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by RA26
Rated: · Chapter · Young Adult · #1801566
Sophie gets the news of her aunt

{ 2 }

Jeremy arrived about a half hour later a little later then Sophie thought but she’d been too preoccupied to really notice but now she was glad to have something else to take her mind off of Aunt Di. That was until he began talking at least he waited until he was inside.

“Did your mom give you much detail on her?”

“Not really just that she suffered a major heart attack leaving her in critical but stable condition.” Sophie sighed. “Can we please talk about something else?”

“Yeah, of course, I’m sorry it must be difficult if you want to talk I will listen.” Jeremy tried to be sympathetic making it hard for Sophie to brush him off.

“Thanks.” Sophie gave him a reassuring smile. “Let me just go tell Emma, that I’m leaving.” He nodded in response. Sophie ran up the stairs almost two at a time.

“Hey, Emma,” Sophie barely waited for a response. “I’m leaving with Jeremy to get my car. I will be back in a bit. Call if you need anything.”

“Yeah, okay,” Emma, responded back.

“And listen for Kipper.” Sophie paused yelling out the last part. Knowing Emma, it would not be likely since she does not listen to him on a normal basis. Sophie checked Kipper’s outside water dish, which was difficult because the overzealous Kipper was running around Sophie’s leg jumping after every couple of rounds. Licking her while, she had bent over the dishes. He was cute and hard to resist that is for sure but very annoying. Finally, after giving him some much needing loving for the moment, he settled down long enough for Sophie to replace the water and leave a new bone for him. Rushing in she let out a sigh of relief when she realized he was preoccupied enough not to have followed her in.

“Okay, finally, I’m ready.”

“Cute dog,” Jeremy laughed. “I thought you were exaggerating about him.”

“About Kipper? Never.” Sophie laughed.

“I’m guessing I’m not getting the grand tour around the house tonight?” Jeremy asked as he followed Sophie to the same door he came in.

“Not now, Romeo but tell you what I will give you a partial. This,” Sophie waved her arm over the room they were standing in, “is the kitchen over there is the living room and if you follow me.” She finished towards the front door. “This here is the mecca of the house, the hallway, famous beyond most standards since everything goes on in this hallway at some point of the day. Anyone who wants to get anywhere in this house has to go thru the hallway at some point. Now this is the foyer. Notice the abundance of color,” Sophie waved her arm around the bare white walls, “it gives you the true picture of what the decorator was thinking. This was apparently nothing at least nothing normal.” Sophie chuckled as she opened the door

“Nice tour.”

“Why, thank you,” she responded in a random accent.

“So, when am I going to see and hear the rest of it?” Jeremy asked. “I mean I can only imagine what you’d say about certain rooms.” Jeremy continued.

“We’ll see. First let’s go get my car please.” Sophie responded a good transition into more familiar and comfortable territory.

“Sure thing,” Jeremy unlocked his truck, helping Sophie climb on up into his cab. The way to campus seemed too short. Even making through campus was quick not a lot of traffic but that’s because most classes were over.

“Well, I must say that was a quick trip.”

“Yeah, you know if you’re hungry we can head over to my apartment. I’m sure there’s something there,” Jeremy gave a suggestion.

“Really don’t have anything better to do. Just be sitting around waiting for a phone call if one will even come.” Sophie responded nonchalantly. She figured it would be the only way to keep her mind off the aunt situation until she knew more about it. The evening went easily enough, ate pizza watching nothing of interest on TV. Overall, a very mind numbing evening just what Sophie needed. Sophie called it an early night and was just getting home when her cell phone rang it was her father giving her an update of where they were staying and how Aunt Di was doing.

Since Aunt Di was at a hospital there in Denver, her parents did not have to worry about making the trips back and forth. Her parents were staying at Fairfield, real close to the hospital her mom was already there getting information and relieving Aunt Kathy for a bit. Of course, they would call if anything changes. Sophie found it interesting for her aunt to be out there already, Sophie thought she knew Kathy pretty well, Kathy seemed to find little need to drop everything and be somewhere it is something that is just not normal. Even in situations like this. Sophie vaguely remembered Kathy going to Denver when their mom Sophie’s grandma had her stroke. It took two whole days for Karen to get out to Denver during that situation but since the whole family made it out to that event it seemed natural Kathy would be there.

Laying her keys on the table by the door, Sophie grabbed a notepad and jotted down a number as she finished the conversation with her father. He seemed to be handling things better. Usually her mother was everywhere which caused her father to be everywhere to only to make things easier for her mother Sophie supposed.

“Emma, mom and dad are there safe and sound. The number of the hotel is on the fridge in case you can’t reach them on their phone.” Sophie yelled into the house as she made her way to her room not knowing exactly where Emma was.

“Okay,” Emma responded from behind her closed bedroom door.

Sophie continued on to her bedroom flipping on her TV before sitting herself on her bed in front of her laptop. Checking pages, she normally does before updating her blog. It was going to be a very short entry tonight. Since she felt less compelled to write than normal. Writing the blog seemed like the last thing one needed to do but she knew if she did not write at least something they would be very curious about what was going on.

Tough day tougher than most I would say. My aunt had a heart attack and currently in the hospital. Everything sounds as if she will be okay though. We will have to just wait and see. Parents going out to Denver, might be going myself depends on what is going on. I will keep ya all posted.


Within no time at all comments started coming in saying anything from words of sympathy to keeping you in our prayers. Chase sent her an instant message making sure she was all right Sophie said yes and kept it brief. She was not in the mood to talk. Chase was a good friend but Sophie still did not want to be taking to him in case she started the whole rambling thing when she is nervous, and start questions the why’s and weirdness surrounding it. Chase was just the type that would encourage that discussion but only if one wanted to talk about it. At this moment, the talking would not be happening and Sophie signed off moving her laptop to the side table, hoping the Tylenol made her headache subdued enough to go to sleep. She would be hoping that no one would be interrupting her tonight.

© Copyright 2011 RA26 (ra26 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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