Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1799488-Popsicle-Dilemma
by Amay
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1799488
The power is out, and will be for a long time. What do you do with the Popsicles?
Popsicle Dilemma

         Standing in the shower letting the water pound on her sore shoulders, Annie felt re-energized after her morning of gardening. Suddenly a violent explosion shook the house, and she was plunged into total darkness. Startled, Annie flipped the water off, grabbed the towel off of the rack and quickly wrapped it around her. With no windows, she felt around for the hook with her robe hanging on it, slid into it and walked into the bedroom. Filtered light dimly lit the master suite. “Why did I ever agree to put the master bedroom in the basement?” She headed for the stairs up to the first level of their home checking to see if the lights would work along the way.

         She headed to the front door, peeked through the hole; her neighbor was walking out of his house. Not many people would be home this time of day. She opened the door, walked out making sure the lock was not on. Thank goodness Sam works second shift. “What happened, Sam?”

         “I don’t know, but man, the house really shook.” He pointed up the power pole, smoke poured out of the transformer on the corner. “I think that’s the culprit, look, isn’t that a squirrel hanging up there?”

         “Oh, geez. How long will it take to fix this? It’s supposed to be over the century mark today… again,” she sighed.

         “I’ll go and call the power company right now.”

         “Thanks, Sam” she threw up her hand to wave good bye. “I guess I’ll go sit in the dark.” Annie headed back to the house, tightening her robe belt realizing that her towel was starting to slip.

         Annie headed back to her dark bedroom; at least she knew where she had laid her clothes. She grabbed the flashlight from her side of the bed returning to the bathroom. She hung her robe back on the hook and the towel slid down her legs puddling on the floor at her feet. She picked up the towel, finished drying off and loaded up with extra strength deodorant. If the power doesn’t come back on for a while, at least I’m not going to stink. She towel dried her long blonde hair and ran her comb through it briefly, no styling for you today. She flipped off the flashlight and went to get dressed.


         “Sam?” Oh geez. “I’m downstairs; I’ll be up in a minute.” Timing, great timing, no makeup, my hair will look like a bush in fifteen minutes, what an impression I’ll make. She quickly slid into her shorts and cami and head back up the stairs, flipping the light switch one more time. I knew better than that, dang it.

         Sam sat on the living room sofa. He had two popsicles in his hands. “I thought I’d soften the blow a little. Our transformer was one of a whole chain. It might be days before the power comes back on.”


         “Days?” Sam’s scrunched up face creating that child-like questioning look, melted Annie’s heart.

         “Well, dang.” She plopped on the sofa next to Sam, turned facing him with curled her leg underneath her. “Popsicles, really Sam?” She spied the rest of the box at his feet.

         “I bought them because my niece is coming to visit. But they’ll melt before then, and you know kids, she won’t eat them misshapen. We might as well enjoy them.” He extended the grape Popsicle to Annie, “Unless you want the cherry,” with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

         Laughter spontaneously erupted from Annie, “I think I’ll let you have the cherry.” She took the Popsicle from Sam, sliding her tongue up the sweet purple confection, slowly wrapping her lips around its tip, swirling it in and out. Her eyes never left his.

         “Good, I like cherry.” Sam found himself suddenly wanting to be that Popsicle. He thought about how it would feel to have that delicious mouth surrounding him and felt a stirring in his shorts. He shifted, making himself a little more comfortable on the soft sofa. His erection was straining at his buttons, and didn’t go unnoticed.

         Annie with the Popsicle deep in her mouth, she slid her free hand over the bulge in his shorts. She slowly took the Popsicle out of her mouth, “Do you really like cherry?”

         “Uh huh.”

         “Do you want my cherry?”

         “Oh man, yeah.” His hand slid up her camisole, finding a rock hard nubbin, flicking it with his thumb. His lips found hers, she opened her lips slightly, his tongue took possession of its prize.

         Annie stood up and straddled his lap, his hot bulge pressed against her rising heat. She stuck the Popsicle into her mouth, grabbed the bottom of her cami and pulled it over her head in one slick motion. Her breasts, full and luscious dangled free before him, his hand warm and firm squeezed one free globe. She took the Popsicle from her mouth, looked for the wrapper, and didn’t see it anywhere. She tipped her head to the side, shrugged her shoulders, oh well, returned the icy confection to her mouth. She grabbed Sam’s shirt tail and yanked it over his head. She lost her balance and fell onto him. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her Popsicle slid against the side of his face, and her laughter tried to escape from her full mouth.

         Sam slid the tip of his cherry Popsicle down Annie’s spine. It sent shivers all over her, except for one place, there the heat grew exponentially.

         Annie regained her balance, faced Sam and leaned over him to lick the purple stain off of his face. Her tongue danced gingerly over the slight stubble and she decided to play with his ear. She sucked on his ear lobe, traced her tongue around and in his ear, while she rocked her cherry in her jean shorts against his ever growing bulge. His firm grip on her breast, and moans delighted her. With a throaty whisper, “Do you still want my cherry?”

         “Uh huh.”

         The Popsicle in Sam’s hand rubbed over Annie’s nipple tip, she shuddered. He wrapped his free arm around her, stood with her in his arms, swung her to a reclining position on the sofa. Her blonde hair framed her face with light.

         He stood and took in her beauty, with his cherry Popsicle in his mouth, unbuttoning his shorts, and allowed his aching cock freedom from its tight confines. A gasp, escaped her mouth when she witnessed his impressive size.

         He kneeled beside the sofa, sliding his Popsicle around Annie’s areola. He watched with intrigue as her nipple hardened. He licked the sticky cherry flavor away, sucked and nibbled. He felt Annie’s hand wrap around his head, she held him tight to her breast. His free hand slid between her legs, her heat and wetness aroused him even more.

         She wanted out of her shorts. She fumbled with the buttons. He put his popsicle on the box, and gently moved her hands. He unbuttoned her shorts, slid them off and threw them on the end of the sofa. His fingers danced upon her cherry. He picked up the Popsicle, “Do you want my cherry?”

         Annie looked at him curiously.

         Sam took a long suck on his melting Popsicle, his icy cold tongue played with her cherry. Annie couldn’t believe the sensations that filled her. Her hands grabbed hold of his head, and held him tightly to her throbbing pearl. Sam pulled free, “Do you want my cherry?”

         “Oh, yes, more.”

         He took the tip of his Popsicle at the tip of her swollen, wet lips. Annie bucked, as the confection deftly slid between them. Her first orgasm overtook her when the slick Popsicle hit her engorged clit. He slid the Popsicle lower to her hole, slowly he pressed the Popsicle into her, an icy dildo, in and out he rapidly slid it. Sam watched as screams of pleasure and convulsions racked her, her juices flooded his hand. Greedily he licked and suckled from her as her heat melted the Popsicle. Higher and higher he made her soar. She grabbed him by the ears, “Take me, NOW!”

         Sam stood throwing his remaining bit of Popsicle into the box. His ears roared. His cock throbbed for release. He straddled Annie, stroking the side of her face as he lowered himself on her. He positioned his purple head at her opening.

         Her hand wrapped around his cock squeezing it tight. “All of it,” she panted as she rotated his throbbing head round her opening.

         He rammed into her, his massive length swallowed by her flaming hot sheath. She grabbed his ass pulled him deeper, her nails dug into his skin. Waves of her orgasm gripped him tighter than he’d ever felt. Her legs wrapped around his back, his balls pressed tightly against her ass. He slid back to his head, and slammed into her again. He felt the tightening, release was soon coming. He looked into her eyes, drunk with passion, the tightness surrounding him; she maneuvered her hips to take him again. Sam filled her completely; his short bursts of speed sending her over another cliff of pleasure. She felt his release fill her.
Sam collapsed, out of breath beside her, jumping straight up to sitting.

         “What’s wrong?”

         He brought up a purple Popsicle to her view. “I think you dropped this.”

         They both laughed, and sat up to clean up the sticky mess. “I guess it’s a good thing it is a leather sofa.”

         Hey, Sam?”

         “Yes?” he said with a sticky handkerchief in his hand.

         “How many more popsicles are in that box?”

© Copyright 2011 Amay (amay5prm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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