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Rated: · Other · Other · #1800676
a way of showing the most exciting death ever.
once upon a time, there was a girl named hannah.and she was about 14.
and hannah loved horses.
one day,while hannah was on the toilet, her toilet said to her
"hannah, your too f*ckin heavy!!"
so hannah replied" stop being such a potty mouth!!!"
and the toilet said"i am not!! your so full of sh*t!!!"
hannah said "whatever, do you know where i can get a duck named 'charles'?"
the toilet said" yes, i do. go down 1st avenue, take a right, go down the train tracks, jump off the bridge, and then swim to the old beach, why do u need one?"
hannah thought and said "i dont know. i just want one."
she wiped, flushed and left.
she left her house and went down 1st avenue, where she met a creepy old man.
the old man pulled out a knife and tried to kill hannah, but she pulld out a gun, licked it, clicked her heels together three times and he disappeared.
hannah ran down the street and took a right.
she continued to walk along the street.
as she walked, a bus drove by and tried to run her over.
hannah jumped out of the way just in time and yelled mean things at the people who had just tried to kill her intentionally.
they said sorry and went out to find their next victim.
now, hannah's pretty p*ssed off.so she went out and stomping down the street, she reached the train tracks.
now a train tried to run her over too. now she's angry, and you wont like her when shes angry.
she picked up the train and threw it so far down the road, it hit a duck.
luckily, his name was not Charles.
so now, she was less green and more happy, so she skipped down the tracks.
she skipped so much, she skipped right off of the tracks, and fell right off of the bridge,
while she was swiming toold beach, an old female platypus swam up to her and offered her a joint.
so hannah swam to a rock with the platypus and they smoked up.
when she was sufficiently high, hannah swam on, zigzagging down the river.
when she reached old beach, she was tired, hungry, and in the mood for a piggy back ride.
she walked up to the middle of the forest, where the duck was, and before shecould do anything, this random hippo jumped out of the trees and attacked her with his ninja-tastic ninja skills.
it looked like a scene out of a bruce lee movie or something.
so hannah poked him in the nose, and he exploded into a puff of orange smoke.
so hannah grabed the duck named charles and poison darts came up from the ground.
they missed both her, and the duck- thanks to the many trees in the forest.
she walked a little more and a piano fell on her head and killed her. the duck quacked an evil quack of relief, the toilet yelled "woot! now i dont have to take anymore of her crap!!"
hannah squeeked as an horse took a sh*t on her head, stomped on her face, and ran away with the dck named charles to get married.

the end. (:
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