Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1802453-Character-two
Rated: E · Draft · Fantasy · #1802453
This is another character overview, mulling ideas, may combine some for my final character
Take a careful note, the ideas I am recording in these overviews are preliminary ideas and preliminary combinations of magic, noe of this is set in stone or final in any way. I will likely change each type of magic in how it is used, and what other magic I use with it several times before I agree with myself on a character profile for the books. Of course I am always open to suggestions; anyone who reads this can ask me any questions they wish, give me any ideas they feel would be useful for the character or for my ideas on magic, or tell me anything I have written so far that they think I should change because they don't like it. Thanks!

The general's of this character will be similar to my last in morality, personality, fighting type, etc, but the magic and some details will be different.
Instead of being firmly opposed to the evil magics, I will agree to learn some if I deem them balanced enough between how evil they are and how useful they could be, but will most likely only use them as last resorts.
My affinities are Air and Fire magic as well as Holy. Air and fire grant me similar magical characteristics to my water magic from my other summary just with fire and air. The fire I again can conjur on my own or use any existing fire for spells. any fire that exists i can bolster or diminish regardless of using other magics, therefore if there is a medium sized fire nearby I can bolster it into a huge fire then use it for magic, fire that I use for my spells is extinguished from where it is if I need it somewhere else, then is brought back into this plane through my spell (I basically draw the fire into myself then reuse it) fire that i conjur can still burn naturally once used unless extinuguished by some other means, however even if the fire is being put out by another spellcaster, or water from any means, I can expend extra magic to combat the effects. I can also create heat without fire, fire up its highest heat potential (comes with higher mastery), explosions with fire, and I can consolidate the fire and heat and energy into a small orb (the smaller the orb and the more heat/fire I compact into it the greater the blast force and area affect (once again increases with mastery). Air magic allows me to create air currents of varying force and size with mastery, I can stop air currents as well. I can fly by manipulating the air directly around myself and can ignore any effects of altitude/air movement by a force of will. I can make air heavy or lighter or even sharp such as a sword (basically I can create I razor sharp wind slice, or even I flat force of wind pressure moving at my will). Mastery over air comes with various sub-abilities that are extremely difficult to master and apply, but air extremely powerful as well. With high enough mastery I can stop airflow entirelymaking it somewhat harder to move and hear and breathe. A variation of this magic is the ability to create a vacuum, a small area devoid of air and therefore devoid of the ability to move on your own, hear, and breathe. Such a powerful spell can't last very long and requires a lot of energy but has profound effects. If I can hold it long enough without being interrupted or running out of energy I can force my target to pass out or, with enough time, die by lack of oxygen. The larger the vacuum the shorter I can hold the air and the easier it is to dispel/counter by other magic users. However the opposite means the smaller the vacuum is the longer I can hold it and the stronger any countereffect has to be to work. I can vary the size and power of the vacuum while it is in effect to best suit the combat. However such a spell won't be used often as it is very draining, and won't even be learned/mastered until I am very far into my magical progression. Holy magic consist of healing spells, various dispelling magic, and anti-evil(demonic/undead/necromancy/death) magics meaning I can use healing magic to counter effects of death magic or even stop the effects of more powerful death magic if I can cast in time, demonic magic is usually either summoning demonic creatures or channeling demon energy into oneself giving them unnatural size, speed, strength, resistence and resilience, so Holy magic has spells that can interrupt summoning or reverse the effects of self enchancing demon energy, offensive Holy magic like smiting, holy fire, purify, etc are extra effective against undead creatures. Similar to demonic magic Holy magic can counter necromancy either by banishing the resurrected creature's soul, reversing necromatic enhancements etc, or purifying the resurrected creature which would release it from necromantic control permanently and overwhelm it with good morality. Holy magic has a wide variety of anti-magic effects as well as granting healing powers, however to dissuade the assumption that it is overpowered, take this into account. Healing magic naturally is difficult to use and requires a lot of energy to displace injuries and ailments into the universe, for injuries or effects grave enough, I may even have to channel part of the affliction into myself to successfully reverse the effects, then relying upon my own resilience and health to combat that portion of the injury. Furthermore since Holy magic has power against several different types of magic, it can only be pushed to such an extent within each type of magic. I can be a caster of any skill and power, but the effects of Holy magic will not stay parallel to my own abilities elsewhere, having an affinity for holy magic means it's spells are more powerful and easier to use for me than someone who just picked up some holy magic on the side, but regardless, such magic is not congruent to my own magic level. A less powerful spellcaster can still overpower my Holy magic if it is at least powerful enough to beat my penalty. However just because a caster is more powerful than my Holy magic does not mean it will ignore the effects of my spell, my spell will just act as a deterrent to the magics' effectiveness instead of reversing it entirely. This basically means I have ways to directly fight evil magic users but I have to be that much more powerful than them right off the bat in order to do so most effectively.
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