Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1801937-Weekend-at-Eagle-House--Chapter-4
by carphi
Rated: 13+ · Other · Writing · #1801937
The story continues in the "13 to Dinner" style novel....
Chapter  4

After the dance had finished, everyone went to the lounge for cards and cocktails.  The men played poker and the women played bridge.  The Lieutenant was by the fireplace enjoying a cigar and a mint julep. At about midnight everyone retired to their rooms. Barrett, having had a few mint juleps  could be heard singing down to his bedroom the last song the band had played.

Once Simon was sure all was quiet, he quietly told Jillian what he knew to which she remarked “ My that is a bit scandalous.”  As he put on his pajamas  Simon said in a hushed tone “ Now Jillian you mustn’t tell anyone, anyone is that clear?”  “ Yes dear,  I understand.” Jillian said as she climbed into the double bed. “ It’s not that I don’t trust you Jillian, its just that I gave Nathan my word. And  one more thing, he wants to get those pictures back, and that I should help him.”  “  Help him? How Simon?”  But she would have to get her answer in the morning, as Simon was fast asleep. 
In the morning the sun shone brightly in the sky, it looked like a nice day,  Rosalind wondered what would be planned for today. Rosalind went into the bathroom and had a shower.  In the other part of the house,  Lady Constance was washing her face.  The Lieutenant Colonel. was not awake yet. “ He must be worn out after last night.” thought Lady Constance.  However he was more than that but for the moment Lady Constance was too busy getting herself ready for the day to notice.  Dressed in a summery yellow frock made of linen, she went  downstairs.  About 20 minutes later,  Julia Worthing came to the door with the Lieutenant’s morning tea.  Earl Gray was his standard choice.  Julia knocked on the door.

“ Your morning tea sir.”  Julia waited expecting to hear the usual “Come in.”    Silence. Puzzled, she knocked again.  Still silence.  This wasn’t like the Lieutenant Colonel.  He was always an early riser, due to all the years  being in the Army.  Not knowing if there was a problem, and yet not wanting to alert anyone in case he was for some reason just oversleeping, Julia decided to go in and find out.  She sat down the tea on the dresser which was near the door and crept closer.  The closer she got to the large queen four poster bed, the more she could see that the Colonel wasn’t stirring in any way.  Julia gently tapped the Lieutenant Colonel on the shoulder.  “ Sir?”  Nothing, she felt his pulse.  Nothing.  At this point Julia shrieked and ran down the stairs, in to the dining hunting for Lady Constance. When she found her she was out of breath.  Lady Constance gave Julia a quizzical look and said “ Julia, what’s wrong with you?”  Julia said “ It’s the Master me lady, he’s dead!”  “ Dead? Dead? Are you sure Julia?”
“ I went to give ’im  his tea and he didn’t answer. So I went in and he was so still like. I felt his pulse and there was none.”  With this everyone who was up rushed upstairs to the  Barrett’s bedroom.  There they all saw for themselves that it was true. Barrett was dead. 

Everyone left the room with hushed words of “ That’s terrible.” and “ How horrible.”  Someone didn’t say such words though, someone was only acting grief stricken but secretly pleased that their plan was completed. About an twenty minutes later after being phoned,  Chief Inspector Hartlock has arrived as well as Dr..Millingsly  .  “ Alright everyone out of the room, everyone I say except the Doctor.” said  Chief Inspector Hartlock.  Chief Inspector Hartlock was a large burly man, he had dark curly hair and dark handlebar moustache.  After a through going over, Doctor  Mulson agreed with that Julia had first said.  The Lieutenant Colonel was dead.  There was a residue of  a milky subsidence in the glass by his bed.  Doctor Mulson smelled it, it was arsenic. “Arsenic  The Lieutenant Colonel has been murdered.  Of course an autopsy  will have to confirm.” The death was certainly suspicious.  Doctor Millingsly  was the Lieutenant Colonel’s own GP and had previously treated Bernard and he knew the Lieutenant was far from kicking off, he was in very good health.  He said little but did make the comment “ My this has been a very eventful weekend.”  There was most certainly a murderer in the house.  This meant everyone within the house was a suspect and a lot of questioning would have to ensue.  After the examination,  Chief Inspector Hartlock opened the double doors.  “ Lady Constance, guests, staff,  I regret to say the Lieutenant is dead, but not just dead he has most certainly been murdered. It is suspected that he was drugged and then strangled.  As standard protocol, I cannot let you leave Eagle House.
My Sargent and I will be interviewing you all about your movements last night and my men will be searching the the rooms as well.  I ask for your full co operation  in this matter.  We will begin interviewing after breakfast.  May I offer my deepest sympathies to you Lady Constance.”  After gasping over the findings  Lady Constance finally said    “Thank you Chief Inspector.”  who was being comforted by Helena. The weekend get away might just get longer thought Grant

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