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by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1803494
Part 3 of Iron Sin
She glances at him out the corner of her eye.

“But what is striking my curiosity is, why are we stealing the machine if we already paid for it in advance?”

         Nate chuckles.

“I’ve already hacked their accounts and linked it back to another foreign account under a anonymous name.”

         Skyla is shock to learn of the fact from Nate.

“So it was the king’s intent to steal the machine after all?”

         Nate nods.

“…Exactly. And how will the Steel kingdom retaliate if they have no army or a capable force to defend their country?”

         Nate looks over toward Skyla to see her eyes were filled with pain.

“What is it?”

“Your grandfather would have never done anything this cruel before if he was still alive.”

“You know better than I do that he would have. And you grew up with him.”

         Nate takes notice of Skyla’s smooth skin, long reddish brown hair and hazel eyes; a picture of beauty standing right in front of him.

“You are beautiful. I now know why my grandfather fell for you so long ago.”

         Nate walks away, heading toward the door.

“He just didn’t know the mistake he was making.”

         Nate leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Skyla continued to stare into the fire thinking to herself.



         IN the late hour, stores began to close for the night. Locking their shops and heading for home to prepare for the next day. All was quiet and calm, and the street was empty from shoppers and children frolicking through the streets. Yet one store remained with its lights still bright; the local book store that rested in the middle of the main street. Inside, the keeper stared frustrated at Priest still reading several books scattered out over a large table. As his brow twitched, the keep finally asked with a slight vulgar tone.

“Are you done yet?”

         Priest seemed to be ignoring the keeper; still reading over the material in front of him. The keep turns around, balling his fist up and trembling with anger.


         Suddenly Priest rises to his feet with an astonished look on his face.

“So that’s what she is!!”

         He closes the book and slams it on the table.

“That’s the only solution. Emotional, Open hearted, weak minded to tricks, and that dark aura I sensed.”

         Priest rushes out of the store, leaving his piles of books behind on the table. Furious, the keep yells out.

“Hey!!!! Who the hell is gonna put up all these books?!!!”

         Priest replies racing down the road.


         Staring across the campfire, Bishop and Kane glared fiercely at Allanah, flourishing herself in jewelry and clothing she had bought from the market. The ridiculous amount of colorful pendants and rings irritated Kane and Bishop, along with the oversize earrings. Allanah glared innocently at the two with a silly smile.


         Bishop replied.

“We’re taking everything back tomorrow.”

         The expression upon Allanah’s face becomes sour, and the heartache of parting with her things breaks her heart. Her lips begin to quiver and tears begin to form in her eyes.

“But why?”

         Kane abruptly replies, yelling at the top of his lungs.



Allanah starts to tap her fingers together and place a pitiful expression of sorrow upon her face.

“Can I at least keep the earrings?”

         Bishop leans back upon a rock to relax from the stressing moment.

“No. We’re taking everything back. Because of you, we don’t have money for a hotel or even food.”

         From the abyss of Kane’s stomach, a large rumbling noise erupts from his belly. Kane leans over, holding his stomach, nearly drooling for food.

“Please don’t mention food for the rest of the night please.”

         Feeling guilty, Allanah finally gives in to them.

“Fine. We will take it back tomorrow.”

         Bishop, lying back on the rock suddenly asks Kane slumped over hold his stomach.

“Hey Kane, do you know exactly where the factory is you shipped the metal to?”

         Kane starts to rub his head and chuckle with a hint of guilt in his laugh.

“Yeah… And you want to know something hilarious?”

         Both Bishop and Allanah reply.


“I kind of meet the president of the that company today.”

         Bishop and Allanah’s brow start to twitch in frustration. Allanah explodes, yelling…

“Why the hell didn’t you come get us?!!”

         Kane retaliates.

“Hey!!! You was out spending all of money, Bishop was being mister flirt, and Priest is M.I.A.

         For a moment, they begin to question Priest’s whereabouts.

“Speaking of which, where is he?”

         Underneath the pounds of jewelry, Ion sat upon the full weight of Allanah’s spoils uncomfortable.

“Can’t- move. Can’t- break- free- and- release- myself-into-spirit-form. Ughhhhhhhhh”

         Morning final came. The blazing sun rising from the east casted its light down upon the massive city of Steel. Soon after, the streets quickly filled with shoppers of all ages and children fluttering through the allies and canals. Morning yet came and went, and noon was turning into the evening. Still asleep, Rowen lay stretched out across his bed, with a large bottle of whiskey lying next to his side. Bombarding through his door, Olivia stormed trembling in anger.


         He still slept.


         Rowen simply mumbles and turns over to the other side of his bed. Olivia becomes extremely tempered after witnessing her brother’s annoyances.

“Did he? Did he just ignore me?”

         She said baffled. Immediately, Olivia grabs the closest object to throw. In sight, she picks up an iron, and hurls it toward Rowen. With great force, it strikes him dead on, awakening him instantly. Rowen rises from his bed rubbing his head in pain.


         Olivia replies in an even louder tone.


         Rowen eases his nerves and calms down and replies.

“Alright, give me a moment to get ready”

         Olivia yells before slamming the door.


         Staring at the door grimly, he whispers under his breathe.

“Looks like someone woke up in a bitchy mood.”

         After preparations, Rowen and Olivia were finally making their way to meet the Representatives. Formally dressed, the two walk into the shop to find their crew dressed in silver and blue uniform, standing in two lines facing each other. The Representatives stood at the head of the room, gazing at the marvelous machine before them. Walking by Rowen’s side, Olivia whispers to him as they marched.

“I was looking over the numbers last night when I got home.”

         Rowen replies.

“Yeah, and…”

“We haven’t received our payments for this project yet.”

         Rowen halts, glancing at Olivia with a troubled glare.

“What do you mean?”

“We usually receive our funds three days after it goes through the bank. It’s been five days, and they are always on time.”

         Rowen asks.

“So are you saying someone stole our money?”

“…And the kings. I checked this morning by going to the bank and they are missing money too. I seen the records and ran the number with the accounts. Rowen… We’ve been conned.”

         A dark feeling illumes over Rowen as he turns his attentions toward the representatives. He looks back at Olivia and then marches toward Nate and the others.

“Well it looks like someone is not getting a war machine today.”

         Rowen approaches the group with open arms and a large smile.

“Welcome Representatives of the Shadow Nation. I am Rowen Whittmore.”

         Nate turns around and introduces himself with a friendly smile.

“Good to make you acquaintance. I am Sir. Nathan and this is Lady Skyla.”

         Rowen loses his breath as his eyes fall upon the sight of Skyla.

“It’s her!!”

         Rowen instantly has a flash back of that day in the hells. Revising his memorizes, he thinks back to that day in the hills with his brother and sister. Rowen waving to him in the distances, profusely asking him to come play

“Come on big brother.” 

         And then, from behind the tree came a woman obscured by his brother’s large size. His bright smile becomes a terrifying glare as the woman wrapped her arms around his brother. As they turned; playing with one another, the woman’s face became clear as day. It was Skyla with longer reddish brown hair. As he glared at her, he could see the dark aura surrounding her in the distances.

“…Brother no.”

         Rowen returns from the image of memories. He continues to act calm and collect while he dealt business with representative.

“…A pleasure to meet you both.”

         Glaring at Skyla, he could see the dark aura flowing from her like an aroma. They turn and face the gigantic machine standing high above them.

“How do you like the machine sir?”

         Nate nods.

“It is magnificent.”

“I’m glad you are pleased with it, but…”

         He turns and faces them.

“There’s a situation.”

         Nate immediately assumes what Rowen was about to address with him, his eyes narrow and his fist tightens.”

“What is it?”          

         Rowen continues to stare up at the iron machine, still as he addressed Nate.

“We have not received our payment for this project yet. So we can not let you have the machine now.”

         Convincing, Nate tries to play the role of the unknowing.

“What happened? We paid in advance.”

“Like I said, we can’t let you have the machine until the deposit is in our account. We will happily accommodate you at a hotel until we have the deposit, but until then you can’t.”

         Rowen walks away bold from the flustered Nate. Standing tense and angered, Nate begins to breathe heavily as his nostrils flared.


         He called out. Rowen pauses and then turns to face him. In a quick instant, Nate draws a large silver pistol from his side and fires it directly at Rowen.  Piercing Rowen in the head, the large broad boss fell to his knees and then onto his backside.


         Olivia shrieked in terror. Skyla and the other shadow guards draw their pistols and starts gunning down the crew members in the shop. All begin to flee for their lives, as some tried to protect Olivia and others defended off some of the striking Shadow Guard. Many fell from the flying bullets. Dear Olivia then found herself kneeled down on the floor alone, staring in horror of her brother lying on the ground.

“Rowen… Not you too. I can’t lose you too.”

         Stepping above her, Nate and Skyla stood over her with their pistols aiming down at her.

“Sorry sweetheart… But we can’t leave any witnesses.”

         Olivia’s eyes fill with fright, as fear consumed her body.

“…Oh God.”

         Before either of them could fire, Olivia disappears before them in an instant.


         Several feet away, Bishop was kneeling down with Olivia in his arms.

“…You alright?”

         Bishop asked. She nods.

“Yea, I think so.”

         The two raises their guns to fire, but all of the sudden their pistols are quickly snatched away. Glancing down, Kane was kneeled right in front of them with both their pistols crossing in front of him. He quickly turns around and shoots at the both of them. Nate is hit in the shoulder, while Skyla was wounded in her side. A sadistic smile creeps upon Kane’s face. A dark feeling took over Kane, which eroded a demonic aura from him.

“That felt good.”

         His hair turns into flames and his eyes turned bright red from the adrenaline rushing through him. Suddenly his eyes fall upon the Shadow guard assaulting the crew members still. He sets his sights upon them and starts to unleash a barrage of bullets. Each shot took down a shadow guard at a time, but the excitement of the firearms consumed the well being of Kane. His laughter turned evil, and a insane glare appeared on his face. From across the room, Bishop notices Kane’s persona had instant changed to a mad man’s.

“That idiot is trigger happy. “

         He becomes out of control when a few crew members are caught in the cross fire.


         Yet the innocent falling did not stop the rampage Kane was upon. He continued to shoot everything in sight.


         Allanah, watching from up above on a scale is frightened by the dreadful sight.

“W-What is wrong with him?”

         Lying on the floor behind the insane Kane, Rowen’s body rested limp; lying in an awkward position. From his forehead where the bullet entered, the steaming piece of metal suddenly fell out. Rowen awakens from his slumber to find his friends, his crew being slaughtered. Instantly his eyes fall upon Kane, standing only a few feet away from him. He growls in anger of the horrific sight. Kane still trigger happy, suddenly turns toward the bleeding Skyla crawling away on the floor. He walks over her with both pistols pointing down at her. Above on the second tier, Nate saw Skyla facing the crazed Kane, but only hesitated for a brief moment before sprinting off.  Kane fires, but before the bullets could reach her, they are deflected by Priest wielding his blade.

“Kane!! What are you doing?!!”

          Angered, Kane tries to shoot again, but before he could pull the trigger Rowen grabs him by his collar and throws him across the room into a beam.


         Skyla seizes the opportunity and runs off through the corridors of the shop. Rowen quick notices and turns to chase after her, but Priest swiftly jumps in the way.


         Rowen is appalled.

“You fool, get out of my way!!”


         Priest asked.

“That woman, that thing killed my older brother Jacob!!”

         Priest is stricken by this.


“Do you know what she is?”

         Priest replies.

“A succubus: A feminine entity that drains the life out of men to keep their youth.”


  “Because her wound will heal…”

         He glances over his shoulder.

“No normal weapon can kill her, only time…”

         He lifts his blade toward Rowen.

“…Or a holy relic that can purify evil.”

         Rowen becomes silent but disgruntle about the ordeal.

“Allow me to end her so she can stop suffering in this world. Just worry about saving your friends.”

         Rowen glances at Priest with an timid glare, and nods.

“Alright then.”

         Priest sprints off after her, while Rowen turned his attention back toward Kane rising from the dent of the beam. At his side, Rowen lifts his hand; commanding the steel next to him to rise off the floor. Kane is infuriated by the attack; his eyes burning with fire along with his hair bursting into flames even greater. Kane aims to fire, but Rowen tosses the block of steel at Kane fiercely. Kane tries to shoot it down, but the large piece of steel slams into him, knocking the shogun unconscious. Above on the tier, Bishop watched with amazement of Rowen’s abilities.

“Could he be?”

         Allanah was suggesting the same as Bishop after witnessing Rowen’s abilities.

“The Shogun of Steel… Another is born after two hundred years.”

         From the corner of his eye, he sees Nate race up the stairs toward the machine. IN one bound, Bishop leaps up into the air unto the fourth tier to meet Nate before he could get to the machine. Nate finally makes it to the fourth tier where the cockpit of the machine was open, steadily bleeding from his shoulder. Instantly he pauses in his footsteps, when his eyes bestowed upon Bishop standing there waiting for him.


         Nate pulls out another pistol, but Bishop hurls a concentrated ball of wind at him and knocks the gun from his hand. The gun falls three stories down from where they stood. Bishop forms another orb of wind, and throws it at Nate. The orb, takes Nate’s right leg from underneath him; bringing him to one knee. He throws yet another, and brings him to both knees. Down below, Rowen was becoming pint in by several armed Shadow Guards still remaining. But the large broad worry simply smiles at the threatening soldiers.


         He claps his hands, and then slams his right palm unto the floor below him. IN that moment, a silver seal with ancient unknowing text appears beneath him. The soldiers are terrified by the seal, and become skeptic of what might come out of it.


         The seal glows even bright from the command.


         For a moment, nothing appears. Until a massive steel beam with a handle comes collapsing down upon Rowen’s head from above. The gigantic steel knocks the warrior into a daze, leaving the soldiers baffled by the ridiculous scene.


         Operating a crane, Olivia surprises the soldiers by swing a large iron beam from the tether of the crane and knocks them all to the ground


         She shouted in joy. The iron beam continues to swing into the tiers standing next to the machine. Colliding, the beam tears through the entire steel tower, until it collapsed down to the first level.


         Bishop yelled as both Nate and himself fell from the third story tier.  Collapsing, the tier throws Nate towards the cockpit of the machine. Painfully he grabs the hatch of the cockpit with his wounded side to save himself. Falling, Bishop sees Nate hanging from the hatch door. He aims to strike him down, but the debris prevents him from striking him down.

“Damn it!!”


         Hiding in the far end of the building in the dark, Skyla rested as her wound slowly began to heal. The pulsating wound gradually pushes the bullet from the hole, pumping as though it was a heart itself until the bullets exerted and fell to the floor.


         She moaned in pain. From the darkness, Skyla begins to hear footsteps echoing through the hallway coming for her.

“Who’s there?”

         She shouted. Skyla then take sight of small glowing crosses piercing the cold sheet of darkness. They grow nearer and nearer until she final could see that those eyes belonged to Priest as he stepped into the light of the room. She laughs as her heart filled with joy to see Priest to her rescue.

“Priest… You are here.”

         Stern, Priest glared at her with his piercing eyes, emitting a grim aura around him. Skyla is frightened by the look upon his face. She begins to tremble as he drew nearer. From Priest’s side, he draws his sword from his sheath.

“What are you doing?”

         Priest’s long black blade drags across the concrete floor, echoing an irritating screech along the surface.

“…Setting you free from this world.”

         Frightened, but confused Skyla asks.

“What are you saying?”

         He halts a few feet away from her, staring her down as if she was prey.

“Tell me… What is your heart’s deepest desires, Skyla”

         Still she could not comprehend.


“I know your story. You are a lost soul looking for their heart again, but blinded by the illusion of the real world.”

         Delusional, Skyla begins to cry and laugh as she crawled to Priest’s feet.

“But…But I did find it. I found it with you. Priest, you are perfect for me.”

         Before she could touch him, he lifts his blade; nearly nicking Skyla’s nose.

“No… That’s something you want to believe. I felt pity for you as I gaze into your past last night. The sorrow you had when you were a child. The abuse you went through, even when your father sold you to a whore house when you were only eleven to pay his own debt...”

         Tears formed within her eyes as every horrible moment he spoke of flashed before her eyes.

“…Until that one man saved you from it all. He took you from hell and placed you in a home with food and warmth. Even love. For the first time, you had someone to love you after so long off killing those pathetic fools who only look for lust. But he chose his family over you… You was too damn selfish to support him in his time of need and killed him because you was afraid that he was going to leave you like all the rest of them. Rowen’s elder brother.”

         Skyla is speechless.

“I know what you are. You are a foul creature that burdens the pain of sorrow through their life and feeds off the substances of the living.”

         Skyla’s eyes bulge as he called out the name of dark entity that was born within her.

“A succubus.”

         Priest draws his blade back, preparing to strike her down on her knees.

“You have punished others for their moral sins, but yet to be punished for your own. Hundreds have died by your hands, brothers, fathers, sons, even husbands. Although they deserved to be punished from their sins of adultery.”

         Suddenly, Skyla begins to chuckle with a sadistic craze tremble in her voice.

“Punish me?”

         She glares up at Priest with piercing yellow demonic eyes, trembling with anger.

“You are just like all the others!!”

         Skyla viciously lashes out at Priest; transforming into her succubus form as she soared for him. Her jaw opens wide as her long brown teeth and her talons and claws grew long and sharp. Before she could rip Priest to shreds, the young shogun quickly struck with accurate and god like speed; appearing behind her in a striking stance with his blade dripping with blood. Skyla in her monstrous forms is frozen in time. Paused in that moment, Skyla’s memories travel back to a gloomy and stormy day that was buried in her mind. Rowen’s elder brother stood at the doorway with a vulgar expression his face as the lightning flashed behind him through the window.

“I need to go. My mother and siblings need me.”

         Skyla down upon her knees in tears cried out to dear Jacob.

“But I need you Jacob.”

         Jacob knees down to her and strokes her cheek as he gazed into her green eyes.

“I know. But my family needs me more. My father just pasted away and my mother is in denial. I care for you greatly Skyla, but we have to spend some time apart. Just until everything is okay again on my part.”

         He rises, and then walks toward the door. Outside, Rowen and Olivia raced toward the house to see their brother. Pouring down, the two sprinted toward the porch to be shield from the rain. Arriving, the two threw back their hoods to their rain coats and tried to shake dry. But then, they begin to hear screaming and shouting coming from inside of the housee.


         Rowen peeps in through the window by the door. Olivia tries profusely, but was too short to reach, and began to whimper.

“I’m too little.”

         Rowen replies.


         Inside, Skyla began to fill with anger and pain; clutching her fist and locking her jaws.

“You’re just like all the rest of them.”

         Jacob is puzzled by her words.


         Skyla quickly pounces from her knees and unto Jacob. She transforms while locking her limbs around him to trap him. On top, she transforms into her hideous succubus form, and begins to drain the life from him. Rowen watched in horror as his beloved elder brother was stripped of his life. Instantly he grabs little Olivia by the hand and sprints off. After draining Jacob of his life, Skyla sat back in her normal state, rocking back and forward with a glare of insanity on her face.

“You’re just like all the others. You’re just like all the others. You’re just like all the others.”

         Skyla finally realizes her deepest sin she commented as tears swelled within her eyes. Suddenly from her finger tips, she begins to disintegrate into nothing but ash piece by piece, until there was nothing but a pile on the floor. The whispers of her voice carried as she faded away into the nothing.

“I’m sorry… Jacob.”

Priest glances back at the pile of ashes behind.

“I pray you find happiness in the next world.

         Barely hanging by his fingers, Nate held himself from falling from the tier stand high above the floor. With all his might, Nate pulled himself up into the door of the cockpit so he could rest. He rolls over, grabbing his shoulder in pain from the horrific wound.


         Nate rises to his feet and enters the cockpit. He closes the hatch and straps himself into the seat. Turning the main switch, Nate activates the system to operate the machine. He begins to glance around to make himself familiar with the cockpit before taking off.

“Alright. What do we have here?”

         He observes a lever above his head. Instantly he realizes what the activation of the lever was.

“Is this actually a transformation switch?”

         An alert goes off; announcing to him of close human bystanders near.

“Five nearby civilians. Five nearby civilians.”

         From the monitor in front of him, Nate observes Bishop rising from the debris below.

Bishop down below, glares up at the machine and quickly notices Nate had entered the cockpit.

“Shit… He’s in.”

         Nate quickly grabs hold to the weapon controls and fires upon Bishop below. The machine lifts its forearm and fires an arsenal of bullets from the Gatling gun mounted on its arm. Bishop swiftly forms a wall of wind to deflect the bullets away.


         With its other arm, the machine blasts away at the far wall; tearing down the iron doors until it became an opening. Nate smiles and implies.

“And that’s my way out.”

         He pulls the lever above his head and activates to transformation sync quince. The large upper body of the machine compacts into the chest and shoulders, and then drops forward and connects to lower half of the body. It locks into place of the base of the tank and connects all the links around it. Nate ignites the boost, and then hurls his way out of the shop at full speed. Bishop and Olivia stood by as it soared through the wall and out toward the city.


         Bishop and Olivia rushes toward the hole and watches as the machine soars into the sky and escapes into the hills to the east.

“Damn it!!” 

         To the north, Aoin and the other generals were docking in harbor of the Tsunami nation. Every soldier exited the ships, cheering for joy that they finally made land fall after several days of traveling by sea. The generals stood upon the deck, watching over the men as they gathered.


         Aoin announced.

“Taya and I are about to depart and travel to Macedonia to speak with the Arch Bishop.”

         He glances at the other generals.

“General Grahams and General Nguyen take several ships and depart for the Typhoon nation to speak with the Typhoon king about his support. Agreed?”

         The others nod and respond.


“Good, we will meet on Tycoon Island in three days to preparation for battle.”


         Everyone departs to go their own separate ways. Aoin and Taya head toward to large bird like creatures with mounts toward the end of the docks. Walking, Taya could see something in Aoin’s eyes that made her curious of what was on his mind.


         He glances over his shoulder.


“You have something else in mind, other than to see the Arch Bishop. What is it?”

         Aoin turns and faces her before he mounts upon his ride.

“There’s a reverend that lives in Macedonia. I heard word that he is the Shogun of Waves. And the General of the Typhoon air force is the Shogun of Current. I met these men about a week and a half ago.”

         Curious, Taya asks.

“What are you planning? To have them fight along side of us?”


         Both mount upon their large ostrich like birds and start to trout away.

“I’ve heard what they did to the Shadow general and his army alone, even with a demon creature. They defeated him.”

         Taya then inserts her opinions toward Aoin’s idea.

“I understand that. But will they fight with us.”

         Aoin lifts his brow in curiosity.

“I hope so.”

         The two ride off toward the forest and begins their journey to Macedonia.

         Later that night, Rowen and the others were sitting down to dinner at a delightful restaurant downtown. All were discussing about the attempts the Shadow kingdom had with the deadly machine they now had in their possession.

“They told us that the machine is for guarding their borders from invading forces.”

         Bishop implies.

“Which means the Heaven nation is going to get a rude awakening once they bring the machine unto the battlefield.”

         Rowen and Olivia are baffled by the surprising invasion of the Heaven Kingdom.

“The Heaven kingdom is going to invade the Shadow Nation?”

`          Priest nods.

“They are. After the attack upon the Typhoon kingdom, the Queen and her generals have decided to put an end to the Shadow kings reign before another country falls.”

         Allanah implies with sorrow in her voice.

“Like my kingdom.”

         Bishop suddenly notice Kane sitting at the end of the table in silence with his arms crossed over his chest glancing another way. Loudly Bishop shouts.

“Hey you!!! Isn’t there something you have to say to them for shooting up their place?”

         Kane cuts his eyes toward Rowen and Olivia waiting on an apology.


         Priest implies.


         Kane grunts, but finally comes out and says.

“I have a lot anger to get out!!”

         He said it the utmost rudest way. Bishop rises from the table with his fist trembling in anger.

“Is that all you have to say?!!!”

         Kane lowers his head in his shoulder and begins to mumble under his breath.


         Allanah implies in a sarcastic way.

“Speak a little louder, we can’t hear you very well.”

         Kane shouts.

“I ran out of bullets!!”

         Bishop leaps from his chair and punches Kane in the head.

“Just say you apologize!!”

         Priest implies an interesting theory about Kane.

“I don’t think he has ever apologized before.”

         Kane squints his eyes and frowns.


         Rowen and Olivia chuckles a bit.

“It’s alright. We know he’s sorry for the outbreak earlier. But there is something that might be able to help the Heaven Kingdom in the invasion.”

“What is it?”

         Allanah asked.

“The designs were created by a man named Sebastian from the Striking Kingdom. If we can get the blue prints of the operation system and analyze it for a vulnerable point, then the Heaven kingdom will have a chance if we can give them the information.”

         Olivia said. Curious for a moment, Bishop asks.

“Why would the Striking kingdom design a weapon for the Shadow Kingdom? They hate the Shadow kingdom as much as the Heaven Nation.”

         Rowen smiles.

“Let’s take a trip and find out.”

         Allanah leaps out of her seat for joy.

“Yay!!! We have another Shogun to the group!!!”

         Rowen is puzzled to realize Allanah knew who he was; frowning with a content glare on his face.

“H-how did you know?”

         Bishop chuckles.

“The manipulation of the metal in the shop, and the item summoning you did, gave it away.”

         Rowen glances down at Olivia sitting next to him uptight and timid.

“Olivia, I…”

         She smiles.

“I always knew you were special Rowen. Even big brother knew it too, that’s why he had so much faith in you.”

         Rowen smiles.

“Thanks sis.”

         He turns toward the others with a stern look.

“There’s a question I would like to ask you guys.”

         They nod.

“Three black guys… and one little white girl. And you guys haven’t gotten into any trouble yet?”

         Everyone is outraged by Rowen’s observation. Shouting in anger at him…

“What the hell is that suppose to mean?!!!”

“Are you racist?!!”

         Rowen modestly shakes his hands away in front of him and nervously smiles.

“No NO… some of my best workers are black.”

         The concept of trying to reason with them fails at Rowen’s innocent attempts.

“Ohhhhhh so you trying to say we’re slaves now.”

         Rowen begins to heavily sweat as all three of the shoguns begin to gang up on him verbally.

“No no…”

         Olivia places her hand on her brother’s shoulders and implies.

“I think it’s best if you just stay quiet for the rest of the night.”

         Rowen drops his head in shame and agrees.

“That would be best.”

         Arriving upon shore, a small black vessel docked at the bay of a large city shrouded by storm clouds firing lightning from the heavens. From the side, the door of the vessel opens and lines parallel with the docks. Inside, a thin white haired man exits the ship and steps unto the docks. Standing there, waiting for his arrival were two men dressed in long black clothing and black sun hats that obscured their faces with shadows.

“Sebastian… The Lightning lord has been waiting for your return. He has been curious of what business you were conducting in the Steel kingdom.”

         The skinny man chuckles a bit as he pushed his glasses back upon his face.

“I was just speaking with some engineers about building another steel damn to concentrate more energy here. That is all”

         Grimly the two glare at him.

“Don’t explain it to us. Tell him where you been.”

         The other mysterious man approaches him.

“Now come with us. The king wishes to speak with you immediately.”

         With a disgruntle frown and a piercing look, the scientist unwillingly agrees to go with them.

“…Very well.”

         He said with a vulgar tone

© Copyright 2011 Abel (abel319 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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