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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1803236
chapter 17 Kisses and Killings.
                                                      Chapter 17

                                                  Kisses and Killings

      The mist was rolling toward his chariots; Finna was becoming increasingly uneasy at the site.  The chief glanced towards Cuculain and then at his protectors.  Movement drew his eye towards the mist, as three shapes started to emerge.  Raff swore an oath under his breath, then shouted "something very ugly is approaching us, Finna "

."  Something bad that looks like Meave's witches, answered Finna.  The Firbolg warriors watched as three of the most evil looking creatures they had ever seen cleared the mist. They were not  women but more like twisted parodies of women. The horses grew restless and required firm control. Cuculain saw and moved back to where AJ and Milli were watching in disbelief through modern binoculars at an ancient myth. The youngest creature pointed her bony finger, "Hold your beasts Finna of the Firbolgs. Queen Meave sends true power to deal with her enemies. Finna was happy to move back and signaled his men to do likewise. Finna was grinning as he thought of Cuculain finally getting his just punishment  But he was troubled that this was not part of the warrior code. His thoughts were interrupted as the younger  witch in the red robe croaked, "The queen was a fool to send warriors against the Hound." The two older creatures in the black  were moving toward Cuculain. They witches noticed the two strangely dressed women standing next to the outcropping of rocks. Malcomb was about to speak when Finna made a sign for silence. He did not know why, perhaps it was his disgust for these arrogant creatures of his queen. But he did not warn them of the other witches. Instead he said "By all means oh powerful ones show us ". while moving his people even further back.

Milli turned to AJ, in a rasping whisper said "This is real trouble girl". The creatures where advancing with supreme confidence. They were now close enough to be seen clearly. AJ exclaimed "my god they are ugly. "  Milli answered immediately, Kill them quick or we are lost." AJ heard the fear in Milli's voice.  Another voice came in to her head. "Kneel to me!" The voice wined but held overwhelming power. She saw Milli out of the corner of her eye. Milli was shaking her head, straining and sweating profusely.  Mildred Finch  was also chanting under her breath but that breath was labored.  Aliceson saw Cuculain on his knees tears streaming down his face shaking his head violently like a wounded animal. As her own knees started to buckle, another voice could be heard soft and soothing, Clear your head child, clear you mind of the Medb's commands or you will be taken.  Raise your ring, Command her to be gone" Do it now child! The pain was almost unbearable, she knew she was passing out, she sobbed, "I am trying mother ".

Then another voice cut through the pain, it was not so pleasant but well known. " James, if you don't kill those bitches, you will feel some real pain., I'll kick your ass clean off this planet.".         

AJ shook her head and drew the browning, she instinctively knew the rifle would be more than she could handle in her condition, years of training made her actions automatic, looking left at Milli on her knees fighting , in her own battle, of wills ., She instantly put the sight on the oldest witch . She was surprised at how close they were.  "Kneel!" said the voice, tearing through her brain. Aliceson James responded with a double tap  seeing, a brief site picture of the head exploding as she shifted targets and instantly ducked back behind the rock. A ball of fire shot toward her from the second witch "Christ that was close"..

AJ automatically took up the M16 reached in the pouch and drew out a white phosphors grenade. She fed it into the launcher, slung under the rifle. 

    The second witch launchedaa fire ball that sailed past to the left between her and Milli. 

Seeing Milli was not hit,  Aliceson James  stood  and faced the witch. The creature was screaming her commands to kneel out loud now, AJ felt the power but it only made her more angry , thinking ,they are not very good shots or they want us alive for some reason.  She prepared the launcher. Aiming it she saw the witch holding one more fireball, AJ felt the rage in her voice as she screamed  "die bitch" and launched the grenade.  The vile creature exploded in a ball of fire. The seen was bizarre, the burning figure made no noise. The youngest witch was motioning the warriors to attack, as she advanced , she raised he left arm pointing a twisted finger toward AJ , she was screaming curses but before any took hold , or Aliceson could get a clear shot a  piercing scream split the air , the noise in AJ's mind stopped. She saw the witch's head fly into the air; it was silent for a moment.  Cuculain spun around caught the head on its way down. AJ saw the young warrior turn and face the Firbolg warriors shaking the head and his bloody axe at them shouting some final insults. Finna gave the order and all three chariots charged AJ moved forward the leaders chariot was headed straight at Cuculain  He would have to fend for himself, she looked to the right and saw Dr.Mildred Fintch  slowly moving with her shotgun to take the one on the right, she looked tired but determined. AJ, moved to her left and sighted on the chariot bearing down on her at a terrifying rate of speed no time for thought.  She aimed, switched to full auto and fired. Before the gun fire was finished she heard three blasts form the shot gun and two or more form the @Webley.  There was silence, with 8 dead  4 men and 4 horses , Finna and Cuculain were paused , in their combat, Just looking around them at the devastation. They stood with shields locked but weapons held, back. AJ moved forward sighting on Finna, but her hands were brought down by gentle pressure applied by Milli, "No dear this is his fight you must not interferer, you would dishonor him. Then Dr. Mildred Finch sunk to her knees and wept uncontrollably, AJ wanted nothing more than to join her. As she started to weaken, the raspy voice was heard again, "It ain't over till it's over, Petty Officer James ". She faced the mist, it was starting to clear. She turned back to the remaining battle. Cuchulain's movements were almost a blur; they were so fast and fluid. He landed a tremendous blow splitting Finna's shield. Blood spurted from the severed arm as the shield fell away. Finna saw his death coming, made a final weak thrust with his sword.  Cuculain side stepped catching Finna with a wicked upward swing of the axe., AJ could see the blow was fatal. Finna chief of the Firbolgs was dead.

    AJ. Continued to watch as Cuculain, saluted his fallen enemy and spoke some words she could not hear. He turned and walked back towards her. He was looking at her, but she would not return his gaze. Aliceson expected to see that look, the one most men gave her when she had succeeded in what was considered a male arena.  She was hoping not to see it, not in this man. That also troubled her.  She steeled herself and looked up, He was smiling, and he bowed to her, then he was instantly standing in front of her. She was lost for words, he looked so handsome, even covered with the sweat and gore of battle, Her emotions were soaring out of control, her blood was boiling. They stood lost in each others gaze, she knew she must break this hold and it would be harder than the death crones grip. OH my god Milli , AJ turned and fled, rushing to her side.

      Kneeling next to Milli , she saw the crying had stopped ,placing her arm around her friend , AJ asked " Are you hurt?" Milli  looked up into the beautiful face that showed so much concern. She knew she should be grateful. But Mildred finch had been scared, shaken to he core. It had not happened often in what she considered to be her long life. But this one was by far the worst. The worst she had ever felt. She was having a hard time forming words the weight on her chest was immense. She could not move her left arm. Milli knew she should be asking for something but all she could do was stare at the young women . Her mouth was dry she could not speak.

AJ was getting worried, "What is wrong, answerer me damn it!"  Milli struggled as if trying to break to the surface after a deep dive, she felt the pressure on her chest. She knew it was her heart, crap, was all she could think of , not now!, it had been years since she had any problems. ,Milli said, "In my left pocket heart pills" was all she could manage.

ahh"Oh shit" AJ laid  Milli down and reaching into her pocket came up with the tiny bottle with the pills, she looked at the bottle, " Nitro, , the tiny little pills just like her grandfather's , Aliceson  knew what to do. "Here I am going to stick one of these under your tongue. Let it dissolve don't chew it" .Milli felt the tingle, and knew what would be next. She remained still. All she could think of was how Gareth, always insisted she keep them with her even after all this time.

  Cuculain, watched as the young Sidhe was giving what he thought of as potion to the older one who looked very ill.

So he thought, with a smile,  the pretty one is a healer and a warrior.

  Well he knew much of battle wounds. He knelt by the women. AJ asked him to help sit Milli up and hold her. AJ dug into her own pants and brought out a tin of  aspirin. Pulled out Mill's canteen, and said " When you are ready , take these." They watched as the strain left Milli's face. She reached for the pills and water. Passing the canteen back to AJ she said  " That was good but your bed side manner  could use some work."  AJ felt the tears, just coming into her eyes; she knew Milli would be ok. AJ noticed as Cuculain, laid Milli softly back down he ran his hands gently over her body; He was not being shy where they went. Milli made no move to stop him, it felt very pleasant, every where he touched she felt warm and soothing. His youth and vitality seemed to be flowing into her body. She was feeling stronger by the moment. She smiled and stared into his silver eyes. This is a dangerous male, one could get swept away by him and loose all control. Milli knew this was absurd, but the sensation was exciting. Then she giggled to herself, you silly old bitch you just had a heart attack and all you can think about is jumping this kid's bones. Cuculain saw all those emotions in her expression, pleasure, wonder, desire and humor. He thought what a woman, when her face softens like that. The beauty of her youth shows through. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips and the kiss was returned with affection and gratitude.  AJ was watching in wonder, with her hand on Milli's shoulder,  felt the emotion like electricity flow up her arm  straight to her heart. She knew Milli would be more than OK, as she slid back and stood with no assistance. 

She saw Cuculain look at her with the same look in his eyes. She leaned forward and he moved to stand, but AJ put her arms around his neck and drew him to her. The kiss was long and passionate. It was as if they were lovers after years of separation. Milli was up and surveying the area, She saw the two young people and thought, well that's been a long time coming, I hope they can handle it. Then she thought about Gareth. Would they ever see each other again?

AJ felt herself, being aroused, at this most inopportune time. She disengaged from the warrior  and stood up, some what shakily. She could feel herself flushing; I have to stop this now.  I am getting way ahead of things, I feel like having sex this very second. Here, now!    She noted she did not think of her need as making love. So far this attraction was all physical. She knew it could not be any thing else. It never was, maybe this time it cold be?

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