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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1801858
The Epilogue of Amaranta St. Clair's story. The truth of being undead; being a monster.


...the pain...but why? Why is that vital liquid so satisfying to the beast gnawing within? That feeling...oh, how it soothes the ache inside.

I crave it now...right now.

What is the point in waiting?

WHY wait?

We are superior to these pathetic mortals...we are the evolution of mankind. We must not sulk and hide in the shadows, but rather enjoy our freedom at the top of the food chain where we belong.

“Amaranta!” She heard Zackeriah hiss beside her. “Are you paying attention?”

Of course I wasn't. “Yes.” Amaranta answered blindly, her eyes still locked on the mother and her two children that were down the empty alleyway.

“Did you hear my words of warning?” Zackeriah tested, a full eyebrow peeking up his pale smooth forehead.

“Don't get caught, stay out of hearing range and if possible, cover mouths to muffle screams. Ensure they do not see you, for they can identify you again. If seen, death is the only option. Never leave witnesses and feed only when necessary. The less chance of being caught the longer my immortal life shall live.” Amaranta repeated dully, her voice flat and uninterested. She licked her full lips as the two little boys ran and fought playfully around their mother no more than 100 feet from them.

So small and innocent. They have no idea that their purpose in life, the only reason they were created on this planet was to feed me. Feed this untameable creature nestled in the place of my soul.

“...Then, once they are down you may go for the mother. Try and get them back inward away from the opening of the alleyway. I will stay here and watch.” Zackeriah paused and glanced back at Amaranta, sighing knowing she's not paying much attention. “Try not to make this a bloodbath. The less evidence to prove we are here, the better. Understood?”

His tone annoyed her. How cocky he sounded because he had several hundred years of experience. She was a born killer and was prepared for anything that fell in her path to unholy glory.

Without waiting for the permission to leave, Amaranta slid out from their hiding place and into the middle of the alley. Her body was adorned in the most lavish dress she owned; large elegant ruffles of deep crimson flowed down from her tiny waist as the structured corset fitted up her ribs and around her perfect cream coloured breasts. Her hair was down falling in naturally straight curtains over her shoulders and chest with nothing but a simple tiara pulling back the sections above her face; giving her a clear view of her prey.

“Excuse me?” Amaranta called down the narrow space. Her voice was seductively soft; dangerously alluring. The mother turned back in a fright, her hands reaching around to hold her two little boys close. The humans said nothing, just staring down the path they had just come from waiting for Amaranta to state her business. “My apologizes ma'am, I did not mean to startle you.” Amaranta flashed them her bright, loving smile. “I was just wondering if I could use your help? You see, I was in the theatre as you were and I had no idea this alley lead a shorter route to Windsworth Crescent. It's ever so dark in here, so I was staying close to the wall but from my own stupidity, I got my dress stuck on a crate.” Amaranta inched forward motioning to her back. “I pulled at the tie and now its incredibly painful and it's becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. I was just hoping you could fix it? Just pull on the other side to loosen it up.” She let out a musical chuckle. “I would hate to suffocate on my way home. My husband would be deathly worried of my whereabouts if I just fell unconscious in the streets.” She waited once her request was asked. At some point she figured she got close enough and it was now time for her food to move to her. Amaranta's ever pleasing smile was plastered over her face as the moments of silence ticked by.

The newly undead woman felt the exhilaration of being in control when the human mother smiled pleasantly and made her way back. “Of course m'dear. Such troublesome things these dresses are. Most days I wish I could just slip some trousers on.”

Amaranta felt her body start to tremble. This was her purpose, her reason for being saved from a humiliating death. She licked her lips and replaced the horribly fake smile back upon her face.

“Thank you so much. I very much appreciate you taking the time to help me. And, too right you are. Trousers most days would be a God-sent from these gowns we are forced to display.” She let out a small laugh and turned.

“My father says that women aren't allowed to wear trousers.” One of the two boys piped up, running up then jumping in front of Amaranta.

She just stared at the little ecstatic child, watching his eyes flutter over the volumes of cleavage popping from her chest. “Your father is correct. Women are to wear dresses for they are womens clothes. I think a woman in mens clothing would look very funny, don't you agree?” Soft and sugar coated her voice wrapped around the boy, securing him right before her. His cheeks flared with beautiful colour as the sight of Amaranta's smile.

Suddenly, Amaranta felt hands on her back as their mother began to shift about the corset tie running along her back. Panic, however, shot up her spine when she couldn't see where the second boy stood. She needed to know where he was to ensure he does not escape his fate. He was to die today. He was to die for her.

“Garrett, are you not going to answer the young lady?” Their mother teased from behind Amaranta's small body.

“Garrett is in love! HA!” The last family member laughed at his brothers expense. He came running around and smacked his brother behind the head, but then stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Amaranta up close. He just stared; his eyes following his brothers actions and going down the front of her dress.

Spill your first blood...this is what you were meant to do.

In a blur of motion, Amaranta's hands flew up and took a hold of Garrett’s head twisting it painfully to the side, snapping his head clean from his neck. Within the same second, her hands went to his brothers head and twisted violently before any of them had time to react. Before the two children even hit the ground Amaranta had turned and grabbed their mother, throwing her backwards into a brick wall. The whole ordeal was finished within a heartbeat with two children dead and their mother fighting the blackness of unconsciousness.

Though to Amaranta, everything moved in slow motion. The rapid snapping of the boy's necks and the crack of the mothers skull against the brick wall echoed down the narrow passageway falling on deaf ears. Amaranta stood still, revelling in the death and pain she had instantly created. She was as powerful as God himself...choosing who lived or died.

Amaranta took small calculated steps toward the woman’s crumbled body, her hands shook with anticipation and the venom in her mouth flowed like saliva inside her closed mouth. She watched with a hungry stare as the woman shifted and opened her eyes to see her two boys lying in a heap on the ground.

“G...Garrett...Owen...” The grieving mother stuttered, her eyes visibly filling with tears.
Amaranta witnessed with a growing arousal as the truth of what she was flashed in the mothers wide eyes. Her smile was bright and the sob that moaned from the mothers mouth sent a pleasured shiver down her spine.

Yes you worthless human. Fear me...

Amaranta bent over and grabbed the human by her throat, lifting her to eye level. Satisfaction was written all over her face as Amaranta leaned in toward the mothers pulsing neck. She could feel her body jitter with excitement and with the need to feel this woman's blood gush into her mouth and feed the blinded monster within. The human didn't even bother to fight, which excited Amaranta more.

That's right...give yourself to me. Your death is mine to take.


Amaranta's body froze.

With her lips just inches from the woman neck, Amaranta opened her eyes and just stared blankly at the warm skin before her face. “What did you just say?” She asked in a clear tone; her hot breath caressing over the woman's neck. Amaranta released some of the strength on her hold of the human's neck to let her speak, though she knew its a bad idea.

“Thank...you.” The mother sighed clearing her throat.

Amaranta couldn't move. Although her hunger seared her innards and clawed at her mind, she couldn't
force herself to bite and kill this woman. Her mind ran behind her blind eyes at the two words spoken to her.

“Why?” Was all she could muster.

“You killed my....only children mercifully. They did not suffer...and for that, I thank you. You...you have a kind heart.” The mother spoke quickly in a hushed tone. Tears streamed down her face as her words swirled around them.

The proud, confident aura about Amaranta contorted into confused panic. She was a monster, a creature created from Hell itself. God feared her kind, as did mortals for she is superior.

But why does she now feel the haunting guilt boil in the pit of her stomach?

“No, you are wrong, human!” Amaranta growled, her hand squeezing tighter around the mothers neck as she leaned away to look dead into her eyes. “I was abandoned by God himself when evil took me in and saved me. I am the right hand of the Devil and I am NOT merciful you ignorant mortal. You dare state you think you know who I am? You know NOTHING of me.” Amaranta's cool, smooth voice was erratic but hushed; the confusion clear in her heated words. “I will show you mercy...and leave you alive with both your children dead before your eyes.” Amaranta released the woman and took a step back, her large eyes now bright with fury.

The human woman fell straight to the ground and started to sob loudly. Amaranta watched in silent horror for a moment before her body turned and stalked off down the alleyway before her mind could register she was moving. She stopped behind the same stack of crates where Zackeriah was and pressed her back firmly to the brick, now out of sight.

What's...no. No, I am death itself. I..I do not feel pain. This is what I AM. I kill, I murder I feed from the helpless because that is what humans are! They are...c..cattle. Women, men, children, it does not matter. I am a monster born from the fiery pits of Hell, I am above guilt..a..above pain. I do not feel...I am dead...the dead does not....does not take sympathy fffrom their victims...

Amaranta squeezed her eyes shut from the sting of the bloody tears in her large eyes. Her knees gave out as her head swam with undiluted guilt and she fell straight down to land painfully on her hands and knees. Her body felt numb as she leaned back and sat on her own ankles. Her small undead body jerked as uncontrollable sobs bubbled in her chest.

“...I...I killed them. They were just...children...” Amaranta sobbed to no one, bringing her hands up to cover her face in disgrace. Her words dripped with regret as the thick bloody tears rolled down her smooth cheeks. “I... felt their necks....what...what have I done....I'm sorry. I am so...sorry.”
For hours to come, Amaranta sat in the darkness behind the stack of crates and repeatedly apologized for the children she killed. Her own powerful sobs keeping time with the now childless mother's.

Present day


Mara blinked and finally saw Hakan standing before her.

“Mommy, don't cry...”

Her world came flooding back and once again, Mara was standing in her large kitchen holding her now cold bottle of artificial blood. Her lungs burned uncomfortably, begging for Mara to breathe while her face was pained with thick red tears.

“Sorry baby girl. Uhm, mommy just has a tummy ache.” Mara smiled at Hakan placing the bottle behind her body and wiping at the tears with her free hand. “Why are you awake sweetheart? Shouldn't you be in bed?” The flashback completely caught Mara off guard, leaving her frazzled. “C'mon, lets get you back in bed.” Without waiting for Hakan to give Mara an answer, she scooped the little girl up and held her closely in her cold arms.

“I miss daddy too, mommy. But, no worries, he be home soon.” Hakan reassured Mara, assuming that was why she had been crying.

The memory of killing the two boys flared as she held Hakan, knowing after that night, they would never feel the love and warmth of their parents again. And their parents would have been scarred for life after such a tragedy. Her chest felt tight as a fresh wave of guilt pushed at Mara's mind. She held Hakan a fraction tighter, keeping close watch not to hurt the little girl. “I know baby girl.” Mara's voice was already uneven from the overflow of emotions. “I love you, Hakan. I will never let anything happen to you. I promise to protect you against everything and anyone.”

Hakan just nodded already half asleep from the long walk back to her bedroom.

By the time the two girls reached Hakan's room, Hakan was already snoring fairly loudly cradled in Mara's arms. Gently, Mara tucked her in and left the little girl to sleep, silently slipping out of her room. The overwhelming pain and guilt for killing those two boys once again bombarded her thoughts without warning, causing her to lose her balance and crumble to the wall beside her with a light thud. With both her hands over her face, Mara slid her back down the wall till her ass hit the hardwood floor.

Again, just as she had 200 years prior, Amaranta St. Clair sat all night sobbing for the only children she had ever killed. Their memory haunting the powerful woman for the rest of her immortal life.
© Copyright 2011 Aurora Céu (livetolove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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