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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1807199
How can two soulmates be born to love another, but also born to die?
Chapter 1: Thomas Andrew Dekker

"Molly, Molly, Molly" each heartbeat was like an adrenaline shot through his whole body and each heartbeat had a name. His life wasn't always like this. There was once when he used to be happy. He had his mother and father and his two sisters. His oldest sister, Viktoria Janet Dekker- Dickinson. She was tall with long, blonde, curly, hair and light blue eyes, and his younger sister, Molly Amilya Dekker. She had long, brown, straight hair, big brown eyes, and freckles that went across her nose and ended on her cheekbones. He missed each terribly, which was why he was here now. It seemed like months that he had been trusted with his younger sister. He had been left with that responsibility since his parents died. He finally made it. He pushed citizens out of his way and ran through the castle. He remembered every room in the place he once called home. Each contained a memory he would never forget. Many held times when he was younger and he would always get in trouble for pulling another of his pranks, and some were of the times he and his sisters would stay in when it was cold or raining outside. He would always sneak out and play in the rain, though. He loved the rain. The familiar sound that would put him to sleep if he were ever still. There was one were he would spy on his older sister when she would tell the maids the news. She tried to keep it a secret, but with Thomas around, that plan always failed. When he was close to an old chamber, he glanced at one room. It was unfamiliar to him, which was odd. It was almost like there was a rope pulling him into the strange room. He walked slowly into the room, then straightened up when there was nobody in there. The room was small and looked vacant. As though nobody had used it in years. It was very dark too.He used an old candle and searched the room. Far in the right corner he saw a small chest. He tried to open it, but it was locked. It was shaped like the locket he as wearing, the one his father gave him on his sixteenth birthday, and stuck it to the lock. It worked. The top lid flew up, and at the bottom were four paintings. The first one showed a girl. She had curly brown hair that reached her shoulders and big sapphire blue eyes. She sat at an empty table and stared into a large window. She had a look of desire as she watched the roads. The second had the girl again, but to his surprise, he was in the painting with her. He gripped her wrist and ran away from a dark force rising behind them. Her face showed a look of fear while he his was of disgust. He wondered why he would ever use that expression. The third surprised him most of all. His hand was supped on her cheek and kissed her lips. He wondered what it would be like to kiss her full, pink lips. He caught himself day dreaming about her and shoved the thought aside. The fourth almost scared him. It showed a big hill outside in a garden. The girl was on top of the hill bent over something. As he tried looking closer, he noticed the painting began to move in. He could hear sounds come from the canvas as it started to move. She was sobbing hard and whispered something that he wasn't able to hear. She pressed her forehead lightly against his. His eyes were wide open and a pile of blood drained from his back. 'What happened to me?' He thought.

"You're dead,Thomas." A voice came out from behind him.

He spun around and saw his uncle Richard, the man whos started all of this. If looks could have killed, Richard would have dropped dead. He killed his parents when they wouldn't give him the crown he demanded. He kidnapped Molly only to lure Thomas to his probably death. That was a sacrifice that he was willing to make for his sister.

"Molly, where is she?" He demanded.

"Oh! The girl? She is a little tied up at the moment." He laughed.

Thomas looked around and saw Molly being taken out of a room by three of his helpers. He took a deep breath and concentrated on her. What he was trying to do had worked. He had just stopped time. Everyone was frozen still. He could hear rapid and frantic movements come from the corner. He ran over to Molly and pulled the cloth from her mouth and eyes.

"Thomas?" She said blinking her eyes, trying to regain her fuzzy vision.

"Yes, Molly its me. Your safe." He said smiling and trying to untie the rope from her wrists. They were too tight for him. He let out a deep breath and let his hands fall to his side. He put his face in his hands and thought of what to do. He immediately lifted his head out of his hands with a slow yet delibrate smile.

"Molly, can you still go through objects?" He asked seriously.

"Yes, but the first time was an accident. I don't know how to do it on purpose." She said shaking her head.

"All you have to do is concentrate really hard, and then before you know it, you're playing paddy-cake." He joked.

"If you say so." She said unsure.

She closed her eyes. Her eyebrows began to wrinkle, something he knew she did when she concentrated. She concentrated more for a second, then pulled her hands apart. He hands went through the rope and onto her lap. She rubbed her wrists. After she rubbed them, she threw her arms around his neck and began to sob. Thomas tighed his arms around her small back and hugged her for comfort. She was alive and in his arms. That's all he cared for. He stroked her hair and tried to calm her down. He helped her up, but she fell back down. Her legs were not used to walking again. Thomas picked her up and started off to the castle doors. A dark silhouette appeared out of a dark corner. The silhouette became Richard. Thomas stopped in his tracks and let wide-eyed Molly down.

"What do you want from us? We are your family. Your brothers children, how can you do this to us?" Thomas begged.

"Jonathon was never a brother to me and is more helpful now. And he is now in his rightful place, lying in the dirt!" Richard said.

Thomas jumped on him in anger and immediately tried to reach inside, past his flesh, and rip out his heart. Richard was faster though and grabbed his wrists and threw him off of him. Thomas jumped back up and stood crouched, prepping for an attack Richard had. Many blows came after him from nowhere and Thomas quickly dodged them. Thomas sat on his heels and touched the ground lightly with his palm. A faint white light shot up his arm and settled in his chest. His eyes were like a bright light, searching for his prey.

"Richard, come out!" Thomas demanded.

Richard came down from the ceiling and attacked him. Thomas threw large and hard boulders at him. Richard flew back, the boulders piling on top of him. Thomas slightly smiled and walked over to him. He pushed one aside carefully. Richard lay there unmoving and not breathing. He smile grew more and turned his head to his sister. He took deep breaths and smiled. He began to walk slowly over to him. Just as he began to walk, he heard metal shuffle across the floor. He wrinkled his eyebrows and began to turn. A sharp pain gripped him on his side. His hand flew to it immediately and he screamed in pain. The sharp object pushed slowly into his skin. He could almost feel it reach to his front. Boiling hot tears slid down his face. Molly screamed in terror. A hand gripped his shoulder tightly and threw him into the wall. His face met the hard brick and blood trickled down. He felt his head with a shaky hand. A large cut went across his forehead and stopped at the hairline. He was so shocked that he didn't feel any pain until his head crashed into the wall again. His screamed a blood-curdling scream. He looked over to Molly, her face was covered with sweat and tears. Sobs shook her body violently. Thomas gain strength slowly and spun around to his attacker. Richard stood there, his hands were covered in blood. He glared at him. He jumped at him again and grabbed his neck. He quickly spun and threw Richard's body over him and slammed him against the hard floor. He stood and watched him for a second, but Richard gripped his ankle and threw him down with him. Richard stood up and placed his boot on the arch of Thomas's back. He pushed down harder and harder. Molly jumped up and ran over. She completely forgot about her abilities and tried to push Richard away from an alomst unconsciuos Thomas.
© Copyright 2011 Shelby E. Hall (lives2write at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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