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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1808139
The 2nd one of Reality, Reality, Reality...enjoy!


By: Kyo Henderson Wolf


Hey, remember me? I'm Kyo Wolf. You know, the girl who had the reality t.v show. Remeber my boyfirend Kendall, my jealous boss Dustin, and my bff who is "dating" Dustin. Yeah, that is me. So, let's see what happens next since I'm not in a reality t.v. show. Let's hope it something good.


What Happen

"Hey, Kyo." Kendall said.

"Hey, shouldn't we get to class?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah." Kendall said alittle confused.

"Kyo, you okay?" Bree asked.

Kendall sits in the front of the class.

"No." I replied.

"Aw, what's wong?" Bree asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Well, you moved in with Kendall, you brother is super mad, I'm dating Dustin, and you and Kendall, well you know." Bree said.

"You catch on fast, oh and you forgot, Linsey knows my real name." I said.

"No, way, I don't even know that." I said.

"I know, I keep it a secrect, I just wanna know how Marco found it." I said.

"Wow, are you mad?" Bree asked.

"No, I'm not." I said sarcasticly.

"Whatever." Bree said.

Class is over, lunch time.

"You comming?" Kendall asked.

"What? Oh, yeah." I said.

"You okay, ever since this moring, you've been acting strange." Kendall said.

"I'm fine." I said.

"For some reason I dout that." Kendall said.

"Like I said I'm fine." I said.

"If you say so." Kendall replied.

Marco dumped pudding all over kendall's shirt.

"Oh, my bad." Marco said.

"No, no, my bad." Kendall poured grape juice all over Marco.

Marco shoved Kendall, "Do you know what you did?"

"Yeah, I made you 'chillax.'" Kendall said.

Yes, I'm just standing there.

"You, little punk!" Marco was running towards Kendall.

Kendall moved out of the way, "Oh, did you want me to stay there?"

Marco was getting off the table.

Marco went to go tackle Kendall, again, "Stay right there."

"When are you going to learn, that tackling thing doesn't work." Kendall moved out of the way.

Marco tackled a teacher, it was Mrs. Q.

"Kendall, Bree, Dustin, and I started laughing.

"Mr. Belrose, dention!" Mrs. Q yelled.

The cafe went quite.


It's all about love

"Best Monday ever!" I said.

Kendall was smiling.

"Yeah, it was!" Bree gave me a high five.

"Hey, how did you get to school?" I asked.

"Dustin and I walked." Bree replied.

"Kendall could we drive them home?" I asked.

"Hmm, well." Kendall was interupted,

"Come on!" I said.

"Okay, whatever makes you happy." Kendall said.

"I'm gonna sit in the back with Bree." I said.

"Okay, Dustin your in front." Kendall said.

"Okay." Dustin said.

Bree and I are singing and listening to Bestfriend's Brother.

"So, you did that on purpose." Dustin said.

"Did what?" Kendall asked.

"Embaress Marco." Dustin said.

"I don't know what your talking about." Kendall said.

Dustin started to talk, "You saw that Kyo was sad so, you cheered her up."

"Yeah." Kendall said.

"Well, we're home." Dustin said.

"Hang out soon?" I asked.

"Totally." Bree said.

"To our house we go." I said.

We're home. I hugged Kendall.

"What was that for?" Kendall asked.

"Thank you, for cheering me up," I said smiling, "I heard you and Dustin talking."

"Well, you caught me." Kendall said.

"It's all about love, right." I said.

"Yes, it is," Kendall said, "But now it's all about homework."

"Your no fun." I said.

"If you live with me, then homework first." Kendall said.

"Fine." I said.


No, not homework

"You know how much I love you?" Kendall asked.

"Hmm, how much?" I asked.

"To much to count." Kendall said.

"What about homework?" I asked.

"I have better homework, planning a new roomie party." Kendall said.

"Saturday, it should be saturday." I said.

"Saturday it is." Kendall said.

"Let's finish our real homework." I said.

"Fine, mom." Kendall said.

We finish our homework.

"I have a new project, let's get to know eachother." I said.

"Okay, I'll go first," Kendall said, "My parent got divored when I was five, I have one older brother, and two younger. I love dophins, and I'm a people person. Oh, I'm sixteen and from Ohio."

"I know your sixteen and from Ohio." I said.

Kendall started to talk, "Your turn."

"Okay, my parents died in a house fire when I was four. I have one older brother, one younger brother, I use to have a twin, he died in a car accident when I was famous. My real name is Kyo Roy Mustang. But I changed when Jared died." I said.

"Wow." Kendall said.

"Yeah, oh, I have an abusive uncle." I said,

"so do I." Kendall said.

"Oh, and one more thing at my old school in Britian someone was trying to kill me." I said.

"Okay, you done?" Kendall asked,

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, get some sleep." Kendall said.

It's nine p.m.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well, I have to work." Kendall said.

"Okay have fun." Kendall kissed me on my forehead.

"I will." Kendall said.

Kendall went to work and I fell asleep.


Wake Up

"Kyo, Kyo, it's time to go to school." Kendall said.

"Ugh, do I have to?" I asked.

"Yes." Kendall said.

"Darn it." I said.

"Get changed." Kendall said.

"Okay, mom!" I said.

"Cute." Kendall replied.

We ate breakfast, I got change, and we went to school.

"Hey, look it's Marco." Dustin said.

"Don't tease him." I said.

"Fine." Dustin said.

"Why so mean to Dustin?" Bree asked.

"I'm not trying to be mean, I mean look at Marco, I sorta feel bad." I said.

"Boo, who." Dustin said and went to go tease Marco.

"Dustin's a jerk." I said.

Bree started to talk, "Awe, you want my boyfriend."

"No, I want Kendall." I said.

"I know why you want him." Bree winked at me.

"I'm right here." Kendall said.

"Yes, you are, and a chair is right there." Bree said.

"Bree shut up and go to Dustin." I said.

Bree complained, " Fine!"

Kendall started to talk, "So, I planned a romantic dinner at home, because I have no work today."

"Hmm, is that an invite?" I asked.

"You bet." Kendall kissed me.

"What should a wear?" I asked.

"Um, something sexy, but cute." Kendall said.

"You want me to be sexy and cute?" I asked

"You bet." Kendall said and winked at me.

"Well, I have to get to class, I love you and see you later." I said.

"Darn it, but I love talking to you." Kendall said.

I smilied.


Dinner Date

"Kyo! Can you drive us home?" Bree asked.

"Sorry, Kendall has a romantica date for him and I." I said.

"You suck!" Bree said and walked away.

"Hey, there's my lovely girlfriend." Kendall said walking to his car.

"Oh good, finally you here." I said.

"Thanks, girlfriend." Kendall said.

"I'm sorry,are you ready?" I asked.

"Are you gonna be rude?" Kendall asked.

"No, I promiss." I said.

"Sure about that?" Kendall asked.

"Postive." I replied.

"I know, I can trust you."Kendall.

"Party, for Saturday." I said.

"I completely forgot." Kendall said.

"It's in two more days!" I said.

"Well, you ready for our romantic dinner date?" Kendall asked.

"Why, yes I am." I said getting into his car.

"So, are you excited?" He asked.

"I am." I said.

Kendall kissed me on the forehead, "Good."

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said.

"We're home, and the dinner awaits." Kendall said.

"Hmm, so romantic." I said.

"Yeah." Kendall said.

"So, is my outfit cut and sexy?" I asked.

"It doesn't have to be, your both thoose things." Kendall replied.

We ate, started planning the party, and went to bed.


Party Planning

"Kendall, you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, we need to get party stuff today." Kendall said.

"Yes, but first school." I patted Kendall on the head.

"I'll met you in the car." Kendall said.

"K." I said and went out to the car.

I waited.

"Sorry, about that." Kendall said.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing, just had to check a few things." He said.

"Ok." I said.

We're at school.

"Come on, Kendall I don't wanna be late." I said.

"I'm coming, ok let's go." He replied.

We're in History.

"Kyo." Bree whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"Your in student council, right?" She asked.

"Yes, but I just show new kids around." I replied.

"There's going to be a new kid on monday." Bree said.

"What? How do you know?" I asked.

"I heard the janitor talking about it." She replied.

"Great." I said.

Class is over.

"Hey," Kendall grabbed my books.

"Hey." I said.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Fine, there's just a 'new student' coming on monday." I said.

Kendall started to talk, "Did Bree say this?"

"Yes, but she might be true." I said.

"Who knows, but we got a party to plan." Kendall said.

"Yeah, your right." I replied.

"So, we already got who's coming," Kendall looked and I was gone, "Where'd you go?"

"Sorry about that." I said.

"Where did you go?" he asked.

"I was talking to Bree." I said.

"Right, so anyways." Kendall was talking.

Kendall keeped on talking.

I was sorta listening.

"You, got that." He said.

"Sorta." I said.

"Ugh, I'll get the party stuff, you get the food and drinks." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Okay, let's just get the stuff." Kendall said.

"Uh, okay." I said.

We went to get the supplies.



"Okay, the party is going to be starting soon," Kendall said, "You got everything?"

"Yes, I did." I replied.

I am really sad and stressed. The door bell rang and everyone is here.

"Hey, Kyo! I love this party!" A girl from my history class said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Kyo, everyone loves this party!" Bree said.

"Kendall made it happen." I said, trying to have a good time.

"Woah! Come on Dustin!" Bree shouted and walked away.

I went into Kendall's room, and sat on his bed.

"Hey, there you are." Kendall said walking in.

"Hey." I said like I was sad.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"What is wrong?" Kendall asked.

"Nothing, like I said." I replied.

"I know when someone is sad, don't hide it from me." Kendall said.

"I'm not sad." I replied.

"Yes you are, why," Kendall asked, "Did I do something?"

"No. And I'm not sad." I said.

"Look at me." Kendall said.

I looked at him and we kissed.

"You know I love you, and I will help you with anything." Kendall said.

I think I'm crying.

"Don't cry." Kendall said.

"I can't help it." I said.

"We have guest, cheer up, or I'll make you." Kendall smilied.

"I'm not happy." I said.

"Well, looks like you give me no choice." Kendall said and poked my side.

"No, stop." I was smiling and laughing.

"There's a smile," Kendall kiss me, "Come on."

We went out.

"There you are!" Bree said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"This is Noah, the newbie!" Bree said.

"He's the new guy?" I asked.

"Hey, he's kind of cute, but not my type." Bree said.

"That's great." I said.

"Well, I'll let you guys chat." Bree walked away.

"Hi, I'm Noah." Noah said.

"I'm Kyo, I'll be showing you around on Monday." I replied.

Oh, Kendall is hanging with some friends.

"Do, you believe in love at fisrt sight?" Noah asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay, anyone you like?" He asked.

"Yes, but you don't need to know." I said.

"Oh, right." Noah said laughing.

"Yeah." I replied laughing too.

"I'll seeya in two more days." Noah said.

"Yeah seeya." I said.

The party is over everyone left.

"So, who's that guy you were talking to?" Kendall asked.

"Oh, you know just my 26th boyfriend." I replied.

"Haha cute." Kendall said.

"No, he's the new kid." I said.

"Oh, don't fall in love with him." Kendall said.

"I won't." I said.

"Good." Kendall said.



"Hi, Noah." I said.

"Hey." Noah said.

"You ready?" I asked.

"For what?" He asked.

"So, I can show you to your classes." I said.

"Oh, yeah." H e said.

"Wait, I have to tell someone something." I said.

I went over to Kendall and I told him about me showing Noah around. He said okay, and we hugged.

"Ready?" I asked,

"Yeah." Noah said.

I showed Noah around and to all of his classes. Then we bumped into Kendall.

"Oh, hey Kendall, did you meet Noah?" I asked.

"No." Kendall said.

"Well, hi I'm Noah." Noah said.

"Yeah, thats great." Kendall walked away like he was pissed.

"He's lovely." Noah said.

"Yep, truely." I said.

"Hey, you want to hang after school?" Noah asked.

"Sure, so we're going to hang in exatly two minutes." I said.

"Okay, it's a date-ish." Noah said.

I giggled, "Yeah."

"To be honest, when I saw you I thought you were a junior." Noah said.

"Nope freshman." I replied.

We're done hanging out, and Noah drove me home.

"Hey, Kendall, I'm home." I said shutting the door.

Kendall wasn't home.

"Kendall?" I asked.

No answer. I went into the kitchen, there was a note.

It said, "Kyo, I'm at work, Kendall."

"No sweet message?" I asked myself.

The door opened and shut."

"Kendall! I missed you!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey," Kendall said, "I'm going to bed."

"Don't you want to know how my day was?" I asked.

"I'll pass, oh and sleep in the guest room tonight." Kendall said.

"What?" I asked myself


Kendall's Confession

Next morning.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I stopped Kendall at the front door.

"Let me go." Kendall said.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." I said.

Kendall moved me out of the way.

"Hey, how am I supposed to get to school?" I asked.

"Walk, call a friend, I really don't care." Kendall said walking

"Your such a jerk!" I yelled.

"I'm the jerk?" Kendall yelled back and drove away.

I called up Dustin to pick me up.

"Thanks Dustin." I said.

"Yeah, so Kendall is being a jerk?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes.

"You okay?" Dustin asked.

"Perfect, because my boyfriend is acting like a jerk." I said.

"You don't have to sound like that." Dustin said.

"Just take me to school." I said.

We're at school and I caught up with Noah.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, Kyo." Noah said hugging me.

Kendall walked by and gave me a mean look.

"Is, that the kid we ran into yesterday?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, I have to go." I said.

"Wait where?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it." I replied.

It was lunch, I went up to Kendall.

"Hey." I said.

"What do you want?" Kendall asked.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"That kid, Noah." Kendall said.

"Yeah, we're friends." I said.

Kendall started to talk, "I just feel like your slipping away, and there's nothing I can to about it." I said.

"I love you, and I always will," I said, "Noah, I don't like, or like like, or love him." I said.

"He's just a friend?" Kendall asked.

"Yes, he's not even my type." I said.

"Really? Then what is your type?" Kendall asked.

"Hmm, he has to be cute, sweet, smart, and his name has to be Kendall." I said.

We both smilied, and then kissed.

"I love you." Kenall  said.

"I will always love you, Kendall." I said.

We kissed again.

"Promiss me that you won't leave me." Kendall said.

"Okay, Kendork." I said.

"Hey, what did I say, don't call me that." Kendall said.

"It's called flirting." I replied.



Ha! I do love Kendall! And he loves me. Third book comming soon. More Noah, Kendall, and I, Kyo. Enjoy.

Author Note

Hey, this is a new thing I'm new thing I'm doing. Just going to type what inspired me to make the books that I make. So, I the name Kyo (in most of my books) it's from an anime, and I'm just like this character....ish. The name Kendall is from Big Time Rush. Yes it's Kendall Schmidt. Why did I use Kendall? Well, he's hot, he can sing, and he's Kendall. I got Bree from a girl who I used to be bestfriends with. She lived near me. Dustin, had to do with two guys who I liked both named Dustin. The name Derek, I got it from an older show called Living Life with Derek. I think. Tommy is from a friend who's awesome. Jared, I'm not quite sure, and Noah....Noah Newman of course! He's from The Young and the Restless. If you don't know him, he's Kendall schmidt's older brother. I hope you enjoy all my books!


© Copyright 2011 Kyo Henderson Wolf (chimchim22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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