Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1807537-Jealousy
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Death · #1807537
This will happen when the jealousy control our mind.

There was a time when I want to scream ‘till my lungs out. I’m getting tired with all these things that keeps happening to me. I don’t want to keep any secrets anymore. I hate the consequences. She keeps waving at me with those bloody hands as if she wants me to come with her but I’m afraid. She will kill me because of that. But it’s not my fault. They’re the one who plan to do it. Stay away from me! I’m not guilty!

“Dean, do you have to do those scary faces when you’re telling the stories? I’m not afraid at all.” Julia told him.

Dean pouted. “But it’s more natural if I’ve made those scary faces.”

“Hey guys! Please stop the quarrel. I want to hear the stories, not your stupid arguments.” Julian said.

“You said me stupid?” Julia is getting anger at him.

“I didn’t say your name.” Julian laughs.

“Okay, okay. I will stop the arguments and keeps telling the stories. How is it?” Dean said.

“Go on.” Julian replies while Julia says nothing.

There is a group of students where they were very popular among students at Sky High College because of their high reputation in academic and sports. Despite all of that, they’re loved making fun of people especially the nerds but everyone will ignore them because they will never get suspended even though many charges have been made towards them.

The group consists 6 people; 4 girls and 2 boys. Their name is Gabriella, Honey, Jill, Freddie, Amber and Sam. Jill and Sam is a couple whereas the others have known each other since elementary school.

Things are getting complicated when a new girl transferred to this college. Her name is Tina. She has a chestnut with a long hair and she’s usually tied it like a ponytail.

One day at a biology laboratory, Freddie becomes Tina’s partner when the lecturer called out their names. At first, they were very close friend and always sharing everything. Eventually, they’re become couple when Freddie decides he wants to keep the relationship serious. Freddie slowly ignores his used to best friends and spending more time with Tina. They’re really despising Tina especially the girls because making Freddie staying away from them and it’s getting worse when Sam eventually fall in love for her.

Thus, the girls came up with a plan to make her disappear. They were luring her out by sending an invitation to Jill’s birthday party.  They are only inviting each of them and her but they’re trying to make it friendlier so Tina won’t suspect anything. They’re even making sure Tina didn’t told Freddie about the party so he won’t ruined their plan.

“Hey, what if Tina suspects anything?” Julia suddenly interrupts.

“You’re so blabbermouth. Can’t you stop talking and listen until the end? Then, you can complaints everything you want to say.” Julian said.

“Sorry Dean. Please, continue your story.” Julia apologizes.

“Never mind.” Dean smiles and continues his story.

         That night, Tina was wearing purple shirt which be given by Freddie on her birthday party last month. She even makes sure she’s looked beautiful among the girls and with a big hope; she can makes friends with them when she learns they were Freddie’s best friends.

         At the party, Gabriella gives Tina a punch where it has been mixed with chloroform. Without suspecting anything, Tina takes her drink and gulp in one shot. She even compliments the decoration for the party and the buffet they’re provided. After a few minutes, she immediately passed out while the girls surrounding her like the tiger is ready to play with it prey.

         They’re dragging her to the bathroom before undress her in the tub. They want to cut her into many piece before dumping them to the sewer nearby but Amber refuses to do it. She wants to stop them because she thought she would take revenge on them. They were laughing at her and mocking Amber for that. They’re continuing their dirty work despite Amber absence.  After the killing, they immediately leave the scene and clean up the whole mess. They were very lucky that Jill’s parents were at overseas right now.

         Next morning, they’re act like nothing happen but Amber was trembling. She can’t sleep; thinking about the murder. What if Tina taking revenge on them? That’s what she’s afraid of but neither Gabriella, Jill and Honey seems afraid of it. Freddie who was worried tried to dial her number but didn’t reach her line. After school, he went to her home but her parents also didn’t know where she is. The last time they’re informed is she was invited to Jill’s party; the day she’s been disappeared and never coming back.

        Honey protested as if was not their fault. Honey told him that after the party ended, Tina left with a gloomy face. They’re even wanted to send her home but she refused and walks away. Amber wants to say something but they were glaring at her at seems they would kill her next if she told him the truth. So, she decided to stay silent. But it’s only for temporary.

Honey was in the bathroom after cheer-leading practice. She cleaned up herself with hot shower. At first, she felt someone was watching her from behind so she turning back but no one there. She continues showering but she felt the same thing twice. Trembling, she quickly fastens her movement before wrapped her with towel. She was stepping outside when she found Tina smirking at her. She’s screaming ‘till the lungs out.

        Next morning, one of her teammates was about to change her clothes to cheerleader uniform when they saw bloody headless Honey in the bathroom. At the wall someone was using her blood to write the bloody words, ‘I’m back for revenge’. Rumors already started to spread around the college about the news. It’s getting worse when the girls found out about Honey’s death.

         On the raining night, Jill decided to sleepover at Gabriella’s house. They were scared if the ghost was really real and seek for revenge on them. They even wanted to ask Amber to join them but they can’t reach her line. It was raining heavily outside and Gabriella’s parents were having dinner outside. They were in her room when they spotted someone’s shadow. They’re hugging themselves and didn’t even dare to see outside. Suddenly, they heard Gabriella’s parents voice so they let a big relieved sigh when they are already home. Gabriella went to greet her parents while Jill is staying in the room. After a moment later, Gabriella still doesn’t come upstairs yet. Jill went to downstairs but she heard no sound. She shouted her name but no one answering. Behind her back, Tina was already smiling cynically at her with a wet hair and a wet purple shirt she wore that night.

         Sam and Freddie already worried when the girls didn’t come to class this morning. They dialed each number but no one answers their call. They’re taking imitative by waiting for the class to end before heading to Gabriella’s house. Both of them goes straight to Gabriella’s house because Jill already informed Sam that she will be in Gabriella’s house for sleepover yesterday night. They knocked the door a few times but no one come. They decide to barge in. The door making squeaking sound when they push it. They walk straight to living room but no suspicious thing there so they go upstairs to find Gabriella’s room. Suddenly, they smelled something like garbage coming from her room. Thus, they open the door slowly and found both of them hanged themselves on the fan. Their faces was very terrifying like they have seem to see something scary upon their death. They’re suspected it must be connected to Tina’s disappearance.

         They hurriedly go to Amber’s house and her mother give them an access to go into her room instead because she was worried when Amber didn’t come out from her room since Honey’s death. They knocked a few times before she allows them to come inside. They stormed her a few questions but she didn’t answer any. Instead, she’s told them about the nightmare she’s been having each night. Every night she can feel Tina’s standing in front of her bed; waving at her with a smile. She’s trembling and didn’t get to sleep quietly. She was afraid if she closes her eyes, she will killed her in her sleep. Freddie shook her body hard and demanded her to tell the truth. For instance, she told them about what was really happened at the party and afterwards. She was grabbing Freddie’s shoulder and begging his forgiveness. She didn’t even know they would go that far to kill Tina. She thought they were only trying to scare her away. Freddie stumbles down while Sam rubbing his face. Amber gives herself in to police after being consoled by Sam to confess her crime. She’s been locked up for 8 years sentences for hiding the secret.

“That was sad.” Julia gives them a fainted smile.

“Is it really happening at Sky High College?” Julian asked Dean.

Dean nods his head. “Yeah, my senior told me this stories. Anyway, Sam and Freddie already move on and started a new life. So does Amber after she’s been released from the jail.”

“By the way, when you will told us about the next story?” Julia asked.

“I will tell you tomorrow.” Dean smiles.

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