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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1808226
The last part of the first chapter

A Walk in the Woods

At first everyone worked.  Leehemm and Yanax cut the large trees from the clearing towards the road with his axe (they left the trees closest to the road, so that people walking the road who had not been told of the houses, would not notice the path).  Xilaf, Bodlee, Xitus and Urlee dug the foundation holes for the two houses.  Derze, Wulffan and Bovard were building a large fire near the lake. 

After a while they got word that the lumber wouldn’t be arriving till morning, so they became distracted and began doing other things.  Xilaf and Bodlee were examining the perimeter and then walked into the thicker woods on the eastern border of their clearing.

Bodlee was now wearing her scrap vest buckled over a grey mid-knee length dress and short boots.  She held her sword in her left hand and was using it as a walking stick.  She was walking to the left of Xilaf.  They walked up and down the little hills of the forest, which were covered with dozens of tall slender trees.  Some of the trees branched into a canopy of leaves, others had green needles.  There were bushes as well.  There was enough space that they could walk without touching the trees and shrubs if they picked their way left and right and left again as they walked.

Xilaf held his spear pole in his right hand, and Bodlee reached out and held his left hand.  They walked hand in hand, lazily inspecting the trees and flowers.

“The shade and the breeze are cool and wonderful here.” She said.
“Ahhh . . . yes they are.” He said.

“And the fresh air and the fragrance of all the flowers growing on those little bushes.  This is a very peaceful, natural spot.  Even the short grass is like the wool of friendly animal.” She added.

Xilaf decided she was inviting him to lie in the grass, and lying down together could only lead to good things, so he lay in the grass.

“You’re right. Thick short grass on soft earth is like a king’s bed.” He said.

Bodlee smiled and looked down at him.  She was suddenly very aware that there were only two loose strips of ribbon hanging between her legs and rustling in the warm breeze.  “I could drop on top of you, pop your cup off, pull down your pants and ride you like a horse”, she thought, “I wouldn’t even have to take my boots off.”.  Something about the sight of him lying there so confident and vulnerable filled her with desire.  He was muscular, the breastplate on skin was a very masculine look, and the day and the spot were perfect.  It would be fun and daring to leap into a spontaneous sexual encounter with him while the rest of the group was a few yards (400 yards) away.  She decided to make love to him on this spot.  But not at this time. 

She would finish her house.  Position her bed near the fireplace.  Take a long bath, and present her freshly bathed body to Xilaf for a night of passion before a roaring fire, and then weeks later, after she had convinced him that their sexing had been a one time event, she would walk with him to this very spot and “have” him again.  That was her plan.  She was afraid to leap on him now.  After all, her mature mind now understood sex and desire, (they understood it so well, that she almost felt (and tasted and smelled) the experience) but her body (which had been asleep since she was 11) had never known physical love.  Besides, she might meet a handsomer man between now and then.

‘Xilaf”, She said, “I want you to be a guest at my house as soon as it is finished.  You’ll be able to take a hot bath, relax, and get a good night sleep before your harrowing adventure in the ruins.”

The way she said “relax” had his manhood rising in his cup.  She might as well have said “We are going to have the dirtiest, most intricately planned sexual encounter you can imagine. We are going to do every page in the book of CthainIon.  Twice!”

“Yes, I accept your invitation!” He said. He climbed slowly to his feet to embrace and perhaps kiss her, but she had already run half way back to the clearing by the time he got to his feet.  By the time he caught up to her, she was in the clearing, walking back to the group which was now gathering around a large stack of wood which would become a fire later.  She didn’t even reach out to hold his hand, as she was very discreet.

Night fell.  It grew a little less warm and (of course) dark.  The fire was lit and everyone gathered around it. The sterile silence of the forest at night was broken by the laughter of the group.  Bodlee told a story. Wulffan sang (not very well, but with great enthusiasm).  Leehemm had a cylinder of thin metal with a leather cap.  The cylinder was full of peach juice mixed with alcohol from fermented sugar.  Everyone drank a little, except Xilaf and Wulffan who were concerned about being attacked in the open (the light from their fire was probably visible for miles around). 

There was dancing.  Derze gathered the women together.  They huddled and talked for a moment, but Bodlee and Urlee seemed to disagree with whatever it was she was proposing.  No one slept the night; they just took turns taking short naps.  The dancing became slower, the talking quieter.  Yanax produced an upright flute with a low tone which he played pretty well.  Leehemm played his empty canister like a drum.  After singing a little, Xilaf and Derze walked to the western edge of the clearing to gather more wood for the fire. 

Once their eyes adjusted, the full moon and the distant fire made enough light for them to see. 

“Look at this.” said Derze.  She was wearing her black cloak with a plain blue dress underneath.  She reached behind her neck and produced a very small spear.  It was the size a toddler would use to fight an angry cat.  It was as long as her arm, about an inch thick.  It was made of wood and had a flat common metal head. 
“Ya!” She exclaimed as she threw it at a tree about 5 paces away from them.  It stuck in the tree very firmly (but the wood was quite soft). 

“I’ve been practicing in my dreams”, she said, “My accuracy is improving and Zheder from the mountains is going to bring me 5 more of them.  Plus quiet sleeves and a helmet.”

“What about your legs?” asked Xilaf as he walked over to the tree to retrieve the throwing spear. 

“I want to stay light and mobile, and I have limited gold.  So I will wear cloth pants with wooden thigh plates.”

“You’re taking a big risk, but remembering your heroics in our battle outside Vejor, I imagine you will be very effective.” He said.

“Thank you, Xilaf.  You were very effective yourself, and brave.  But this will be different. Mindless angry things with fangs and claws don’t run away after their first injury.  We may be covered in blood - some of it our own.”

“Things will probably get very difficult and ugly”, Xilaf added, “But I feel really good about our team.  Wulffan and Leehemm seem as brave and serious as you are”

“Wulffan is definitely brave.  I was trying to get the women to do a fire dance, and she was as ready as I was; even without taking a drink.  She was so excited; I thought she was going to slap Urlee.”  Derze said smiling (almost laughing). 

Xilaf had never seen a fire dance, and he was disappointed that Urlee and Bodlee had not agreed.

(There are actually two different types of fire dances:

The cute variety:  where a group of very young girls (fully clothed) perform for an audience made exclusively of their mothers, aunts and auntish women (who are also their dance instructors).  They perform rapid movements near and away from the fire, and they enter and exit the audience (touching them in a friendly and playful manner). 

The erotic variety:  where a group of women (who have shed their clothing) perform for an audience made exclusively of unpledged men.  They perform the same movements, but they perform them quite slowly and the result is sensuous and magical. )

But of course, the majority of the women must agree that the time is right for such a dance. 

Xilaf and Derze finished gathering wood and returned to the fire.  Derze went to sleep.  Bovard was dancing by himself.  Yanax was playing his flute.  Xilaf sat on the ground next to Leehemm.  Xilaf told him about the missed dance.

“Wow.  That would have been a beautiful sight.  But there are 5 of us and 4 of them. With everyone getting all stirred up, things may have become a little complicated.” Leehemm pointed out.

“That’s true. That’s true.” Agreed Xilaf, “But still, it would’ve been a sight to see.”

“Without a doubt . . . Have you really looked at Urlee?  She’s so brown and warm and that light hair frames her face so beautifully.”

Xilaf agreed.  He decided to take a nap.  An hour or two later he awoke to the sound of horse’s hooves on the road in the distance.

Four Horses

Our heroes walked (staggering, at first, in the early light of dawn) towards the road.  They crossed the clearing (Bodlee nearly fell into the foundation hole of her house) and entered the thin forest north of the road.  Bodlee and Urlee were very excited, and everyone else was beginning to smile and share in the joy. Soon they would have a place to call home.

Two “long carts” faced them where the road turned west. (a long cart is a flat wooden platform 36 feet long and 4 or 5 feet wide supported by four spoked wheels and pulled by two unhappy horses) . One was piled recklessly with:

•          Lumber
•          Barrels of the sap of certain trees (for which there is no English word) which is useful in building
•          Heavy cloth bags filled with something construction related. 
•          Many metal pieces, spikes and nails and tiles, also several cloth and metal objects of unclear purpose. 

The other cart was loaded with large stone blocks and panels, metal roofing tiles and other very heavy stone and metal objects.

5 men and 3 women were riding (and somehow sleeping) on the carts.

Hualaf had unhitched one of his horses from the cart and rode it over to the group.  He was basic, but a couple of days riding rather than walking and eating full and festive meals had him a little fuller than most.  He didn’t have a belly or a double chin (yet) but he was beginning to look prosperous.

He leapt off of his horse (actually, he swung his right leg over the horse so that he sat sideways on the saddle and then pushed off with his arms and dropped to the ground, but he did it quite quickly, so that it gave the impression that he leapt straight off the saddle).  He embraced Bodlee, shook hands with Urlee and smiled and introduced himself to the other members of the group, shaking hands, slapping backs and embracing his new friends.  Purses came out, gold was paid and work began.

Xilaf, Wulffan, Bodlee, Derze and Yanax worked as a team to start Bodlee’s home.  Urlee, Leehemm, Xitus, Bovard and One of Hualaf’s friends formed a team to start construction of Urlee’s home.  Hualaf, Zheder (from the mountains) who was driving the other cart and their friends went back and forth, unloading materials and helping with the construction.  Bodlee was very detail oriented in building and directing others in building her house, but she was also very polite.  They worked until the early afternoon, and then had to stop before adding the roof and finishing the houses.  They stopped because they had to wait for various things to dry overnight and set and cure, but also because everyone was tired and ready to rest. 

Derze, Leehemm, Urlee and Bovard agreed to stay and guard the unfinished homes.  Two of Hualaf’s friends also stayed.  Everyone else (except Zheder and his team who headed for the mountains) piled onto the empty long cart and rode with Hualaf. 

They were going to a spot (4 miles east of the bridge they had crossed two days earlier) where Jorxi and Cowwei were still camped. After spending a few hours as grumpy, sweaty, hungry cargo, they arrived.

Jorxi and Cowwei’s Camp

It was better than a tent, but not quite a house.  Logs from tree trunks had been stripped of branches and bark, and pounded upright into the ground.  Sheets of heavy cloth had been stretched between the posts to form rooms.  Thin common metal plates overlapped to form sturdy roofs and boards or stone tiles made comfortable civilized floors.  There were eight rooms surrounding an octagonal courtyard in which a fire had been started. 

It was part camp, part market, part festival.  Xilaf loved the joy and energy of the last few nights.  His father had told him, “The weeks after the awakening are a joyous time.  The new people’s bodies are healthy and free of scars and disease, everyone’s spirit is full of hope and promise.  People spend their inheritance like it is a monthly allowance. Food is plentiful and everyone is looking for friendship.” And he had been correct. 

Xilaf realized that the friendship and joy surrounding him were like the cloth walls of the camp.  A sword or dagger could rip through them in an instant.  He thought that he had been wise in choosing his friends, saving his money and preparing for adventure.  His parents would be proud (wherever they were).  “But”, he thought to himself, “tonight is not a night for wisdom.  Tonight is a night for drink!”

He stood up (he had been sitting on a stool in one of the rooms). He entered the courtyard and found Jorxi.

“This is a beautiful camp.  I am going to sleep very well tonight. Thank you for inviting us,” He complemented her.

“Thank you.  Hualaf gave us a great price on all this wood and cloth.  He is a good friend.” She said, “It is also very portable.  We can move around like a traveling market”

“Do you have any strong drink?” He asked.

“Do you have 5 blue?” She replied and sold him a small bottle of something clear and potent for 5 blue coins. 

He took a drink.  He smiled, he had tasted this in his dreams, but in reality it was much stronger.  He inhaled deeply, saw Bodlee and walked over to her.  Some other friends of Hualaf were playing music, so he embraced her and they began dancing.

She, like Xilaf, had decided that they were safe and among friends. She appeared to be wearing only a plain black dress and was barefoot; however, once Xilaf put his arms around her he could feel the quiet armor she was wearing underneath.  He was also somewhat at ease.  He had removed his plates and his cup and was wearing dark pants and a simple dark red shirt.  Under his shirt, he was wearing a stiff leather torso protector which would save him from a glancing blow from a dagger or sword.

She leaned her head on his shoulder with her lips gently brushing his neck.  She moved her hips and thighs closer to his (pressing against him).  They moved slowly in time with the music.  He moved his arms lower, around her waist (which was less armored and softer).  He looked in her eyes and kissed her briefly.  After the kiss, she smiled and gave him a slightly longer deeper kiss.  Then she looked around at all the people dancing and talking and milling about.

“We should circulate for a while.  There are many people here who will be our allies for years to come.”  She said.  In what seemed (to Xilaf) to be a single fluid motion she moved out of his arms, turned, and began dancing with Hualaf (though not as close or as slowly).

He took another drink.  He closed his eyes for a second.  When he opened them, he was dancing with Wulffan.  She alternated dancing at arms length, and dancing pressed close to him, dancing face to face one moment, and with her back to him the next.  Her front was armor on skin.  She wore the front of her breastplate, her thigh plates, and a thick blue metal chain looped back and forth in front of her loins and attached to the wide leather belt which also held her dagger.  Her back was just skin.  Aside from the leather straps holding her frontal armor in place, and a cloth (like a handkerchief) covering her bare behind, she was uncovered. 

His arms were wrapped around her waist.  Her back was pressed against him.  She took a drink from his bottle.  They danced for a few more moments, and then the music stopped.  Everyone cheered the musicians.  Cowwei and Yanax came over to them and asked for a drink.  They each took a sip and returned the bottle to Xilaf.  They all talked for a while.  Wulffan walked away towards the room that had been set aside for them.  Xilaf followed.

A knee high wooden platform covered almost the entire floor.  The platform was a sort of communal bed covered with bags filled with straw, fluff and feathers.  The cloth of the bags (and the rooms themselves) was the kind used to snuff out fires.  This was a good thing since there was a fire bowl in each corner of the room providing light and heat. 

Bodlee and Rikjia (a female friend of Hualaf) were sleeping on the platform.  Xitus and Jorxi were sitting on it and talking.  Wulffan had just wrapped herself in blankets and was soon asleep.  Yanax and Cowwei entered talking and laughing quietly.  There were about 25 people in and around the camp, and to Xilaf it seemed they were all in this room.  He decided to do as Bodlee had suggested.  He left the room, and wandered around the camp, introducing himself to people he hadn’t met, and talking about plans and adventures with everyone. 

After more than an hour of this, he returned to the room. He lay between Wulffan and Bodlee.  And he drifted into a deep and restful sleep.

Two Houses

By the early evening, our heroes were standing (sweaty, tired and proud) before two complete and well appointed homes.  Leehemm, Derze and Bovard had heard how wonderfully festive Jorxi and Cowwei’s camp had become.  So, they left (along with Hualaf and the others).  Only Xilaf, Bodlee , Urlee, Xitus and Yanax remained to guard (and enjoy) the homes.

Xitus, and Yanax stayed with Urlee.  Bodlee unlocked her door.  She and Xilaf entered her new house and she closed and barred the door behind her.

While the rest of them had been putting Urlee’s roof on, Bodlee had been finishing the inside of her house.  She’d started a fire, rolled out carpets, placed furniture, and done other things in preparation for his visit.  He walked down the stone steps into the front room.  He crossed the wooden floor and stepped onto a furry rug.

“Sit down. Have and apple and a drink of water.” She said while leading him to a chair at a low table.  I’ll be back in a few moments” and she disappeared into the other room.

It was a two room house.  A wall made of dark wooden boards separated the two spaces, and a gap in the wall (with strips of cloth hanging from the ceiling to the floor as a door) allowed people to pass back and forth.  The front room was very businesslike and contained six chairs, the table and a couple of cots in the front corner.  There were some wooden boxes against the far wall, and a stone podium with three candles on it, however, there was still enough light coming from the windows on the ceiling, that the candles were unnecessary.  There was a glass pitcher of water, a glass, and a glass bowl of fruit on the table.

Xilaf had an apple and poured himself two glasses of water. He was thirstier than he realized from working in the sun all day.

He was getting a little nervous.  She might still decide that he was merely a lodger and leave him sleeping frustrated on a cot in the front room.  She had given him every sign that they would be lovers, but his intuition on such matters was still new and could not be trusted.

He could hear splashing in the other room.  “You have a beautiful home.” He shouted.  “Thank you” She said “It’s the little things that make a difference, I think”, She replied.  A few minutes went by.  He had another apple and another glass of water. 

“In case you were wondering what kind of night this will be . . .” She said as she walked through the doorway from the other room.  Xilaf had heard that clothing could make a statement and this was a clear (literally) example.  She was wearing a glossy cloth so thin he could see her breasts and her ribbon through it.  It hung from her shoulders like a scrap vest, or a mockery of a scrap vest since this garment was meant to incite attacks, not protect from them.  He walked over towards her as she backed into the other room.  He moved to kiss her.  She said, “Wash yourself first”.  He could see (and smell) that she had bathed and perfumed herself.  She led him behind a screen where a bathing cylinder was setup and then walked away.  The common metal cylinder was a little over waist high and half full of warm water.  Fused to it’s front was a block of metal (like a log turned on its side).  Xilaf stepped up on the block with his right foot, straddled the smooth edge of the cylinder and put his left foot on an identical block fused to the inside of the cylinder (of course he did this after removing all of his clothing)  and then stepped down into the water.  The cylinder was wide enough for him to stand or squat comfortably.  There was a cloth, a cup and a hunk of dried dahlwood sap (for lather and fragrance) next to the bath, so he began bathing.

She returned to the bathing area.  She couldn’t wait any longer.

Version 1

She ducked out of her glossy cover and kissed him gently on his lips.  She had planned a brief kiss, but he would not release her.  He held her very firmly, and kissed her very gently.  He enjoyed her soft lips and moist teasing tongue.  She ran her fingers through his hair and down his hard muscular back.  He kissed her neck, her breasts, her shoulders.  He explored her mouth more deeply.  After a few minutes she said, “I am going to wash your back.”  She lathered her hands rubbed him from his shoulders to his thighs.  She noticed that she was breathing slowly and deeply, and she was trembling a little.  She felt really good: giddy or drunk or something.  She embraced him, kissing the backs of his neck and ears, and sliding her hands down below the waterline. “I think you are clean enough”, she said.  She took a bowl of warm water and poured it slowly over his head.  They kissed again, and she actually worried for a moment that he might crack the metal cylinder with his arousal.  He stepped up and then straddled the tub’s edge.  It almost slapped her in the face.  She gave it a quick playful lick and then a long slow one.  She laughed.  He paused for a moment and then leapt to the softwood floor, swept her into his arms and carried her to the low bed by the fire.  They lay next to each other kissing passionately.  She was still wearing her ribbon and he slowly kissed his way down towards it.

A bright red ribbon (a few feet long and about three fingers wide) was wrapped loosely around her thighs, booty and flower.  One end of the ribbon was glued to her inner thigh.  He gently pulled it from her skin.  “Ohh”, she breathed.  He kissed the spot were she had attached it and tasted the light maple citrus flavor of the sticky paste.  He gave the spot another lick and then unraveled the ribbon a little further.  There were points of attachment between her thighs, above her pubic area, along her cheeks, on the small of her back, and elsewhere.  At each one, he gently pulled the ribbon free, and kissed and licked the area.  After the ribbon was completely removed, he explored her most sensitive areas with kisses and licks.  Her whole body was vibrating like the strings of a guitar.  She closed her eyes, leaned her head back and moaned with delight.  “We could do this all night”, she thought.  She was so relaxed, and receiving so much pleasure.  She considered sending Urlee the message “I am about to F—k Xilaf” but she didn’t have the concentration.  As the feelings grew more intense, she decided she wanted all of him and she wanted him now.  After a few moments, he managed to figure out what she wanted.  He climbed to her mouth, kissed her and slowly entered her body (which was more than ready for him).  At first, she thought he was being too gentle.  That soon changed.

She could feel him moving. He could feel her moving. After a while, their bodies settled on a rhythm which was firm and deep and forceful.  She was sweetly aware of what her body was doing, but not really in full control of it.  Time passed as she floated in a silent blissful trance.  She said something unintelligible.  She clenched her teeth, grimaced and felt an intense wave of pleasure and a lingering feeling of ecstasy. She had been told about it, dreamed it, but in reality it was much stronger. 

Bodlee opened her eyes and noticed that Xilaf (who had been grunting like someone had stabbed him in the back) had fallen silent and was just smiling and holding her.  Without separating, they rolled side by side.  Xilaf thought that this was the most intimate moment of his life.  They were so close.  The night was silent except for the breath and crackle of the fire.  The sun had set, and by the warm orange light of the fire he could see her brown eyes, her dark hair.  He could feel her warm breath on his face. 

He rolled onto his back, and she laid her head on his chest.  They rested for a few moments.  He watched as she stood and moved to a shelf over the fire, where she filled two cups with hot water from a kettle, added a few tea leaves and set them on a small table next to the bed.  She towered over him as the bed was less than knee high.  She was very beautiful to him.  Her breasts were firm and pretty.  He hadn’t been impressed with them when she wore her dress, but having touched and sucked them, he thought they were magnificent.  She was slim without being skinny, and of course, her booty was the roundest, sexiest booty he’d seen.  She went back to the shelf and returned with a tiny cake on a metal plate which she was handling with a thick cloth. 

She knelt by the bed and placed the cake on the table.  She kissed him on the shoulder. He slid off of the bed and knelt behind her.  He embraced her from behind and kissed the back of her neck.  Her tattoo seemed to glow in the firelight. It was “fear” on her back, but he felt safe and fearless.

“Let’s try it this way”, she said, “and then with me on top”.  And they did.

Version 2

She ducked out of her glossy cover and kissed him gently on his lips.  She had planned a brief kiss, but he would not release her.  He held her very firmly, and kissed her very gently.  After a few minutes she said, “I am going to wash your back.”  She lathered her hands rubbed him from his shoulders to his thighs.  She took a bowl of warm water and poured it slowly over his head.  They kissed again.  He stepped up and then straddled the tub’s edge. He paused for a moment and then leapt to the softwood floor, swept her into his arms and carried her to the low bed by the fire.  They lay next to each other kissing passionately.  Her whole body was vibrating like the strings of a guitar.  She closed her eyes. She considered sending Urlee the message “I am about to have Xilaf”, but she didn’t have the concentration.  They made love.  Time passed as she floated in a silent blissful trance.  She said something unintelligible.  She felt intense pleasure and a lingering feeling of ecstasy. She had been told about it, dreamed it, but in reality it was much stronger. 

She opened her eyes and noticed that Xilaf had fallen silent and was just smiling and holding her.  Without separating, they rolled side by side.  Xilaf thought that this was the most intimate moment of his life.  They were so close.  The night was silent except for the breath and crackle of the fire.  The sun had set, and by the warm orange light of the fire he could see her brown eyes, her dark hair.  He could feel her warm breath on his face. 

Wulffan On A Horse

Wulffan climbed onto the folded leather and cloth saddle of Hualaf’s horse.  It was softer than she expected.  He was loaning the horse to her and Rikjia for their trip back to Urlee and Bodlee’s houses.  Rikjia climbed behind her and they headed north.

“Do you think Hualaf is trying to become a king?” Asked Rikjia.

“What makes you think I know his mind?”  Wulffan asked.

“That guy seems like he’s into a lot of action.  But he’s not just making money.  He seems more interested in building a following.” Said Rikjia.

‘To rule, you need more than just a following.  You have to have a little bandit in you.  And some warrior, and adventurer.  Hualaf is all diplomat and merchant.  He will have a hand in choosing the ruler of the north, but I doubt that he could be that ruler.”

“So, are you riding more than his horse?  Is there romance blossoming?” Rikjia asked.

“Romance.  True romance requires commitment.  Commitment depends on love.  To love someone you must know who they really are.  But none of us is who we are yet.  Or at least not who we will be.”  Said Wulffan.


“I mean we are who our blood makes us, and we have grown up.  But, we have not made the choices that will come to define and reveal our true character.  So real romance will not begin for a few more chapters of our life stories.”

“But you’ve gotten laid, I hope.”

“Don’t worry.”

Meanwhile, back at the two houses, Xilaf had prepared breakfast for Bodlee and was readying himself for the journey to Soflmo.  He had dressed and armed himself, but he still had her ribbon hanging around his neck. 

“You can keep the ribbon”, She said, “But be clear, It is not jewelry!”

“Thank you.”  He said.  An exchange of jewelry meant a pledge (temporary) of fidelity between lovers.  Xilaf had not considered whether he wanted such a pledge.  He was a little offended that it had not been demanded, but also relieved.  He would have happily accepted the pledge, but there would be much distance between them during his adventures.  He decided he should think about such things before stumbling into a sexual encounter.  There was a lot that he could say, but he just smiled, kissed her farewell and walked outdoors.

He realized that he was wearing her intimate ribbon like a trophy.  It was like bragging, and he should probably put it away.  But he hoped one of the guys would see him wearing it first. 

Leehemm, Derze and Bovard walked into the budding town.  Later Wulffan rode up, and they all had lunch with Urlee and then set out (walking) for the wall. 

They reached the city walls of Soflmo in the early afternoon.

Last Chance to Turn Back

The forest went right to the wall without a gap.  Some of the closer trees pushed against the wall and bent backwards as their branches tried to spread.  The wall was made of the beige three foot cube bricks which were a standard part of the ancient architecture, with larger bricks randomly (?) interspersed.  It was sixty feet high as it stretched to the east and west, but here, it contained a tower.  The tower was a narrow pyramid twice as high as the wall, and built into it. 

Xilaf went into his pack and lifted out a heavy object wrapped in cloth.  He unveiled his spearhead.  It was a diamond shaped blade as big as a dagger, attached to a collar surrounded by rings of spikes.  He inserted the spear into the base of the spearhead and began inserting pins through the holes in the collar to lock it in place. 

Leehemm, Derze, and Bovard adjusted their armor, prepared their weapons and hid their less important items (cooking pots, extra food, blankets) next to the base of the tower under some brush.  Wulffan watched Xilaf working with his spear.  He no longer wore the boyish smile that was his trademark, and standing there with the lethal heavy metal weapon he looked serious and focused.   

The tower had a row of steep steps leading to its flat top.  They climbed the stairs and looked out over the city of Soflmo. 

In a comically deep voice, Derze said, “The adventure begins . . .”
Chapter Two

© Copyright 2011 Jackson Xilaf (dcj4khr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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