Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809138-What-Jax-Sees
Rated: · Preface · Drama · #1809138
Jax Kaesen lost his wife and now he's seeing ghost, will he ever get a break.
Jax Kaesen had lost his Abby in a car accident that he deemed his own fault. He'd been driving and hit a patch of black ice before sliding into the on coming path a large 4x4. It had hit Abby's side of the car killing her instantly, he'd laterbeen told. Jax didn't remember much. but the sound of Abby pained scream before darkness claimed him, would forever haught him. That had been a year ago and Jax had finally excepted the offer to move in with his older brother Ben. Jax had sold the small two bed room cottage he and Abby had lived in for the very short time of their marriage on the advice of his therapist. Ben had always been over protective and Jax knew that it had pleased him when he'd finally excepted his offer to stay with him and his family. Currently he was in his brothers pick up and driving down a long narrow road with nothing but trees to see on either side. "I think you're going like the new place I bought, its large and quite. Its also only a thirty minute drive into town",Ben annouced and Jax turned his head blinked. "Really?", he questioned, it felt like they'd been driving  longer then thirty minutes and they weren't even at the house yet. Ben nodded, "Yep. Hey look theres the house". Jax looked ahead and saw the house coming into view. It was large and old but in pristine condition. A large front yard was surrounded by a black metal fence. "Its nice",Jax told Ben truthfully as they pulled into the drive. He didn't tell Ben that he got chills when he looked up at the second story window that faced the woods, or that the woods themselves made his blood run cold. Instead Jax tried to convince himself that it was just his nerves and that he was tired from a crazy week. Most of all he tried convince himself that he watched being watched by something that he himself couldn't see.

A/N-- I'm new here and this is my first post. I guess in continuity depends on whether the readers want it or not, so review plz.Thnxs
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