Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1806010-Cinderella-Boi-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1806010
She was never Cinderella and he was never Prince Charming .
Brief Profile

Name: Kyou Ootori

Age: 17

School: Ouran Public High School/Ouran Academy

Family: (twin) Kyoya Ootori, (mother) Yuki Tsubasa

Bio: Kyou is the younger twin of Kyoya and was separated at birth. Their father believed only the oldest deserved the name Ootori. She lives with her mother and goes to Ouran Public High School. She bumped into Kyoya at a products expo at the mall, after that Kyou was forced to transfer to Ouran Academy.


I was so excited for the weekend. This weekend there's a products expo at the local mall; all kinds of things from around the world will be at dirt cheap prices, perfect time to shop for mom's birthday gift. The last period of the day was math aka the worst invention since the clock, I run my fingers through my raven/jet black shoulder length hair trying to apply the quadratic theory to solve for 'x'... and failing miserably. I'm surprised I can even keep a 'C' in this class, but my mom always says, "A hard 'C' is like an easy 'A'", so that's good enough for me.

After school I head to my first job, my mom has been in the hospital for a while now and I'm home by myself, so I have two jobs just so I don't starve. For my first job I'm a cashier at a supermarket and at my second job I'm at an electronics store, I also babysit my neighbors kids to make ends meet. I don't want to make my mom worry so I stop by the hospital one a while and bring her gifts. Next week's her birthday so I have to get her something spatial. I'm often exhausted when I get home but I still put 10000% into my homework so I can bring good grades to mom, she's been in the hospital for a while but she still won't tell me about her condition. I just don't get her sometimes.

The next day I went straight to the expo after work and I still couldn't find anything mom would like. I was about to check out this stand with some bowels but this guy was there inspecting them. Now that I think about it, I think I know him from somewhere. I was about to say hi when he just disappeared, he's fast, but I didn't have time to be chasing after mystery guys I still had no present. I start going up a couple of levels to see if I could find anything. Just then I see the same guy saying goodbye to his friend and a group of (hot) guys waiting at the help desk, I decided not to say anything but I didn't pay attention and he fell on top of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright Miss?" he asks, still on top of me.

"I'm fine. Your just really heavy--", I answered finally getting a good look at him – he looked just like me.

He finally got off of me and brushed himself off, and got a good look at me, "Excuse me for staring, but you somehow look familiar. Have we met before", he asked.

"I…I don't think so. What's your name?" I ask. Where did that come from? I don't really care who he is, my mouth moved by itself.

"I am Kyoya Ootori. Son of Yoshio Ootori." I froze at his words... Yoshio is my biological father.

"I'm Kyou Ootori." I might not have known it then, but those words would change my life forever.

After that started coming over, a pair of twins started saying how we look identical, a short blond kid was spinning around saying "Yay! Another Kyoya!", I could see the tall blond one's ghost muttering "another Kyoya" over and over, and a tall guy just staring at me, which was starting to creep me out. Me and Kyoya sat down on a bench when he started asking me questions,

"When were you born?"

"November 22"

How old are you?"


He face palmed himself and started rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Alright, I see I'm going to have to get more in-depth with this. What time were you born?"


"I was born at 11:44. As bazaar as it may seem, I think we could be twins."

Okay now I was frozen. My mom said I was an only child and that my father died when I was young, she has got some major explaining to do. I think I passed out for a while, because when I woke up I was on the tall one's back. They put me in a limo and drove off at speeds you would have been in jail for (if you hadn't bought the police). The tall blond wouldn't shut up about how exciting it has to be to reunite with a long-lost twin, I swear he talked the whole time the only pause he took was "were here".

We all got out of the car and Kyoya, apparently my brother, said this was the Ootori estate. My mouth opened so wide you could see my uvula, is was certainly no house. It had to have six plus floors and a heliport in the backyard, I tried to form words but my brain still wouldn't let me. Kyoya led me inside to what I thought couldn't get any grander, he showed me to the living room and offered me something to eat.

"So dad is still alive and basically killed mom off in his version of the truth." I said slightly confused.

"Well to be fair I thought mom died giving birth to me." he replied nonchalantly.

"Great, even my own father would just kill me off. So what were you saying about this school you go to?"

"Ouran Academy? Oh that. You're probably going to have to move in since your legal guardian is decided. Your transcript for Ouran Academy has already been prepared-", I cut him off.

"What? My mother's dead and no one even bothered to tell me?" I was about to start crying. I should have gotten to the hospital sooner, even if just to say goodbye. "Wait, did you just say I have to transfer to Ouran Academy?"

"Yes. But there's one detail, you have to enroll as a boy." he said. to be honest that's not what I cared about. I just can't believe she's really gone, and the hospital didn't even notify me. Right now I don't know who to believe, that I have an identical twin that I'm just now hearing about and that I have to move in with said twin because my mother's dead. It all feels so surreal.

"Wait a second... I have to enroll as a guy?"

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