Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1804832-Visions
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #1804832
Maya has visions , she ends up in a very strange foster family that may danger her life.
Author's note : Hi guys this is just the prologue and first 5 chapters. If you like it review it and I will continue the story otherwise I probably wont!


I knew something was going to happen but I didn’t know what to do.

My brother died in an accident. I knew something bad was bound to happen that day but I couldn’t tell what or when or how…..

My name is Maya I’m twelve years old and I live in Toronto. Though this is a resonably calm town, I live in fear and worry. My Mom left when I was two years old and now I live with my dad in a one bedroom apartment. I have a secret probably bigger than every normal person in this town has ever had. I see things. I can’t tell when they are bound to happen or sometimes even what it meansz but my life revolves around those visions. When I was three I saw my dad fall. The next thing I know he was in the emergency room with a broken leg. When I was six I saw my mother partying in a car. A month later I heard she got in jail for drunk driving. When I turned twelve last month I saw a vision of my brother lying on the road unconscious, or so I though . He left to go walk to his friend’s house later that day, I thought to warn him but he wouldn’t listen. An hour later as he was walking home he got hit by a car. A week later at his funeral I knew I could have prevented this; he could have lived a long and happy life. It was too late and there was nothing I could do about it. Or was there …..
Chapter 1.

That was all a month ago. Now my life is getting worse and worse. My dad got depressed so stopped working and now we are going to start having budget problems. I see the bills coming in and never getting paid. He has been very frequently entering and leaving huge rages. I only told my best friend Amanda about the situation I love my dad so I hope social services won’t get involved.

Oh no she didn’t!!!! My best friend Amanda was worried about my well being so she called social services I can’t believe she would do that! If she thinks she’s protecting me all she is doing is trying to RUIN MY LIFE !!! I told her not to tell but she couldn’t keep her stupid mouth shut!!!!! But the worst part is, they listened to Amanda and they are going to take me away to who knows were!!!!!!I can’t believe this. I just can’t. Everything was doing fine until well until last month.. When my life started plummeting down.

My dad is gone. Well not exactly gone, just taken away by social services.
I’m in a foster family 100 miles away from my home, my family, and my friends. It least the foster family is nice. They are very comforting, but a little weird, I guess im just not use to living in a big family. This family has three boys all ranging from 10 to 13 years old. Their names are Alexander, Marc and Lucas. If that is not enough they also have three girls. They are 11 years old and they are identical tripelets, there names are Charlotte Rosalinda and Phoebe.

The family keeps asking questions! My first night there went like this:
- Do you believe in magic? Has anything weird ever happened to you? Do you have very good eye sight?
It’s like, well, there trying to figure out who I am what I’ve been true, my secret.
Since I have moved here I keep getting dreams. More like nightmares. In my nightmares a man is warning me to leave this house go into hiding anything as long as I get out of this house. Im not going to do it. Its just a bunch of phony baloney doing what your dreams tell you to do. Right? Unless….

My foster family gets weirder and weirder everyday. After they seemed to have ran out of questions to ask me, I started to see the weird supper conversations they had on regular basis, I think.
-My foster dad said “So how was school ( that wasn’t a weird question but just wait.)?” “ Did you see any frogs ( that was the weird part )?”
-Phoebe answered “ yeah daddy I even caught one…”
-Then Lucas ( while staring defiantly at me )said “ How about we go downstairs to talk about it and do are homework?”
I decided to enter the supper time conversation by saying “I have a nice book id like too read , mind if I join you guys?”
The whole family stared at me with wide eyes then finnaly after clearing her throat and dropping her gaze my foster mother said carfully. “ Im sorry Alice we hate not including you in this but the basement is a family and only a family place, you must not go down there.
The rest of supper past without incidents and sune I was off too my room while my whole foster family went downstairs.
Maybe it was just me, but I got a feeling ( not a vision just a feeling ) that there was a reason I was not too go down with them, a reason that didn’t have anything to do with there so called “family place” ( wow they have great hospitality for the new kid. )
I have nothing else too do so why not find out what?..

Chapter two.

That same night while the whole family was down stairs I sat at the top of the stairs and listened, I couldn’t hear much but out of all the conversation I only clearly overheard this:
- The frog juice seems pure, good job Pheobe! ( I couldn’t almost hear her grinning )
- No problem dad exept, you told us to get a frog, and I did, but you did not expain how too kill a seeyer.
-So now the true question is, how do we kill a seeyer?
The room fell silent. Did they hear me? Did I blow my cover?
I scurried as silently as I could manage back to my room closed the door turned off the lights and went in bed.
I went in bed but I did not sleep. So many image and words passed true my haid “How do you kill a seeyer?” What is a seeyer anyways? The sad truth was that until I went down in that basement I would have no idea.
There is something weird, strange about this house, almost sinister. It makes me believe that maybe, just maybe, my dreams could actually mean something. Maybe they were related to this seeyer thing? It has not been the first time my “gift” has warned me about thing like getting a bad result on a math test and needing to study fast, or getting warned about my brother’s accident, but always in visions. Never, ever, had she had one in a dream. So maybe I guess I would just have to go with faith. I’m not going to run off without a trace if I’m not even certain why I’m running away. For all that is possible it could just be that she was paranoid and still grieving upon what has happened in these last two months.

The dreams are getting terrible. I remember back in the old happy days when I was a little girl and I would curl up in his bed late at night crying because of a recent nightmare and my dad would tell me “You’re a strong little girl Maya stronger then you think. Fight those nightmares. You are so much stronger than them. Think happy thoughts.” Then he would tuck me in and I would fight the nightmares off one by one. That was then. Every night since I moved here I tried to do what my beloved daddy had told me so long ago, but it wouldn’t work. It just wouldn’t. So I dealt with those nightmares night after night after night. They were so insistent so real. When I would wake up I would find it hard to differentiate dreams and reality! They almost made me get up and run away, run away from this house were the floors creaked when you walked up or down the stairs, the house were the doors squeak when you open them, the house where I always feel watched.

So far out of the whole family phoebe is my favorite. She doesn’t ask questions but she understands somehow. She will sit there quietly on my bed while I spill my guts out about everything ( exept what I heard them talking about and my secret )! I guess it just feels good to talk to someone who doesn’t seem to misunderstand everything and never interrupt and never ask for more information. Still sometimes I feel like her whole family is listening with their ears stacked up against the door or that she tells them everything afterwards. So since I am still confused about just about everything I don’t trust anybody...
Chapter 3.

The warning dreams have finally stopped, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean that the dreams have stopped. Now I dream that I sleepwalk to the basement of this house and I see the whole family chanting spells and making potions. I never believed in witches or ghosts, but I can see the future so why can’t there be other people out there who can do magic or who are dead and haunting houses. I must be going crazy, because at the end of every dream I wake up once more alone in my bed.

Why couldn’t I just have been normal? My life would have been so much better off if I had never gotten this gift, or if my mom would have stayed all my life, or if my brother would have not died. The dreams aren’t stopping witch worries me! What if I really am crazy, what if they need to lock me up, what if… There still is another possibility, the possibility that I might be right.

I have a plan. Monday night is the day where the triplets have ballet and the boys have soccer. So the parents are out all night to driving their children. Once they are gone I am going to look thru the basement. If I find something from my dream it will confirm that I am not crazy, but if I don’t, I guess I should get locked up for being mentally insane! Ha ha ha.

Finally it’s Monday. It feels like years rather than days since I have made this plan. I guess that’s paranoia. Its 6:30 pm and the house is quiet. It’s time to explore! The basement seems normal! No magic books, no herbs for making potions, nothing! Just a nice leather couch with a desk a normal little coffee table and a bookcase.
I remember once in a movie, (when I was little I watched way to many horror films!) there was a little trigger in the house that opened up a secret passageway to a hidden room. This might just be the fact that I’m certifiably insane but I get the feeling that there might be one of those triggers in this room.

I feel stupid checking every book in the bookcase touching every lamp or table. I guess there must be nothing. Exhausted I rested my elbow on the end of the little coffee table and next thing I know, I’m in the other room. Finally I see what I’ve been dreaming about for the past week.

The room is full of weird things. On the little table there is a book called, Potion making for witches and sorcerers. I tried reading it but it is written in some weird manuscript. In an old cupboard there is all sorts of containers containing things like, Chicken legs, lavender, dragons flesh, werewolve brain and more importantly Frog juice.(there was a label on this one saying important). I shiver just thinking about it!

Suddenly from up the stairs I heared voices like,
-what a great soccer game, I had so much fun,
-My ballet class was so difficult.
They must have come home without me noticing! How was I going too make it back to my room without them noticing me walking up the stairs? More importantly, how did I get out of this room?
I looked around the for the way out. I pressed my elbow around on the coffee table. Nothing no movement from the door no nothing. Then I started panicking, I started taking out all the books in the librairy ( putting them back of course so I don’t leave any evidence that I was in the forbidden basement.)
Finally I found the trigger ( it was the container with chicken legs ) but was it too late?
Bye the time I was back in the main basement I pretty much slithered ( if that is possible for a human being ) up the stairs. I silently thanked the lord that they where in there rooms or somewhere where they couldn’t see me. I went into my room I changed into my pijamas and went too bed. Once again I did not sleep...
Chapter four

I Think they have figured out that I was down there Monday. For one thing the whole family stares at my like there waiting for something to happen or for me to confess. Charlotte even asked the family (while glaring at me ) Does anyone know why the basement is such a mess? Then the whole family stared at me. I faked to be obliviant to what was going on so I looked down at my food and kept eating my supper.

My fosters parents decided that I was going to start school now that I was done ( or should be done ) grieving for the death of my brother and departure of my dad. Since my foster parents don’t live neer my old school im starting in a new school. Great, simply fantastic. I love adventures but I don’t like being put in a place where people may or may not like me. To cheer myself up I stopped thinking of the possible ( and probable ) rejection and more about the fact that tomorrow would be a start of a new adventure.

My first day of school was ok. The school is a nice little private school called saint Jorge school( wow I just said school three times ). It’s a cute little place. The class’s I am taking there are farely decent. I even made a friend. Her name is Maria. She has a long slender bodice and long gold hair. We got along fairly well. I soon realized that other then me and few others Maria had no one. She was an orphan recently put in a new orphanage. So I guess she has it worse then I do.
Immediately we talked about all sorts of stuff. I talked about my dad ,my brother my mother and my new family. She talked about her life before the orphanage. Her parents where dentist’s she lived in a very modest neibourhood and went too a boarding school. She loved her parents but they never understood her completely. she has a gift too. She is a traveler... When I heard that I thought, well this is new, she can teleport herself? No unfortunetly nothing that cool. She can go places in her mind leaving her physical body completely. I asked her if she ever spied on teachers or the kids in the orphanage. She said that she used to but she felt mean and sleazy. Speaking of sleaziness I told her about my adventure in the basement. I told her about the frog juice the trigger and the whispering.
She said she could do some extreme travelling too see if I was really in danger. I hope it works. Finnaly someone understands me.

Chapter 5

A vision. The vision of her death. Has it happened or can I prevent it. Prevent it for the first time in my life. She’s ben gone for 3 days. I haven’t seen her or heard from her. Day one I figured she was just sick, day two I asked the teachers why she was gone and they said they didn’t know ( and probably didn’t care enough too find out ) Day 3 I had the vision. She was traveling and on her way back too her body lucas found her and trapped her in the non physical part of this world. The one that Maria knows so well.
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