Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809331-Really-dad
by Quoter
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Family · #1809331
Even the little things can add up. A daughter's complaints about her father.
He is well intentioned. Trust me, I know.
It's just that he can't seem to let me go.
I no longer need his guiding hand
to show me how and where to land.
So how do I tell him, my father,
That he shouldn't even bother?
I know who I am and who I want to be
but he only sees what he wants to see.
I was once daddy's little girl
now that phrase makes me want to hurl.
He won't leave me alone
yet he can't see how I've grown.
A young boy trapped in a grown man,
he's the one who needs a helping hand.
The stupid little jokes he makes
every time he says them my poor heart breaks.
My head swirls with things to say to him
the pictures of that argument are quite grim.
I want to tell him, I really do.
But I don't want to bid my life ado.
It's said that the little things don't matter
but when they add up the can cause a spatter.
He worries me with his health
and he avoids the topic with great stealth.
He is no help at home
as he is lazy to the bone.
Making us do the work for him,
I don't know why he won't go to the gym.
I never know when I'll have a "talk"
because he watches over me like a hawk.
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