Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1799755-Bellas-Fantasy
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1799755
A cat's tale dedicated to my kitty Bella.
Eleven o'clock at night. Megan had the night off and was going to bed. She locked her beautiful tortoise shell colored kitty up in the computer room. She couldn't leave Bella out to run freely in the house. Bella would get on the dining room table, play with the phone cords and get on the back of the recliner and jump at the Thomas Kincaid tapestry that hung on the wall. Bella would also hang on the curtains and patio blinds. Megan didn't know what all Bella would do if she ran free.

Bella was alone in the computer room. She layed down on her Nascar Digger Blanket that was on top of the Dick and Jane blanket. She had another blanket that had dolls on it. Bella cuddled up next to Ricky, her stuffed beanie raccoon. She had toys and sometimes she would play with them. She had dry food and water. Megan would let her out about 7:00 AM. Life wasn't bad for Bella. She loved Megan and Megan loved her.

Bella was getting ready to go to sleep when colored lights appeared along with a swirling votex. Bella wasn't scared. She jumped through the vortex. A pirate ship appeared along with a friendly pirate . "Hello, Bella. I am Captain Diamond Pearl. I am a harmless pirate. I like to hunt pearls and mushrooms. The smurfs hate when I take their mushrooms but they grow back."

"Hello, Captain. Nice to meet you." Bella thought I CAN TALK. She liked it.

"We are going on a journey, my Dear. Don't worry. We will have you back by morning. Megan won't even know you are gone."

Bella yawned. She saw a mermaid with red hair. The mermaid waved. "Hello, Bella. I am Serena." The ship stopped and the mermaid petted her and Bella purred. The mermaid fede her a fish.

The ship went on it's way. It stopped at a place with green grass and several cats. Bella got out and played with the cats. She met a siamese cat, black cat, beige cats, orange cats and all kind of cats. They chased each other and played with stuffed mice. Thyey were here for two hours.

Captain Diamond Pearl told her they had to go to another island. Bella told her new friends good bye. The next island was a castle, brook, woods and unicorns. A white unicorn gave Bella a ride on it's back. A Princess with blonde hair came out of the castle and Bella played with her curls and emerald crown. The Princess laughed. She reminded Bella of Megan. Next she met Bella Swan. Bella knew her. This is the girl she was named for. The one from the Twilight series. She had watched the Twilight movies with Megan. She loved Bella Swan.

"Don't be afraid. There are no vampires here to hurt you. I just wanted to meet you. Bella Swan petted Bella and Bella was a content kitty. Next, Barbie dolls came out to meet Bella. She knew what Barbies were. Megan had a room full of Barbies and dolls. Bella gave the Barbie dolls rides as they giggled. Bella Swan had left. The smurfs came out meet Bella.

"Why is there a cat here?" This was Grouchy Smurf.

"The kitty is so cute." Smurfette petted Bella.

"A cat. Nice to meet you." This was Papa Smurf.

Bella thought the blue smurfs were cute. She loved everyone and everything she had met. She gave the smurfs rides on her back. Grouchy kept saying: "She will eat us!" The other smurfs ignored him.

Captain Pearl told Bella to get back on the ship. Next, they landed on an island of food. There was chicken cat food, turkey cat food, ham, fried chicken and fish. Bella ate until her heart was content. Bella saw Garfield, the big orange stripped cartoon cat. He looked at Bella. "I hoped you saved me some food."

Bella looked at Garfield. Megan's favorite cartoon cat. She didn't get him. Bella got back on the ship. Next, the ship landed on another island. This island had tables and Bella jumped on them and she had fun. She met the Mad Hatter. He looked like Johnny Depp. In fact, the pirate captain did, too. The Mad Hatter poured Bella a cup of cat nip. Bella drank it and felt so happy but she started to miss her home.

Bella got back on the ship and Captain Diamond Pearl took her home to her computer room. She thanked the pirate captain and he said he would return to visit again. Bella went to sleep on her Nascar Digger blanket. Megan got up the next morning and she gave her a can of food likie she always did. Bella was wearing a purple collar with pearls and diamonds. The collar had a gold heart charm with her name Bella on it. The back of the collar said: From Your Friends: Bella Swan, Barbies, the Smurfs, Captain Jack Diamond, The Princess, The Unicorn and the Mermaid.

"Bella, where did you get this?" Bella just rolled over and purred. After all, a kitty cat was entitled to a secret life. "My secret." said Bella and she winked at Megan. Megan was speechless but she believed in fantasy so she just cuddled Bella. Bella purred and Megan let her wear the collar and never asked again. They had a great friendship. A devoted cat lover and owner knows this feeling.

Regency Poser of me and my cat Bella by best friend Angel.
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