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some tips to improve the culture, to oppose mindless excitement

1 Start up a trophy for best-defensive team -- lowest points-scored-against for the season. Why because at season end the winning team goes and gets drunk and rapes girls -- the 'attack biased' culture encouraging such behaviour. Also encourages brawling. It would also add more depth to following sport. I suppose this means lowest points scored against but not the team with most points scored. Young boys like to score because we breed them to have that attitude, not because it is what young boys do naturally.

2 Make 4 raw-nut spreads or butters. Cause raw nuts are excellent for physical health.

3 Install Generalists not burdened by much teaching, to guide children into the beyond-school world -- not religiously affiliated. Cause many kids dont know how to save money or date girls.

4 Change toilet design so the WC is alongside the bowl -- it is rude to point. The current design encourages rape. Or teach male children to pee at the side of the bowl and not from the front. It also saves space, for example when a toilet is the only thing in a room. (God corrected me and said the front is zero degrees and the side 90 degrees, so 36 to 45 degrees would be best. So this means a lot of time spent at 36 degrees trying to perfect thee easier shot and you would not go directly to the side of the toilet to pee.)

5 Encourage-allow children to think before they act, look before they leap, ask questions of their higher self. The longer they take to "grow up" the better.

6 Say 'Have a precise day!' Instead of 'nice day' or 'Good Morning'.

7 Teach the young 3-18 aural and visual design like musical composition and architectural design. Cause it encourages self-guidance behaviour.

8 Try to develop fruit sugars not sucrose. Cause sucrose is too harsh. (God's comment (maybe): coffee is no good for the spleen, and tea no good for the kidneys and processed sugar no good for the heart.)

9 Try to start a cold-drink trend because cold drinks get rid of fat cells.
10 Nerds also called Geeks could save us all from the ego map if we treated them well and not as nerds. Perhaps they should be encouraged to get more exercise. Also sex will destroy the purity of their vision. What should relationships be like anyway?

Our concept of time use is to try and get as much done in as little time as possible: like school exams to a stop watch.
The only alternative is to try and extend an action as far as possible into the future. This then is the true test: how long can you continue? If not forever, then a reconception is necessary.
2011 15 sept the 95% fuel-saving jet engine design turns out to be extremely simple. Just a detour of the pathway from the wheel rim where the fuel is exploded: like a ramjet. And then the gases turn the rim of a sawtooth wheel. The wheel is started by a compreessed air bottle which elsewhere has an outlet to the rim of the wheel.
UV O2 ggas at about 0.01 torr with strips of electrode Pt and Au in a neon-like tube. 1million volts 5X5 meters, optimum output.
The salt battery solution of olive oil or kerosine saturated with salt allows salt crystal to exist in a hole dsandwhich through which ions pass and greatly inctrease ythe output to "nuclear" proportions. rechargeable, Charged when clhlorine gas and sodium metal is produced on opposite sides of sandwich. orifginal design was ceramic bottle with srew-on ends with metal inserts screwwed into the caps. Huge 3 story designs also possible.
A simple idea is a dimpled and pointed two wires with insulation between strung up in the air. extrusions?
Also see the deep-pond electrical solar generator.
A single piston engine is a T design where the fuel is ignited under the T in the narrow chamber. For the large diamete rof the adjacent wheel the air enters the combustion chamber and a timed valve exhausts spent air. The top end compresses to a small distance but generates a large volume or power increase which is shot at the same wheel at a smaller radius. 95% less fuel than a conventional jet engine design.

Daniel 2 decoding
The king has a dream of a head of fine gold and arms and chest of silver and belly and thigh of brass ( an alloy of copper and zinc) and legs of iron and feet of clay and iron -- what does it mean? ( Is it about nations? Hardly or not at all: Isaiah 39:15-17 God doesnt give a toss about nations but about our spiritual development, yes.))
The metals get less dense from Gold to silver the brass to iron and clay is the least dense of all.
Stupidity in slang is 'dense'.
So the dream is about the world getting more intelligent as time marches on.
if not convinced, consider the heavens where God dwells are matters of very low density, God being high intelligence dwells in high-intelligence matter. 'The earth is my footstool and the heave4n is my throne.' -- isaiah.
For we know solid earth is lowest then water then air then fire and so on the atmosphere extends right out to God's dwelling place.
All matter is alive for God is alive who created them, and all matter is made of light: Genesis. Therefore some matter is so alive it is intelligent.

So the final society on earth is an iron one, a steel one for steel consists mostly of iron. But some people are not convinced and want a still more intelligent socieity -- as the clay suggests.
God meets their needs, and it becomes an everlasting kingdom.


We were not born mad, but we were made mad. The struggle is to stop reacting to pain. In other words, were probably here to learn to 'let go' and die. Were here to learn to die. When somebody hurts a person, the correct response is to do nothing. To love hard back or fight hard back is the wrong thing to do: were here to learn to stop fighting, were here to let people kill us if that is necessary. The people that kill us are the ones who love us the most. Why is that? because they are people who keep trying and wont 'let go' and so if we cannot leave them then naturally they will kill us because they just cant help themselves; their reactive people who wont 'let go'. These people think their happiness depends on the other person, and so they suffocate and chain and bind the ones they love.Every single person here is insane, no exceptions. eg:Isaiah 60: gross darkness. Some forms of insanity are more usual and acceptable than others. But how do we get rid of our insanity and get back our sanity? (Happiness does depend on the other, but not in having them and controlling them but in working with them. Happiness is in working together. Stupidly, many think only huge effort against another will make them happy; but actually that will make them miserable and the saddest of all.
I wrote something on paper called 'filthiness and righteousness' that describes exactly what were doing wrong and exactly what the right way is. In brief, sanity is being true to your self (13 & 7, eat my flesh and drink my blood: John's gospel). And sanity is lusting for precision instead of lusting for power. PRECISION precision precision is sanity. Insanity; power Power POWER. Unless women end their menstruation period, then they will not be whole.
People try too hard. They are phantoms. The meek [in work and sex] shall inherit the earth.
The harder a person tries, the more unreal is their life. The way it works is that nobody gets more power unless they learn to exercise more self control. The more self-control you show, the more the universe gives you power. The less self control you want the less power you get. The wilder we live the less power we get.
Nobodies life is anybody else's business -- looked what happened with Lindy Chamberlain, they thought up such wild ideas that much money was wasted on a lengthy trial, and in the end the ruling was only that a dingo took the baby -- did she get any compensation for such public harrassment? But Jesus said he judges others rightly because God is with him -- John.

To critisize (hate) ones own work (life) is what the analytical mind is for; but its use is perverted when we critisize other people. Luke 14:26: he who does not hate mother and father brother friends, wife and children, and even his own life cannot be my disciple. This means to listen to people's ideas but to not accept them, if you love mother and father then you love their ideas and have no room in you for the truth. And to love the work you do also prevents the person from sharing the word with others. This was underlined in John's gospel when Peter tried to go fishing and did a fishing miracle with God's help -- meaning even doing a miracle with God is not enough to spread the word and heal others.
#1 Love and seek the word thy God with all thy soul and all thy mind and all thy heart and all thy strength. John 1:1: the word is God.
#2 Heal thy neighbour as thyself.
I changed the words because I am elias come to restore all things.
I believe the woman had an issue WITH blood for some many years -- is the correct wording; that is: she hated menstruation and Jesus healed her of it. So just change one little word 'with' with 'of ' and the whole meaning changes.
Your sins are like filthy [menstruation] rags -- Isaiah 64.KJV. , Isaiah 4;4 the lord which is the word of truth, will wash away the filth of the women of zion and purge the blood by a spirit of judgement and a spirit of burning. The so-called menstrual cycle is not natural but is a disorder, an ill health, caused by sin.

If anyone spends their time watching and judging me they should 'get a life'. There is virtually no man on earth who is not guilty of sin. I am perhaps only a little above John the Baptist, having done three miracles in front of five witnesses, and those like unto Peter going fishing: loving God is not enough.
Its a very odd thing that people love a vice in a person but when the person gets rid of the vice the people hate the person and say 'I remember when...' 'I know you....' Hence it seems people are extremely afraid and prefer people with problems and fear people who are healthy and strong; because a healthy person might harm them but a drunk is harmless in the gutter. Maybe this was why Lindy and her preacher husband were attacked; they didnt cry enough publically, were still relatively strong and not distraught enough? Or people who love sin, love to remind you of your sin and wont let you get free?

Jesus wants all people to ask questions of their firmament and seek the answers, and not stop till capable of healing others instantly. 'I have come to set a fire on the earth and how i wish it were already kindled....' Luke. Do you think I come for peace? No i tell you but division: believing nothing others say and seeking the truth from God and only from God. This is the consumption, this is the fire -- Isaiah 28:22 Be ye not mockers lest your bonds be made stronger for I have heard of a consumption determined upon the whole earth.
Verse 21 -- what is God's strange work? It is teaching people so that they actually learn of God instead of pretending to as now: a little here and there. And what is his strange act? It is baptism by God himself -- a strange act because people are only getting church baptisms and actual baptism is strange to everyone.

The word God is precise and vital and general. eg Hebrews 4:12 and David's precise slingshots.

Daniel 7
The four beasts are the four representatives of God but as sinners Ephesians 4:11 He made some to be apostles some prophets, some evangelists some pastors and some teachers. Rev 4:7 the first living creature was like a lion, the second like a calf, the third had a face like a man, the fourth like a flying eagle. Apostles are all four types of man in one man. The fourth beast is a teacher that sins. Teachers are closer to God than any other: the predilection of this solar system -- this closeness is revealed by the ten horns but perverted in this case or ignored. Sin turns the ten horned man into a man with four horns.
The first little horn speaks pompous things being a spirit of cooperation it builds the great cities we have today, the skyscrapers and jet planes all built by this spirit of cooperation: the little horn.
The three "kings" are three other spirits deformed from the original ten. The four spirits are produced from the ten by sin, the sin of this teacher.
Verse 21 I was watching and the same horn was making war against the saints are prevailing against them. This is about science versus Christianity. Evolution versus creationism.
NKJ version.
Daniel 8 goes on to explain how the little horn was created -- by what sin. It turns out to be sexual sin -- how do I know this? Because the goat is referred to as a 'male' goat for one. For two, the fourth beast being a teacher he has sin someway and that way is sexual.
Verse 9 'And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south and toward the east and toward the Glorious Land.' This horn grows great because confused with holiness by some-many people. The horn pretends to be God, and fools very many people. Pretends to be the source of all knowledge and wisdom.
The ram stands beside the river, and has two horns one longer than the other and the longer one coming up last. The ram pushes westward northward and southward. He did according to his will and became great. This is how the 'queen {actually 'king'} of the south' as seen by the goat Chapter 11.
The ram does a dance of alluring desire and the pushing west, north and south was the dance, a dance of fornication.
The 'notable horn' is the goats single-minded desire, concentration. This is how the goat sins, how the teacher sins.
The ram has two horns to denote what kind of sin it is.
The furious desire of the goat is seen by many as strong and healthy sexual desire, instead of lustful perversion.
2300 days 5x10x10 -- this means when the teacher stops sinning or by whom never sin, eunuch, the sanctuary is cleansed.
'Daily sacrifices' is humbleness.
Daniel 9
'Seventy weeks' refers to the scripture, 7 times 70 forgive your brother -- which is in the gospels Matthew 18:22. Its not time that is referred to, but that is there to obscure the meaning. So this means that we have to forgive each other totally before new Jerusalem can be built.
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week -- this is "knowledge" that goes out to the effect that it is stated that getting right with God is possible in work alone, that you can do anything sexually and still be right with God. One week is a week of work or sex -- as we saw at 'Holy sex and the city of God'.
Now I am going on without filling in details until later.
Daniel 10
This man Daniel sees is a fighter for sexual righteousness. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days -- 21 means 'tenaciously' because 2+1 is 3 and the third spirit of ten is a tenacious one, that's how it is described. He returns to fight with the prince of Persia and then the prince of Greece comes to fight him as well. Prince means young man, young men believe there is nothing wrong with the way they have sex because not yet producing the payback in their bodies for sin: their still healthy. But the truth is the way we have sex makes us senile and old.
No one fights for the truth about sex except Michael your prince -- except Jesus Christ. Here he introduces chapter 11: "but I will tell you what is noted in the scripture of truth."
Persia is a whole perverse system of sex and self-work, Greece is another one -- they are difficult to describe.
Chapter 11
The scene starts off much like the ram and the goat. Where the horn is transposed into four notable ones. The whole lot is about the sin of the teacher. I give up trying to discern it, I once had ideas for the whole lot but now I find its all too hard.
Chapter 12:11-12 These two numbers add to 12 --indicating the church. The first number appears to be holy but is not, the second church is the true church. The first church has one holy spirit and does not accept there are 13 holy spirits, so the weaker church is the true one. The abomination is intense sex and has the colour black.
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