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An old oak tree and the little lazy field mouse discuss the nature of life. |
Little Lazy Field Mouse and the Old Oak Tree. Kirsty Heggie There was once a Little lazy field mouse, Who said to the old oak tree: "I yearn to live a lazy life, A lazy life that’s free, Where change is not measured through time So consistently. I wish to live a lazy life, A lazy life that’s free - I wish to take a break away from this Unreal reality!" "I wish to live a lazy life, A slow life by the sea Where I can stop to listen to Each bird and every bee. I guess I live a lazy life, It’s a lazy life for me - And all the mice that scurry past I do not think they see...." With its gnarled limbs the old tree leaned Closer to the little mouse and gleamed. He said - “Little mouse, little mouse, There is no hurry Where is your smile? And what is your worry?” Little mouse replied, bowing her head "Why oak tree, I lack the usual glee When upon this wholesome earth I scurry. And oak tree I do not know how I can be Happy when the sun does not shine upon me." The oak tree pondered for a while... And then his scarred face split into a smile! He said: “Little mouse When the sun doth shine It is the most divinest sign, But if the shine were to linger on There would be no soft grass To rest our heads upon. If the shine went on too long It would only do us wrong. Without the dark There can be no light - And look now it rises to your right And you’ve kept your poor self up all night.” Little Mouse rested upon the Old Oak tree And he sang her to sleep with a sweet melody, The Old Oak knew she would worry no more And each trouble dissolved with every little snore. The Old Oak had seen more than you and I know, Just through watching the rain and the sun and the snow. His roots kept him steady, His years kept him wise And every morning to this oak tree This little lazy mouse did rise. Oh I wish to live a lazy life Where there’s no One, Two and Three - Just lots of peace and happiness And fun and mystery! Oh I guess I live a lazy life But still I am not free... at least I hold tight in my hand A special little key. Oh I wish to live a lazy life And enjoy good company, Talk about the nicest things With a nice big cup of tea. But it’s hard to live my lazy life, My lazy life you see - With all these silly laws and rules Within society. |