Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1804908-Eliza-Ruth-Teen-Detective
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1804908
When walking through the woods Eliza finds...
Eliza Ruth Teen Detective

Chapter One

Mmm who knew grass could be so comfy? Really comfy! Wait, what was that? I can hear something but it's distant...I think it's...it's calling my name! It's so quiet I can hardly hear it. Ah well I'll just relax here...wherever I am. Where am I?
"....Eliza...." It was a bit louder now, echoing. I felt the ground ripple like water. What was happening? "....Eliza....!" Who is that? The ground rippled again and I began to panic. The sky (well I think it was the sky) began to darken and now the voice was becoming louder and more impatient.

I began to hear a deep base drumming, footsteps?
"ELIZA!" It's was coming, coming to get me, what was I supposed to do? I carried on laying there, clueless of what to do. Everything was blurry and the drumming was right next to me now, I held my breath and prepared for the worst.

I sat up, my eyes snapping open just as a bright light blinded me.

"Good morning Dracula." My Dad said, opening the curtains. I winced at the sudden bright light.
"Ergh, wha-? Da' s'not school," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.
"Eliza it's twelve o'clock and your Mum and I wanted to take you and Lily to Temple Newsam." Lily is my little sister. "C'mon, get dressed. I've made some bacon and chip butties."

I yawned and stood up, stretching and my Dad left the room. I was having such a nice dream.


Mum told us we were going for a walk through the woods when we arrive at Temple Newsam then we'll go have some lunch then visit the animals since it was such a nice day. She was right, the sun was hanging high and there was no sign of any clouds in the clear blue sky.

I rest my head on the back of my seat in the car with the window down, letting the cool breeze brush through my hair and face. I hope that weather would stay like this through the holiday. Ah, the summer holiday. Six whole weeks of sleeping in and relaxing and-

"Yay! We're here!" Lily cried, practically bouncing in her seat. She looked so cute with her big brown eyes, the same colour as mine, and curly blonde hair. She's quite small for a five year old but that just made her look cuter. Sometimes I wished I had her beautiful golden locks. My hair was long but unlike Lily's it was strawberry blonde and straight. I had tied it back in a high bobble today with my side fringe clipped back.
"Come on girls," Mum said and we got out the car.

The heat was almost unbearable. Luckily Mum had brought some drinks though as we set off into the woods and also the trees shaded us from the sun. I stayed behind my parents, looking at my surroundings. I didn't know there could be so many trees. All I could see was mixes of green and brown and white-

Wait, white?

Yes! There was something white that had just caught my eye near a fallen tree trunk. I crept over to it cautiously, unnoticed by my family. A small sheet of paper was hidden in the crack of a tree trunk, moss covering it. Someone was trying to blend it in to the scenery. But why? I unfolded the piece of paper and it read 4292-00-2213. Was it a phone number? It wasn't like any phone number I had seen.

I suddenly realised that this piece of paper might have not been meant for me to read. Oh god. I stuffed it back into the crack, hastily putting the moss back over it. Whatever it was it was none of my business. As I hurriedly jogged back to my family, I couldn't help chanting the numbers in my head.

A strange feeling bubbled in the pit of my stomach, like the feeling you get when you're taken to the headteachers office and you don't know what for. You know something is going to happen but the question is will it be good or bad?

© Copyright 2011 R.A.W.R.B.O (r.a.w.r.b.o at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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