Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1806636-Green-Prompt
by Pearl
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1806636
Green Prompt
"Though jealousy be produced by love, as ashes are by fire,
yet jealousy extinguishes love as ashes smother the flame."
+Margaret of Navarre+

1,086 words Green Prompt

A couple embraces in shadows on the side of an opaque building away from the neon lights of the club. The sound of the small grey Honda pulling into the parking lot with one berdittle headlight is not enough to break the couple’s embrace. Black boots hit the concrete with a soft thud, which isn’t heard since the club music was booming from the walls to make a big thump-thump vibration. Kyle took his time to scope out the parking lot before heading into the raucous club. “I’m looking for Anne.” he told Mike the bouncer. Mike just jerked his head in the direction of the bar. “Thanks Mike.” said Kyle as he walked over to the bar scanning the seats as he went. Anne wasn’t at the bar as far as he could tell. So he asked Grace the bartender if she had seen Anne tonight. She just gave him a hostile stare. Kyle didn’t know why he even asked Grace, knowing she hasn’t liked him since the last time he dragged Anne out of the bar. Kyle spotted Anne dancing with Craig. Man that guy is a douche bag, he thought as he walked up to the couple dancing. “Hey honey, what are you doing here so early? Did you come to dance with me?” said Anne smiling. “No I’ve come to take you home again!” said Kyle irritation dripping from his voice. “But you said we were going dancing tonight when you got off work and to meet you here.” she said with puzzlement in her voice. “That’s right WE were going dancing not you and Craig.” he sneered. “Craig was just being nice. He was just hanging out until you got here.” came her irritated reply. “Whoa, man! No need to get upset dude.” said Craig trying to defuse the heated situation. “Get out of here now Craig before you can’t walk out by yourself.” Kyle sneered vehemently. “You can’t talk to him like that! We’ve been best friends since grade school!" , screamed Anne. “I’m tired of you always being jealous when I’ve NEVER given you a reason to be!” “You’re dancing with another guy while waiting for me! You’re trying to drive me crazy!” shouted Kyle back at Anne. Grabbing Anne by the arm Kyle started dragging her out of the nightclub. Craig tried to help but Kyle swung around and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out cold. People on the dance floor were used to fights breaking out so they just danced around the knocked out Craig. Kyle dragged Anne out by the kissing couple, telling them to bug off. They stopped kissing long enough to find another corner of the parking lot to continue their embrace. “I’ve had it with you trying to get me into fights with Craig, by dancing and flirting with him Anne. You are never coming back to this club again!” said Kyle ending with a shout. “That’s it Kyle! I’ve had it with all your crazy notions! We’ve been together for two years and this is all you’ve done the whole time. Maybe you’re the one who’s cheating on me since you’re always accusing me!” said Anne exasperated. “What?!" said Kyle. “We all know that when someone continues to accuse someone else for cheating they’re usually the ones doing the cheating.” stated Anne. At that statement Kyle’s' eyes narrowed, his face turned red and he grabbed Anne by the throat slamming her up against the wall, holding her two feet in the air to choke the life out of her. Anne couldn’t breathe or see for that matter. All she could do was gasp for air and try to kick out at Kyle’s body. ‘Oh my God, I’m going to die’ was replaying in her head over and over. Just as she was about to pass out she fell to to ground like a ragdoll in a heap. “Anne! Anne! Oh crap! Come on Anne! There you go, open your eyes and take deep breaths for me.” said a worried Craig. Anne opened her eyes, everything was foggy and her whole body hurt. Especially her neck, which she put up a hand to tenderly feel the welts rising up on her neck. Suddenly the fear was back in her eyes as she sat up quickly to scream at the top of her lungs. All she could do was a harsh whisper. “Where is Kyle?” she asked fearfully. “You don’t have to worry about him anymore, Anne. Look.” Craig pointed over to the cop car where the police were arresting a bloody Kyle. “What happened?” she croaked. Craig proceeded to to tell Anne that someone had spilled their drink on the dance floor, which woke him up. He went to Grace the bartender to have her call the police. Then he ran outside with Mike the bouncer who grabbed Kyle by his neck and threw him across the parking lot. “I’m glad that you guys saved me.” croaked Anne. “Me too. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I would’ve lost you Anne.” said Craig with fear and love in his eyes. “I love you, Anne. I was just too afraid to tell you until tonight.” “You-you love me?” croaked Anne with surprise. “Yes. I thought you would’ve figured it out by now.” laughed Craig with relief. Anne was deep in thought when Craig asked if she was alright. “Yes, I was just thinking that I think I love you too. You are my knight in shining armor. After all, you did save my life tonight. You’ve always been there for me and I didn’t appreciate that until now.” said Anne. “”I’m going to take you to my place and take care of you for awhile. I want you to marry me Anne.” “What?! Now?” asked surprised Anne. “No silly girl. Not tonight. But soon. Real soon.” Craig said with a wide goofy grin. “I do too as long as it’s not tonight.” said Anne with a croak-laugh. Craig just laughed as he scooped her from the ground to put her in the passenger seat of his blue 5.0 Mustang. They raced off to Craig’s house to live the rest of their lives without interference from Kyle.
© Copyright 2011 Pearl (owanay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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