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Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1800624
A Christian experience to increase the faith.
Get Up and See the Wonders of God”

Those words were heard at 3 o’clock one morning

by M. Harris

After many days of praying and studying the Bible, I was searching for increased faith and to know the Lord more intimately. Life does not always fulfill our days, even when we are very busy. We get weary in doing good, in doing the things we ought to do, the things expected of us and even the things we are paid to do. We often wonder is this all that I can expect or is there more. Church services do not get us to where we need to be with the Lord and getting exhausted, while doing the so-called “work of God” is not expected of us by Christ. He told Martha that Mary had chosen the better thing and that was to sit at His feet and listen to Him. The preacher or the pastor can teach the gospel and the Holy Spirit will draw us to the Lord, but seeking God with all our heart, mind, soul and body takes effort and I was practicing walking in the Spirit with all my attention on Jesus. I wanted to sit at His feet and be taught by Him.

You’ve heard people say, “Pray without ceasing.” A constant state of prayer is throughout the day and night having your mind on the Lord. Wanting to hear His voice and to sit at His feet while He strengthened my faith was what I wanted.

A few years earlier, the Lord gave me two words “Make Mangers” and these two words put my life on a different course. I was asking for something to help me make money and God gives me two words. These two words changed my entire life. They put a hunger and thirst in me for the Word of God and I have been studying the Bible ever since I heard those two words. Up and until that time, I never read the Bible. “Make Mangers” means to make food that endures to eternal life, because man cannot live on bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. As a Christian since childhood, I was baptized at age eleven but I didn’t know my Lord. I knew of Him and what the preacher had said about Him and I even knew quite a few Bible verses, so I assumed my relationship with God was great. I even taught the toddlers in Sunday School when I was sixteen, but before I heard “Make Mangers” I was getting pretty empty. To know something is missing and not being able to put your finger on it, yet in your heart you know there is more so I began searching for Him. And searching for the Lord means to stay in His word and let the Holy Spirit teach us about our God. It builds a firm foundation so we can stand in the difficult times, because Christ knew I would need to stand.

Now, once you’ve heard God’s voice, you cannot wait to hear it again and if you’ve ever heard the audible voice of God, you will never forget His words. I guess why God doesn’t speak to me too often is He doesn’t want me to forget what He said. God knows that I hunger for His words, He has to, because He knows everything. And the second and last time that I have heard His audible voice was at 3 o’clock( again in the morning) and this time the Lord spoke to increase my faith. He knows what we need and it is His good pleasure to give it to us. Jeremiah 33:3 KJV reads “Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” For quite a few years I had been calling unto the Lord, searching for Him with everything in me, so He awakened me with “Get up and see the wonders of God.” I was living in Austin, Texas, at that time and we lived on a hill. There was a top to the hill and a bottom to the hill and we lived in the middle of the hill. It was a dark night without a moon, because I immediately got up and went outside. I knew the “wonders of God” were on the outside, don’t ask me why, I just knew. At the top of the hill, less than 200 feet was a great, bright, shining, glistening light like I had never seen before. It frightened me and I went back inside, but once inside I had a peace within me that surpassed all understanding. I knew God had just shown me an angel or a “great and mighty thing which I knew nothing about.” God had given me exactly what I wanted, because God knew for me to stand firm in these latter days, He would need to pour out His Spirit upon me and I was asking Him to strengthen my faith. We are told to encourage one another so stand strong and be courageous, because God will give us what we need to overcome this world. Just seek His face and ask Him. After all, He promised “to never leave us or forsake us.”
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