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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Death · #1801225
A girl goes on a journey to free a beautiful Earth bound spirit.
Beneath the old oak, I sat and wait.
For all the ghosts to come out and play.
I dreamed and wondered about their lives.
Who were they? What were they like?

I saw a stone that said "Mary Anne",
Where did she fit into God's master plan.
It said she was a loving mother and wife,
I bet she protected them with her life.

I saw another one: "Infant Grace",
She was way too young for this place.
Tears start to well up in my eyes,
I feel bad for all the lost lives.

I wiped my face and continued to look,
I noticed one that says "My Love, Brooke".
I wondered if her husband's alive,
Loving and mourning his departed wife.

I glanced at the ground, and what did I see?
A small piece a metal glistening.
I reached down and cleared the muck,
So I could take a closer look.

It was a tombstone! A mere piece of brick.
Wait...is it really a grave or just a trick?
As I thought of a possible story,
A beautiful woman appeared before me.

She was tall and had coal black hair,
All I could do was sit and stare.
Her olive skin and peridot eyes,
Were more beautiful than a clear blue sky.

I must've seemed startled because she said "Don't fret!",
"I seek your help, my name is Nicolette".
"Out of everyone who comes and goes,"
"You're the only one who knows."

"Where my soul and body lie,"
"I need your help to find out why,"
"I'm stuck in this dreadful place."
"Where all I can do is sit and pace,"

"Over and over this old stone,"
"The one that I am forced to call home."
"The one where I am forced to lay,"
"Until some finally helps me one day."

"Will you help a desperate soul?"
"And find a way to make me whole?"
"I don't want to be forever bound,"
"To this lonely piece of ground."

I told her I'd make sure she wouldn't remain,
Forever in sorrow and forever on pain,
I would search and work every day,
Until I could take her troubles away.

As I walked home, I thought about her,
And wondered who her people were.
I remembered her eyes, so full of fright,
I had to help her, I decided that night.

The next morning, I started to search,
I was directed to Ten Mile Church.
I quickly went to see Pastor Bill,
I told him I had an obligation to fill.

I told him about my previous night,
He promised to help with all him might.
He asked around and found a clue,
He said, "Here's what you need to do."

"Go up to the cabin by Stoneybrook Lake,"
"Go inside the shed and grab the rake."
"Clear the leaves from the floor,"
"There you will find a hidden door."

"Climb down the hatch and knock on the wall,"
"He'll answer you if he's down there at all."
I said goodbye and was on my way,
I remembered his instructions and was careful to obey.

I knocked on the wall and quickly stepped back,
I watched the "wall" open a crack.
The wall wasn't a wall, but was really a door!
That in a few seconds, opened a bit more.

To reveal an old man, dressed in all black,
His outfit was similar to a long, dark sack.
I told him my duty; he invited me in,
He said, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Quinn."

I told him about the beautiful girl,
He closed his eyes and began to twirl.
Confusing as it was, he soon sat down,
And told me about his old town.

It was there he met his lovely wife,
Who had struggled throughout her life.
She developed cancer, but they didn't know,
That the many tumors would constantly grow.

He said his family had been close but poor,
They had paper for walls and dirt for a floor.
He felt so bad for his kids and wife,
He knew they deserved a much better life.

His three children died one winter,
It made his wife angry and bitter.
They fought all day and every night,
Not even caring who was right.

His dear Nicolette was all he had,
He didn't realize he treated her so bad.
One night, he held a pillow to her face,
He didn't mean to make her suffocate.

He was drunk; he didn't want to kill his wife,
He loved her; why would he take her life?
But, it happened; it couldn't be stopped.
He realized what he'd done and the pillow dropped.

He knew he couldn't tell the police,
That his loving wife was now deceased.
He took matters into his own hand,
And buried her on secluded land.

When he was through talking, he was in tears.
Someone had found her. I confirmed his worst fears.
I assured him that everything was okay,
But he really needed to see her today.

With shaky legs, he walked to the door,
He didn't know what I had in store.
We drove down to her deserted grave,
I told him, "No matter what, be brave."

Hand in hand, I led him to her place,
Where all of a sudden, we saw her face.
I heard him gasp and freeze in shock,
As she rested against the block.

She said, "Hello Quinn, it's been too long."
"I know you weren't in the wrong."
"That night was tragic, but I need to tell you,"
"It's alright, I forgive you."

"Now you need to forgive yourself,"
"And move on to something else."
Before he could speak, she started to fade;
Satisfied with the peace she'd made.

She disappeared in a swirling mist,
And left us sitting there amidst,
The grass and other worn out stones,
We knew that we were truly alone.

I looked at Quinn, who had started to cry,
And said, "I brought you here. Now you know why."
"She needed my help. She couldn't move on."
"Her love for you was too strong."

He nodded and stood, then walked to his car,
I followed him only that far.
We said goodbye, I gave him a hug.
I knew he would have less wait to lug.

That journey changed my while life,
Now I look differently at pain and strife.
I try to be nice and caring,
Always giving and always sharing.
© Copyright 2011 MilitaryGirl (skaterbabe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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