her laugh was sexy as hell.

         “Well, now you can go, and I can take care of this for you.”, she said with an impish grin.  Whatever my response was going to be got lost the moment she opened her mouth, and cut me off mid-retort by giving my tool a nice, slow lick.  I quivered, and gasped, and generally wondered how safe it was going to be for me to drive if I was going to be feeling this the whole time.  She giggled, and ushered me out the door before my thoughts could clear enough to lodge a coherent complaint.

         Hastening my fly, and finding the door locked, I started to get a bit angry.  “Wait just a damn minute, this is my h…”, is what I started to think.  Then thinking got hard, as Jamie got back to work on me.  So I gave it up, and ran to my jeep to escape the rain.  The drive to the store was not a short one, and my progress was slowed by water over the streets and piss poor visibility.  I managed not to kill anyone, and was having a hell of a good time, too. 

         You have no idea how strange it is to have someone giving you a blowjob while you are driving alone along nearly deserted streets, still able to feel everything that happens to your ghostly member, while being able to feel also the emptiness in your jeans.  With the engine growling out its marching chant, and the pounding of the rain on the roof keeping time with the percussion of the thunder and rhythm set by the lightning, the deserted streets around me and the intense pleasure that was totally out of place made the entire scene quite surreal.

         I was in heaven!  The pleasure lasted for the entire trip, with the tightness of my jeans emphasizing what wasn’t there.  As I pulled into the parking lot, I was relieved to see that they were still open.  Though I was less pleased to see that there were quite a few people shopping there, as well.  I guess everyone was trying to stock up on goods and supplies.  Couldn’t blame them for that, though the thought of being seen in public without my freaking penis was not a pleasing one.

         It was then that I noticed Jamie seemed to have stopped her ministrations.  Able to actually focus once more, I also noticed that my jeans shouldn’t be tight.  They are always a bit loose, and a lack of my normal equipment had made them more so.  I started to notice other things as well, while running to the door.  Like the way my short brown hair now seemed to be in a pixie cut, instead of it’s normal men’s style.  And the was my shirt, while still black, now had a ‘hello, kitty’ design on the front, instead of Ren or Stimpy.  And, man, these jeans were tight!  They hugged my lower body like skin, leaving no doubt about my empty groin.

         I stopped just under the eves and out of the rain, about to turn right around and go home, when I caught a good look at my self reflected in the glass.  I had always been slightly built, but my features were now finer, almost elven.  They, combined with my clothes, made me look far too feminine.  I was now androgynous enough that it would be very difficult to classify me as male or female.  The lack of a budge in my crotch would rectify that pretty quick, however.  These thoughts passed through my mind in a whirl, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when my cell phone went off.

         “Jamie, what the hell are you doing to me?”, I demanded.  Even my voice was different.  The change in my face, and maybe my voice box, too.  It, like me, could be mistaken as female pretty easily. 

“Well, I didn’t want to draw attention to you, with your lack of equipment.”, came her sly response. 

“I don’t give a damn about drawing attention, so cut it out.  Now tell me what you needed again?  All this made me forget.”

“Hey, if you don’t mind the attention, its your call.  The list is in your other pocket, silly.  There is just one more thing, though.”

“What’s that?”  She hung up on me, but by way of an answer, I found myself wearing a pair of flowery open toed sandals, instead of my tan hiking boots.  My feet looked to be able the same size as hers, and the toenails were painted cherry red.  “You bitch.”  I was talking to dead air on the phone, but I felt it just needed to be said.

         I felt her tongue start up on me again, so I figured I better just get in and out as quickly as I could.  I’m sure I made quite a sight, wandering around the store, with an occasional moan forcing itself from me.  I know my ass got plenty of attention in these tight, wet jeans, from both the men and the women. 

         “What the hell was she thinking?“  Walking around in plain view of God and everyone while getting head at the same time was wild!  But making me look like this was not gonna do a damn thing but draw MORE attention to me.  “I swear, I know she did this on purpose.”  The two biggest problems I had with this were one: Without a penis, and looking as girly as this, made me feel girly.  And that was making me act girly.  Most of the time I didn’t even notice.  It was nothing major; mostly just facial expression and some body movement.  But When I did notice, I had to force myself to stop, and that just annoyed me even more.

         The other thing was: I was getting turned on by it.  The discomfort, the lack of control, and strange way I was behaving.  Even the way it seemed to add to my arousal, added to my arousal.  This, too, annoyed the crap out of me.

         Driving home was much the same as the drive out, except for the slight edge my anger had given my arousal.  Squirming on the seat as she teased me with her tongue, I nearly ran a stop sign.  Last thing I need right now was to get pulled over.  I MIGHT be able to pass for the photo on my license.  Maybe.

         Getting home and dumping the groceries on the floor, I immediately stormed into my bedroom to find Jamie sitting cross legged on the bed, with a perfect look of innocence on her lovely face.  When I pulled myself up to my full five and a half foot height (she hadn’t changed that, I guess.  I’m just small, like I said) and demanded she give me my dick, she broke laughing so hard she was crying.  Realizing the picture I must have made, I started laughing too.  Boy, did that piss me off.  I couldn’t make myself stop, though. 

         Imagine, there I was, a 140 pound, pissed off man, who could have walked into the ladies changing rooms at any Gap in the country with nobody batting an eye.  I was flushed, dripping wet from rain mixed with a light sweat, and trying to be scary and pissed off looking without laughing, and failing miserably.  Thanks to that amazing mouth of hers (shouldn’t her jaw start hurting eventually?) I was so spun up with sexual energy I could pop, and I was demanding she give me my dick.  I looked about as threatening as a wet kitten.  Stamping my pretty little feet didn’t help much, either.

“After we get back, maybe.  I want to go out first.”, she gasped between fits of laughter.

“Out?  You think I’m going to go anywhere looking like this?!”  I demanded.  Who did she think she was?  I wanted my dick, damn it.
She cocked an eyebrow at that, and crossed her arms.  “Oh, you’re not?” 

My jeans seemed a bit tighter. 

“You just got back form doing just that.”  Defiantly tighter. 

“And you don’t seem any the worse from wear.  Now I want to go out with you.  You’re just to damned cute to resist when you’re angry!”  I could hear seams popping now.  Looking down, I found that my hips were nearly as wide as my shoulders!  Granted, they weren’t all that wide, but give my hips usual width, it felt like I should have a ‘wide load’ sign across my ass.

“What hell!  Okay, okay, we’ll go, now knock it off!!”, I yelled at her.  Exploring a bit, I found that my ass was sticking out more than it had, also.  My jeans seemed to have changed to keep up, but not enough to be comfortable.  Seeing me rubbing my ass and running my hands down my hips in shock just set her off again, though thankfully she seemed content with my answer and didn’t blow me up any more.

“Okay then.  I put out some clothes for you on top of your screen.  I’ll put everything away and start dinner while you shower and change.”

“What about you?”  “I’m a fantasy, remember?  I can be ready to go in about half a blink.”  She made a good point, and I sure as hell didn’t want to argue with her again.  No telling what she’ll do next.

         With my new posterior, I looked more girlish then ever.  I had plenty of curve, and I noticed as I stripped in the bathroom, no body hair.  I looked like a plain, flat-chested girl with a stellar ass. 

         I was starting to get a little worried about having to go to relieve myself while I was showering.  My crotch was as smooth and bare as a Barbie doll, devoid of hair and feature both.  That problem would be taken care of soon enough, I discovered.

         Stepping behind the screen, I surveyed the cloths Jamie had set out for me.  She certainly was going to have her fun with me.  I nearly refused to wear them, until I realized that none of my own clothes would fit over my new hips, and I didn’t want to risk her changing me even more until I did what she wanted anyway.  So, with a sigh, I started to pull them on.

         ‘They’ consisted of a black thong; knee high stockings with a pair of black heels; a little plaid skirt; and a white silk shirt, with little pearl buttons.  There were no holes for the buttons, of course, so it had to be tied.  This left my stomach bare, and made me feel like a damn fool.  There was also a black clip-on ribbon tied in a bow that was supposed to go in my hair.  I put my foot down on that, though, and hooked it on the waistband of the skirt. 

         I felt like a total idiot as I stepped out from behind the screen.  A brief sensation passed over me, as if my skin were being adjusted the way you adjust clothing to hang just right.  It passed quickly, and I walked into the kitchen to find Jamie.

         She was there, alright.  She looked great in a pair of tight denim short shorts, and white halter top with a button up denim over shirt undone to her navel.

         “My, you turned out better than I thought.  The bow was a perfect touch.”  She started giggling when I reached up to find that that damn black bow was indeed hasted securely in my hair.  Reaching up like that had the added effect of making my front jiggle, which it shouldn’t have.  Looking down, I had no idea how the hell I hadn’t noticed the changes sooner.

         My entire body from the chin down was now entirely that of a female.  One with a killer ass, and tit’s the size of grapefruit.  My nipples were poking little dents out the front of the silk blouse, which was showing off all the cleavage I had.  That was a hell of a lot of cleavage.  My tummy (yes, it was a tummy.  I couldn’t really can it a stomach now) was tiny in comparison to my hips, which in turn tapered down to smooth, toned legs and tiny little feet.  My arms had lost any trace of muscle, and my hands were small, delicate, and tipped with nails painted the same cherry red as my toes.

         “No fucking way.” I said.  Then I repeated myself, this time with a higher, more surprised note.  My voice had changed as well.  It could no longer be mistaken for male.  “There is no way I’m going anywhere with a body like this on display.  Forget it, and change me back!
As Jamie crossed her arms again, I realized I had forgotten what she had done last time I told her no.  I winced as she, and everything else in the room, started to grow.

         “I thought we had agreed that we were going out?  I wanted you to were something sexy, to get us in the mood for later, and it was your screen that changed you this time, not me.  I’m the one changing you now.  See the difference?”

         As she stopped speaking, and I stopped shrinking, I could indeed see the difference, alright.  I could see that, without the shoes, I would be about five feet tall.  I could also see that my T&A (never a statement I thought I would be making) had not shrunken one iota.  Once more, Jamie would have her way; I was going to let her, and if I didn’t like it, tuff titty.  I actually giggle at that thought, setting myself to bouncing.  I glared at Jamie as I tried to settle myself down.

         “Good.  Now we’re on the same page.  Shall we?”  Jamie opened the door, and I was treated to the sight of my Jeep folding itself down to a Mini Cooper.  A pink one.  Lovely.  As you can imagine, the run to the car was a bout of jiggling and bouncing that was frustratingly pleasant, and the cold, combined with the wet, had my now fully erect nipples very noticeably sticking out.  Jamie, too, was giving an eyeful with her wet white halter top, but her over shirt saved her some modesty, at least.  It looked like I get to drive again.  Joy.

         Jamie didn’t tell me where we where going, she just gave me directions along the way.  She did amuse herself along the way by making my clothes invisible.  She just loved the way I squealed, and then blushed and tried to cover as much as I could while she stared and giggled.  Stoplights rapidly made me paranoid as hell, trying to avoid being seen by anyone.  Most of all, the police.  I was sure they would pull us over just to get an eye full, even if it wasn’t illegal as all get out to be nude in public (which it was).  I did find out that I had a gender again.  A fully functional vagina nestled between my legs; bald, smooth, and cute as could be.

         Jamie just leaned across the console, resting on her elbows and grinning like the Cheshire Cat at my discomfort.  She seemed to delight in the frustration that she caused in me by confusing the crap out of my senses, while humiliating me at the same time.  I could feel the cloths that I was still wearing, it just looked like I wasn’t wearing any.  And I could still feel my penis, too, wherever she had left it.  But I could also feel the foreign sensations coming from the new equipment in my groin.  My mind just had a hell of a time wrapping itself around these conflicting and impossible inputs.  At the same time, it all combined to make me aroused against my will, which embarrassed me further, cause a crazy sort of feedback loop.

         When I noticed all the neon signs surrounding us, I realized that we were in the entertainment district of downtown.  We most have been close, too, because Jamie made my clothes visible again.  Sure enough, we stopped and parked just a few blocks further down.

         The dance club Jamie drug us into wasn’t my first choice for places to hang out in.  For one thing, I suffered from that ancient white man disease: lackadanceitus.  And it was laud as hell, playing dance music with a lot of techno.  I was more of a rock and roll guy, myself.  But after we got a few drinks in me, and I started to ignore all the guys staring and trying to dance with us, I found myself having a great time.

         Jamie took it upon herself to teach me how to dance with a bit more grace than my usually ‘drunk guy dropped his wallet’ approach, and although I was dancing like a girl, with all the jiggling and ass shaking that entails, it was really kinda fun.

         After a few hours and about a hundred refused phone numbers later, we headed for home.  I think we only had to pay for the first 2 drinks that night.

         During the drive back, I realized that the thong I had been wearing when we left the house was no longer a part of the get up I was wearing.  I almost said something, but I honestly couldn’t remember when it had been removed.  Had she made it disappear while we were at the club?  Sooner?  I didn’t know.  There was no telling how many people were getting a free show while we were dancing; my self being oblivious the whole time. 

         Jamie did a fine job of distracting me from these thoughts, however, by not keeping her hands off me for most of the drive home.  Rubbing and kneading my breasts, kissing and biting my ears, she even stroked  a hand up my inner thigh, though she didn’t go up quite far enough.  I was getting very turned on, though as far as I could tell, she was using nothing but her own body to do it.

         Once we got home, I would have ravished her on the spot, had I still been in possession of my own phallus.  As it was, with her helping me up the steps, she kept one hand around my slim waist, with the other pulling my in for a kiss, or playing with the hair over my neck.  It seems she had discovered that I was ticklish.

         Now, I could tell you in lurid detail about how we took turns making love to one another for the remainder of the evening, but I would just be blowing smoke up your ass.  I don’t remember a thing.  What I do remember picked up the next day, when I finally woke up.  The first thing I noticed (and this proves to me that maybe I did learn something from this) was that I was alone in bed.  Jamie was gone.  The second thing I noticed, was the return of my morning wood.  I had to double check to make sure it was actually attached to me.  Sure enough, there it was, in all its glory.  In fact, there seemed to be a bit more glory there than I remembered.

         As I read the brief note that had been tied around it with pink ribbon, I felt the familiar swirl of emotion.  I couldn’t decide whether to be angry, or remorseful, so I settled for a resigned chuckle.

“Dearest James;
Our time is over.  I’m just a one shot deal.  I have to tell you, though, a few things before I go.  One, you really are a cute little girl.  Two, you’re a sweet guy, and I’ll miss you.  And three, play with some of your other toys.  I think you’ll like them.  Just watch out: I left you a few things to re-member me by!!
All my love;

         I swear, that girl is in for it if I ever find her again.  I discovered one of her “presents” just as soon as I took my daily shower.  I thought that something was odd about my shampoo, as it is normally a plain white color with just a hint of  peppermint scent to it.  That morning, it had a strange reddish tint to it, and a faint smell of roses.  I was leery of it, but it was the only bottle I had, and I was thinking more about the good times we had shared instead of paying attention to what I was doing.  So naturally, when I finished  my shower and got my hair dried, it should have come as no surprise when it decided it wanted to crawl down my back and brush the bottom of my bottom.  Well, it did, and it did.  Next thing I know, I’ve got a cascade of beautiful blonde hair exploding from my scalp and falling around me in waves of silky golden, rose scented, feminine bounty.

         I could only shake my head and grin.  I think finding a way to fix this is only going to lead to a metric ass-ton of sexually charged fun.  Maybe (and I realize this is a big maybe) I can even avoid being the girl this time.  I wonder when that delivery boy is coming by again?

(For Now)

Post script:  This chunk of worthless drek was based off of a concept created by Flango.  The Characters and wording are my own design.  I only hope I haven’t ruined his Website, or seared your eyes closed.  I plan to write one, or possibly more, continuations of this as time and creativity allow.  Thanks for reading.  Now go save a kitten or something.

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