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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1804425
Magickals revealed
Chapter Seven

" the essence of Tradition is not a Doctrine but a community of spirits that survives throughout the Ages....."{/center
}-meditations on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarots{/cente}

Zenith Sidh

Arys was smiling to herself and quite sated when she returned to her rooms for the night.  Lord Quentin had been a lusty counterpart for her and had tolerated her painful ministrations.  Thank the gods she had found someone almost as twisted as herself to pass away a satisfactory evening.  But her mood darkened again when she found Nix was home.  Damn him anyway for his icy demeanor towards her and damn him more for his resolve to never sleep with her again.

"Ah I see my beautiful whore has returned again.  Have fun dear?" he said putting down the book he was reading and pouring himself another snifter full of cognac from the ornate crystal decanter that sat beside the enormous bed.  He was fully clothed and looking smug as usual.

"Why of course darling.  Afterall there are so many others to choose from than your damn cold heart. And most nights so much more sporting than you are. If you really wish to know, I can furnish all the wonderful details," she purred. "You should know, my latest Lordling can do the most delightful things with his tongue..." She laughed at Nix's feral growl. Her eyes widened at his white knuckle grip on her delicate crystal.

"I would watch that mouth of yours, you heathen little witch." He settled his glass on the nightstand. "Come to think of it, I have much better plans for that mouth of yours." Arys's breath left her in a rush, mouth falling open at his blantant come on. Shivering she looked at this man that was supposed to be her most devoted. And yet, he never really had come completly around to her way of thinking. Oh he was as cruel as she could be on her worst nights. But ever since Elzbeth had turned from him for falling into her glamour, the fun had just dwindled out of their attaction.

"And what did you have in mind for me, my Dark Knight?" She slowly crossed the floor to him, putting her most seductive sway into her hips. She drew her hands over her hips, bringing his eyes there. Nix obliged, openly watching her. Desire bloomed in his eyes as a wicked half smile tipped his lips.

"Come to me, Wife, and I will show you..." His hand lashed out, warrior honed reflexes the only way to get the upper hand when dealing with his waspish wife. His fingers circled her frail wrist easily, the darker tone of his skin truely showing off the paleness that was Arys. Gripping her wrist he yanked her to him, molding her back to his chest. Arys' breathing increased, near causing her to pant like a dog in heat. Fisting his free hand into her hair, he tugged her head to the side, exposing the long column of her neck. "You would just love someone to turn the tables on you, wouldn't you? To take from you instead of making them grovel at your dainty little feet." he purred into her ear, tracing the delicate shell with a wet rasp of his tongue. Her entire body shivered in response as his warm breath turned her ear cold.

"You would be the only male alive that could ever get me on my knees, My Lord Phoenix. Any way you wanted me, all you have ever had to do is ask and I would give you the world." Her heart was beating out a sharp staccato tattoo, making her throat jump with her pulse.
Eyes drifting close, Arys stilled herself. Nix chuckled darkly in her ear, the hand that shackled her wrist freeing, only to find the swell of her breast. Fingers shaped the soft mound, but quickly shifted from gentle to cruel. The fabric that covered her had not been made to be handled so roughly. It gave the soft shriek of silk rending before parting to reveal snowy flesh. Arys' breath escaped her. For the first time in nearly 50 years, Nix was touching her of his own free will. Almost afraid to open her eyes and shatter this long awaited dream, Arys shifted with her impatience to have more of him touching her.

"So easily persuaded, whore of mine. Yet, you are so completly covered. We cannot have that..." Again the shriek of silk was heard, her body jerking as the dress was shredded from her body. A moan esacped her. This was her vision filled with the breath of life. Her very dream brought into waking. Again Nix's hands covered her body, fingers still harshly grasping her hair almost like a leash. "Prove it, Witch. Prove your willing subservience." His grip gave, freeing her. Eyes still shut tight, Arys did the only thing she had swore never to do to another living being. She kneeled. Bare and stripped, she sank slowly to her knees, faintly aware she could no longer feel anything of Nix behind her. A sharp hiss, followed by a muttered curse.

"Husband?" Arys' eyes flew open to find the room empty. A shrill scream escaped her, follwed by the shattering of crystal decanter as her power exploded from her. She had been dupped.

Palmer, Alaska
Klondike Mikes'

Klondike's was packed when Leoness, her faithful companion Ash, aka dad, and their new guardian Pockets arrived for Leoness's work shift.  The bartenders were rushing about frantically filling drink orders from well drinks to beer to shots and it was noisy with patrons talking amongst themselves and the jukebox was turned up loud and rocking the house.  The bar itself was a rustic place that the locals enjoyed going to.  There are three bars in Palmer that sit side by side by side and Klondikes was sandwiched between the other two and by far the largest of the three and the busiest as most of the younger crowd hung out there dancing the night away on weekends.  They always had something going on to entertain the locals.  Pool leagues, dart leagues, and then on the weekend they had karaoke, dance partys and on the rare occassion, live bands, especially during fair time.  There were various neon alcohol related signs throughout the bar and three pool tables were always packed with the locals.  The bar was rectangular with the bar well situated in the center surrounded by bar stools on all but one side towards the back door, which most people used as the front door.  The pool tables and juke box sat to the left of the bar well and the stage and dance floor were to the right.  Tonight the bar was filled with the "dance crowd" as it was a dance party night.  Smoke filtered throughout the bar giving it a hazy appearance.  So Leoness, Ash, and Pockets were fairly unnoticed. 

It wasn't uncommon for the cat to be around on nights that Leoness worked.  In fact he was considered a regular and a constant companion to her or Vie.  So that wouldn't raise any eyebrows amongst the patrons.  However Pockets was another matter.  Pockets was a pert, bespeckeled aptly curvy woman who had lots of junk in her trunk.  She also carried a large purse which contained something not uncommon except in a bar, but it was hidden well.  Pockets was a kener and loved shiny objects that she borrowed without the intention of ever returning them  And her accomplice, hidden deep in her purse, was a ferret named Fred.  Fred was to Pockets what Ash was to Leoness.  Pockets was also, assured Nix before he left and given them their introductions and instructions, a hell of a dancer.  She was also fairly unknown to the Zenith court.  Another plus, that and a great bodyguard and highly thought of in the Zion court.  She traveled extensively through the sidhs, in and out, so that Fred could relay happenings  and  information about the Zenith court to the Zion court when Nix was unavailable to do so.  She lived in the mortal realm instead of in the sidh, but she was able to come and go freely having not been born of royal blood. 

Waiting on the same barstool she always sat at, at the end of the right side of the bar, was Vie.  Leoness still had half an hour before she was due to start and so she took the barstool next to Vie to chat with her friend.  The cat was her companion while Leoness worked.  Pockets went to the other side of the bar to sit among the many pool players so she had a good vantage point to see who might come and go and who might pose any threats.  Besides she was facinated by the shiny pull cords on the illuminated signs. 

"Hey Vie, what's up?" asked Leoness as she waved one of the bartenders down for a soda.

"Well you seem to be in a rather good mood tonight.  Surprising since I thought you'd be in crisis.  Not to mention you never showed at the meeting tonight.  And I don't want to hear any excuses, you owe me an extra one tomorrow.  You know the rule, if you're gonna work you have to hit the meeting before work.  Hmf and you didn't even call me." she said sarcastically but Leoness knew she was just poking fun at her.  "So what lifted your mood, you finally get some?"  she asked laughingly knowing the answer was no already.

"Damn I swear you have a one track mind when it comes to sex Vie.  Sorry I missed the meeting but something popped up and I couldnt get there tonight." she said yanking on the new necklace around her neck.  Pockets was also a master tool and crafts maker and had made an exact replica of the necklace that the dragon had hatched out of earlier, made of course to her father's specific  specifications. 

"Don't tell me a martian landed on your front door step or maybe an egg hatched in your apartment?" queried Vie.

"Actually it was an egg." Well hell it wouldn't have been believed anyway thought Leoness.

"And how then is the dragon?" said Vie very calmly.

"Funny Vie, very funny.  If there had been an egg and it had happened to hold a dragon you'd swear I was going nuts again." replied Leoness drolly.

"Actually, my dear, it wouldn't surprise me at all.  Remeber I get visions, and today I saw you witness the birth of a dragon.  And I guess this is where I let you know who I really am." she said calmly to a now greatly disbelieving Leoness.  "I assume Shamus has let you know he is your father." she went on further stroking the cat.  "Did you tell her the story then?" she asked of the cat.

Leoness could just stare mouth agape at her friend.  How did she know about her father much less the egg and the dragon?

"Oh close your mouth before you start catching flies, and yes I know it's open.  If you indeed have talked to Shamus then you need to know who I am.  I was once well known in the Zenith court.  I was a prophetess of some accounting and the reason I am here is
due to your mother, the Lady Elzbeth.  She saved me when Arys ordered my death after I told her that your egg would hatch in her lifetime but that she was not going to be the Chosen. You see I forsaw your birth and I have always known you were the Chosen  Your mother interceeded on my behalf and saved my life and gave me a chance to get to the outside world.  As a result I swore that I would pay her back in another life.  So voila, here I am and here to guide you in whatever decision you make towards not only your future but the future of the Zenith sidh." she said simply.

So this was the prophetess her father had mentioned.  And it made perfect sense, so perfect.  My goodness Vie had always been around and kept company by the cat.  "Just how many people around me are not who I thought them to be" she queried "How many others around me are Magickal instead of Mortal?"

"You really don't want that question answered do you, but you'd be surprised.  Hmmmmm let's see, whose prescence I can detect here.  You see a rather gaunt thin bald man with glasses playing pool tonight?" queried Vie.

"Um let me see.  Yeah as a matter of fact he is.  Who is he?" she knew this man he was one of the best pool players on the league and he was a total karaoke junkie.

"That would be King Ocatarius of the 12th house of the Zion court.  He is also the father of Lord Phoenix, uh Nix to most who know him.  And father to your "mystery hottie"  Lord Ayden."

"I met both of them today and yes the two of them are what I'd call hotties.  I got to thank Nix personally for saving me and trying to save my mother.  He may not be hotter of the two brothers, but I liked him best.  Plus he earned great points in my book today I finally got to see a picture of my mom." 

"Ah that's why you are in such a good mood.  Yes your mother was a great and gracious lady. I hear you look just like her too.  That's why I'm always irritated with you when you say you think you are not hot yourself.  I know you've had a rotten life Ness, but you were well protected and guarded at all times.  Now why don't you go over before you start and make yourself known to Octarius." she said shooing Leoness away so she could have Shamus all to herself.

Leoness walked over to the other side of the bar making sure she said hi to some of her regulars on the way.  Octarius was having a good deal of luck tonight on the tables and he had just won another game.  "Gentleman, if I may, I'd like to steal this one away from you for a while.  DJ's choice and all." she quipped

"You all watch my stuff guys.  I think I'm going to take the young lady out of doors for a few." he winked at them and they obliged putting their pool sticks down on the table to reserve it for a later game.  King Octarius was flattered and of course gave her a great hug as he usually did.  Afterall she usually was a great challange on the tables to him.  "I guess you know who I am now eh, young lady?" he asked as they walked toward the back door for their conversation.

"A real bonafide King?"  she laughed back at him.  Well he was after all "king" of the pool league.  Maybe she should keep it simple.  They made their way through the throng of people standing near the back door into the cool night air.  She turned around to look at him and got a glimse of where Ayden and Nix had gotten their good looks from.

"Ah dear if you were but a few hundred years older..." he replied.

"And I see you are just as humble as your sons?"  she joked back.  "So what is proper etiquette here.  I've never met a king before." she asked seriously.  "I wouldn't want to muck up relations between out two courts now would I?"

"Why my girl with Arys in charge at the Zenith court believe me you would be a refreshing change and a breath of fresh life to the court. "  with that he bowed and formally introduced himself. "King Lotherin Octarius at your service m'dear."

Leoness did her best curtsy in mock tribute to him bowing so elegantly.  "Ah you're just trying to butter me up so that damn song can be played when I start?  she half teased.  He was the one who always played "Picture" on the jukebox.  "Tell me is that song significant or do you play it just to annoy the hell out of me?" she asked.

"Oh to annoy you of course.  I have two guilty pleasures that I come out of the sidh for, pool and karaoke.  If i'm having a rough day on the tables then I expect karaoke.  In that I am purely selfish."  he said taking her hand and kissing it. 

"Ok, ok I'll make sure to get you to the top of all my future karaoke rotations in the future." she said blushing.  "Good grief you three sure know how to turn a girls head.  I haven't blushed this much in years."

"You sure you wouldn't like to marry me and unite our two courts?" he joked.

"Uh thanks for the offer but I am sworn off marriage at this point." 

"Ah girl, never say never.  I of course would welcome any relationship you would want with my court.  I hear Nix made quite a splash with you tonight." he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"He is quite something to look at, I guess I see what my mother saw in him.  But he earned all the bonus points in the world with the picture he gave me of her."  she said

Octarius was stunned at this.  He knew that Nix had carried that ever since the day he'd won Elzbeth's heart and then had become her champion.  Well Well Well, maybe there was hope for the boy yet he thought.  He'd been nothing but ice since the day Elzbeth died 45 years ago.  The old matchmaker in him smelled a weakness that he could exploit. 

Suddenly a cry harsh as the sound of nails across chalkboard resounded through the air.  Leoness and Octarius could only stare as two enormous ravens took flight from the atop the roof across the street and made a kamkazi dive for both of them.  Octarius was able to sidestep them but Leoness tripped and fell to the harsh cement ground beneath them.  She hit the ground so hard that the necklace was jarred from her body.  The two birds then swooped on it, near running into each other in the process and they grabbed it up taking flight once again.  A black streak came racing out the back door of the bar with a fierce yowl and leaping into the air he caught a mouthfull of tail feathers from one of the great birds.  A squawk was issued from the bird and the bird in turn wheeled in his flight to attack the cat.  Shamus flattened himself to the ground and pounced again once the bird completed his pass. Again he only got a mouth full of feathers.  What could only be called laughter came from the large black raven as he turned to catch up with his comrade.

"No!" cried Leoness.  "They've taken the necklace."

Shamus spit out the feathers he'd accumulated and said "Filthy animals.You'd think they could at least take baths once in a while."

Octarius was silent but you could see the outrage in him.  How dare Arys's "Ravens" attack with him standing right there.  Octarius calmly put an arm around Leoness and escorted her back indoors and the cat followed suit.  "Didn't the egg already hatch?" he whipered questioningly in her ear.

"Of course, that's the fake one Pockets made for me.  Those idiots just stole a hunk of junk." she answered with a laugh.

"I'd pay real money to see the look on her face when she realizes that she's been tricked."  he laughed back "Brilliant, bloody brilliant acting my dear."

"Oh thank Nix, that was his idea.  While we are on the subject of Nix can I ask you a question?"

"My lovely you can ask me anything." he said with a lecherous wink.

"Does Nix love his wife?" she blurted

Octarius took a pause to consider this question, trying to stifle the answer.  "Well their relationship is unique.  Um, uh, that's the only word to describe it uniqe.  Actually the only word that comes to mind is loathe, yeah that's a better word.  You see for some odd reason Nix turned away from your mother and took up with Arys.  This shocked most of the faerie realm.  A child was conceived and thus he was bound to the nasty witch, but no one really knows how it came about.  Those first few years Nix stayed away from Arys as much as he could only appearing with her at court functions, although the rumor mill says that infidelity is widely accepted on both parties at this point.  So to answer your question, no I don't think he loves her.  He's stuck in a marriage that he can't get out of until either he or Arys dies.  Divorce simply isn't a possibility in the fairie world you see.  Why do you ask my dear?"

"No one knows?  But my father told me earlier it was because Arys had used fae glamour on him to impersonate my mother.  He thought he was sleeping with my mother the night he slept with Arys the first time.  You mean you didn't know?"  she asked in shock.

Octarius choked on this news and said stomping his foot "Great balls of Dagda no I did not know." and he let out a rather ferocious roar.  "It appears I have to have a little chit chat with your dear auntie." he said with sickening sarcasim dripping in his voice.  "Wait till I get my hands around her lovely little neck, why......grrrrrr" he said face turning a bright shade of scarlet.  "Forgive me Leoness I must depart here immediately."  The king summoned his faithful bodyguard who was walking their way after he'd seen the king get so upset.  "Come Loren, we have business to attend to."  he said and walked back out the back door. 

Leoness for the life of her, almost felt pity for her Aunt Arys as she headed for the stage and her equipment.  She fired up the sound system with the song "Thank God It's Friday" and got her night kicked into gear and pondered the events of this day. 

© Copyright 2011 Katherine Little (palmergalkat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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