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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1800232
The Gentleman finds that things unexpectedly hot up at a reunion with his work colleagues.
She stood in the airport waiting for his flight to arrive. She had made sure her uniform was freshly pressed, the seams on her stockings were straight and that there was just enough cleavage to be interesting but not tarty. The black high heels were starting to pinch from standing but she was sure they would be appreciated so it was worth it.  She looked the part, a smart sexy chauffeur waiting for her client in the arrivals lounge.

At last his flight arrived and she edged forward holding up a sign with his name on it. She was aware of the admiring looks she was getting from the men and hoped he would like what he saw.  She knew he would be so surprised when he saw her, she just hoped he wouldn’t be too embarrassed.  She was finding it very exciting however and couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he saw her waiting for him. They were work colleagues but the department had been split up and they had all been seconded to various parts of the country. Tonight they were all getting together for a reunion but there was only one person she wanted to see.  The others had dared her to dress up as a chauffeur (as a joke) when she picked him up from the airport and for her own reasons she was more than willing
The passengers started to file through and suddenly, there he was, her heart skipped a beat and she felt a flush of heat arc across her breasts making her nipples contract and harden, poking at the flimsy silk of her blouse. She held her sign up higher and waited for him to see it.

His face was a picture as he caught a glimpse of the sign, he did a double take when he realised that the sexy chauffeur waiting for him was in fact an old friend, an old friend that looked very good in her tight skirt and fishnet stockings. Other men were looking at him now as he walked toward her. The man who had been sitting next to him on the flight nudged him and whispered “lucky dog” before his wife whisked him away.

They were face to face now and he was very excited by what he could see, the blouse was a sheer silk and showed the start of some serious cleavage, her skirt was tight and he was sure he could make out the slight bumps that meant she was wearing stockings.  He moved his laptop bag to hide the fact that his cock had suddenly stood up for a better look. She noticed this of course but apart from a slight lifting at the corners of her mouth she stayed in character. “Mr Wishart? “ She enquired “I have a car waiting for you outside, if you will follow me please.”  And she walked toward the exit; he followed her taking in the tight skirt softly encasing her bottom and the seams running up the back of the fishnet stockings, the high heeled shoes clicked as she walked ahead of him and he groaned softly to himself.  He had been looking forward to the reunion with his old friends but now all he could think about was what she might be wearing underneath that tight skirt and how it would feel to lift that skirt and plunge into her wetness. He knew he had to pull himself together but it wasn’t going to be easy.

They reached the car and she took off the jacket to hang it in the back, the silk pulling taught across her breasts as she did so.  It’s so good to see you again she said and pulled him into her arms kissing him soundly on the cheek.  He hugged her back glad to see her (and even more glad to feel her he realised). She was a buxom country lass under that outfit. He had often fantasised about her when they worked together but of course nothing had ever happened and he wasn’t sure that she felt the same way. She was flirty but he just couldn’t be sure, oh well at least it would be a fun night she was a good laugh. Not many women would have the guts to get dressed up like that and play a part in public.

Your face was a picture she said, laughing as she opened the passenger door for him. He got in and she walked around to the driver’s side, slipping off her high shoes she drove in her stockinged feet which for some reason he found slightly erotic. He shifted in his seat to try and settle his cock more comfortably.
They drove off toward the hotel where he was going to be staying.  She couldn’t believe how excited she had become just seeing the look on his face when he first saw her, she had always fancied him but of course working together it was a no no. As they chatted about the reunion and the friends they were going to meet, one part of her mind drifted back to when they worked together. She used to find it so difficult to hide her real feelings for him so she covered it by being flirty in a fun way. She had found herself fantasising from time to time about what it would be like to fuck him, to hear him groan her name as he pushed his cock inside her. She had invented several scenarios where they just couldn’t help themselves anymore and indulged in hot, slick, sweaty, sex. Thinking about this now was getting her hot, hot and wet, how could she look him in the eye when her panties were soaking, she hoped she didn’t leave a damp patch on her skirt. She shifted in her seat the seam on her panties rubbing her in a very delicious way.  They were almost at the hotel and she glanced across at him and at that moment he met her eyes and there was an instant of understanding, not just a spark but a huge arc flash of sexual tension between them that held a promise of things to come.

They got out of the car and headed for the reception he was staying here the night and needed to book in.  As she waited for him to register she allowed her mind to wander.  She watched him leaning against the desk and wondered what he would look like naked, she had a feeling he was a fitter than he looked. He had had hugged her goodbye when he had left for his new job and she had been surprised at the strength in his arms.  She decided she was going to find out and it was going to be tonight. It wouldn’t be easy with all the other work colleagues around but later, after they had gone, she could sneak back here and……… At that moment she realised he was speaking to her “mmm? Sorry I was miles away”, she muttered, embarrassed he had caught her daydreaming.
He stared at her for a moment and then smiled and took her arm, “apparently everyone is already here so we had better join them, shame because I was hoping to have a quiet drink with you before they all arrived”. Her heart did a double flip, hell she was sure he was coming on to her, that look in his eye, the way he had linked her arm in his. She could feel her breast pushing against his arm and she knew he had done it deliberately. “That would have been nice, perhaps later we might get the chance?” she left the question hanging. He nodded “hmmm I am sure we can arrange something” Yes she though yes yes yes, it was going to happen but first they had to get through the reunion.

It was a fun night there was no doubt about that. The wine flowed and the laughter was loud. Her ex colleagues were so much fun, bright, intelligent, witty and rude. The innuendos were rife, everyone taking the piss out of everyone else. She glanced at him every so often across the room and somehow he always seemed to feel her gaze and met her eyes each time. At one point she was at the bar getting a drink when she felt someone push through the crowd and stand behind her, she knew it was him, without even looking, she just knew.  He pressed closer to her, and suddenly she could feel him, feel his cock, oh my god he was hard and he was pressing it against her bottom, she actually felt her knees start to go and had to brace her hands on the bar. She turned slightly to look at him he smiled and winked and pressed a bit harder. Oh god now she wet again, she just couldn’t stand much more of this why couldn’t they all just fuck off home and leave them alone. She got her drink and was forced to turn away from the bar and as she did, for a split second they were face to face, her breasts pressing against his chest, and lower down, yes, his cock pushing at her. She didn’t know what to do, they looked at each other, so close together, no space between them a fraction from kissing and then… someone pushed between them, “scuse me dying for a drink here” the moment was broken, he moved back quickly, his untucked shirt hiding his hard on and the crowd swallowing him up. She stood there for a few seconds waiting for her heart to slow down before she took her drink outside and found a quiet corner to cool off.  She sat in the dark corner and sipped her wine, all she could think about was the feeling of his dick against her bottom and how wet she was and what was going to happen later if they got the  chance.

  She was so engrossed in her fantasy that she didn’t hear him approach and jumped when he touched her shoulder. “The parties breaking up, I thought I would let you know so you could say goodbye to everyone” She stood up and faced him, it was dark in this corner of the hotel grounds she checked over his shoulder to make sure no one was looking and then with a bold movement she grabbed his hand and pushed it up under her skirt. His fingers found her pussy and pushed the soaking material of her panties out of the way and for a few seconds his finger slipped inside her and then he pulled away as the noise of the crowd turned their way.
They looked at each other and he slowly lifted his finger to his mouth and tasted her. “Later” he said “room 12” She smiled slowly “hope you’re ready for me” this time, he grabbed her hand and pressed it against his cock which was certainly ready for her. She gasped and pulled her hand away just in time as someone said “there you are, come on were all in the car park” They made their way back, everyone saying goodbye, the drinkers into taxi’s and the sober to their cars. She had only had one glass of wine so after saying her goodbyes she headed for her car and drove off. She didn’t go far of course just around the corner and down a side road where she waited to make sure everyone had left.

After she was sure they would all be gone she drove back into the car park, and walked into the hotel. As she strode along the corridor she felt the excitement rise in her as she got closer to his room. He must have been watching for her because before she had the chance to knock the door opened and he pulled her inside she flung her arms around his neck and they kissed passionately at the same time she was gently pushing him back into the room until his knees hit the bed.  He sat down abruptly taking her with him so she was kneeling astride him. Her tight skirt riding high on her thighs and giving him an unrestricted view of her stocking tops. She could feel his hardness against her wet panties she squirmed making both of them groan.

She took his hands from her back and twining her fingers in his she forced him slowly backwards until he was lying flat on the bed with his hands above his head. She looked deep into his eyes and leant forward to kiss him slowly and teasingly, her tongue tracing a path around his lips, she could feel him straining toward her wanting more but she held him where he was and rubbed herself against his cock, delicious she thought, so hard and big, she could hardly contain herself she just wanted to slip her panties aside and let him in but instead she slowly stood up and removed her blouse
He lay there watching her, his cock pushing against the fabric of his trousers. As she removed her silk blouse, underneath her ample breasts were barely restrained in a white lace bra, his eyes widened with lust. Her skirt accentuated her hips as she walked toward him why don’t you make yourself more comfortable she said and proceeded to undo his belt, and lower his zipper,” I hope you aren’t too fond of this shirt” she said as she ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere. He quickly completed the job and threw the shirt in a corner where it was joined rapidly by his trousers, pants, and socks. That’s better she said as she looked him up and down. He was just as fit as she had imagined strong arms and a broad chest; oh she was going to enjoy this.
He had stood up to take off his trousers and he was now very close to her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard, she felt her knees go weak.  He quickly spun her around and she obligingly put her hands on the bed and thrust her bottom toward him. He struggled slightly to push the tight skirt up over her bottom. Her panties were white lace but he realised with a jolt that they were crotch less,  he had total access  he was about to indulge his fantasy from the airport, the one he had been thinking about all night. He stroked her hot wet pussy; she moaned softly, he just had to get inside her. She pushed herself back toward him as eager as he was. He took his engorged cock in his hand and found her soft, wet, tight, entrance and pushed himself in hard. The both gasped loudly as he ground against her, she could feel him stretching her and she almost came right then. As of he sensed this he kept still for a few seconds and then began a deliciously slow sliding movement, taking his cock out to its tip and then slowly pushing back in as far as possible. She moaned deep in her throat and he started to move faster, soon he was pounding into her so hard she could barely support herself, she could hear him grunting as he pushed, god she was so wet and excited,  she was going to come, she felt everything start to tighten up, her cunt clenched as the muscles started to contract and then she was there, his cock pounding and pounding pushing her over the edge the ripples of her orgasm bringing him to his own, spurting hard inside her both of them crying out and falling forward onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs.

They both knew that this was just a taster of what was to come, after all they had all night…….TO BE CONTINUED
© Copyright 2011 Elana Wolf (mblanning at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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