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Rated: E · Short Story · Nature · #1806175
Irene has an assignment, but is unsure of it. She seeks advice from a living "legend".

         The two beautiful women sat on the soft couch sipping their rosehips herbal tea.  There was an upcoming assignment for the blond, and she was looking for advice from someone she could trust.

         “I don’t know Katrina, I have an assignment from Him, and I’m not sure I can be that strong.”

         “Nonsense Irene, you can be strong, I’m sure of that.  No one ever thought I’d be as strong as I was initially, but when you encounter adversity, you either wither away like a small autumn breeze, or become stronger.  It’s your choice on how you handle this.  I chose to become stronger, now I seem to be legendary in the news.”

         “But Katrina, you were fortunate.  Conditions were just right; you were where you needed to be.  He saw to that of course.”

         Katrina leaned in close to Irene and whispered in her ear.  “Yes, and he will see that you are where you need to be also.  He always takes care of us.  I have it on good authority that you will become pretty famous yourself.  You are going to make a splash like no other in recent memory, I’m sure of that.”

         As Irene looked in Katrina’s eyes for a moment, she curled her right leg under her left knee, a soft smile lighting her beautiful face.  The two had met just a few hours before, yet their similarities were obvious instantly.  Katrina’s dark hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail.  Her beautiful complexion rivaled that of Helen of Troy, though she preferred to think she looked a lot like her best friend Camille.  Irene was blonde, her tresses hanging loosely over either shoulder.  Both women were beautiful in the purest sense of the word; any man would find it hard to choose one over the other.

         As Irene contemplated what Katrina had just said, she had to agree with what she had said.  He always took care of them and saw that they were the best they could be.  She thought about all those that had come before her.  Some legendary, like Katrina, others well known, but not necessarily legends.  Barbara and Carol were two of the first whose names were easily remembered.  But they were soon followed by Edna and Hazel.  After that, it was one after the other, names that were well known to anyone along the United States East Coast.  Each left their impact behind, some almost revered, every one of them remembered.  Now it was Irene’s turn, and she was a little worried and unsure about how things would turn out.  After all, her aunt, also named Irene, had been largely forgotten for some reason.  Perhaps it was this reason that caused her to be unsure of things.  Katrina happened to be nearby this day, so she’d arranged to meet “The Legend”.

         “So what should I do Katrina?”

         “Just be yourself, don’t hold back one bit.  But most of all, relax and have fun.  You only have a short time span for this, so enjoy yourself.”  Saying this, Katrina reached behind her and grabbed a small red bag sitting on the sofa nearby.  “Here, I think this is perfect for you.”

         “What is it?”

         “You’ll need this as you start your assignment.  Inside you’ll find inner strength to carry you through this assignment.  When you are done, return here to me, and we’ll recount your adventures.”

         The two women sat and talked a little more about common interests.  Both loved shopping, but neither bought extravagant items.  They dressed simply, preferring jeans of one color or another, and pull over tops.  They both loved music, for in these symphonies one could hear the sounds of Mother Nature.  And both loved who and what they are, and their role in the Master Plan.

         Finally, it was time for Irene to leave.  Katrina remained behind and relaxed, watching the large holograph that dominated the room.  She watched intently as the weather on Earth slowly changed.  She could see exactly where and when Irene was born in the atmosphere.  She smiled as Irene ravaged the small island man called Puerto Rico.  Inwardly, she hoped that Irene would take a path similar to hers, but quickly knew that wouldn’t happen.  One of her friends created a high pressure system, moving Irene on a more northerly track.  A large smile grew on her face as she realized her friend’s intentions.  She clasped her knees to her breasts as she watched Irene slam into one of the largest cities on Earth causing massive flooding and destruction.  She was glad that so few humans died from her friend’s fierceness, but loved seeing her pure force released across the Earth.  She knew that without this release, the planet would explode.  This was the reason Katrina and her sisters were born, the reason for their existence.  She just wished mankind knew of this also.  Alas, maybe one day they would.

Jim Dorrell

Word Count:  832
© Copyright 2011 Sum1's In Doswell Va! (jim-d at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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