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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1804352
Chapter 19 Kings and Concubines
                                                                      Chapter 19

                                                            Kings and Concubines



    A.J. turned to see Milli with a pack on her back, shotgun and bandoleer over her shoulder, the brown silk scarf acting as a headband, retaining her iron gray hair, He thoughts were racing, Why does she look and act so comfortable with this commando look, but it's not just the look, she functions, does it automatically. That has to be training and combat experience!  She shifted her gaze from Dr. Mildred Finch, scanning the valley; deliberately over looked the carnage in front of her. She wanted to pursue her thoughts on Milli; there was a nagging mystery here. Her analysis would not crystallize. AJ heard the warrior speak and knew the reason concentration was lost to her. She turned toward him, avoiding the trap of those eyes and watched as he moved toward her with an armload of weapons. He was motioning for the women to join him.  So much for free time. AJ looked to Milli, "What's he up to now?"

"I would say he is following the norms of his culture. The weapons of any foe you vanquish are yours; Notice he has the chieftain's, spear and sword. The others are ours to choose from." Milli made a tut tut sound and raised her hand forestalling any objections.

"Before you insult him, think carefully on what you say, my dear."

    Cuculain, heard the Sidhe talking in their, strange language. He waited patiently.

AJ. Picked up her own back pack and weapons, she knew their ammo supply would not last much longer if they were required to continually engage in firefights. "Milli how many rounds do you have for the @Webly and shotgun?"  The response was immediate. , " Six in the , revolver, 4 in my pocket. I have 8 rounds left on the belt with 1 in the chamber and 4 in the tube. AJ, couldn't help but smile, but it still nagged at her, thinking,  this knowledge and speech patterns, can't all come form Clint Eastwood or John Wayne movies.

    Cuculain new the women were discussing, the thunder weapons, as he laid he pile at their feet.  Aliceson's eyes were immediately drawn to a bow and quiver of arrows.  She pointed out to Milli, "If they had used that we might have been in trouble"

Milli bent down testing a few of the spears for weight and feel. . She looked up at AJ, "I believe the thin ones are for smaller game the heavier ones are for battle.  The bow is also for small game or fowl."

AJ really didn't feel like a lecture at the moment, but knew saying so would sound bitchy. " Milli , please ask him about the bow, that knowledge could make a big difference." Once again the thought crept in, why am I always concerned with the tactical advantage and not the Historical significance?  She asked herself. Am I an archeologist or a warrior? 

Milli stood up, ":My pleasure , anything for a  one on one with this charmer. Or you could ask him yourself?"

    She started talking to Cuculain before AJ could utter a sound. AJ continued, her train of thought Why does this still bother me? , its been a constant in my life , being a tomboy, always besting my brothers and males around me , eventually alienating most males and female friends. Then she laughed, thinking , what female friends.

Smiling , she thought of (Karen Clark)  her only female friend in the navy , why ? She knew the answer. They were just alike, driven to be the best.  Always excelling in both academics and assigned tasks, which  caused jealousy among their peers. I have always had or gained the competitive edge, in all but love.  She knew that chapter always read mission failure.   

    Aliceson watched the noted archeologist and the warrior from the past .   

As they spoke, AJ surveyed their surroundings making sure they were alone. 

She heard Milli say "He says he wants to give you a demonstration.

Cuculain turned his bewitching smile on the beautiful Sidhe, picked up the bow and quiver holding it out to her.

    He walked about 20 feet away and gestured for her to shoot at him.  He did not know if she could shoot;

Neither did Milli, so she asked "Can you use a bow?

"Yes I can "she said. 'Does he really want me to shoot at him?". 

"Yes, he is quite serious; I suggest you shoot right at him"

"If I do I am going it hit him!."

"Are you that good? "

    AJ felt the bow, tested the tension on the string, it felt about 30-35 lbs, she preferred a little more power. She saw the red haired warrior standing there, he looked extremely confident, smiling and gesturing her too shoot. She placed an arrow, drew the bow string back to her ear aiming for center mass and let fly.  She felt a moment of fear knowing it was a good shot. Then she heard the thud as she watched it hit slightly above dead center of his shield. She just missed the stylized black bull design of the metal boss. 

    Cuculain laughed "No arrow will get through my shield defense" AJ could tell by his body language, this was something he had practiced for many years.

Milli said, He asked also, that you try a spear, but he first wanted to see if you could use a bow. I think he is testing you for some reason." AJ walked over to the weapons, tried a few different spears, testing weight and balance.  She picked up one with a vicious looking bone tip.  Aliceson James was conflicted, the same old thing was happening again, males wanting to prove themselves either to her or for her. But always, when she bested them, they would make some lame excuse and she would be alone. Now he wants a test, at least I am not in love with him, but she knew she could be, easily. She saw the look on his face as she hesitated, does he think I am afraid,?  She had thrown a javelin in high school, but that was years ago, and  for distance not for accuracy., she smiled remembering the times she bested  her older  brother and his friends, sticking home made spears in hay bales. She hefted the bone tipped spear again, it felt good, she walked back another 10 paces, turned and faced the warrior.

    Aliceson  launched it directly at him. Much to her horror he dropped the shield.  Laughing as he caught the spear and spinning in a complete circle and launched it directly back at her.  Before she could react, it stuck in the ground six inches in front of her. AJ knew this was not luck; he had supreme confidence in his abilities.  The flush she felt had nothing to do with fear.

"My god Milli did you see that?"

" I will answer you as soon as my heart stops pounding,!" I told you he was the greatest warrior in Irish history" "Now stop playing and pick a few weapons. Our bullets won't last forever" she said with a whip in her voice.

She looked at Professor Mildred Finch, then shook her head, "You know this is insane don't you?"

"I know nothing of the sort, but I do know, this is real and we must stay sharp or shit will definitely happen as you so gallantly put it." AJ's thoughts raced on.

Was that the link between her and Milli, they were alike, both driven, both scholars and warriors .But Milli was deep in he belief in magic, accepting it fully. Why am I so scared of it? , she admitted it was fear. Not scientific, rejection based on logic.  She had avoided it as a little girl , it had been all around her , her mother, even her father new it was there, although like her he blocked it out .  Her brothers were oblivious.   

    AJ laughed and took up the lighter spears and the bow, as she started walking toward the warrior. She wanted the arrow from the shield. She looked back as Milli said "I like that knife and light spear, "Knife? Exclaimed AJ, "it's longer than a Roman short sword," 

The older women said "Oh my "as she inspected the gold decorations on the scabbard. This is beautiful, and worth a fortune."

"But is it practical?" teased AJ 

Milli drew the blade, it was dull almost black, was it Iron? Something was different with this. Any thoughts of practical vs. beauty were suppressed by her professional curiosity. This was very different from any material in her experience. She saw the look in Cuculain's eyes, he wanted that blade, she knew it instinctively, inspecting the belt  and scabbard again she recognized the  emblem on it.  It matched the one on his shield; I know I am going to hate myself for this.  "Cuculain, is this your sword?", He understood her question instantly. nodding yes. She saw the hunger in his eyes and the pained expression.  "Why did you leave it for one of us?"

    You killed Raff, He was the one who was wearing it. His simple explanation implied any fool would know that was the correct thing to do.     

Does this weapon have a name?

He gave a slight smile , "I call it Cruaidin  Coiditchenn" she translated automatically

  (Hard headed steeling)  She knew something was off, her studies, mentioned sharpness and shining brightness in the dark? But this was dark and dull. Milli noticed the heavy round ball on the pommel

Yes, it gives it great balance. , she said.  May I see the one you collected from Finna.?"


    He laughed as he drew the blade,  she gasped ,as he revealed another beautiful weapon. She saw the jewel on the pommel, a huge blue sapphire; there were more gold workings on the scabbard.  This weapon made Cuculain's look plain. He passed her the sword.

She felt it was lighter than his, but this was defiantly not a period weapon either.    She was lost in thought when AJ, called for her to join in the selection of weapons. Ignoring the other woman she asked Cuculain if he would like to trade, the sword he won, for the one she won. Milli was not sure if that was allowed in the code, but she knew he wanted his own sword back and she definitely liked the looks of Finna's. The smile of delight on his face said it all, Bending down, he again cupped her chin and gave her a deep and very  sensual kiss.    Then straightened up and stripped off , the scabbard and belt giving it to Milli, as she returned hard head to it's right full owner. The hound of Ulster felt whole again. Both women laughed with delight as he ran up to the mound jumping' somersaulting and waving his sword. 

AJ said to Milli, "Your Kisses seem to have a great effect on him, he is running off". 

Milli did not deem to answer. Her smile said it all. AJ knew she wasn't jealous, but she thought.  Damn I wish I had made him that happy.

    They fell silent as they saw him kneel before one of the large stones on the side, of the tomb entrance. Cuculain thanked the goddess for the return of Hard Head.  He stood on the mound and watched as the women chose weapons and check their strange packs.  Upon his return, he asked the older one, which shields they wanted.  AJ walked over saying "Not for me, not now". While bending down she pulled her arrow out of his shield. Cuculain was impressed, as she did not make any noise, or seem to use any effort, plus the view down her shirt was very pleasant.  ..AJ knew she would be watched and deliberately prepared to make the extraction silently, using her chi, she knew it was showing off, but she hoped he would not. She did not know why impressing this man was so important to her. Usually,when she liked a man , she hid her abilities trying not to drive them away. 


    He lifted the heaver spears placing them in the holders, in Finna's chariot. The women watched fascinated as he tied a shield on either side. He motioned for AJ to put her spear in the empty holder.  The young warrior, mounted the chariot, adjusted his cape, and gathered the rains, gaining complete control of the horses.  He motioned for them to follow. Milli smiled at AJ. Raising an eyebrow she said "I guess we are going for a ride." 

    The blue sky was lightened by a week sun, which was growing in brightness and warmth with each passing minute. AJ looked at the chariot, it looked like it might be a little crowded.  The thought off being packed in tightly with Cuculain, was both exciting and disturbing. .  Cuculain was standing in the middle, holding the rains. It was obvious he expected the women to position themselves on either side. Milli was about to step up when AJ asked, "Milli do you mind if I stand on this right side?, that way if I use the M16, He won't get showered with hot brass". Milli moved to the left hand side, saying "I am not sure using our weapons in the chariot would be a good Idea. The horses may go wild"

AJ climbed in, "Good point, but as a last resort we may have too"

    They could see the mist clearing fast, Cuculain told them to hang on.  AJ noticed how his feet were spread apart and his legs slightly flexed. She adjusted her stance. The chariot eased forward picking up speed smoothly. Milli said "Oh my!! it's almost like being at sea." She gasped again as Cuculain flecked the rains and they gained more speed.

"Try to match your body to the motion and not fight it"

AJ smiled at mill's instructions, It was a beautiful day and she was already adjusted to the motion .She felt his shoulder push against her, his clean sent was pleasant.  Then a horrifying thought crept in, how do I smell? All the exertions and excitement. God' I must be ripe. these thoughts were whirling around in her head dampening her pride in the ability to handle the chariot rhythm. AJ looked over to see Milli with a smile of supreme confidence on her face, totally enjoying the ride. Cuculain had just said something that AJ missed. AJ looked over her shoulder at  the  burial mound, it was growing very small in the distance. There was no sign of pursuit. No one seamed to be looking at her, so she lifted her arm quickly, smelling he armpit. , considering the horses and my companions, not bad .but bathing is going to he top of my list. They were increasing speed; AJ chided her self for not paying attention. She had been lost in thought wondering where they were going and why. She turned slightly to Cuculain arranged her thoughts in the strange language "Why are we speeding up "? He turned those intense silver eyes on her for a moment then back to the road:"We must reach the shelter and safety of the Red Branch before dark.  He seemed to think that was sufficient. Milli new it wasn't for Aliceson James. She leaned over "Have you been paying attention AJ?"

"Obviously not." AJ answered, with out any malice. " I was day dreaming" This is a very pleasant way to travel."

"Well my dear we are being taken to Emain Macha, seat of the Ulid, and King Conchobor, Our young warrior here is the king's champion, and he feels we will be safe once we reach his home territory." There is a war brewing between Connacht and Ulster. Most areas in Ireland are dangerous for him and us. Connacht has many allies and if the Tain has any truth in it , over three fourths of the population is against us. Don't forget Dick Monmouth.  "

"Oh Milli I did forget. Do you think they got through the gate?"

    Cuculain snapped the rains and they appeared to be flying. AJ saw Milli's hair streaming behind her along with the tails of her bandanna. . She looked like a fierce Amazon warrior next to her young driver. She could have been Boadicea. We must look a sight

Milli spoke after getting her balance. Raising her voice, "I don't think so yet, colleen said we had a destiny to fulfill here, it involved Medb.  No mention of Richard. The last sentence was delivered between grunts as the road was showing signs of rough spots. 

AJ now could see signs of a swamp or bog, they were approaching it fast.

The road turned and they were heading straight into it. Cuculain started to slow down. They could see a warrior standing by a large stone.  He was dressed in a strange armored suit., with the same red cape as Cuculain. , When  they got closer , AJ saw it was some type of horn. He was holding a spear.  His shield was lying against the rock within easy reach. Cuculain called out "Hail, Ferdia, the kings champion requests passage to Emain Macha."

    The young warrior smiled, "Cu is that you?" He made no comment on the women although he had given them careful scrutiny. It was obvious he was curious. He waved the chariot forward, till he was standing beside Cuculain. Whose chariot is that?"

Cuculain untied a bag AJ had failed to notice, tied to the front of the chariot. He lifted it, removing a head from it. Holding it by the hair, "Finna chief of the Firbolgs."

"Nice trophy Cu, it will look good in the speckled house". I would love to hear this story but "You appear to be in a hurry my friend". 

"We have a large number of Medb's mercenaries behind us, but I doubt they will try to follow us to Emain. They are just a hunting party.

The young warrior Ferdia smiled, "Hunting you?."

As Cuculain returned the head of Finna to the sack and tied it back on the front of the chariot joining the two others.  He said "As you can see three of them found me."

AJ now knew what that occasional dull thumping sound had been. Then another thought came to her. Milli "He only took the warriors." Yes that's right; I told him he could have ours. You didn't want them did you "?  ,

AJ ignored her, "So the witches were not valuable?"

"More like taboo, I should think"

  Ferdia, heard the strange talk, by the warrior women, looking at his best friend he saw Cuculain was not paying them any attention. He was looking around for trouble. Ferdia also knew he would be relieved of guard duty in time to make it home for the (Samain)  fest.  He could relax and hear the full story. He looked at Cuculain, "You must be on your way, so you will be in time for the feast." Ferdia saw the blank look on his friend's face, "Some son of the sidhe you are?" Cuculain was about to send a death challenge to his boyhood friend .This had been a deep hidden guilt and fear he had held since childhood. Questions about whom his true father was and his mother's madness. He was tormented by this constant speculation of others, his own being the most hurtful.  Many a boy and man had been beaten to near death for making those statements out loud. Ferdia was one of the very few who Cuculain knew truly loved him and would never intentionally hurt him. Ferdia knew instantly he had made a huge error, "Sorry Cu, I meant no offense.  It was a poor joke"

  Cuculain, bent over the chariot ruffled Ferdia's rich brown hair.  "I know Ferdia; I am overly sensitive for a Kings Champion"

Ferdia grasped the hand, hey; don't mess up my beauty, not in front of these gorgeous women.

"Well I must deliver theses women, they are my charge now. I owe them my life and more. "I will see you at the feast, "Now go quickly and safely my friend, Oh, stay on the roadway, the bog has risen, with all the recent rain"

Much to her own amazement AJ was following the conversation between the two warriors. , She looked over at Ferdia; his eyes were dark brown, matching his hair. He was tall and muscular, and extremely handsome.Cuculain snapped he rains and they started to accelerate again, into the bog. AJ held on, looking back, she saw Ferdia wave and turn back to his vigil.  AJ was thinking he was handsome, were all the warriors like that."

    Her thoughts were interrupted by Milli, "Now that was a beautiful man. I wonder if they all look like that" AJ noticed they were entering a road made of logs suspended over the bog, She watched Cuculain as he concentrated on his driving.  She was thinking how ingenious. Milli gasped, this is brilliant!  I have read of this , this is incredible , History was accurate ! AJ admired Milli's enthusiasm, but she was going over the conversation between Cuculain and Ferdia.

    The mention of the (Samain) and King Conchobor wasn't he the king who abducted Deidre. Derdriu of the sorrows. He killed her husband and his brothers.. AJ shook her head that was unimportant so the king is a letch, probably legends. But how could it be (Samain)  She looked around trying to guess what month it was here. The sky had a strange tint. The sun was getting lower. It was well after noon but something felt wrong. She knew her instincts were good, proven in a hard school. She chided her self again Of course things feel off, we just passed through some type of time portal and back into history, Why would I expect things to feel normal?"

    As they moved along the log highway AJ was not the only one lost in thought.

Milli was revisiting her own doubts.

When we left, we were having the end of spring storms, starting summer. May, which should be Beltaine.  So why are we rushing to a celebration of Samain. But the swords were even more troubling. Along with the fact that AJ, doesn't seem to be having any doubts. She also thought about the relationship between Ferdia and Cuculain, unless the legends were way off, they should be enemies by now.  How are we supposed to reach  Emain Macha , from Newgrange before dark? It should be over a hundred kilometers.

Dr. Mildred Finch's fascination with the bog highway was replaced by thoughts of Emain and what they would find there. The chariot sped on with a hypnotic rhythm. Their thoughts were only lightly interrupted as Cuculain brushed up against one or the other as he leaned left or right navigating the occasional turn.  He quietly concentrated on getting every ounce of speed from the team of beautifully matched deep chestnut brown horses. 

    Milli saw the bog disappearing rapidly behind them. Two hills, in front of them grew quickly, they were shaped like a woman's breasts and the horses were heading directly between them.  Aliceson exclaimed, "The paps of Annu!", "Yes said Milli but all to soon" What do you mean, Milli?  I mean the distance, we traveled from Newgrange to this location seems s to be off in my mind. , I don't understand it.

AJ, replied, "And what we don't understand, we don't trust" . "Exactly" said Milli. , "Was that another naval quote?"  AJ's answer was barely a whisper, "Yes it was."

    They started to notice farms and settlements set back from the road as they sped by. There were cattle herds and sheep becoming more frequent with each mile.  Twice they dogged huge deer crossing the road. Three chariots passed them going in the opposite direction at break neck speed each contained a driver and a warrior. They all wore red capes like Cuculain's  The passing warriors yelled greetings to the hound and he in turn waved, answering each by name.  Milli asked The young hound, where they were going in such a hurry,?"    AJ waited for answer being curious also. "They are relief for our border guards" was Cuculain's answer as they turned on to a much wider road.

    Milli sucked in her breath as Emain Macha opened up before them. The hilltop was ringed with a wall of stones and logs 10 feet or higher. AJ could see how the cracks and spaces were filled in , smoothed and painted white. The huge gate was open, numerous torches were already lit. The sun was just starting to set.  Torches were in wall sconces and free standing holders on the pathways. The area was very well lit.  Three huge round  buildings could be seen , along with many lesser ones. The sky in the background was reddish gold.  The largest of the three buildings glowed.  The setting suns rays highlighting it beautifully. AJ exclaimed "That building over there must be sheathed in copper".

    Milli reached behind the warrior, placing a hand on Aliceson's back. "AJ when we get there be careful what you say in any language, something is not right here. AJ nodded, "Agreed, I will be very careful." Milli breathed a sigh of relief as many warriors approached the chariot. , Milli said "We will talk later".

      Cuculain drove the chariot, toward the house with the huge grass knoll in front of it. as they approached a beautiful young woman with very richly embroidered clothing came out of the huge oak doors, followed by one of the tallest men AJ ever saw. She knew this man to be a warrior, as well as leader. She also saw he was much older than the female. She may have been young, but her carriage was regal and sexual, this was a woman who knew the power of her beauty and used it.  AJ had known her type before, her dislike was instant. Milli had one thought, this woman before her could be none other than Deirdre of the sorrows, she possessed a pale all consuming, beauty, the kind that dominated most males instantly and completely. The tall gray haired man must be King Conchobor.,

  As Milli watched, the young woman turned adoring eyes to the tall man squeezed his hand asking permission to go and greet our champion "Did I hear that right, our champion? 'This women was supposed to despise the king, who killed her love and is kin. Kidnapped and raped her? Then Kept her a prisoner until she killed herself. This makes no sense, could the stories be that far off?" A very tall young man with flaming red hair, dressed in a linen kilt trimmed in red , came running out of the stable area,  embracing Cuchulain with a huge  bear hug, "Where have you been Cu,?"  As they greeted each other  AJ could see, Deirdre would have to wait, and the look on her face said that was not normal or appreciated. 

    She was even less happy when, Cuculain turned to Milli and AJ introducing his much taller friend. "This is Laeg mac Riangabra, my companion and champion chariot driver.Milli stepped out of the chariot swaying a little , but Laeg caught her around the waist steadying her .His great height was enhanced by Milli's short stature,  He smiled up at AJ as Cuculain told him  these women saved his life, helped defeat Finna ,his brothers and Medb's three witches. Laeg response was "So this is Finna's chariot, excellent choice CU.  AJ was dazzled by the smile and the beautiful freckled face as the charioteer, scrutinized her.  AJ stepped down as, Cuculain stepped forward giving her his hand. They all turned upon hearing Deirdre clear her throat. Seeing her waiting, He said "My Lady, may I present to you my salvation from slavery and death.  Deidre smiled at the warrior, "Oh Cu you make up such good stories".

    Before he could interrupt, She grabbed is hand "Come the king awaits you", as she pulled the hound along she said over her shoulder, "Laeg see to the horses and Cu's women,"

AJ was not sure if that was an insult. But when she looked at Laeg's expression, her suspicions were confirmed, "Come ladies, this way please", he looked at Deidre and spit on the ground.  Milli , emboldened by his action, checked to be see that the warrior and Deidre had already left to greet the king, then, she asked Laeg , " Who was that,? " Laeg noticed the strange accent, thought for a minute, about not answering , but these women had saved Cuculain's life, and that granted them everything in his is mind, So he gave them the truth," Her name is Deidre, she is a concubine who thinks she is Queen"

. Milli could not contain her curiosity now, as they approached, the entrance to another large round house. "Where is her husband Nessi?  Is she a prisoner? "Laeg looked at the small woman, "Where are you from? 

    He didn't wait for an answer, "Every one knows how she betrayed the sons of Uisliu" he spit  again, " Noisiu mac Uislenn and his brothers were led into a trap and killed, so she could get next to Conchobor. She and that druid wizard of hers have caused the red branch, nothing but trouble since they showed up".  Laeg turned to a young boy, standing by the door, "Aaron, take the horses please," as he opened the door to one of the smaller buildings and showed them in.

AJ followed the conversation, "What about the king, does he know her schemes?".  Laeg looked at the tall beautiful women, his mind started to whirl, she has the look of a sidhe, and those strange weapons, and what are they? , for there was no doubt in his mind, that they were powerful weapons. He became cautious, but Cuculain trusted them , that was enough for him , " The king has been blinded by her beauty as has been many,  He smiled at Aliceson, "You of all women must know , right or wrong, a beautiful woman can own any man.  Deidre owns Conchobor" He saw AJ frown, he thought even her frown is pretty.  A painful thought penetrated her heart, She Blurted out, "Does she own Cuculain"?  The charioteer saw the look, and was surprised, this women had feelings for Cu,, " No women holds the Hound  nor Fergus mac Roich , Fergus left with a good portion of the Red Branch , the death of Nessi and how it came about was too much for him. AJ asked what about Cuculain?  "Cu was not here when it happened, the king is his foster father after all., it is his duty".  Laeg's tone said that was an uncomfortable topic and should be avoided. AJ again could not help herself, "What about Emer? The tall red head looked into the eyes , so green and thought so beautiful , but her question truly confused, him, " The hosteler's daughter? What about her? AJ stammered  "I thought her and Cuculain where married" Laeg ,face  went bone white.,  "Who ever told you that was insulting the hound! and lying to you!" She saw, the flash of anger in his expression.  All she could think to say was"why?"  Laeg could see the woman was serious, she really didn't know. "Emer, poor thing, is a drooling idiot, through no fault of her own; she was kicked by a cow as a young child."       

    Milli had been absorbed in the decorations of the round house; she was fascinated by the weapons and shields on the walls, the heads not so much. There was also a huge fire pit in the middle and the partitions for small apartments all around it. "Who lives here?" she asked.  He answered "Red Branch warriors" The  fact that these women came from some place other than Eire was reinforced by the questions they asked. Laeg's own curiosity was now almost more than he could bear.  "Where are you from my lady?"

    AJ looked at Milli.  Milli said,  "Time for some truth"  AJ, nodded

Milli said "Brug na Boinne."  Laeg bowed, " I knew you were Sidhe, "  AJ took Laeg's hand , no, it's true Faithleen, commanded us to help Cuculain, but we  are not of the Sidhe,  instead of , complete confusion or disbelief, they saw relief in the young mans expression,

"Ahh , yes they meddle in our lives now and then also"  So you are saying ,they visited your home and brought you here to rescue our Hound.?"

Milli spoke up, "That is as close as we are capable of explaining." He laughed and picked up a picture of brown liquid poring three mugs full.

He passed the women each one." Have a drink, and listen to me, be very careful around the Druid (Cathbad) he is making a power bid of some kind and he is promoting this war with Medb.  I May be just a chariot driver, but I am the champion's driver."  He took a drink and looked at the women, "People talk around me when they should not".

Milli smiled up at Laeg "I have one more question; Laeg liked what he saw in the woman," and said "I doubt that! "

    They were laughing as three warriors walked in , seeing the women they walked straight over to the little gathering  One looked at AJ " Nice loving that is " Laeg stepped forward " Watch yourself !, Maine"  The huge warrior, spun around and glared at Laeg. The one called Maine was almost as wide as he was tall.

"No! You watch how you address a warrior, remember your place driver," The one called Maine was a huge blond bull. AJ saw, he was bristling with weapons, the other two had the same look, they could have been brothers. AJ saw Laeg was not fazed by the warrior's hostility. He smiled saying "These women are under my protection as ordered by the Hound.  But if your lust is greater than your wit, be my guest."  He pointed to Aliceson and Milli. AJ saw, the other two took heed of Laeg's words. They turned back toward the door, saying sorry Ladies, and left.  Maine turned to leave, then hesitated, turned again and walked over to AJ. He looked her up and down, AJ had seen that leering look before, and knew what was coming; she saw his hand move toward her breast.  .

  Laeg was momentarily frozen, not believing what Maine was doing. Was he really reaching for her breast?, Laeg was incensed at he bad form being shown as hospitality to a guest of the Red Branch's champion. 

AJ However was ready, the offending hand was grabbed and twisted against its normal turning radius.

Maine was brought to his knees in an instant. AJ applied force, and Maine's surprise at being on the floor was replaced by excruciating pain. He knew his wrist was breaking, and a large knife was at his throat. The look in the tall woman's eyes, was that of a trained warrior, it said life or death was his choice. Laeg and Milli had followed AJ's movements. Milli was not worried, But Laeg was in love. AJ voice was clam and controlled as she said, "Warrior, your head is mine!" "Shall I take it?, or shall I put a Geis on you" , AJ smiled inwardly , as Maine said " I would prefer the Geis my lady. For give me. "

"Very well, then, You are mine to command while I am in your country." You will protect me with your life. Swear it and you may keep your head."

"I swear it my Lady!" It just came to me"

    AJ helped Maine up and brought him over to the bench.  Laeg was still standing in the same spot with a cup in his hand trying to process what he had just witnessed, When Cu said these women  saved his life , he wasn't sure what that meant, he had  no doubts now.

The beautiful warrior woman moved faster than lightning. She threw Maine like small sack of grain, the knife at his throat appeared from thin air!.   

AJ said "Milli I could use the first aid kit in your pack" Milli "Oh damn , I left in the chariot.  . Laeg herd the young shide say , "Laeg please, I need the pack out of the chariot, can some one get it, Laeg said, " Yes my lady and left immediately.,

      AJ looked at Maine's wrist. Saying "I don't think, I broke it but it is badly sprained. Maine looked at this beautiful woman, with awe; she was now going to heal his wrist?

    "Milli I need a rag and some cold water, I don't suppose they have Ice here?" Milli was looking around, "I don't think so". She saw some cloth towels by the table where fruit was piled, walked over picked one up and a large jug of water. Milli hurried to AJ's side, as she held Maine's wrist for inspection saying "These will have to do" 

    AJ placed her @K-bar, on the bench next to Maine., The warrior was now almost more fascinated with the knife than the woman kneeling before him.,

    He inspected the blade. It was a dark gray color but the edge was a fine silver strip, He already knew it was very sharp. The handle was plain, wrapped in brown leather, very plain and well used, not worthy of the woman.

  Maine turned back to the woman, he saw the sheath, it was a hard material and a lighter grey, and he thought it is strange how she wears it upside down on her shoulder, attached to a strap on some sort of pack. What is the black wrapping that holds it in place? As a warrior he saw the advantage to this method of carry immediately. The wrist was really starting to throb, but Maine was no stranger to pain or to women warriors.He tried not to look down the front of the woman's shirt but this one wa so beautiful.  Many of his teachers in the ways of war had been women. For the first time Maine noticed the strange thing slung over her shoulder, and a quick glance showed the older women had one also , but different. He was positive they were weapons  How could I have been so blind, so stupid?  I don't even have drink for an excuse .It was that damn wizard's idea. Well here was a woman to give that sorceress Deidre some competition and she can fight.  Then as he watched the beautiful face in front of him, he knew he was intoxicated, he felt much better.

    Laeg returned with the pack, handing it to Milli.  He was soon followed by Cuculain, seeing Maine the hound drew his sword.

"Have you dishonored us Maine?"  Milli said "AJ you better stop this, before it gets ugly" AJ had already reached the same conclusion.

Maine stayed seated on the bench turned looking directly at Cuculain, "I have done that!"  Cuculain's smooth muscles and shorter stature made him look like David facing Goliath. AJ had a brief Moment of fear, for the young champion. Cuculain said "You will be judged and then I will take your head"

Maine bowed, "Yes I know "

  AJ stood up so fast that Cuculain took a quick step back. "You will do no such thing! That head", she said pointing to Maine "is Mine, I have it already" Cuculain, stepped back another pace as if he had been slapped.  Before he could reply , Laeg spun the hound around , saying  "Cu listen to me" , Then proceeded to  explain exactly what had taken place ,leaving out nothing. Cuculain listened in amazement, and then started to laugh uncontrollably; Laeg ended the bout by pounding him on the back and passing him his cup to drink from. AJ had finished tearing strips of cloth and soaking them in water.

    As he rapped Maine's wrist, she noticed all the men watching her, and they all had looks on their faces she had seen before. Two things worried Aliceson James. , One:. She was no longer concerned with the lustful looks and that bothered her. Two: The men seemed to enjoy the fact that she may be a better warrior than themselves. They had extreme self confidence.  As Maine's two companions came back in,  She noticed they were all handsome men in their own way. Milli commented, "There appears to be no ugly men in Emain Macha". .voicing AJ's thoughts.. 


    The door opened again, a cold draft preceded a tall figure in a black robe trimmed with silver symbols.  The new comer flipped back his hood revealing a bald head. His eyes were piercing black marbles set above a curved nose that would make a bird of prey proud. When he spoke his voice was deep and powerful. One long bony arm reached out from the sleeve,  the fire  pit ignited with a whoosh and a puff of smoke , as he pointed a long nailed finger at the women , " I want them gone they do not belong here.!"


    Cuculain turned, his face was starting to flush beet red. "You have no say here Cathbad; this is a house of warriors! These women are my guests and therefore they are the king's guests. Take your tricks and Be gone sorcerer!". With out another word the druid, turned and left the hall. Milli shivered, looking at AJ, "Sorry I spoke too soon, that is one ugly man!" . AJ was still speechless; all she could think of was the temperature change that occurred upon his departure. The deep cold chill she felt was gone.  She was surprised to notice during the confrontation, she had completed bandaging Maine's wrist. 

  Maine looked up, "Thank you my lady", He smiled I can hardly feel it anymore.  But I must warn you, you have a bad enemy there".

"How is that possible, I have never met that man" as she said it she felt she might be wrong. He reminded her of Mave's witches.

"Well he knows you or thinks he does", Maine bowed his head toward the floor  blushed and said in a soft voice ,"It was Cathbad's  suggestion that I come in here and ,do what I did,  or tried to do." he stammered. 

Cuculain was pacing like a caged animal listening to Maine, as he looked up seeing the agitation on the hound's face he said "I am so Sorry Cu, you know me.  I would never have done that on my own!"    That was true, he did now Maine, a great fighter, with one weakness, he was very prone to suggestions. Maine could be dared or coerced into almost anything. When they were younger, Cuculain tried to protect him form some of the members of the boy's troop, who liked to be clever and take advantage of Maine's weakness. Laeg also new of the big warrior's weakness and knew in his bones, Maine was telling the truth about the Druid. He walked over and gave him a hand up. Laeg saw the look on the young, woman's face and handed her a mug of ale saying," Lady you need this now! " 

AJ paused a moment, replacing her knife in its sheath, the satisfying click, helping to steady her nerves. She knew now she could accept the mug with a steady hand. Taking the mug, she smelled the brew and new it would be strong. The warriors watched in

amazement as she downed the full flagon, AJ finished wiping the froth from her upper lip with the left over bandage.

    The door opened once more, everybody turned. They saw Deidre enter. She was dressed in a beautiful green gown trimmed in gold, with a heavy gold chain, strategically worn to draw attention to her sculptured neck and the tops of her breasts. Her hair was piled and braided giving the impression she was wearing a soft golden crown. She seemed to glide on air as she moved directly toward Cuculain ignoring the others in the room.  She said in a sweet melodious voice, " Cu, the King wishes to meet our guests"  Cuculain , bowed to her, "certainly, as soon as the ladies, and I have time to wash and refresh ourselves." "Smiling she gave the warrior an adoring look that would melt any man. " Oh Cu that is not necessary, you always look perfect to me".

Much to AJ's surprise Milli said in a condescending tone, "He may look good to you young lady, but we have traveling for quite some time and require a bath". Deidre spun around to face Milli, all of the sweetness gone from her expression, "Look you old hag, when I say the king wants you, that means now! ".The honey in her voice was replaced by venom.  "Really" replied, Milli, She turned to Aliceson, completely ignoring, Deidre, "Kingly hospitality and manners seem to be in short supply in this little kingdom"

    Cuchulain and the warriors were used to Deidre's ways and shifting moods. This first challenge to her assumed authority stunned them..

AJ saw the hate replace the beauty in Deidre's violet eyes. She knew things were about to turn ugly quick. So she said "Lady Deidre, I am sorry that my friend is so abrupt but we are very tired, and did not know the laws of hospitality were different here than in our homeland." AJ was gambling on the laws of hospitality being the same and as strong here as in ancient Ireland, where bathing was a big part of the ritual. Aliceson James was developing a strong belief that this Emain Macha was not from her and Mildred Finch's past.     

Cuculain, found his voice at last. "Yes or course Lady Aliceson" The young warrior turned to Laeg, could you find some servants to assist our guests , with what ever they wish" Before Laeg could answer, Maine said "I will do that Laeg, it is my duty now" , turning to Aliceson , he bowed , "Is it not ?" She gave him her most dazzling smile, "Yes Maine it certainly is."  We would like a hot bath and some clean clothes, while ours are being washed.  See to it please"  "I will, gladly, my lady"

Deidre's mouth fell open when she heard the young woman, giving orders to Maine the son of a king. His humble obedience silenced her completely. What was this woman?

AJ turned that smile on Deidre, thanking her for her patience and delivering the kings invitation, as if she were some messenger. Speechless Deidre raised her hand as if waving turned and left.  Milli gave a little nod to AJ, and then followed the women to verify her own suspicions. She saw Deidre, not going to the king's hall, so she called Laeg to her side. He was standing next to her almost instantly. "Yes lady what can I do?"

"Tell me where is Deidre going,?"

"Toward the dark house, where else"

Who lives there?  She asked

"Cathbad, the druid" said the young charioteer, as he spit on the ground

"Aha, Thank you Laeg,"  "You are welcome my lady".  "Call me Milli please."

He looked closely at the woman, she was smiling up at him, making her look much younger than the gray hair,, she was slim with a fine , figure. , she was shorter than any women he could remember. Her skin was either more tanned, or just darker than the young one, but it was clear and smooth with very few wrinkles, her eyes were deep blue and sparkling. Millie knew, she was being sized up by this tall handsome red head. His gaze and smile said he liked what he saw as did she.  He dipped his head slightly, saying "I will call you my lady mostly but it will be Milli among friends, if it pleases you." Laeg beamed his freckled grin on Milli, as she scolded herself for feeling like a school girl again. Then Laeg said "Milli, we should go back in" . She nodded yes and followed him in . But her thoughts were very pleasant.  The way he said my name made it sound musical, I could get my self in trouble, god what wicked old lady I am. Then she giggled, thinking how she was worried about Aliceson.  Milli brought her self back under control, just as they reached AJ and Cuculain.  AJ said "What is happening?" Milli answered,"Deidre has gone to see Cathbad".  Cuculain said, " I could have told you that " AJ asked " But why?"

Laeg spoke up "You have spoiled her plan, what ever that was, so she has gone back to her pet wizard". Cuculain, punched Laeg on the arm "Be careful my friend, that fast tongue could cost you a head."

    Cuculain turned looking around the familiar, building he saw the trophies on the wall many of them his own, some of the shadows, gave them strange expressions. He continued speaking "The king is bewitched by her and that Druid is very dangerous.  Laeg frowned and said in a low voice "He wouldn't be if you still had the Gae Bulga."

The hound looked around the room, Maine had departed taking his brother and

Charioteer.  He did not like this topic raised even when they were alone. 

Milli couldn't help herself as she blurted out "You had the Gae Bulga? "

Cuculain, said, "For a stranger, you know many things", 

AJ rapidly searched her memory trying to remember what she read, about the weapon that was supposed to be magical. Then it hit her, "What do you mean Had?"

Laeg, was about to speak, but the hound commanded him to silence.  Looking directly at Milli , He said , "I would like an explanation of how you know, about the Gae Bulga?  Pausing for a minute, he continued "Many of the things you know and don't are very puzzling. Ladies" Milli looked at AJ, "Yes its time "Please sit down by the fire, AJ would you get us all some of that ale'' Milli stood next to the fire gesturing all to have a seat. I am going to tell you a story, please try not to interrupt till I finish".  Laeg and Cuculain sat immediately Aliceson was bringing 3 large mugs, passed them out then went back for a picture of ale , as she passed , Milli she said in  a conversational tone, "keep it short there is a king waiting for us."  Milli, was thinking about the men , before her. they were handsome, "Yes, dear , I will try"  she paced back and forth, four times ,then stopped , " As most of you know, we come form a faraway , place. , we were brought here, against our wills,  she paused,"  well that is not entirely true  Faithleen,  commanded us to save Cuculain's life and , in some way retrieve the Gae Bulga",

There was a gasp form behind them, as Maine came from the apartment, directly behind them, his mouth was open , he had been listening .AJ motioned , for Maine to come and sit by the fire , as he did so she passed him a full mug of Ale.

Milli continued as if no interruption occurred, "But that is not the story, the story is called  the Tain Bo Cuailnge.

      It is part of our Mythology or legends. In it we have a hero, Cuculain, with his sword hard head and the Gae Bulga, he has a driver named Laeg, but there are also differences". Laeg, spoke as he looked at AJ, "So that is why you asked about Emer" Milli frowned, and continued.  It's a story about a great cattle raid that became a war. The war was between Ulster and the rest of Eire started and lead by Medb and Ailill of Connacht. That brought a louder groan from her audience, as they held out their, mugs accepting more brew from Aliceson , .so engrossed in the tale,  they hardly saw the beautiful woman before them..  The hero of the story is Cuculain, the Hound of Ulster. He holds the invaders at bay by himself, while the red branch warriors are too sick to repel the attack.

Maine, could maintain his silence no longer, "Why is the red branch too sick to fight?"

" The pangs" answered Milli ,"The curse of  Macha" The men all laughed, a small uncomfortable chuckle , Laeg, was the first to speak, "That is one of our legends of course, but it has never actually, happened. Even though we have been invaded quite a few times "  Maine boasted, 'None were ever successful against the Red Branch." He said as he tossed back his mug and drained it.  Cuculain added thoughtfully, "Yet some were close you must admit."  Maine said, well one thing is for sure, Connacht is spoiling for a fight."

    Cuculain, was deep in thought, how are they going to help me get back the Gae Bulga it has been stolen and taken to the other world.. Laeg asked "Who won this war in your tale?" Milli answered,  "Ulster, but there  are still many differences in our time and yours, and that does not guarantee your victory here" No said Cuculain, "That is our task". Maine looked up to see his charioteer , coming out of the apartment Ogma stopped and said to Maine, " The baths are almost ready but we, a have a problem , he started to turn red , then bent over and whispered in Maine's ear,  Maine stood up , saying , " Well get some women to help you, with that,  you clod."  Then he turned to Ogma saying "Sorry, I am no better at this then you are. Just make it happen please "The driver smiled, " I have and Idea now", and returned to he apartment.  Cuculain was not thinking about baths, he was going over what Milli had said so far, the phrase our time and yours, was sticking in his head, Could I face a whole army by myself? but they said the story was a legend maybe their bards were exaggerating for the sake of a good tale! Cuculain stood up, "Tell us some mere differences,"  "Well", Milli took a sip of her own ale, "Deidre , in our story is a tragic beauty, who was in love with Nessi, and Conchobor  kills Nessi and his brothers , Then he kidnaps  Deidre . She is so devastated by the loss of Nessi she kills herself. Fergus who is a great warrior and was once king of Ulster, was tricked by Connor mac Nessa, who killed the brothers Uisliu when they were under Fergus' protection. He left Ulster taking many red branch warriors with him". Laeg sighed, "Well at least that part is true, or the same, I guess would be more accurate, But Deidre, was the cause of the whole thing, she wanted to be queen. She is a fickle bitch who never loved Nessi. She just used him to escape her betrothal, to Medb's son Orlam"  .AJ thought for a minute, " Wouldn't that make her a queen to be married to a queens son," Laeg said , I don't know about that ,  I am  just a chariot driver, but I do know that Medb would never have a women as beautiful as Deidre in her court."

"Laeg enough," The hound was getting irritable, "Tell us more lady, please" Milli continued. "Well in our tales, you are Married, You are trained by Skya",

"You have a son with Aife, one of her students. You kill that same son many years later, because she puts a Geis on him , not to give his name , or never to back down from a challenge ,, so you end up killing him by mistake.  Cathbad is a good Druid, in our story. The Morrigan, is also in a love hate relationship with you, of course you have no knowledge of the goddess obsessions with you. She curses your wife Emer's womb so you can't have children. Calatin is Medb's druid and he is very evil, he puts a spell on Ulster, making all the warriors mad.  He is the real reason behind the war.  There was a long silence after Milli stopped.  Cuculain cleared his throat, passed his cup to Laeg and stood up, "In your  ,    world who did I marry"  before Milli could answer AJ said , "Emer,"

The hound spun around, Forgall the wily's daughter? The hostler's daughter?"  AJ smiled,  "Yes," knowing the reason for his outrage, "but in our story she is brilliant and beautiful,"  OH said , Cuculain," I see". Maine stood up, " Well I am  still confused or perhaps I have not drunk enough." Where are you from, my lady? Are you a Goddess? 

Laeg said " I thought that too Maine, but they are not gods; they were brought here by the gods, who seem to meddle in their world as they do in ours" 

      "But why?" asked Cuculain. AJ said "To keep you alive and help you get the Gae Bulga back". Milli finished, with "Faithleen told us we can not go home until we do."  Cuculain, was getting red in the face, his anger was raising he could feel it. He growled, "That's typical, magic and more magic and tonight is Samain. The veil between our word and the Otherworld will be thin." Mill had a strange look on her face. AJ whispered to her self, liminal space. The men watched the warrior women, with understanding,  they were not shocked., The Sidhe and transition between worlds were part of their culture. It was not history or mythology to them. These warriors had interacted with the gods many times.

Laeg asked, "How did your war start again?  Milli said, "It was said that Calatin, was behind everything. " But that is just our mythology" added AJ.

Maine said," that is Medbs druid and it is said he is evil". Cuculain said' ' You would believe it if you could have seen the three creatures he sent after me at Brug Na Boinne "Maine sensed a good tale here "How did you defeat them? "

"I didn't" smiled the kings champion, He indicated the two women "They did" Just as Maine was about to call for more. His two companions came into the hall and signaled to him. He turned to the women, "Ladies your baths are ready,".

Milli gave a little yelp of pleasure, "Maine, you have my eternal gratitude". Cuculain and Laeg watched as the Giant, blushed like a young virgin. Maine lead the way into the partitioned room. The room was longer than it was wide,  There were two large steaming tubs, Milli said , look at this carpet its made of wolf, pelts and cow hides" AJ found the pattern to be beautiful, . There  was a large table , with benches on the sides, with towels stacked on the outside one. .  The center held refreshments. There were candles everywhere. AJ then looked longingly at the tubs, and saw two young women , coming in through a back door that lead directly outside. They were both burden with armloads of clothing. Many dresses, AJ's first thought was to outshine that Deidre bitch, , but what to do with the weapons , that would be a problem. Then she saw the taller young woman was carrying, kilts and shirts, with some thick leather belts, and vests. Milli said to Maine, "There are two types of clothing here?"  "I know my lady, I saw you as warriors, and also as ladies, I", he started to blush and stammer. AJ came quickly to his rescue, "You made excellent choices, Maine"

The huge warrior beamed, and told the serving girls to place the clothing on the bed by the door. Then to assist the ladies. Smiling he turned and left , following his companions before shutting the door he  said, " I will be on guard outside, no one shall pass." AJ said, "No one better, if you value your head" but her beautiful smile took the entire sting out of the threat. To Milli she said " In order to secure our weapons we need that other door guarded",  "We may have to take turns"

Milli said  "One tub will get cold" AJ saw the steaming tub, ,she longed to get in as much as Milli , AJ quickly entered, the speckled house, hoping Cuculain or Laeg had not left yet. She saw them by the fire and rushed over. Cuculain, said. "What is the matter , is all not to your liking?",  " Oh no it's not that, it's wonderful, we just need some way to secure our weapons, Maine has the outside door, Laeg said , "I see, I will guard the other, Cu, you need prepare yourself for meeting the king and the celebrations tonight" ..AJ was so excited, she stood on her tip toes, giving Laeg a quick kiss on the cheek then hurried back inside the apartment.

    Milli was stripped bare and entering the tub as Aliceson entered. The two serving girls were standing by to help. AJ saw Milli's weapons and pack were in reach on a small bench she had moved, closer to the tub. AJ thought that was sensible idea and quickly spotted another bench, and move it to  position next to her tub, stripping of her pack , and weapons ,she placed the rifle under the bench an the browning on top of the pack, she started to undress. She removed her clothing quickly. The two serving girls were amazed at the bra and panties, removed by Milli. They were stunned when Aliceson, shook out her hair standing in black bra and matching panties. They stood open mouthed; knowing this woman was a member of the Sidhe. Her beauty said she could be none other. Where Deirdre was pale thin beauty, Aliceson was golden, flawless and athletic.  She possessed a more womanly figure. Those strange clothes she removed hid that secret well.  AJ immersed herself in the water, savoring the heat. She looked around the partitioned off apartment wondering who it belonged too. She was impressed,  with the size. Aliceson saw the younger, chubby, serving girl helping Milli lather her hair. AJ turned and asked her name. The girl hesitated a moment, looking terrified then said "Findbec "Then she turned to the slimmer dark haired woman who appeared slightly older. "And you?"  " Lendabair my lady" AJ could see she was beautiful, but looked very sad. Before AJ ducked her head she said "Call me Aliceson". When she came up she saw the long dark haired beauty was smiling.  AJ noticed a bag in Millie's hand and asked her, "Is that soap?" before she was answered Lendabair said  "Here my lady. AJ took the soap and said "Aliceson remember?." Lendabair wanted to hate this women who had caught Cuculain's attention. The hound was just starting to notice her. She was after all Ferdia's sister not some serving girl. She volunteered to assist in caring for Cuculain's guests, when Maine's brother asked for help. Her thoughts drifted as she watched Aliceson bathe. She was just sizing up the competition, what she had seen standing naked did not make her happy. Having been dominated by Deirdre's beauty and now this Sidhe, showing up with Cuculain, she was becoming very depressed. But this Aliceson seemed totally unaware of her great beauty. She was not like Deirdre who flaunted and used hers' to over power everyone. But was she after Cuculain, she must know!  While Aliceson piled masses of soap suds on her hair and scrubbed. Lendabair asked, "Do you know our Hound well?  AJ heard the innocent sounding question but she also heard something else. So she asked "Do you?"

"Yes he is my brother's best friend. " Then it came to AJ, the beauty, the Height. She said, "Ferdia is your brother?" Lendabair's beautiful proud smile said it all. AJ ducked and rinsed some of the soap from her hair, when she surfaced she said, "I just met your brother today, He is one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. The sincerity in Alicesons' voice made Lendabair laugh. AJ continued, "Cuculain says he is a great warrior', Lendabair, answered , "They are very evenly matched., are you ready to rinse. ?" Lendabair tested the water, deeming it just fine, then poured one of the three buckets over AJ. 

As water from the second was cascading over her, Lendabair asked, "Do you wish to wed the king's Champion?" 

Aliceson James thought about the question as she took the last bucket standing and poured the final rinse for herself. Lendabair stood frozen waiting her answer.  "No I do not" When she could see again, she noticed Lendabair was all smiles , with a small tear rolling down her check. AJ reached out and touched that cheek , " You really do love him , don't you ?"

"Yes from the time I was a Little girl. Very much so , but he hardly notices me.

"How can he not? ", Aliceson gasped as she started toweling off. 

Well there is Deirdre she sighed and now you".

"Look", said AJ as she reached for a second towel, " I will admit he is very attractive and in a lustful way , I suppose for a short time I wanted him. But I am not here for that."

"What are you here for?". Lendabair, took the towel and started on her back,

AJ continued, "I , We," she looked at Milli  " are here to help Cuculain on a quest to retrieve something of his and keep him safe."  Lendabair, had a worried look come over her face, " OH my lady , I am not worthy of the hound,, Cathbad told me you were here to take him to the other world as your husband and I should find out all I could and tell him, so he can save the hound for me. She hung her head "I am such a fool."

Oh said Aliceson as she looked over at Milli, who was having her hair brushed by Findbec, the look on the girls face, was not as cute as before. AJ knew she was a plant. AJ stepped out of the tub just as Findbec pushed Milli down hard, grabbed the shotgun and started to run for the door. AJ did not dare to shoot in the direction of the door, over penetration would be a problem, and may kill some one on the other side. She grabbed the K-bar off the pack, and threw it handle first, hoping not to kill the girl. Much practice and a little luck saved Findbec's life. She collapsed three feet from the door. The shotgun dropped with her. Lendabair did not make a sound, she was raised in a warrior culture. Milli was looking as if  she wanted to cry.

Milli's  hands and knees were covered with bits of straw and dirt form the floor. AJ and Lendabair felt sorry for her, but did find it hard not to laugh.

"It would appear the druid didn't trust you?" Lendabair. Passed AJ a towel saying " He knows I love Cuculain ,but I would do nothing to dishonor my family." AJ looked over at the poor girl stretched out on the floor, "I wonder what he used to get her to steal one of our weapons?" Milli dusted her self off, with a damp towel then stepped back in the tub, to rinse off the dirt. AJ asked , "Can I help, there is a bucket here still full of water." , as she stood up, she said , "Just the body please , my hair is starting to dry."  During the second round of toweling off , Milli spoke in a low voice to Aliceson, " I knew there was something off, but I thought it was because, of the difference in traditions"  Which ones ?" The baths, Milli said stepping out of the tub."  The hospitality laws as we know them say they offered a bowl of water, so people could freshen up, face and hands washing, not a bath tub.

Lendabair watched the two women, they were both in great shape, even the older women, she was very short but still possessed a youthful figure.  She was hoping she would age that well. They moved over to the beds , and the piles of clothing.

Milli poked around and saw a black kilt and a white shirt "OOH I've found what I want, at least till our close are clean again.  "I do hope they fit."  I don't see any underwear, she laughed," I guess we are going commando."  AJ had to think for minute, where does she get this stuff? ".  AJ saw her pick up what looked like a white pirate shirt. Aliceson started seriously, looking through the pile.  She picked a similar shirt; in dark green put it to one side then added a dark brown and black kilt. She topped the pile off with a large black cape, with green lining. She thought, when in Rome, and then wondered if she would ever see Rome again or home? She shook her head to clear a little water from her ears. She heard groaning from Findbec.  Milli completed dressing, with a grey towel wrapped around her head like a turban, above a white shirt, black kilt and black leather sword belt over her right shoulder and dark brown bandoleer over her left. Aliceson smiled, "Are you ready to repel boarders?" Milli adjusted the wrapping on the kilt saying "That I am missy." , AJ knew Milli was still upset about being taken unawares,  "When you get a chance retrieve the shotgun , check it out and call Maine in here please.  Turning to Lendabair she didn't see the frown and then a spark of mischief in Milli's eyes as she said, "Aye Aye sir,under her breath she added "Better dress quickly Missy." 

Lendabair , you go and see Cuculain and tell him every thing about the druid and what happened here. "But Aliceson, do I have to tell him what we talked about?"

AJ shook her head "No but you should and quickly, if you don't get him some one will"

Lendabair laughed, " I will Aliceson , don't you worry"

AJ thought, this girl should laugh more she is truly beautiful and she has a voice to match. Then she remembered, crap. She grabbed the black cloak just  as the door opened and Maine stood there with his mouth open and his Eyes as big as saucers. AJ quickly flung the cloak around her. The warrior swallowed hard, and found his voice, "What do you want done with this one my lady?"

"Put her on the bench please and keep her quiet, I need to think, "

"Lendabair, bring me my knife please and then go get Cuculain and Laeg "

Maine said "Give me the knife and I will shut her up permanently ", 

"No" said Aliceson," Please, just watch her. I don't think this was her fault"

Lendabair returned the K-Bar, on her way out.

Maine lifted Findbec like a child's doll setting her on the wall bench next to the door.  AJ heard his deep voice, "Do not move or I will make you my next wife". AJ could not help but thinking what an odd threat but she did not have time to ask. Cuculain and Laeg came rushing through the door with Lendabair close behind. The girl closed the door before the hound could speak. Milli had just entered from the outside and stood next to Maine. The sight ,of the small woman with the shot gun in the crook of her arm dressed like some pirate standing next to the huge Celtic warrior , was causing AJ extreme difficulty concentrating on what Cuculain was saying. She knew she had to get it together fast. " The hound was looking directly at her with those sliver eyes, saying " It is filling up fast out there , and a message was sent  from the King.  He wishes you to join him at the feast as soon as is convenient."

Milli saw the lost expression on Aliceson's face as she moved closer, She  said , Now that is more like it." Aliceson said , in a command tone, "How much time do we have?"

Leag said , The feast will not begin for awhile, the moon is not up high enough yet." " Good" said AJ. 

They watched as she surveyed the room, it was obvious to all that she was thinking.  Whose room is this and How soon must we give up?" Laeg answered "It is yours for as long as you like, it belonged to Fergus mac Roich, who will not need it." Lendabair said, "It is the biggest one in the speckled house."

Cuculain asked  "What is bothering you Aliceson?",

Laeg leaned over Milli , "again emphasizing the great height difference, saying

" You can't wear those "

"What, do you mean?, Isn't this dressy enough for his highness,?" The sarcasm. was lost on Laeg, he just said, "No weapons are worn in the king's hall. Only the King's champion is armed."

  AJ looked to Cuculain "We have problem, the Druid has already made one try for our weapons. We need a safe place to put them and or someone to guard them."

"Everyone will be at the feast, so it will be a problem" said Maine. Findbec chose that moment to make a move for the door, Maine's great sword almost cut the girl in half. He spun so fast, slamming his sword into the door post, blocking her exit. "Sit back down!"he bellowed " Or it's a Samain wedding for us tonight." Laeg began to laugh uncontrollably. When AJ looked around she saw Lendabair smiling and Cuculain was chuckling.  Milli shrugged her shoulders, "I don't get it either." Even though the exchange had been in their strange native tongue Laeg understood.  "The reason that is a threat to most women is because; Maine is an overly large man in every respect." Cuculain said "Laeg you are becoming a diplomat". Lendabair met Aliceson's glance, "Usually that explanation is done in much cruder terms"

. Maine's face was slightly red as he spoke "  Be that as it may, we still have a problem and this one must be guarded as well"  He turned to the Hound , " If these weapons are as powerful as  I believe they are , then they must not fall into that slimy creatures hands.''  "You are correct on that Maine, I have seen their power. They must be guarded."

"So how do we do this?" asked Milli

"You two must go, the Hound and I must go, my brother must also attend." Maine's frown of concentration was troubling to watch.  Laeg said, " I am free to choose, a driver is rarely missed".,  "My driver Roach is free also,! Maine exclaimed. Laeg said "Roach is a good man and Lendabair , is a free women and can choose." AJ said "Wait you would be putting Lendabair in danger"

Maine said "Why not, she is a trained warrior" 

Cuculain turned to Lendabair, "By the Sun and the Moon, I had forgotten you were sent to Skya's training a few years after Ferdia and I returned." 

AJ said, "You have been holding out on me girl." Accompanying the statement with a silly grin , changed the whole meaning, The dark haired beauty hugged AJ. " You are not the only trained warrior with an eye on Cuculain". Then she saw the wink, Lendabair was taking her advice and letting him know she was interested. Laeg saw the Hound staring at Lendabair with a strange new look on his face. Cuculain was seeing her for the first time, Ferdia's little sister was not so little any more. AJ just had to know so she asked "You don't wear armor or weapons?." 

"No not very often, I keep them at home, If we were attacked or times required I would..  I have other interests, as do many trained warriors, some raise cattle, some make things."

    "I want a husband and children," she said. Lendabair was looking right at Cuculain and the look was smoldering.  AJ saw a twinkle in the hounds sliver eyes and thought clever girl, good for you. She said " If  your weapons are home who's will you use ?"  The answer was immediate, " Yours or Milli's, Laeg and Roch have theirs  with them."  She saw the objection in those green eyes, '"Aliceson you can't wear a sword or bow in the Kings hall"  AJ showed her relief , as she thought, I thought she meant to use our firearms. .

Lendabair  shook her head, "Aliceson, Milli you can not wear those clothes". AJ said "why?"

"I have one personal reason the other is protocol."

Milli spoke up "I think I understand the protocol, I am curious about the personal."  She answered quickly "I want to see Aliceson walk in and have every male head in the palace turn from Derdriu to her" Milli understood immediately, AJ scoffed, saying  " I'd look ridiculous." Milli motioned for Lendabair to join her over by the table, so they could talk more privately.  AJ stayed with the men, she felt those two were being silly. There were many more important considerations. Cuculain said, "Does any one think Laeg and Roch can't do this thing with out, Lendabair. "Maine said No of course not". But why?"

Laeg was going to make a smart remark, when The Hound said, "Our guests are going to need her."  "Oh ", replied Laeg as Cuculain's meaning dawned on him.

AJ , said "Great ,now I don't understand. ?"

Cuculain put a hand on her shoulder, I will be busy with my duties as king's champion, Maine will be part of the Red Branch ceremonies, you will be alone with at the King's table, but Ferdia's sister sits where she wants. She can help you understand any strange customs we might have."  Laeg and Maine both laughed, "Now who is the diplomat?" asked Laeg

At the other end of the room, Milli said, to Lendabair, "She doesn't know, that is why she thinks it's silly"

. Lendabair saw her talking to the men, "She really doesn't know that she is as beautiful as or more so than even Deirdre". They gazed at her as she talked with the men.  Milli said well perhaps in a way, she knows what men like, but she sees herself as average and most of the time not very feminine. They saw her back too with a black cape wrapped around her and a black towel around her head. Lendabair laughed and said, "Well maybe not just now, but we can fix that "Milli said "She is more warrior than woman, it may not be that easy."  Lendabair gave a knowing look, "She doesn't know a women can be both, beautiful and a great warrior."  Milli felt goose bumps all over, "That is it exactly "Now let us see what can be done" 

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