Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1803491-SHG12-Iron-Sin-pt1
by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1803491
Kane and the other shoguns travel to the Steel Kingdom
Chapter 4: Iron Sin

The gleaming light glared through the wide windows of the massive office. At the long hazel table sat several men and women dress suitable for a business occasion discussing the situation at hand. Folders and papers rested in front of each individual at the table as one fairly large man at the head of the table reviewed the information.
“Ladies & Gentlemen of the Board, in front of you right now is a contract presented to us by the Shadow Kingdom to construct a type of machine to be used to guard their shore lines from opposing forces. The Shadow diplomats have guaranteed payments to have the labor work and tools to build this machine paid for, which means we won’t come out of pocket for any of this. As you may review over the copies in front of you, each of you may see this is a solid deal to increase our profits and renew or treaty with the Shadow kingdom.”
Close toward the end of the table, a poetic woman with blue hair and green lovely eyes shared her slight opinion toward the others at the table.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the board, my lord, wouldn’t this machine, this weapon be used to start a war instead of protecting their shorelines as they claim. I mean, we have seen what they did to the Typhoon nation, not alone conquered the Royal kingdom and started Marshall Law. How can we be sure that we are not building a death machine?”
The dark tone large individual at the head of the table addresses her with simple glare of peace.
“It’s not really our problem at the time being. Right now, we are concentrating of advancing our kingdom even more. If the Shadow Kingdom steps out of line, we have the weapons to stop them.”
Unease by him, the young lady implies.
“But my lord…”
To the left of her, a large hand rests upon her arm.
“That is enough Olivia.”
Left of the woman sat a large man; massive in size with short blonde hair and a slight scar over his left eye.
“The production of the machine is in progress right as we speak. By the time the diplomats arrive, it should be ready.”
At the head of the table, the Lord asks the large man.
“What of the engineer from the Striking Kingdom? Has he taken his leave?”
The massive man replies.
“Sebastian took his leave this morning. He left the blueprints to our engineers to finish the process so he would not be suspected. This act is pushing the line of war and treason.”
The Lord nods his head.
“I have realized this Rowen Whittmore.”
The lord chuckles. The sight brings curiosity to the man named Rowen sitting toward the end of the table.
“Does something seem to amuse you?”
The lord calms his nerve.
“Nothing… It is that I am used to seeing your brother in the same seat you are at now.”
Rowen lowers his head with a dark presence illuming from his expression. He rises from his seat and leaves the table quickly.
“I shall contact you my lord when the job is done.”
Rowen easily exits the room and closes the door. Olivia deprived from words senses her comrade’s emotions from the reaches of the lord’s words. She quickly rises and excuses herself from the table.
“Excuse me my lord.”
She nods her head.
“Ladies… And Gentlemen. “
She rushes out of the door to follow. Down the hall, the tall bold man gradually made his way, until his name was shouted from behind.
He pauses and turns toward the calling.
The young woman races toward him to comfort him.
“Brother… I know those were harsh words brought back memories of our brother…”
“It is nothing sister. Other than we’re on the brink of war and it will be by our own doing. Our king is foolish and blinded by money and greed. Brother would have never agreed to such a thing.”
Olivia’s warm eyes glare up at Rowen and replies.
“But this will help our people greatly advance even further.”
“…To what extent? We have many things far greater than other Kingdoms in the world. Would we really be helping our kingdom or ascending hell upon it?”
Rowen slowly walks away in disarray and anger. His dear sister stood behind, alone with tears of wary in her eyes.
“But what’s done is done… Our king will see the mistake he has made when he is dethroned by the Shadow King. Just like the Royal Kingdom.”
The rash words and the sense of anger brought wary into Olivia’s heart. Watching her brother walk away nearly brings her to tears.

As day faded to dusk, the eyes of the Shadow general fell upon the falling sun and set upon the night sky and the stars filling the vast space. Trace stood upon the peak far outside the kingdom of the shadows, within the wilderness to rest his mind and enjoy the silence of the night. A gust of wind flows, with the whispers of the past speaking within Trace’s ear. The voice of an innocent child asks…
“Which one is your’s mom?”
A feminine voice answers.
“That one… Your father and I stood upon the lake side and chose a star together. That way, when we are apart, we can look up at the sky and know that we’re still thinking about each other.”
The memories of Trace and his mother staring at the night sky took his mind in the past. The small joyful Trace sitting in his mother’s lap, staring at the sky brought warm memories to his heart.
“There’s so many, how can you remember where it is?”
Trace’s mother giggles.
“Here, let me show you.”
She takes his little hand and spreads his fingers wide, and then lifts his hand toward the sky.
“You see, there others stars connect like a V around the star your father and I chose. It’s easy to find if you just look through you middle and ring finger.”
Trace in reality, holds his hands up towards the sky, spreading his fingers to find his parent’s star. Looking through his middle and ring finger, he finds the lucky star. The sight, places a slight smile on his face, until a cold damp emotion over came him.
“What the hell am I doing?”
Suddenly his name is called.
He turns to see Raven gradually approaching him in a timid way.
“What are you doing all the way out here?”
Trace turns his back to her and replies.
“I just wanted to be alone for a while. I didn’t think anyone would find me here.”
Raven begins to rub her shoulder, still timid of Trace’s presence.
“Well, you brought me here a long time ago. Remember?”
Trace nods his head.
“I completely forgot that I did. I’m surprise that you remembered how to get here.”
Raven steps up by his side. Slowly she lifts her hand with her fingers spread; imitating Trace previously.
“What does this mean?”
Trace grits his teeth, content of Raven’s mockery.
“Nothing… Now put your hand down and let’s go before someone suspects us of anything.”
Trace trudges away with a temper illuming from him. Raven glances back at the irritated general, walking away with a dark content emotion sealed inside but hinted.

The late hour drift into morning in the kingdom of steel. Awakening from a deep slumber in the nude was a young bright toned woman with dark reddish brown hair and dazzling green eyes. As she rose from bed, her eyes fall upon a gentlemen standing in the mirror fixing his tie.
“Where are you going?”
She asked. The tall bald man with his blue collard shirt turns toward her and replies.
“I’m going home to my wife.”
She said baffled by the statement.
“Look honey, I’m going to be honest with you. Your heart is too open. You’ll fall for anyone’s sweet words and sleep with the first fool that sweeps you off your feet. You thinking that they are simply going to run away with you and live happily ever after, but all in all they just want your body.”
He finishes tying his tie and grabs his coat upon the chair next to the door. Upon the coat rack, he grabs his hat and places it on his head, slanted to the right a bit. Before he opened the door to the room, he implies to her.
“Grow up sugar. Life isn’t a fairy tale.”
As he cracked the door, a powerful force instantly shuts it immediately.
“What the hell?”
Pressing against the door, the young woman stood still as if a statue in the midst. Her hair hanging over her eyes and her nails grinding into the door; the young woman’s anger illumed to the strange man in a demented way. She lifts her head, revealing red piercing eyes and fangs growing within her mouth. In an instant, the beautiful woman shifts into a beastly demonic creature that struck immense fear within the man.
“W-What the hell are you?”
As he tried to crawl away on his hands, the woman followed with her mouth stretching nearly to the floor.
“I will not be used again. You shall pay for what you have done to me.”
Backed into a corner, the horrified man had no place to run. The terrifying woman leans in and begins to absorb the man; inhaling while particles from the man’s body flowed within her. His screams are muffled by the demonic sound from the creature’s mouth. Piece by piece the man was absorbed like a vacuum taking in dust until there was nothing left but bones. Once finished, the woman reverts into her normal beautiful form from before.
“Now, let that be a lesson to you fool.”

The great steel towers that touched the skies above astonished the young princess upon there arrival to the great Steel kingdom. Her eyes gleamed toward the heavens at the magnificent iron buildings with marvelous sculptures of maidens and gargoyles on the corner of the buildings. The others stood behind, smiling at the anxious and ecstatic princess expressing her childish ambitions.
“I guess she never really been anywhere besides the Royal Kingdom.”
Bishop said, holding his hand to his head with a slight grin on his face. Priest replies with his hands in his pockets shaking his head with the same odd smirk on his face.
“I guess so.”
Kane followed in silences; observing the city and the busy streets around him.
“I really don’t like to be around a lot of people.”
He said with a grunt. Priest and Bishop glimpse over their shoulders at the broad warrior strutting tensely.
“…What? Not a people person?”
Priest asked. Kane glares at the two with a dark immense glare.
A sudden gloom comes over the two; their faces turn blue from the impelling negative aura flowing from Kane.
“Geesh… How did we whine up with this guy again?”
Priest implies.
“You tell me.”
The three shogun follow the young ecstatic princess down the busy street, until Bishop’s and Priest’s eyes are caught by young beautiful women standing outside of a clothing store gossiping. Bishop and Priest are instantly drawn to the lovely women; taking notice of their delightful smile, small thin waist, and their cleavage that definitely grabbed their minds.
“Wait a minute.”
Bishop said gazing. Priest frozen in his stance stare with a dumfounded expression on his face.
“Sweet Jesus in heaven…”
Priest implied. The two glare at each other sinisterly with evil incentive smiles on their faces. Both cunningly disappear into the crowd of people and make their way towards the group of beautiful women. Allanah still dazzled by the city begins to plot an adventure for the group while they had time in the miraculous city.
“What should we do first? Go shopping? Or go out to eat at a nice restaurant?”
Kane, glaring off into the distances suddenly spots an open pub to the left of him. Fully neglecting Allanah, Kane sneaks off to the pub with a slight joyful smile on his face. Allanah, unaware of the three disappearances continues to speak on.
“Or do you guys want to go to a motel and relax for a couple of hours?”
After some time of silence, Allanah finally turns back to see why the others were so quiet.
Instantly she becomes furious to see that her shogun comrades had abandoned her in the midst of the busy street.
“Are you serious?!!! They are going to just ditch me like that?”
Then she realizes a stunning object hanging by her side. A large grin swells upon her face as she implied to herself.
“That’s just fine by me. They must have forgot, I have both of their coin sacks.”
She rattles the sacks, and then embarks upon her small pleasantry.
“…Time for some shopping of my own.”

Elsewhere, Priest and Bishop were sweeping the young ladies off their feet with their posture and smooth talk. Bishop being brash introduced himself in a fashion- ate way to impress the ladies.
“My name ladies is General Bishop of the Typhoon kingdom. You may have heard of my many battles, especially my most recent one with the Shadow Kingdom.”
Priest gently grabs the hand of each and every woman around them and kisses their hand as he introduced himself.
“And I am Pastor Abel Norcross of the Tsunami kingdom. You may have heard of my church in the Macedonia.”
The girls chuckle at the both of them
“They are handsome.”
One girl whispered to the other.
Elsewhere, Kane was sitting at the open bar lining up his glass of drinks in front of him. As he held on glass at hand whirling it around as the ice clinked against the rim of the glass, he lifts his hand to the bartender and yells.
The stumpy bulky bartender with a curled mustache slams his hands on the bar and yells out.
“Damn it!!! You’ve had eight glasses of straight whiskey and you still want more?!!!!!”
Kane implies.
“…You damn right!!!”
To Kane’s right another gentleman asks.
“…Same here!!”
The bartender’s eyes bulge when he sees that Rowen was drink as much as Kane. Both their glass lined up down the bar side in front of them.
“Uh Uh. NO!!… Hell no!! Rowen you drink as much as this guy does and you still haven’t paid your tab.”
Rowen replies.
“I’ll pay it later, now come on old man. I’m good for it. And put this guy’s drink on my tab too.”
Still acting foolish of the two, the bartender finally gives in and grabs the bottle and trudges toward the two as if he was defeated.
“You two are alcoholics.”
Kane sarcastically replies.
“No. Not us.”
After pouring the shots, the two toast to one another and turn up their glasses. Setting them back down simultaneously, Kane sets his eyes on the broad Rowen sitting next to him.
“Thanks for the drink.”
“…Seems like you have a lot on your mind.”
Rowen replied.
“…I’m trying to correct a mistake that I seriously regret.”
“I completely understand.”
The two takes another shot.
© Copyright 2011 Abel (abel319 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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