Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1803495-a-date-from-hell
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1803495
a date from hell

The sound of running echoed loudly in the empty street, breaking the silence and making the night tense in apprehension.
It was dark and deserted and my feet where pounding hard and against the narrow paths before me.

I couldn't believe I had been foolish enough to think I could have walked home alone, but anger had blinded my common sense. And now I was running almost blindly, closely followed by a drunken lout.

"Hey baby, no need to run!" came the slurred and slightly out of breath voice of my would-be stalker. "I am not going to hurt you!"

Rolling my eyes, I increased my pace. At least my choice of attacker was in my favour. The guy was so drunk he could barely stand, so the fact he had manged to follow the last hundred metres without falling over was an achievement in its own right.
Not that I would let him get close enough to let him tell me why he had ran all this way after me. He would still be dangerous.

At 25 I was tiny. 5ft 1 of little woman. Petite legs, with a womanly figure all rolled into a bundle of little old me.
The man following was 3 times my weight and hight and if he caught me he would do some damage.
But he was never going to catch me. This was my chance to put all my gym training into action and run like a mother .....

Already the guy's footsteps had started to slow. Glancing back I saw him leaning over himself gasping for air. A slight smile played on my lips. I almost felt sorry for the man. "Ha," I laughed to myself nearly, but not quite.

Turning back I continued my journey home at a leisurely jog. The evening had gone wrong on so many levels. I was still fuming over my "blind date's" Reaction to the word "NO." Apparently it "didn't exist in his vocabulary".... and that was a direct quote.

What an idiot. OK he was good looking, I will give my date from hell that. But good looks did not excuse being a sexist pig.
Still, it didn't prepare me for the evil looks I got from my so called friends when I shot the guy down.

Sighing loudly I turned onto the end of my street. I could feel a hot bath and a strong drink calling to me, welcoming me home like a lover would his bed. And oh how I would love to indulge both of them as soon as my size 3 feet entered my house.

Taking the steps of my building entrance 2 at a time, I fought with my bag to release my keys. Shaking the contents violently, I felt a slight panic build inside me..... "Where are my keys!?" I shouted. "Oh no no no, not now please .... please not now..."

Bending down I emptied my bag upside down and rummaged though the pile of makeup... phone... check... ID, check. Mirror, check... keys?
Grabbing my phone I used the light... "Yes!" I cheered to myself as I found my keys stuck in the inside pocket of my bag.

Loosely throwing my stuff back in my bag, I stood up and placed my beloved keys in the door and turned my lock.
Home at last. ...

My flat was empty when I finally shut the door, but then it always was. I had yet to put out an ad for a flatmate, I was just too reluctant to share my home with a stranger. The idea of sharing my private space with someone just set my teeth on edge, but on nights like this I couldn't help feeling very alone. Sighing deeply, I turned the bolts on my front door and made way into the kitchen.

My date had gone so wrong that I ended up losing any kind of appetite and as a result my stomach was now rumbling in protest for food.
Being in no mood for cooking I head straight for my picks cupboard, grabbing what was with out doubt a girls best friend. Chocolate.

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