Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1800771-HiddenSecrets
by Ecco
Rated: · Other · Other · #1800771
Everyone has secrets, Skeletons in there closets, Dark thought at the back of there head
Hidden Secrets

Everyone has secrets, Skeletons in there closets, Dark thought at the back of there head and everyone wants to keep it that way, some little and some big, some life wrecking, some not so much but every once in a while you get a secret so big, it can change the world for better, or worse.

It started on a casual Thursday, as casual as any others, he got up for college as he usually does, took some money for lunch and a little more for himself and left. As he was walking to college, he seen a dead rabbit lying at the side of the road, he thought to himself, if it was him at the side of the road he wouldn’t want to be seen as an act at a carnival, so out of kindness he got some books out his bag and picked it up, He accidently brushed arms with it, thinking about all of the germs he quickly moved it into someone bushes away for spectators sight and went on his way. He waited at the usual spot for his best friends (who are also on the same course as him). As usual they came strolling up arms linked together, as usual they were late again (probably because they wanted some alone time).

So here is the story my name is William, my best friend is Lewis, he’s out with a girl called Veronica, my other best friend and the only person I have ever loved. It crushes me seeing them together but I have to deal with it and I don’t think I would ever do anything to break them up as Lewis has always been there for me, or maybe that’s what I tell myself because I’ve never had the opportunity.

“Hey Lewis, hey veronica” they weren’t really paying much attention to me like usual.

“Late again I see” Lewis caught my eyes “oh sorry man it won’t happen again” we all laughed knowing that it was a lie. We started walking, having a general chat on the way to college. I told them about the rabbit, Lewis was mucking around saying stuff like maybe I have rabies and stuff like that, while veronica was prising me for saying that was the right thing to do. It made me smile knowing she thought I done the right thing. The thing is Lewis doesn’t know I like veronica as more than a friend and if he very found out there would be so much tension.

We got to college a few minutes late, as usual. The lecturer didn’t mind as he was lost in a trance about the possibility of ordinary people doing extraordinary thing, or more commonly known “superheroes” He was going on about the incident in Japan when an ordinary man put on a scuba diving suit a jumped into the lake like city and saved his mum and everyday the event went on he goes back into to the dangerous water to find and save new people that are trapped in there houses. Now that man is a hero. Who could honestly say in that situation they would do that same. The teacher then asked if anyone in the class had done anything out of the ordinary today. Lewis Shouted “William has” I didn’t think I should be mention, compared to that guy, what I done was nothing. I told everyone in the class anyway, the teacher begun to clap and  say “ Great acts are made up of small deeds, you  young William are certain to go far, and this bring us onto our new  topic Chinese philosophy “ after class I meet up with Lewis and veronica and we started to head home, Lewis thought It would be a good idea to see the rabbit, I resented as that would mean moving the rabbit was pointless and make the rabbit a speciation, I didn’t want to but I already told Lewis where it was so he ran off ahead. He ran to the spot where I hide the rabbit, but it was gone.

Lewis started talking “where is it then?”

“I…I don’t know?” I said in a shocked voice. The dead rabbit was no where to be seen, as if it just vanished.

“See, I knew you were lying” Lewis said chuckling to himself. I didn’t know what to say but then veronica stepped in

“I’m sure he’s not lying, William, are you sure it wasn’t just asleep?”

I knew it was dead, I was certain it was dead “yeah I’m positive, its neck was bent out of place”

“Well it’s not here now so you must’ve imagined it, or you’re a liar” Lewis said mocking me in a friendly way, to be honest I don’t really think he cared either way, I think he just wanted to see the dead rabbit.

“Oh well it’s not here now, I don’t think you’re lying William but I need to get home soon so I’ll catch you later“both her and Lewis left soon after, I stayed to look around a little longer.

I didn’t find it anywhere, I know it was dead, I don’t understand, could someone have taken it, it is a possibility, oh well I thought to myself and started walking home. Nothing out of the ordinary happened I got home got changed out of my college clothes and watched TV.  The news was on, apparently some guy called Arthur  from Scotland won the euro million and when interviewed about it he said “it’s a miracle I had a dream two nights ago where the number kept on popping up in my head, I think God wanted me to win…“ once the guy started to talk religiously I changed channel, it was report on a hospital about how everyone, even the terminally ill have made a full recovery, I got bored of that too so I just changed over and watched some cartoons and eventually fell asleep.

I had a dream that night, just one, it involved the rabbit. It just started hopping towards me getting closer and closer, I couldn’t move. Once it was so close, practically on my feet it said “Thank you, ill repay the favour one day“ and it hopped away. The rest of the night for me was restless and sleep deprived, I kept on getting out of my bed to get water, go to the bathroom and eventually just sat downstairs watching TV again. I tried watching the news but it was like just watching pictures move screen by screen, I had like a million thought going through my head, most of them didn’t even make sense like I hope I don’t screw this up and I hope she’s single. My mind was obviously in a different world at the moment.

Eventually I woke up, which is weird cause I don’t remember falling asleep, I realised the time and I was running late for getting ready for college,  everything I done seemed like it wasn’t right, like I don’t know how to explain it but it felt like everything was working backwards except for me. I got ready really quickly, like extraordinarily fast, I just seemed to know where everything was.  And by the time I was ready to leave it turned out I had time to spare, a lot of time.

© Copyright 2011 Ecco (maderthanyou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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