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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1801596
this is a fan fiction, and basically Hermione goes back in time to
A Sirius and Hermione Love Story

By: Kristen Rosebane

(Disclaimer none of the characters belong to me, all credit goes to J.K. Rowling to creating the Harry Potter series this is merely a fan-fic nothing more)

         At the tender age of thirteen Hermione Granger had run into a one Sirius Black supposed betrayal of James and Lily Potter, her best friend’s parents. When she went with her friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley she had her suspicions about Sirius, she didn’t think he was truly guilty then again by this point she didn’t trust Prof. Lupin either, she knew what he was and trusted him which is why she didn’t reveal his secret.  When Ron got pulled under the whomping willow and Harry and Hermione followed Hermione looked at the man and realized that she had been right, as usual, all along this man was completely innocent and time itself proved that.

Speaking of which Hermione currently had around her neck a time turner, and as she looked at the man whom she had a slight crush on her fingers creeped up towards the time turner as she began to fiddle with it trying to figure out what Sirius would have looked like as a teenager when all of a sudden the dials on the time turner began to spin. She knew what was happening but didn’t know where she was going and was surprised when she landed outside of the whomping willow 20 years ago and saw a teenage Sirius Black kissing a girl and Hermione’s face turned a deep red, in fact it had turned so red that it blended in with her hair. She quickly hid behind a tree and tried to calm herself down when she went to a look again Sirius was down on one knee and said, “I love you Nicole, will you marry me?” Hermione couldn’t bear to watch anymore, so she used the time turner and returned to the present, nobody noticed that she had left nor was she going to tell them what happened she kept these thoughts to herself.

Late that night after they had freed Sirius and they had all gone to bed Hermione lay awake in her dorm thinking about what she saw and what she had heard. After thinking about it for a few hours she finally came to the conclusion that she needed to prevent Sirius from falling in love with this Nicole person and convince him to fall in love with her instead and remembering what he had said about how he had run away from home she thought that would be a good point to try and win his love only to remember that probably wasn’t a good idea, so why not start when he was a third year and move upward? That would give him time to get to know her, and in a way they would be growing up together, she liked this plan but she desperately hope that this wouldn’t affect the future in any dramatic way. She considered not chancing it but then she realized that she loved Sirius enough to try, surely a man at 30 years old wouldn’t want to be with a 13 year old girl, but if she gave him the feeling that he already knew her, it might make him give her a chance in today’s time. She could fake her death and then when he saw her again in the future he’d think that he’d seen a ghost.  She smiled to herself as all these thoughts ran through her head and she rolled over and went to sleep.

She knew she wouldn’t be able to go when she had classes but late at night when everybody else would be asleep, all she would have to do is use her time turner and she could spend all day with him and come back with plenty of time to sleep before class, she decided not to tell Harry and Ron not yet anyways this was her secret to keep at least for a little while yet. The first night she went back in time she watched Sirius from a distance. As he went through his day she made sure that for the time being he was nothing more than just another face in the crowd. Someone who would be there but at the same time not exactly recognizable until she got to the point where when it came time to retire to the dorms she realized she not only had no bed but she didn’t know what the password to the common room was.

She would simply have to wait for a fellow Gryffindor in that time era to tell her the password so she could get in, soon enough someone did indeed come by and it was none other than Sirius Black himself, she could feel a slight blush rise upon her face as he asked her, “What are you doing here, they didn’t change the password did they?” “I don’t think so” She responded, “But I have trouble memorizing passwords sometimes so I’ve been sitting here the whole time trying to remember it.” Hermione said ashamed for two reasons, one she had just lied and two because she had a really good memory; she prided herself on her memory and organization skills after all it was these traits that earned her the title of “smartest witch of her age” and she was only 13!  “Oh well if that’s the case, then its Godric Gryffindor” He said and the fat lady opened the gateway so they could go inside. “Thank you” She murmured as they went inside.

“Aren’t you going to bed?” Sirius asked her as they walked into the common room, “Maybe in a little while” Hermione responded once again ashamed of herself for having to lie “I have some homework I want to get out of the way first” Sirius nodded almost as if he understood, “Alright then, I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow then?” He asked invitingly, “Um…sure, I don’t see why not. What time do you want to meet up?”  She asked him “How does 7:00 sound?” “That sounds great, I’ll see you then.” Hermione said making a mental note not to forget to meet up with Sirius for breakfast, there was no way she was going to miss an opportunity to not only get to know Sirius but to convince Sirius to like  her.

Once Sirius had gone into his dorm Hermione used her time turner and returned to her own time and fell asleep with happy thoughts swirling around in her head these thoughts carried on with her to the next day and Harry and Ron noticed. “What’s up with you Hermione?” Ron asked, “Yea, you seem a little happier than usual today, got something interesting happening in one of your classes today?” Harry asked, Hermione laughed shaking her head and said, “No, no particular reason I’m just in a really good mood today, that’s all.” “Whatever you say Hermione” Ron said, taking a bite of a bacon ham and cheese omelet.

Hermione refused to give them any more information than that, which suited both boys just fine since neither of them really cared to know anyway. As Harry said, “As long as she isn’t going out with Draco Malfoy I don’t care what she’s doing.”  Ron had agreed and that had been the end of it, so they went through all of their classes the same as usual save for one small difference. Hermione had Sirius on her mind all day, and the minute dinner was over and everybody was released to return to their dorms Hermione dashed to the girls’ dormitory and using her time turner went back in time for her rendezvous with Sirius.

It went on like this for the next few years, Hermione kept the secret from Ron and Harry not once even considering telling them until she was certain it was just the right time for them to know what she was doing. For a while she kept her distance from Sirius refusing to even consider dating him until her 5th year, but things had gotten complicated during her 4th year.

When everyone gathered for the Triwizard Tournament she even began to have a small crush on a boy named Victor Krum, but she kept in mind that her heart belonged to Sirius and it was for that reason that even though Ron and Harry temporarily saw her as a traitor for going to the Yule Ball with Victor she allowed them to think that it was Victor she was in love with rather than Sirius.

When Cedric died at the end of the tournament by none other than Voldemort’s hand, she couldn’t help but cry, he had been a classmate, a teammate to Harry and an all-around good guy and she never visited Sirius once that summer unable to bring herself to go to the past knowing that she could have gone back in time trying to save Cedric while meeting Sirius and she didn’t want to risk going to the wrong past.

The next time that Hermione visited Sirius was during her fifth year which was pretty normal save for studying for her OWL’s which she was bound determined to get all Outstanding’s in. But as things got heated up in the present time she found herself meeting Sirius less and less. In the meantime Sirius had been steadily falling in love with Hermione and in Hermione’s time the present Sirius couldn’t get Hermione out of his head he only remembered her as the girl he had known in school but after his fifth year had never shown up and assuming she had transferred or something he couldn’t help but wonder if he would ever run into her again only to find out two years later that she had supposedly died at Voldemort’s hands, he had loved everything about her, from her hair to her beautiful brown eyes, her voice enchanted him, and he was surprised at just how much Hermione reminded him of her.

She reminded him so much of that beautiful girl and knew that had she lived he would have married her and in fact he had planned to ask for her hand around the time that she had disappeared. What he didn’t realize was that Hermione had faked her death in that time in order to make sure that he didn’t catch on that she was one and the same but that she was only eerily similar.

Halfway through the year however Hermione decided that it was time to reveal the truth to Sirius, she knew it would hurt him to hear what she had done to him but she sincerely hoped that his love for her would outweigh the pain that he would go through. So during Christmas break after Mr. Weasley was well on his way into recovering she stole a moment with Sirius. He was on his way to go feed Buckbeak when she ran into him, “Sirius could I talk to you for a moment?” She asked him, “Well I’m about to go give Buckbeak his dinner but you’re more than welcome to join me if you like.” He offered, Hermione nodded in assent and followed him up to the attic once they arrived he began filling Buckbeak’s dish with food.

“So what is it that you wanted to tell me Hermione?” Sirius asked her, she waited until he had put down Buckbeak’s food and backed away before answering him, “There’s something I need to tell you. I can only hope you’ll forgive me after I tell you.” Hermione said slightly ashamed of what she had done. Sirius looked at her curiously, “You can tell me anything Hermione.” Sirius said sitting down beside her and putting his arm around her shoulders. “I hope for both of our sakes that’s true.” Hermione said sadly and taking a deep breath she looked up at him.

“Sirius I have done something really wrong, I went back in time and messed with your life, I came in your third year and left your fifth year faking my death so you would never suspect it was me. Now I see how wrong I was, I’m sorry Sirius I only did it because I love you, I never intended to hurt you, I’m sorry and I can only hope that someday you’ll forgive me for what I have done.” Hermione said as a single tear rolled down her face, and she waited for Sirius to yell at her, to tell her that what she had done was indeed wrong and could have seriously corrupted the timeline but he did nothing of the sort. Surprisingly Sirius did quite the opposite which shocked Hermione to no end.

Sirius hugged her, “It is you! I thought I had lost you forever! Do you have any idea how long I had grieved thinking that Voldemort had killed you? But none of that matters all that matters is that you’re alive and once again I can hold you in my arms.” Sirius said wrapping both of his arms around her. “You mean you’re not mad at me?” Hermione asked in disbelief, “Well I am rather upset that you had faked your death like that, but I think I can move along past that. I love you Hermione Granger and I would love nothing more than to take you as my wife when you come of age.” Sirius said taking her chin in his hand and making her look at him he said, “I will protect you with my life, I promise you that.” Sirius said looking into her brown eyes with his own nothing but love filling them.

Hermione was extremely happy and pleased that Sirius returned her love, “I love you too Sirius and hopefully it will never come to that point but if it does I will protect you with my life as well. I can’t stand the thought of losing you Sirius” “I couldn’t bear to lose you again either Hermione it was painful enough the first time.” Then placing both hands on her face he pulled her close to him and kissed her softly and gingerly, Hermione blushed at first but then returned the kiss.

When they turned to look around them they saw that Harry was standing there mouth open aghast at what he had just seen. “What is going on around here?” Harry asked completely confused by what he had just seen. Hermione squeezed Sirius’ knee as if to say ‘I’ll explain’ “Harry I’m sorry, but I love Sirius, I have been ever since 3rd year. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but I didn’t know how to tell you, it wasn’t like I could say, ‘oh hi Harry, how are you? By the way I’ve fallen in love with your godfather hope that’s ok’” Hermione said hoping her best friend wasn’t mad at her.

“I’m not mad” Harry said, “Just a little bit surprised, I didn’t exactly expect you to fall for my godfather, but I am happy for you two, although I have to admit it would be quite awkward to see you two marry.” “No more awkward then you marrying your best friend’s little sister.” Hermione teased “Yes, I suppose you’re right” Harry said scratching the back of his head. They agreed not to tell Ron just yet seeing as how they had no clue where this was going to go.

A few months later Harry had a dream that Voldemort was torturing Sirius, Hermione thinking it was a trap quickly used the two way mirror that she knew Sirius kept with him at all times just in case she or Harry needed him and called him. “Sirius? Sirius, are you ok?” She asked desperately hoping he would answer.  A few seconds later, “Yes, I’m fine, what’s wrong Hermione?” Hermione breathed a sigh of relief “Nothing Harry just had a dream that Voldemort was torturing you so we wanted to check and make sure you were alright.”

“Yes, I am just fine Hermione and tell Harry he needs to do a lot better with his occlumency lessons.” “I will goodnight Sirius.” “Goodnight Hermione, sweet dreams.” “You too.” She said as she put the mirror down. “See Harry you would have had us bursting into the ministry for no reason and probably into a trap.” “Yea, you’re right I’m sorry Hermione; let’s just go back to bed.” Hermione nodded and retired to her dormitory and went back to sleep her heart and mind a lot easier knowing Sirius was alright. At the end of the year, Hermione spent the entire summer with Sirius and began to fall deeper in love with him and him with her.

Everything changed their sixth year when Dumbledore was killed and Harry, Ron, and Hermione set out to destroy all of Voldemort’s Horcrux’s. Hermione made sure that she gave Sirius a proper hug goodbye before leaving and Harry kissed Ginny goodbye while Ron moped about not having someone to love.  When they had returned after destroying most of the Horcrux’s it was time for war and just about everybody was at the castle preparing for battle.  When it was made public that Harry had died by Voldemort’s hand, Hermione turned to Sirius crying in his arms.

But when Harry jumped out of Hagrid’s arms and the fight began there was nothing anyone could do but watch and wait to see what happened. Harry had won the battle but apparently the fight wasn’t over yet Bellatrix decided that she wasn’t going to just accept her master’s death and casted Sectumsempra on Hermione it hit her square in the chest, and she sank to the ground “Hermione!” Sirius, Ron, and Hermione all shouted rushing to her side, furious at what had just happened every other student, professor and adult present fought against the death eaters and drove them back.

Hermione was fading fast and if they didn’t hurry they were going to lose her for sure luckily Madam Pomfrey was close at hand with a blood replenishing potion and quickly healed the wound. “Come we need to get her to the hospital wing, or at least what’s left of it.” She said to the boys, Sirius gingerly picked her up and followed Madam Pomfrey to the hospital wing and laid her on a bed that surprisingly wasn’t destroyed in the battle and to keep himself from worrying about her Sirius went about fixing the walls around the hospital wing tidying things up so Hermione would have a better living condition in which to heal.

Sirius never left her side if he could help it, he felt like a mother keeping watch on a sick child. He was so scared something would happen to her if he left her side. She woke up to Sirius’s relief and happiness in 3 days she couldn’t remember what had happened to her which, as far as Sirius was concerned, was probably for the best. Once Hermione was able to leave the hospital Sirius took Hermione home with him and a few years later not long after Harry and Ginny were married Sirius decided that there was something important he needed to tell Hermione.

So while he was busy cleaning their room he shouted, “Hey sweetheart do you want to go out to dinner tonight? Some of the boys are hanging out and asked if we wanted to join them.” “Sure what time?” “7:00” “Alright, where are we meeting?” “It’s a place outside of town called La Rosa” “Sounds fancy” “Yes dear, you’ll want to pull out you’re evening gown” “Do you need me to take your tux to the cleaners?” “No need I took care of that yesterday.” “Alright, well let’s finish cleaning, it’s already almost 5:30” “Yes dearest.” Sirius said finishing their room and moving onto the bathroom.

Later that evening Sirius had a huge smile on his face, little did Hermione know it wasn’t just ‘the boys’ it was all of her friends and family to include her parents, but that wasn’t the only reason Sirius was smiling at the moment. He had something else in mind for Hermione and he had invited everyone here for that one single purpose. Once they had arrived they hugged all of their friends and relatives and halfway through the dinner Sirius stood up and said to the table, “I have an announcement to make, as you all know I have been in love with Miss Granger for quite some time and I can no longer keep this to myself.”

Turning to Hermione he said, “Hermione you own my heart and soul, you always have and you always will and it is because of this that I say unto you,” He pulled a box out of his pocket and pulled out a ring, he refused to lower himself forever she already knew he was hers and saw no need to lower himself for her. “Hermione Jean Granger I love you with all my heart and I believe that you are my true soul mate, will you marry me?” He asked presenting the ring. Hermione stood aghast as Sirius proposed to her, and hands still over her mouth she nodded in consent, and with a huge smile on his face Sirius put the ring on her finger and spun her around and kissed her while the entire restaurant applauded them.

9 years later they had a son named Dylan, who had the misfortune of being a squib, a few years after that however they had a daughter named Alice, who actually did wind up going to Hogwarts much to her older brother’s dismay, and Hermione came up with the idea to create a school just for squib’s and called it Weib Fleur meaning White Flower. Which became quite popular and soon squibs from all over the world were applying to be a part of their school and soon enough there were squib schools all over the globe.

They watched their children grow up and have kids of their own, becoming grandparents themselves surprisingly enough Dylan married a squib and their child a boy named Ethan became a wizard. Their daughter Alice had married as well and had triplets, all 3 girls, but each girl chose a different school, Lisa headstrong and hardheaded chose to go to Durmstrang, Lily smart, clever, and brave chose Beauxbatons, and Luna  shy yet firm chose Hogwarts. Each of them had their own adventures and was more than happy to recount them to their beloved grandparents.

By the time Sirius and Hermione had grown old enough to be happily retired, Ethan was 18 and Lisa, Lily and Luna were 17 exploring the world and figuring out life for themselves. Sirius and Hermione stayed in the house that Sirius had grown up, ran away from, and returned back to on more than one occasion for the sake of his beloved wife, children and grandchildren; and by the time that he had grown old enough to where he needed a wheelchair or a walker most of the time he preferred to sit in front of the fireplace and reminisce about the good old days with his wife to whom he was truly and utterly devoted.

After some time Sirius began to lose his memory, he forgot where things were in the house, he would forget who his children were his grandchildren’s faces, but one thing that always remained the same was that he never forgot his wife. When she would worry about him he would take a hold of her hand and say, “Hermione I love you.” And she would relax happy that he could remember at least that much and she knew that so long as he remembered that she had nothing to fear. Hermione too came to the point where her legs no longer had the will to move and so she began to sit next to her husband by the hearth and sew things for the great—grandchildren that she knew were to come soon seeing as how Ethan was already married 5 years at this point.

Sure enough 3 years later Ethan produced a daughter for them named Hermione after his grandmother Hermione honored kissed him on the cheek happy that her grandson had been so thoughtful. Sirius was 85 at this point Hermione 73 and they definitely weren’t as young as they used to be. In fact at this point Dylan came over to the house just to see if he could do anything for them, he would clean, cook, or anything else they needed, Alice did the same thing, just not as often as Dylan due to her job.

Hermione and Sirius decided it was finally time to write up their will, they left most of their belongings and treasured possessions to their kids but they also left a few things to their closest friends. Such as Sirius’s two way mirror went to Albus, Harry’s oldest son, Hermione’s book full of potions went to James, Harry’s second oldest, and the photo album of their youth went to Lily, Harry’s youngest child and only daughter. All their money was split between the two children, what they did with it was up to them entirely. There was one last thing that hadn’t been sorted out yet and Hermione intended to keep that a secret until the very end.

Finally Sirius was reaching the point of his death and he asked her, “Hermione what ever happened to that time turner of yours?” “Oh you mean this one?” She asked pulling the gold chain up to reveal the time turner that she had received so many years ago. “You still have it!” Sirius said in surprise, “Yes I do,” “Who are you going to give it to?” Sirius asked her, but Hermione only shook her head smiling “It’s coming to the grave with me, but our beloved great-grandchildren will inherit the story behind the time turner to be passed down through the generations, so that throughout history, everyone will know our story.” Hermione said the smile still on her face. He kissed her gently and said, “After all this time, and you still wear it around your neck?” “Always” She answered simply.

3 months after this they both passed within two weeks of each other and were buried side by side, and true to Hermione’s wishes her time turner was buried with her and when she died she had a smile on her face because the day that her husband had died he left her a note saying, “I will always love you even after I’m gone.” On the morning when she had passed she had written him a reply almost as if she thought he would read it and it had said, “It has always been you, and it will always be you even after I’m gone, may we find each other in the afterlife.” These notes were buried with them correspondingly with their writer and their legacy continues to live on through their descendants who love nothing more than tell their story.

The End

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